Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1596: Reluctantly compromise

Under such circumstances, Qin Shaofeng naturally increased his appetite.

But even if he had a lot of food, what he had just eaten was enough to fill Qin Shaofeng.

Forget it, just treat it as surrendering his life to be with the gentleman.

Uh, it's not right, it was to die with the beauty...

With this mentality, Qin Shaofeng finally followed Liu Ya to a breakfast shop.

Then, under the surprised gaze of the breakfast shop owner, Qin Shaofeng ordered another fried rice.

After the call, Qin Shaofeng discovered that it seemed that he had just had breakfast in this shop.

This is true, and Qin Shaofeng not only had breakfast in this store just now, but even the boss already remembered him.

After all, no matter who, in ten minutes, directly killed a fried noodle, a pancake fruit, and three eggs, and a bowl of millet porridge, such a dazzling record.

It's really hard if the boss can't remember it!

The two were eating and chatting, and Qin Shaofeng knew that Liu Ya was a foreign language student in the same year as him.

At this point, Qin Shaofeng had guessed before.

Knew it!

There are still many beauties in the foreign language department!

Just as Qin Shaofeng was feeling emotional, suddenly his cell phone shook and then rang.

"You are my little little apple

I don't love you too much

The red face warms my heart

Light up the fire of my life

Fire, fire, fire, fire


Qin Shaofeng was immediately embarrassed when the ringing sounded.

When Liu Ya, who was on the opposite side, heard the ringtone, she laughed so much that she spouted the millet porridge she had just drunk.

This made Qin Shaofeng's face uncontrollable, and at the same time he cursed Hu Xiaochuan secretly in his heart.

His mobile phone has been with Hu Xiaochuan since he was hospitalized, although Hu Xiaochuan returned it to him when Qin Shaofeng was sober.

But up to now, except when exchanging contact information with Liu Ya before, Qin Shaofeng used his cell phone, but nothing else.

No, this ringtone was set by Hu Xiaochuan as this kind of brainwashing magic.

To be honest, the first impression Qin Shaofeng had when he heard the ringtone was that there were some aunts who danced in the square.

This makes Qin Shaofeng very speechless!

Looking down at the cell phone, Qin Shaofeng was even more annoyed to make a call, because Hu Xiaochuan actually made the call.

Pressing the answer button, Qin Shaofeng planned to ask Hu Xiaochuan why he set his mobile phone ringtone to this way.

But before he could speak, Hu Xiaochuan's voice roared from the phone.

"Damn, the third child is answering the phone now, hurry up, today is an old-fashioned class, and you have been discharged from the hospital now. If you don't have class, the old-fashioned will kill you!"


Qin Shaofeng was a little stunned for a while, because he didn't think of the old-fashioned Hu Xiaochuan's mouth, who was it.

Instead, Liu Ya suddenly exclaimed, "Could it be Professor He's class? In that case, you should go to class!"

Liu Ya's exclamation made Qin Shaofeng remember.

Only then did he remember that this school seemed to have a very good old Professor He, who had a very good position in the Bureau of Education. The most direct point was that his son was the current Director of the Bureau of Education.

Professor He is always strict in class, and he hates late students very much.

Once he has a bad impression of a certain student, he will suffer some crimes in this school.

Although Qin Shaofeng doesn't care much about studying now, he doesn't want that Professor He to have a bad impression of him.

After all, although Professor He is an old stubborn and old-fashioned, in Qin Shaofeng's opinion, apart from these, the other party is really a good teacher.

After saying goodbye to Liu Ya briefly, Qin Shaofeng hurried back to the classroom non-stop.

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng is now equivalent to an acquired martial artist in the mid-level realm. This makes him very fast. He arrived at the door of the classroom three minutes before class.

When he walked to the classroom, Qin Shaofeng saw that the classroom was full of people.

Qin Shaofeng wasn't surprised at this, although Professor He was very old-fashioned and strict.

But his class credits are high, and there is basically no problem in his class as long as there is no trouble, no sleep, and quietness.

Therefore, there are still many students who report to his class.

Qin Shaofeng glanced around, and finally found the positions of Hu Xiaochuan and Chen Dazhuang, both in the corner of the last row.

Although Chen Dazhuang was awake at this moment, he still looked drowsy, and when Hu Xiaochuan saw Qin Shaofeng looking over, his face showed a helpless look.

Because when he came, these two positions were left. In the face of Qin Shaofeng's gaze, Hu Xiaochuan said that it was not that he did not help him occupy a position, but that he had no position to occupy.

Qin Shaofeng was speechless at once, and then subconsciously looked at the first row, and he saw Bai Xiaobai as expected.

Bai Xiaobai had a seat beside him, but this was the first row.

Think about it or forget it!

In the end, Qin Shaofeng looked for a position for a long time, and just saw an empty seat in the fourth row, which was in line with Qin Shaofeng's ideal seat, and he immediately walked to that position.

