Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1605: Ten million gone

Profession deserves to be professional. After listening to Sister Rong's introduction, Qin Shaofeng was already very clear.

And Sister Rong also said that this Range Rover is a special version, and its configuration is the same as the Kebherr battle shield Qin Shaofeng has seen before, and it is bulletproof.

And because it is a special customized version, this Range Rover is unique in the world, and its performance is absolutely top among off-road vehicles.

Of course, it is precisely because of this that the price of this Range Rover is much higher than that of other ordinary models.

Ten million!

The price of a full ten million!

This is Sister Rong’s offer, and Qin Shaofeng estimates that this is definitely the price after the discount.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't know that this special Land Rover Range Rover was Hu Xiaochuan's brother, who deliberately asked Land Rover Motor Group headquarters to customize Land Rover according to his requirements.

At this price, seriously speaking, ten million is not enough.

Perhaps ten million custom-made a Land Rover like this is barely the same.

But in fact, if it is sold, especially if it is still sold in this club, the price will definitely be more than ten million.

According to the situation of this club, this Land Rover was rushed to buy even if it was priced at 30 million yuan.

After all, this level of Land Rover cannot be bought with money, because it is impossible to customize such a Land Rover without a certain way.

Sister Rong also knew very well that this Land Rover was the car her man wanted.

But the shrewd Sister Rong knew more clearly that it would never be wrong to sell this Land Rover to the young man in front of her at a low price.

Because she had a feeling in her heart that it was worthwhile to have a good relationship with this young man named Qin Shaofeng.

It can be said that Qin Shaofeng has found a cheap one now.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng was also very fate for this Land Rover, so he directly spoke to Sister Rong, "Sister Rong, I want this one!"


Ten million!

Land Rover got it!

From this moment on, the owner of this special Land Rover Range Rover was his Qin Shaofeng, but...

Seeing that he had obtained the bank card that had not been completely warmed up, it was reduced by one-tenth, Qin Shaofeng was very emotional.

This money is really useless!

After buying the car, Qin Shaofeng asked if Sister Rong could get him a driver's license.

In the end, Sister Rong just said something, and it was enough to wait an hour.

Sure enough, someone is good at work!

In the next hour, Qin Shaofeng began to test his Land Rover at the club’s test track.

Although it was the first time to drive, just as Qin Shaofeng thought, with the strength of his current soul, after a little try, he has completely learned to drive.

Such a Land Rover attracted a lot of attention from Qin Shaofeng on the test track.

The only people in this club who don't need any identity to enter here are some women.

Of course, the reason why these daughters can enter here is all pretty good.

Qin Shaofeng drove such a Land Rover, which attracted the attention of many beauties, even among the beauties who secretly sent the Qiubo, there were also many, and even some bold beauties, even more bluntly expressed that they would have a spring night with Qin Shaofeng Up.

But it's a pity that although these women are pretty, they still don't let Qin Shaofeng look at them.

When Sister Rong's driver's license of Qin Shaofeng and all the procedures for this Land Rover appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng again, Hu Xiaochuan also appeared.

This cargo has been stuck in the garage and has not come out until now.

This made Qin Shaofeng very speechless, and Hu Xiaochuan also looked envious of the Land Rover that Qin Shaofeng bought.

It was not until this time that Qin Shaofeng knew about a major event that was'shattering the world'.

Hu Xiaochuan, who likes cars so much and knows cars so well, with this ‘world-shattering’ event, he can’t drive this car! ! !

Qin Shaofeng is drunk!

He was really drunk, he didn't even know it before, because in his opinion, with Hu Xiaochuan so fond of cars, he must be an old driver.

But the result?

Huh, old driver?

This old woolen yarn is not even a driver at all.

No wonder this guy touched and touched his Land Rover, but he didn't ask himself for the car key.

Qin Shaofeng thought at first that the other party had changed sex!

Only now I know that this guy doesn't have that ability at all.

For this, Qin Shaofeng laughed at the goods fiercely once, which made Hu Xiaochuan a little embarrassed to scold Qin Shaofeng for being unjustified.

After the purchase of the car was settled, Qin Shaofeng drove Hu Xiaochuan away from the club.

It was already six or seven o'clock in the evening, and Qin Shaofeng's cell phone rang suddenly.

Looking down, Qin Shaofeng realized that the boss Chen Dazhuang had called.

"What's the matter with the boss?" Qin Shaofeng asked after connecting to the cell phone.

"I have a girlfriend, and I plan to celebrate with you tonight." Chen Dazhuang said embarrassedly.


Qin Shaofeng didn't expect the boss Chen Dazhuang to say such a thing, but Qin Shaofeng thought of something.

"Yes, boss, whose girl is it?" Qin Shaofeng asked with a smile.

"It's Faye Wong." Wang Dazhuang said shyly.


When the boss Chen Dazhuang said this, Qin Shaofeng's face showed such an expression.

In fact, a few people in the dormitory had already seen this.

Although Faye Wong is a beautiful girl in their school, she is not only a beautiful personality, but the so-called gentle and graceful means a daughter like Faye Wong.

