Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1606: Accident


Seeing such a scene, Hu Xiaochuan was the first to make a fuss.

Then, both men and women who were present got up.

Faye Wong suddenly became even more shy. As for Chen Dazhuang, that guy is now completely stupid.

After a while, everyone began to celebrate for Chen Dazhuang.

Celebrating at KVT, it is natural to sing.

Chen Dazhuang and Faye Wong sang the song "A Flower and a Full Moon" together under the hoopla of the crowd.

Faye Wong's voice is very good, as for Chen Dazhuang, then forget it, and just listen.

As soon as the two protagonists ended, Hu Xiaochuan couldn't wait to go up.

Don't look at Hu Xiaochuan a little bit of tune, but in fact his singing skills are wrong.

Because besides Faye Wong, even if it’s not Liu Ya, there are two other beauties. It is impossible for Hu Xiaochuan to perform well?

At this time, Liu Ya had already come to Qin Shaofeng's side, but the words she spoke made Qin Shaofeng speechless.

"By the way, you won't go up to sing Little Apple later, will you?"

This woman is still worried about her ringtone!

Qin Shaofeng spoke very speechlessly: "I said Classmate Liu Ya, can you stop worrying about this matter?"


Seeing Qin Shaofeng's deflated appearance, Liu Ya couldn't help but laugh, and then asked: "Forget it, don't talk about you, but what I didn't expect is that you are actually the brother of Chen Dazhuang's dormitory?"

"What about you? It's also from Faye Wong's dormitory?" Qin Shaofeng asked.

"By the way, it's not just me, but Tingting and Xiaoyun are all in the same dormitory!" Liu Ya began to explain.

Then, Qin Shaofeng knew that Liu Ya and Faye Wong were not only in the same class, but also in the same dormitory. The most important thing was that the two of them were actually high school classmates.

The Tingting and Xiaoyun whom Liu Ya said were also in their dormitory, named Wang Tingting, and Li Xiaoyun.

The relationship between the four is relatively good, and they are all of the beauty level.

Liu Ya and Faye Wong are both recognized school flowers by the school. As for Wang Tingting and Li Xiaoyun, although they are not recognized school flowers, they are also very beautiful.

Especially that Wang Tingting's fashionable dress, a youthful and beautiful fashion appearance, made her slightly inferior to Faye Wong and Liu Ya's appearance. At this moment, it seems that compared to Faye Wong and Liu Ya, she actually attracts the attention of others.

Before, Hu Xiaochuan secretly told Qin Shaofeng that this Wang Tingting was his food, and he planned to launch an attack.

But now Qin Shaofeng felt that Hu Xiaochuan was completely out of play.

Because Liu Ya told me that after Faye Wong and Chen Dazhuang were together, she was still single in their dormitory.

This is that Wang Tingting has a boyfriend, so Hu Xiaochuan is naturally out of play.

After a while, Qin Shaofeng and Liu Ya who were chatting were also arrested.

"The third child, you are left to sing with Beauty Liu Ya now." Hu Xiaochuan ran over, and winked at Qin Shaofeng.

I really hope that this guy didn't think about good things, and in fact it is true, because Hu Xiaochuan made up his mind to make Qin Shaofeng and Liu Ya sing a song together.

But Qin Shaofeng seemed to see this through, and he took the initiative to stand up and say, "Okay, I will have one!"

With that said, Qin Shaofeng would not give Hu Xiaochuan a chance to speak at all, so he grabbed the microphone.

And at this moment, when the melody of the next song sounded, Qin Shaofeng must know that he had guessed it right, and Hu Xiaochuan was really not at ease.

Because the name of this song is very special.

Huang Jiaju's "Like You"!

A very classic song, one that Qin Shaofeng also liked very much before.

For a moment, the melody sounded, and Qin Shaofeng couldn't help singing.

"The drizzle drenches the streets at dusk

Wipe away the rain and look up for no reason

Looking at the lonely night light

Is that sad memory


As Qin Shaofeng's voice sounded in the KTV, the entire KTV was quiet, because the singing was so good.

Even Hu Xiaochuan, who was planning to express his dissatisfaction, fell silent after listening to this song.

But Liu Ya and the other women looked surprised. Obviously they didn't expect Qin Shaofeng to sing so well.

Even the three of Chen Dazhuang are a little confused at this moment.

It’s because they didn’t come out with Qin Shaofeng before, and went to KTV to sing together, but in their impression, it seemed that Qin Shaofeng’s singing was not so good?

What's happening here?

Had Qin Shaofeng secretly promoted his singing?

This is Hu Xiaochuan's idea.

Of course Qin Shaofeng didn't do this anymore. The reason why he suddenly showed strong singing skills was all because of Qin Shaofeng's experience and the improvement of his soul.

Perhaps Qin Shaofeng himself didn't know it, but his soul at this moment, but the soul of his own main consciousness, even when he traveled back to the earth, was only broken to a single piece.

But this level of a piece is much stronger than Qin Shaofeng's soul divided with the help of his father Qin Feiyang when he was young.

And most importantly, without Qin Shaofeng's even noticing it, the king-level chess piece of the'super **** chess piece' had already entered a special stage in transforming his body.

Perhaps now, Qin Shaofeng hasn't shown anything, but according to this situation, I am afraid that some special changes will occur in his body before long.

