Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1595: Earth warrior boundary

Hu Xiaochuan was really surprised, because there are very few examples of Qin Shaofeng becoming a martial artist by accident.

As soon as he thought of this, Hu Xiaochuan hurriedly made up for Qin Shaofeng, making up for the current affairs in the martial arts world.

Then, Qin Shaofeng learned from Hu Xiaochuan that the martial arts cultivation that Hu Xiaochuan said was and the martial arts cultivation of his own concept, but there were two situations.

Although the warriors are at the same time, in fact, the warriors on the earth are very different from the warriors on the ancient continent.

In the final analysis, the warriors of the ancient continent are classified as cultivators.

But the warriors on the earth can only be said to be warriors. Although there are some connections with the cultivators, the gap between the two is very large.

Because of the earth's environment, which is the reason for the thinness of spiritual energy, there are no cultivators on the earth now.

The so-called warriors on earth nowadays, no matter how they cultivate, they are only warriors and cannot become cultivators.

Because the warriors on the earth only practice with their own inner strength, such cultivation is limited.

But the warriors on the ancient continent can absorb spiritual energy, practice, moisturize themselves with spiritual energy, strengthen themselves, and finally become stronger.

Therefore, the warriors on the ancient continent will cultivate stronger and stronger, and even their life span will be longer and longer.

But as for the warriors on the earth, because the earth has entered the Age of Domination, the spiritual energy is thin, and the cultivator cannot rely on the absorption of spiritual energy to practice, but can only rely on his own strength to cultivate.

In such an environment, a pure warrior was born.

These are what Qin Shaofeng said based on Hu Xiaochuan, and he guessed it himself after the current situation of some warriors.

However, Qin Shaofeng's speculation is actually correct, it is already indispensable!

Because it is a pure warrior, the situation of this warrior is also somewhat different.

From Hu Xiaochuan, Qin Shaofeng knew that there are many realms in the current earth martial artist.

However, the martial artist of the earth is not a realm like the body tempering state, the acquired state, and the innate state, but the pure martial realm.

Although there are also acquired warriors and innate warriors, in the realm of acquired warriors, there are three realms of early warriors, middle warriors, and late warriors.

Qin Shaofeng estimated that these three martial arts realms probably corresponded to the body tempering realm and the acquired realm.

As for his own situation, these three martial arts realms are probably equivalent to the first realm of his "The Treasure of Gods and Demons".

The words of the innate martial artist are not much different from the innate martial artist of the ancient continent, and this is the second level of the "Treasure of Gods and Demons" that Qin Shaofeng cultivated.

After the congenital martial artist, there is the congenital martial master, then the congenital grandmaster, and the realm of the grandmaster known as the grandmaster of the first generation.

Qin Shaofeng estimated that the warriors of the earth, apart from not absorbing the aura, should not be much different from the warriors on the ancient continent when the realm is low.

According to his guess, the martial arts realm of the innate martial artist has already corresponded to the third stage of his cultivation progress in the basic chapter of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons".

The words of the congenital grandmaster can correspond to the four levels of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", and the great masters correspond to the five levels of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons".

According to Qin Shaofeng's current estimation, he has just stepped into the realm of the first stage of the basic chapter of "The Book of Gods and Demons".

In Qin Shaofeng's basic chapter of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", each of the ten realms is divided into four realms: Xiaocheng, Dacheng, Consummation, and Great Perfection.

Although it is only the first level of Xiaocheng in "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", if you compare the realm of warriors on earth, Qin Shaofeng's current realm is comparable to the average mid-term warrior.

Even if some of Qin Shaofeng's methods were added, Qin Shaofeng could easily defeat some powerhouses in the mid-term peak realm.

Even in the realm of Innate Martial Artist, Qin Shaofeng was confident that no one could threaten him.

However, if it is against the innate martial artist, Qin Shaofeng's current realm, I am afraid that it is not enough.

Qin Shaofeng estimated that he could be killed by a spike in the words of an innate martial artist.

The realm of warriors above the Grand Master still exists on earth, but according to what Hu Xiaochuan said, even the warriors of the realm of Great Masters in China today are very rare.

The warrior of the realm above the great master, that seems to be just a legend.

In the end, Hu Xiaochuan just told Qin Shaofeng that the martial artist was in the realm above the great master, which seemed to be a legendary holy realm. As for the specific situation, he was not clear.

Because after all, even if it is their Hu family, the strongest person is his grandfather Hu Xiaochuan.

But even Hu Xiaochuan's grandfather was only a warrior in the early stage of a grandmaster, and he was far from the realm of the grandmaster known as a grandmaster.

But despite this, the Hu family has become the top twenty martial artist family in the Chinese martial arts world by virtue of this.

Speaking of the world of warriors in China, Qin Shaofeng was surprised. It turned out that he had been on the earth for 20 years before, but he didn't know that there were many warriors on the earth.

In fact, there are not many warrior families in China. Although there are very few warrior families with grandmaster level, many warrior families have other martial arts realms.

