Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1609: Tragic Hu Xiaochuan

"What kind of injury is mine, it's just a physical injury on the surface, it's okay!" Chen Dazhuang said.

At this time, Bai Xiaobai interjected: "Then you were still in the hospital for two days?"

"Uh, this..." Chen Dazhuang was immediately embarrassed.

However, Qin Shaofeng also understands that after all, Faye Wong is taking care of him in the hospital, and I am afraid that Dazhuang Chen is reluctant to think about Shu.

At this time, Hu Xiaochuan also came back.

"Oh, our great love saint is back!"

As soon as Hu Xiaochuan came back, Qin Shaofeng laughed, but Qin Shaofeng soon discovered that Hu Xiaochuan's expression was a bit wrong.

"Uh, what's wrong with you?" Chen Dazhuang couldn't help asking when he saw Hu Xiaochuan's expression on his face.

"Oh!" Hu Xiaochuan sighed.

"Okay, Erye, just say what you have to say, don't keep sighing!" Qin Shaofeng said.

But the old four hundred Xiaobai suddenly sneered: "Hey, seeing how aggressive he is, he must be in trouble!"

If he always faced Bai Xiaobai's sneer, Hu Xiaochuan would definitely jump his feet, but this time he looked very weak and said: "Oh, yeah, this time I am in big trouble!"

"What's the matter?" Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly and couldn't help asking, "What happened to your house?"

In Qin Shaofeng's eyes, Hu Xiaochuan had always been heartless, and it was a rare thing to appear like this expression.

It is easy for Qin Shaofeng to think that something has happened.

"No!" Hu Xiaochuan shook his head, but nodded a little soon, "but so too!"

What's right and wrong, this made Qin Shaofeng and the three people confused.

"I said, you have a fart!" Qin Shaofeng couldn't help it.

He was a little worried when he saw that Hu Xiaochuan was not even right, but now that Hu Xiaochuan is so entangled, Qin Shaofeng wants to give him a kick.

"Hey, it's like this..." Hu Xiaochuan finally began to tell.

Originally it was because of women. The reason why Hu Xiaochuan was so entangled was because of women. That's right, it was Wang Tingting.

Since Hu Xiaochuan and Wang Tingting left three days ago, the two of them have been completely better off.

But Hu Xiaochuan is not stupid, he naturally also automatically Wang Tingting's purpose, must know that his identity is not simple, so he deliberately hooked up.

The reason why Qin Shaofeng didn't say it was because he knew such a trick and couldn't hide Hu Xiaochuan.

Don't look at Hu Xiaochuan's usual careless look, but in fact this guy is very good.

This is also natural, after all, no matter how you say it, this guy is the heir of the Jiangnan Hu family!

Because he knew Wang Tingting's purpose, and that the other party was not ugly, but rather beautiful, Hu Xiaochuan also believed that the other party was a woman who worshipped gold.

Therefore, he has no burden in his heart.

Then, after going back and forth, the two can develop extremely fast, and they opened the room and rolled the sheets the night before.

But as a result, with this roll, things got out!

Well, to put it simply, after Hu Xiaochuan finished rolling the sheets, he discovered that Wang Tingting, who worshipped the golden girl in his mind, was actually an original product! ! !

"Oh, I'm a misfortune!"

Speaking of this, the emotions on Hu Xiaochuan’s face are extremely complicated: "I thought Wang Tingting was so casual, he must have been with many men, and I also had a playful attitude, but I didn’t even think about it. It's up!"

"That... are you sure?"

Although it was not so good, Qin Shaofeng still asked.

"Yes! Very sure! After all, I am more or less...a veteran of flowers!"

Hu Xiaochuan nodded, his tone was very affirmative, but with a slight pause in the middle, Qin Shaofeng understood what the other party meant.

Because what Hu Xiaochuan wanted to say was that he was also a warrior more or less, it was very simple to know something.

This is indeed true, even if it is replaced by Qin Shaofeng, he just needs to ‘walk’ the opponent’s body with his inner energy of the **** and demon, and then he will be able to understand everything.

If Wang Tingting really followed a lot of men, then her own breath must be a bit mixed, and even serious, it would still be very filthy.

If not, it must be very fresh and pure.

Moreover, the words of ordinary warriors can also sense these things.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng believed Hu Xiaochuan's words.

What made Qin Shaofeng even more speechless was that after the night before yesterday, Hu Xiaochuan used the power of the Hu family to conduct a thorough investigation of Wang Tingting.

As a result, it was a very unexpected thing.

This Wang Tingting seemed to be unclear with many men at school, but in fact, this woman was pure and unreasonable.

Chatted with men, ate with men, and even went out to play occasionally.

But among so many men, there is nothing to say about rolling the sheets, even if it is holding hands, it is very rare.

Well, it's really cool and clean!

Qin Shaofeng was also very surprised at this point, but what surprised Qin Shaofeng even more was that this woman's scheming was very deep!

According to Hu Xiaochuan's investigation, this woman seems to be casting a net widely, just to find a man who satisfies her most, and then marry her.

This kind of woman's scheming is very deep, and she is absolutely accurate.

Qin Shaofeng was very clear about this, because if she was not allowed, she would not have given her whole person to Hu Xiaochuan within two or three days of getting to know Hu Xiaochuan.

Qin Shaofeng knows Hu Xiaochuan's character. This guy seems to be out of touch, but in fact he is very affectionate and emotional.

If Wang Tingting is just a woman who worships gold, then for Hu Xiaochuan, just play it, and the big deal will eventually be spent.