But I don't know why, Faye Wong is interesting to Chen Dazhuang.

Out of Chen Dazhuang's mind, he didn't feel this surprise. Qin Shaofeng and the others could see that Faye Wong's affection for her boss also guessed that they would probably become a pair.

Seeing that it was the phone call from the boss Chen Dazhuang, Qin Shaofeng pressed the speaker, so Hu Xiaochuan also heard the words at this moment.

Hearing Chen Dazhuang's words, Hu Xiaochuan next to him couldn't sit still.

"Boss, you're nonsense, then Faye Wong can really become our sister-in-law?"

"Is it nonsense, you will know when you come!"

After Chen Dazhuang said this sentence, he hung up the phone.

Then, after a while, Qin Shaofeng's phone shook slightly, and he received a location from Chen Dazhuang.

Suddenly, Hu Xiaochuan began to sigh.

In fact, Hu Xiaochuan also knew that the boss Chen Dazhuang would not use this matter to tease him and Qin Shaofeng.

But he is really jealous!

"Oh, the third child, what level of **** luck did you say that the boss stepped on? He can knock the school girl down, which is awesome. When will I get a girl? Favor!" He was very unconvinced, but said with envy.

Qin Shaofeng smiled and didn't speak, but for the boss Chen Dazhuang and Faye Wong, Qin Shaofeng thought that they were lovers who were finally married.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng had a good impression of Faye Wong, and felt that it was definitely a good thing for him to be with Chen Dazhuang.

Hu Xiaochuan continued to chatter in admiration, but Qin Shaofeng ignored him and drove the car intently.


In about forty minutes, Qin Shaofeng found a KVT according to the location sent by Chen Dazhuang.

After arriving at the KVT, Qin Shaofeng found a parking space and stopped. Of course, it was inevitable that Qin Shaofeng's Land Rover had attracted the attention of many people.

Qin Shaofeng ignored these gazes, but Hu Xiaochuan returned to that wretched look again, looking around looking for the beauty.

When driving on the road, Chen Dazhuang had already sent a message telling Qin Shaofeng that they had already booked a room, and the room number was also sent over, so that Qin Shaofeng and Hu Xiaochuan could go in directly.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng and Hu Xiaochuan found the private room. When they went in, they saw that the boss Chen Dazhuang and the old 400 Xiaobai were singing, but this is not the point. The point is that the people with them, except Faye Wong. There are three beauties.

And seeing these three beauties, Qin Shaofeng was immediately surprised.

Because of one of them, he knew him.

"It's you, why did you come here?" An exclamation sounded, which immediately attracted everyone's chief.

Qin Shaofeng smiled and said, "Oh, it's a coincidence, classmate Liu Ya!"

That's right, the beauty who exclaimed was Liu Ya.

At this moment, Liu Ya was also very surprised, she did not expect to meet Qin Shaofeng under such circumstances.

"The third child, do you know Liu Ya?" The boss Chen Dazhuang stood up and asked suspiciously.

"Well, I know!" Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly.

As for Liu Ya, Faye Wong and the other two beauties were brought to a change and began to whisper.

"Xiaoya, do you know Qin Shaofeng?" This was Faye Wong's voice.

Faye Wong and Qin Shaofeng had known them a long time ago, so she knew Qin Shaofeng.

"Hey, Xiaoya, you are so fast, Mayfair just sent yourself out, you actually took yourself up."

"Frankly explain, when did you hook up?"


Although the voices of the four beauties were very small, with Qin Shaofeng's current ear power, they could hear clearly, which embarrassed him a bit.

At this time, Chen Dazhuang also came over and asked Qin Shaofeng in a low voice, "Old third, how do you meet?"

"Is such that……"

Afterwards, Qin Shaofeng explained in a low voice.

"The third child, you can, actually learned how to be a hero to save the United States." Hu Xiaochuan said with a smirk.

"A fair lady, a gentleman is so funny!" This was the voice of the old four hundred Xiaobai.

Qin Shaofeng: "..."

How do you feel like being molested?

Fortunately, this kind of ‘mocking’ didn’t last long, and then Chen Dazhuang stood up and said to everyone: "Attention, everyone, come in and we get together. I, Dazhuang, need to announce something."

Speaking of Chen Dazhuang pulling Faye Wong up, he hugged Faye Wong directly into his arms, and said proudly: "This is my girlfriend Faye Wong, everyone knows. We just confirmed the relationship a few days ago. Today, I am happy to invite everyone to play. "

Faye Wong blushed, and then Hu Xiaochuan started booing: "Kiss, kiss."

Under the leadership of Hu Xiaochuan, everyone also followed suit.




At this time, Chen Dazhuang was finally not Yumu's head, and even he was already happy at the moment.

But Chen Dazhuang didn't dared to take the initiative to kiss Faye Wong. He just looked at Faye Wong expectantly.

Faye Wong was also shy and couldn't look up at this time, but when she saw Chen Dazhuang's expression at this moment, she couldn't help but chuckle, and then kissed Chen Dazhuang.

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