Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1610: Dracula

"Now, you should believe that there are warriors in the world, right?"

Seeing the shocked faces of Chen Dazhuang and Bai Xiaobai, Hu Xiaochuan's tone brought a hint of pride.

The facts are in front of you, you have to believe it!

Although it was unbelievable and difficult to end, Chen Dazhuang and Bai Xiaobai were completely silent as they watched the torn pieces of iron.

At this time, when Hu Xiaochuan saw the situation, he hurriedly struck while the iron was hot and told the two about some things in the martial arts world, including the situation of their Hu family.

After a long time, Chen Dazhuang sighed very emotionally: "Sure enough, this world is really magical, and there are actually some martial arts masters who fly over the walls!"

"It's amazing. These so-called warriors can violate the laws of physics. This is too unscientific!"

The old four hundred Xiaobai was still in science, entangled with the existence of warriors, which made Hu Xiaochuan very speechless.

At this moment, Chen Dazhuang suddenly remembered something, he turned his head abruptly and said to Qin Shaofeng: "The third child, you should also be a warrior?"

Because at this time, Chen Dazhuang suddenly remembered that Qin Shaofeng's combat power was very exaggerated after several fights.

Before, he thought it was just that Qin Shaofeng was fighting a little harder, but now combined with the situation in the martial arts world that Hu Xiaochuan said, he suddenly felt that Qin Shaofeng was probably a martial artist.

In this regard, Bai Xiaobai also looked questioning, thinking Qin Shaofeng's opinion!

"Yes, I know a little bit of work, and I can be considered a warrior. In fact, in this world, there are many things that ordinary people don't know, such as warriors like me, or even..."

As Qin Shaofeng said, he paused slightly, glanced at Hu Xiaochuan, and said with a smile: "Even many warriors don't even know that there are some cultivators above them!"


Chen Dazhuang was dumbfounded at once, well, now he has changed from martial arts.

But Hu Xiaochuan frowned slightly and said, "The third child, you should be talking about a monk? But is the monk not just a legend?"

"You are right to understand it this way, but whether it is a cultivator or a cultivator, it is not a legend, but a real existence."

Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, then suddenly pointed at himself, and said, "For example, I am a cultivator!"


This time, not only Chen Dazhuang and Bai Xiaobai, but even Hu Xiaochuan was shocked.

"Really!" Seeing the shocked eyes of the three people, Qin Shaofeng smiled, "I am really a cultivator. Actually, you don't know. The reason why I was electrocuted before was not simply because of electrocution, but when I was practicing. In the practice, something happened, and finally I was shocked and fainted. Otherwise, let alone the electric shock, even if I touch the high-voltage line, it is not a problem for me!"

Qin Shaofeng's words were not an exaggeration, even though the "Treasure of Gods and Demons" he had cultivated had not yet entered the second stage.

But with Qin Shaofeng's inner energy of the gods and demons directly covering his hands, he could use the high-voltage cables as skipping ropes.

Qin Shaofeng also wanted to take this opportunity to talk about his situation.

Because he has decided, confess with the three.

In Qin Shaofeng's eyes, whether it is the honest and steady Chen Dazhuang, the unreliable Hu Xiaochuan, and the very rational Bai Xiaobai, they are all very trustworthy people.

In fact, before Hu Xiaochuan could tell the martial artist, Qin Shaofeng had already thought about it, positioning himself as a cultivator.

And now, it really made them easier to accept.

"Lao San, isn't this the same as being a cultivator?" Hu Xiaochuan's eyes lit up.

"Uh, saying that, it's actually the same!" Qin Shaofeng said.

"Then can I still become a cultivator now?"

Chen Dazhuang spoke suddenly and said to Qin Shaofeng in a very serious tone: "I also want to become a person like you, so that I will not be bullied by others in the future. I want to protect myself and the people around me."

Chen Dazhuang's face was very sincere, and at the end, his emotions became a little excited.

Obviously, the scene of being surrounded by bald Kai's men three days ago has not yet forgotten Chen Dazhuang.

Now that he learned of the existence of warriors and cultivators, Chen Dazhuang naturally yearned.

Especially Chen Dazhuang's family experience made him even more eager for power.

"Yes!" Qin Shaofeng nodded.

Although Chen Dazhuang is already an adult, with Qin Shaofeng's previous cultivation realm in the ancient continent, he is very clear that even ordinary people can actually cultivate.

It's just that the final achievement will be very limited.

Chen Dazhuang's aptitude should be very ordinary, but Qin Shaofeng believes that with his help, it may be difficult for Chen Dazhuang to achieve dominance.

But under the domination, that is still possible.

"Cultivation is okay, of course it depends on yourself. If you don't work hard, you won't have much success. And most importantly..."

After a slight pause, Qin Shaofeng's tone became serious.

"Cultivation is going against the sky, fighting against the sky for longevity, fighting against the sky for life, and life is in danger at any time. If you are not careful, you will go crazy and die! Are you thinking about it yourself?" Qin Shaofeng looked at Chen Dazhuang asked.

"I have already figured it out, can you teach me?" Wang Dazhuang asked sincerely.

Although Qin Shaofeng had already made it very clear about the dangers of his practice.

But Chen Dazhuang nodded.