But things are wrong now!

Then Wang Tingting seemed to realize that Hu Xiaochuan's emphasis on emotions and his temperament, so she directly committed herself to Hu Xiaochuan.

If Hu Xiaochuan was really heartless, it would be different.

Faced with such a situation, Qin Shaofeng was speechless for a while, because he didn't know what to say to Hu Xiaochuan at this moment.

Unlike Qin Shaofeng, Chen Dazhuang and Bai Xiaobai didn't know the identity of Hu Xiaochuan, and even they didn't know Wang Tingting very much, so they didn't have any scruples to speak.

"Cut, Xiaochuan, I think Wang Tingting is also a big beauty, you have a bargain!"

This is what Chen Dazhuang said. To be honest, he really envy Hu Xiaochuan at this moment. How long has he known Faye Wong, but if he wants to do anything with Faye Wong, I am afraid he will have to work for a long time.

From Chen Dazhuang's point of view, it was only natural for Hu Xiaochuan to get a great beauty in just two or three days.

Although Bai Xiaobai didn't know Hu Xiaochuan's identity very well, he didn't know Wang Tingting very well, but he didn't envy anything like Chen Dazhuang. He just said something to Hu Xiaochuan very seriously.

"Man, after you can't cool off, you just lift your pants and leave. This is responsible!"

Hu Xiaochuan suddenly became even more helpless.


Pointing at Chen Dazhuang and Bai Xiaobai, Hu Xiaochuan wanted to say something, but in the end he just sighed.

Upon seeing this, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved and asked him: "What? Is there anything else?"

"Yeah!" Hu Xiaochuan nodded, and then said weakly, "I didn't ask someone to investigate Wang Tingting before, but it turned out..."

"What's wrong?" Chen Dazhuang asked.

"My father knows!" Hu Xiaochuan said helplessly.

Then, he turned his gaze to Qin Shaofeng, and said, "Lao San, I have already told you about the situation in my family, and now I guess my father is here, so I must be skinned!"

"Isn't it?"

Chen Dazhuang looked puzzled and said, "Isn't it just a girlfriend? Is your father like that?"

This time, Bai Xiaobai seemed to understand something, and frowned, "Second brother, are you worried that your family will disagree?"


This is more than a disagreement!

When he thinks of certain things, Hu Xiaochuan feels like a fight for a while. This is what makes him most entangled.

"What are you talking about one by one? What's the situation in your family, Xiaochuan, do you call you a girlfriend and have to interfere? In this case, your family is too feudal!" Chen Dazhuang said in confusion.

Chen Dazhuang didn't know at all, but in the face of such a situation, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved suddenly and said: "Our Young Master Hu, you should tell the boss and the others about your family's situation!"


Qin Shaofeng suddenly said this, causing Hu Xiaochuan to look at him in surprise.

Tell me about his family's situation?

Could it be the situation of the warrior family?

Hu Xiaochuan thought he was wrong for the first time, but after seeing Qin Shaofeng's gaze the next moment, he realized that Qin Shaofeng was serious.

"Okay!" Hu Xiaochuan nodded with a cruel heart.

Then, Hu Xiaochuan raised his head to look at Chen Dazhuang and Bai Xiaobai, and said, "Boss and fourth, do you believe there are warriors in this world?"

"Warrior? What do you mean?" Chen Dazhuang didn't understand.

Bai Xiaobai was also very confused. Upon seeing this, Hu Xiaochuan explained directly: "It's the kind of martial arts master who flies in the TV novel!"


When Hu Xiaochuan said so, Chen Dazhuang was immediately happy.

"I said Xiaochuan, you shouldn't say, what kind of martial arts family is your family, are you still a super master with peerless martial arts?" Chen Dazhuang suddenly stopped.

Bai Xiaobai also looked at Hu Xiaochuan with a look of idiots, and said: "Second Lord, now it is a scientific society, ghosts and gods are all feudal superstitions, not credible!"

Seeing the two people so unbelieving, Hu Xiaochuan suddenly became anxious.

Then, it started to explain.

But no matter what Hu Xiaochuan explained, Chen Dazhuang and Bai Xiaobai didn't believe it at all.

In the end, Hu Xiaochuan was pressed into a hurry, turned around, faced the boss's bed, and slapped in the air.

You must know that the beds in the university dormitory are all integrated with bed, table and cabinet, and they are basically made of iron.

But under Hu Xiaochuan's palm, there was a scene that stunned Chen Dazhuang and Bai Xiaobai.


Hu Xiaochuan's palm directly blasted Chen Dazhuang's wardrobe into the whole, and it was directly torn into the wardrobe.

This scene made Chen Dazhuang stare at it, and Bai Xiaobai was also dumbfounded.

The two could clearly see that when Hu Xiaochuan slapped that palm, it was more than one meter away from the closet.

But now it has achieved such an effect from a distance.

Chen Dazhuang is very strong, and if he is allowed to come, it can also cause such an effect.

But the problem is that Chen Dazhuang can only do this under the circumstances of a real blow.

As for the air strike, I am afraid that even if Chen Dazhuang used the strength of the milk to cry his mother, it would not be possible to cause such an effect to death.

However, Qin Shaofeng had noticed, and Hu Xiaochuan's face was a little unnaturally ruddy after that palm.

"This unscientific!"

Bai Xiaobai jumped up, ran to Chen Dazhuang's closet, took out the torn iron piece, and looked puzzled.

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