As Qin Shaofeng finished singing "I like you", there was a warm applause in the KTV.

"I didn't expect him to sing so well." Liu Ya thought to her heart, "and he sings so well, and has the ability to remember, what kind of boy he is."

"Why do I have a familiar feeling? Why do I want to know everything about him? What happened to me? Did I like him? How could it be possible that I have only met him once."

Looking at Qin Shaofeng involuntarily, Liu Ya thought about it in a mess, her face flushed.

"I'm going, the third child is not leaking, I didn't expect you to sing so awesomely, so amazing." Hu Xiaochuan said.

"No, no, mainly because people are handsome." Qin Shaofeng said shamelessly.

Several people made all kinds of booing noises, and the songs were so good that they sang well, but what does it have to do with handsome? Several people thought to themselves.

Hu Xiaochuan looked at Qin Shaofeng with contempt, and then lowered his voice secretly and asked: "The third brother, to be honest with the second brother, have you secretly gone to apprenticeship, or else this song is so much better than what you had sung before. Up!"

"Really?" Qin Shaofeng glanced at Hu Xiaochuan, then smiled slightly, "Perhaps, it's because I'm getting more and more handsome!"


Qin Shaofeng's words made Hu Xiaochuan secretly compare his **** to him.

Then, Hu Xiaochuan turned his eyes and suddenly said to everyone: "Hey, everyone, since our handsome guy sings so well, why not let him sing a song with our big joke, Liu Ya!"






Soon, under Hu Xiaochuan's blind command, everyone unanimously agreed.

This made Qin Shaofeng feel that Hu Xiaochuan, this guy, really couldn't offend him easily, it was too sinister.

In response to this, Liu Ya was very generous, without the slightest timidity, and directly nodded in agreement.

"No problem, it just depends on whether our handsome pot is happy!"

Liu Ya turned her gaze to Qin Shaofeng, with a playful smile on her face.

Qin Shaofeng was speechless, but Liu Ya had no objection. How could he have an objection as a big man?


One after another, everyone was very happy.

More than an hour later, Faye Wong said to Chen Dazhuang: "I'll go to the bathroom."

Chen Dazhuang said: "Then I will accompany you."

Hu Xiaochuan heard this for some reason, and he immediately yelled.

"Yo-yo-yo, now you have to go to the toilet and you have to be separated. This is the rhythm of having an early son."

"Fuck you, no one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak!" Chen Dazhuang roared, but he didn't want to be angry in his eyes.

Faye Wong was so yelled by Hu Xiaochuan that she was ashamed not to look at everyone at this time, and then ran out of the private room.

Upon seeing this, Chen Dazhuang quickly followed.


After Faye Wong went to the toilet, she saw Chen Dazhuang who had been waiting by the side, and walked towards Chen Dazhuang happily.

But at this moment, a bald-headed, middle-aged man in his thirties suddenly appeared, wearing a vest, chubby, tattooed on his arms, and a triad style.

This bald head seemed to be a little tall, and when he saw Faye Wong's face, his eyes glowed.

"Little beauty, shall I drink with me?" said the bald man.

"You get out of the way, I don't know you!" Faye Wong frowned slightly, her expression unhappy.

Chen Dazhuang had seen this scene a long time ago, and his heart suddenly became angry.

His girlfriend was harassed by a bald head, why is he not angry.

Dazhuang Chen ran over immediately, guarding Faye Wong behind him, and said angrily at the bald head: "This is my girlfriend, what do you want to do?"

The bald head originally looked at a beautiful woman with a tall temper.

Suddenly a difficult thing appeared, causing him to frown slightly, and said angrily: "The kid knows you, let me stay away. I don't care if it is your girlfriend or whoever's girlfriend, she is mine tonight."

Then, the bald man turned his head to Faye Wong: "Little beauty, it's no harm to accompany me to drink and drink. There is no harm, I promise you will be happy tonight."

The bald man has a wretched face, and his expression is as sorrowful as he is. "What is good about your boyfriend? Looking poor and sour, I won't be able to give you anything in the future. Come and follow Brother Kai, and Brother Kai promises to let you live comfortably in the future."

With that said, as soon as the bald head stretched out his hand, he wanted to move Chen Dazhuang away.

But unfortunately, with Chen Dazhuang's physique, he could not push Chen Dazhuang at all.

Even because of what he said to Faye Wong, Chen Dazhuang, who was a little angry, waved his hand and pushed him to the ground.

Being pushed to the ground all of a sudden, the bald head seemed a little awake, but this made him even more angry.

"Damn it, kid, where are you playing, dare to do something to my bald-headed Kai, you are so desperate!"

The last sentence of your bald head made Chen Dazhuang red eyes instantly.

Chen Dazhuang respected his mother so much that no one could tolerate insulting his mother.

"My grass, your uncle!"

Chen Dazhuang got angry and went up and gave the bald kick.


The bald head fell down at the sound, with a look of pain on his face.

When Faye Wong saw that something was wrong, she hurriedly pulled Chen Dazhuang back.

"Okay, don't fight anymore!"

When Faye Wong looked at the bald head, she knew that she was not a good person, and was very disturbed, so she said to Chen Dazhuang: "Okay, don't cause trouble, let's go back!"

"Go back? I want to run after hitting someone? What is such a good thing?"

A sullen voice sounded, and then amid the bald wailing voice, a group of people appeared at some point.

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