In Chen Dazhuang's view, if there is not enough power to protect his loved ones and loved ones, it will undoubtedly be worse than death.

"Yes, but not now. Tomorrow I will take you to a place." Qin Shaofeng nodded and said.

But I thought in my heart that from tomorrow on, my buddies will be the villa of Hu Xiaochuan.

Because in that place, it is still suitable for cultivation after all.

After Chen Dazhuang, Bai Xiaobai also said that he would also cultivate.

However, in his words, the reason why he chose to practice cultivation was simply trying to figure out what the unscientific thing like cultivation was all about.

At this time, Hu Xiaochuan spoke, but his words were not like Chen Dazhuang and Bai Xiaobai in the first place, saying that he wanted to practice too. Instead, he asked Qin Shaofeng.

"Lao San, in your cultivation situation, is it possible to cultivate even if you have a physical problem?" Hu Xiaochuan asked tentatively.

"Body problem?"

Qin Shaofeng frowned and asked, "Why, what's wrong with your body?"

"Huh!" Hu Xiaochuan nodded, and then his tone of voice became a little heavy.

"The third child, I told you about my family's situation before, but I didn't say my own situation. In fact, I am the only heir to the Hu family."

Hu Xiaochuan's tone began to feel a little sad, and Qin Shaofeng and the three of them did not speak for a while.

But when Hu Xiaochuan said that he was the only heir to the Hu family, the three of them were shocked.

Because now they all know what kind of family the Hu family is, let alone the identity of the martial arts world. In China Business alone, Hu Jiake is the top-ranked powerful enterprise group.

As the heirs of such a huge enterprise group, they are actually in their dormitories. Can this not surprise them?

Qin Shaofeng was also surprised, but it was Hu Xiaochuan's cultivation that surprised Qin Shaofeng.

Although from the destructive strength of Hu Xiaochuan's hand in the air, Qin Shaofeng knew that Hu Xiaochuan was also a warrior.

But with the power of that palm and Hu Xiaochuan's own breath, Qin Shaofeng felt that Hu Xiaochuan didn't seem to have any strong internal energy.

Although Hu Xiaochuan was a martial artist, he gave Qin Shaofeng the feeling that he was just barely reaching the appearance of a junior martial artist.

This made Qin Shaofeng very puzzled, but now listening to Hu Xiaochuan's words, there seems to be something else hidden!

Sure enough, Hu Xiaochuan's next words confirmed Qin Shaofeng's guess.

"As the only heir to the Hu family, I am naturally a martial artist, and even not only a martial artist, my talent is still very high."

Speaking of it, there was a trace of pride on Hu Xiaochuan's face, he was obviously proud of his physique, but soon his mood fell again.

"It's just that I don't know what happened later. My body seemed to have some unknown problems. I didn't make any progress in my practice, and even later showed signs of regression." Hu Xiaochuan said sadly.

Realm backward?

Chen Dazhuang and Bai Xiaobai might not understand Hu Xiaochuan's words for a while, but Qin Shaofeng did.

"Extend your hand, let me take a look." Qin Shaofeng said.


Hu Xiaochuan nodded, with a glimmer of hope in his eyes, and immediately stretched out his hand.

Since learning that Qin Shaofeng possesses very powerful medical skills, Hu Xiaochuan has been looking forward to the fact that Qin Shaofeng's medical skills can solve his physical condition and allow him to practice again.

Qin Shaofeng wrinkled Hu Xiaochuan's veins, his brows slightly frowned, and a little surprise appeared in his eyes.

Hu Xiaochuan has no problems with his body and no problems with his meridians, but Qin Shaofeng found some special toxins in Hu Xiaochuan's body.

The reason why it is special is that these toxins are not fatal, not even many, and in a certain way, this toxin cannot be called a poison at all.

Broken Vessel!

This is a special medicinal material that can hinder the movement of breath in the meridians. It was originally used to prevent poisoning and place toxins through the meridians to flow to the body.

Even in many cases, some detoxification drugs and elixirs need to add a small amount of Broken Vessel.

Therefore, this broken vein grass is not a poison.

Qin Shaofeng didn't expect such medicinal materials to exist on the earth.

But Duanmai grass is not poisonous, but in some cases, it is more terrifying than poison.

After the Duanmai grass is purified, an essence can be refined, and if this essence is taken too much, it will block the meridians.

Moreover, it is difficult to detect this phenomenon as the ability of the Drifting Vessel Grass, and it may even be impossible to detect it.

In the ancient continent, the grass is also a special medicinal material.

However, as long as a doctor or alchemist with a certain ability can understand the power of the Broken Vessel Grass, if you encounter it, you will definitely find it.

And in the final analysis, Drifting Vessel Grass is not a powerful medicinal material. Even if it is the essence of Drifting Vessel, there are many solutions in the ancient continent.

But that was on the ancient continent, and on this earth, it was different.

Qin Shaofeng was sure that there were not many people on the earth who knew the ability of Broken Vein Grass, and Hu Xiaochuan's statement also confirmed his conjecture.

Hu Xiaochuan told Qin Shaofeng that his situation appeared when he was fifteen years old, but at that time the strongest in his family, that is, his grandfather who had reached the realm of the innate master, did not notice that Hu Xiaochuan's body had any Something is wrong.

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