After all, the Hu family only relied on Hu Xiaochuan's grandfather, a martial artist in the early stage of the Grand Master level, to be ranked thirteenth in the entire Chinese martial arts.

As for the strongest martial artist family, Hu Xiaochuan also told Qin Shaofeng that they were all martial artist families with great masters.

The five great families of warriors in China, the Chen family, the Li family, the Qin family, the Bai family, and the Lin family!

These five families all have strong masters in the realm of Grand Masters, and not only that, it seems that the master-level warriors owned by this big family are not just the same.

And basically, the strongest among the five great families is not the great master's late stage, or the great master's peak realm. Compared with the general masters, they are much stronger. It is precisely because of this that they can become the five great warriors of China. Family.

However, in Qin Shaofeng's view, these are not worth mentioning.

The realm of a grand master of a generation?

Sorry, as long as I cultivate to the fifth level of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", I can defeat a grand master.

And it's only the fifth level of the basics!

From this one can imagine how thin the earth is today.

But then again, even if it is the basic chapter of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", if you want to cultivate to the fifth level, this seems to be a difficult task for Qin Shaofeng now!

"Don't talk about the fifth realm in particular, I just want to cultivate to the second realm, but it's a bit difficult!"

After talking to Hu Xiaochuan for a long time, after Hu Xiaochuan finally couldn't stand drunk and fell asleep, Qin Shaofeng also shook his head and went to bed.


Qin Shaofeng got up early the next morning.

Looking back at the other three people in the dormitory, Qin Shaofeng shook his head slightly, seeing that they were all asleep, and left the dormitory without disturbing them.

After leaving the dormitory, Qin Shaofeng went to eat a breakfast first, and then planned to go to the traditional Chinese medicine store before to see if there were any medicinal materials suitable for his current realm.

Although the aura of the medicinal materials is too low, it can even be said to be almost non-existent, but fortunately Qin Shaofeng's current realm is low, only relying on the pure medicinal power of the medicinal materials to refine it, it can still be improved.

On the way to the Chinese pharmacy, Qin Shaofeng thought all the way, and for a while, he was a little fascinated by how he would go next.

How, when Qin Shaofeng was about to turn left at a crossroad, a beautiful figure suddenly appeared before his eyes.

Because Qin Shaofeng didn't pay attention, and the other party appeared suddenly, the two of them were about to collide directly.

But after all, Qin Shaofeng was already quite a mid-level acquired martial artist, and when the two were about to collide, he dodged and avoided.

"How do you walk?"

The beauty on the opposite side also seemed to jump, and she yelled at Qin Shaofeng without even looking.

However, Qin Shaofeng was speechless immediately after the other party's scolding.

This voice?

This is a coincidence!

Looking up, Qin Shaofeng saw it, a familiar and beautiful face.

It's actually Liu Ya!

"Why are you?" Liu Ya also seemed to see the opposite person clearly, and pointed to Qin Shaofeng and exclaimed.

Qin Shaofeng was speechless, but then even the corner of his mouth curled slightly, as if thinking of something, he smiled evilly.

"Hey, beauty, I didn't think you were so young and how beautiful you were to learn how to touch porcelain? This is too much, but I can tell you that you found the wrong person to touch porcelain. I am just a poor Students, there is no money!"

Liu Ya, who had originally recognized Qin Shaofeng and had some surprises and surprises in her heart, suddenly felt speechless after hearing Qin Shaofeng's words.

She didn't expect that Qin Shaofeng would still play like this.

It was also an accident for a while, but then she unexpectedly cooperated with Qin Shaofeng.

"How could it be you? I'm still thinking about finding a rich man and touching porcelain to get a month's living expenses." Liu Ya trailed.

"The feeling is that I shouldn't show up!" Qin Shaofeng shook his head with a pity on his face.

"Yeah! You really shouldn't show up!" Liu Ya said with a smile.

Qin Shaofeng stopped speaking, because he didn't know how to continue.

But Liu Ya saw Qin Shaofeng's depressed expression and smiled: "Okay, I won't tell you any more nonsense, are you out for breakfast?"

"Right! Are you too?" Qin Shaofeng nodded.

"Yeah!" Liu Ya nodded.

"Then together?" Qin Shaofeng said.

Even if he had already eaten it, Qin Shaofeng still said this sentence at this moment.

"Okay!" Liu Ya agreed without thinking.

Suddenly, Qin Shaofeng was speechless.

Because at this time, he just remembered that he had just made a stir-fried noodle by himself, added a pancake fruit, three eggs, and a bowl of millet porridge.

Although the practice of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" does not focus on the absorption of aura, it still needs a lot of aura support at this stage.

But the current environment of the earth does not have so much aura at all.

Qin Shaofeng got up at 5 o'clock this morning, and then tried to meditate to absorb spiritual energy.

But for two hours, the aura he absorbed was really pitiful.

Although it is not impossible to say that there is no, it is impossible for that little spiritual energy to even temper a hair-like inner energy of the gods and demons.

Facing such a situation, Qin Shaofeng could only rely on his own body.

Use the power in your body to stimulate enough power to replace the spiritual qi to cultivate the inner qi of the gods and demons.

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