After arriving in this position and sitting down, Qin Shaofeng realized that he was sitting next to a beautiful woman, and he couldn't help but look at this beautiful woman.

This beauty is petite, she looks like a seventeen or eighteen year old, with a white face, big eyes, and she is very beautiful.

And the other party's whole body revealed a youthful and lively breath, which made people feel very cute.

However, it is a pity that before Qin Shaofeng watched the beauties around him carefully, he felt that the entire classroom suddenly became quiet.

Looking up, it really was Professor He who came.

Immediately, Qin Shaofeng also calmed down and began to listen to the class.

However, this is not so much attending a class, it is better that Qin Shaofeng is also out of the sky.

Because Professor He Lao was giving a lecture on the stage, Qin Shaofeng had already started to practice "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" secretly under the stage.


Under the condition of practicing, Qin Shaofeng felt that after a while, he actually dismissed get out of class.

This old professor He is very old, and basically only has two classes a week, and he still has one class per class. Today is the second class of this week.

There was no his class after this, which made Qin Shaofeng move, and the next class would directly run away.

As soon as he left the classroom, Qin Shaofeng's cell phone rang. Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng had changed Little Apple's ringtone before. Otherwise, in front of a bunch of people after class, Qin Shaofeng would have to struggle himself.

However, when he saw this phone number, Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly, a little surprised.

Because the person who called this time actually didn't contact him much, the counselor of his class.

This counselor actually contacted himself, is there anything wrong?

Qin Shaofeng guessed in his heart, but soon he felt that this was probably what the dean said to his counselor!

After the call was connected, the counselor's voice was heard.

"Qin Shaofeng, come to my office for a while. Two days ago, you had a fight with that Xu Wentao. I want to find out with you what happened."

"Okay, teacher, I'll come to you in a while." After Qin Shaofeng finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng had already determined in his heart, it must be that he hadn't spoken to the dean for a long time, and the other party started to strengthen himself through his own counselor?

Oh, interesting!

The corner of Qin Shaofeng's mouth tilted slightly, revealing a sneer.

After that, Qin Shaofeng talked with Chen Dazhuang and rushed to the counselor's office.

As soon as I entered the office, I heard the counselor say: "Qin Shaofeng, you are here! Sit down and tell me what happened before."


Qin Shaofeng nodded, sat down, and roughly told the counselor what had happened to him and Xu Wentao.

He didn't add any oil and jealousy, but only said all of the 15th and the 10th, including Xu Wentao's stalking Liu Ya before.

"Hey!" After hearing what Qin Shaofeng said, the counselor sighed, and there was a wave of helplessness in his eyes.

"I know Xu Wentao, and I also know some things about Xu Wentao at school, but why are you trying to provoke that kind of person?"

The counselor's tone was helpless and weak.

Because in the face of such a thing, if the other party is Xu Wentao, he really has blood and powerlessness. He is just a counselor, but without any background, even if he wants to help Qin Shaofeng, he can't help.

"Counselor, you said that if it were you, would you help that classmate named Liu Ya?" Qin Shaofeng asked back.

The counselor hesitated for a moment before he said: "Help, but I will be tactful."

Qin Shaofeng smiled, and he knew in his heart that perhaps what the counselor said was not perfunctory.

But Qin Shaofeng knew even more clearly that in the face of people like Xu Wentao, it is useless to be euphemistic.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng is more sensitive to counselors, because he knows that their counselors are still very responsible, but they are not high-ranking and have little power to speak.

"Now the school is still discussing how to punish you because of Xu Wentao's father, but..."

The counselor hesitated, but did not say anything afterwards.

But Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, and said as he had expected it a long time ago: "However, I need to say something rhetorical about the previous electric shock? The counselor, did the instructor ask you to say that?"

"Uh, this..."

After being exposed by Qin Shaofeng, the counselor's face was embarrassed, but finally nodded: "Yes, that's what the dean of teaching said. And he also told me, as long as you promise to be in the electric shock, follow what he said. Do it, then not only your punishment, but also Chen Dazhuang's assault on Xu Wentao, it will end here!"

Oh, it really is!

Qin Shaofeng smiled coldly in his heart, and he knew that it was the dean.

"Qin Shaofeng, I advise you to forget it, and just do what the dean of teaching said!"

The counselor persuaded: "After all, the other party is Xu Wentao. If you are really held accountable, it will not do you any good. Now that there is a school to deal with, it is also a good thing for you, you still compromise!"

Even though he knew that the counselor said this for his own good, he was definitely on his side.

But after listening to the counselor's words, Qin Shaofeng was still somewhat disappointed.

So boring!

With a secret sigh in his heart, Qin Shaofeng stood up, turned around and left.

However, when he left, Qin Shaofeng said: "Counselor, you go and talk to the dean. I agree to his conditions. However, Chen Dazhuang and the three of them must not be punished in any way!"

After speaking, Qin Shaofeng had already walked out of the office, leaving behind a counselor with a complicated look.

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