Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1611: Teach exercises

"At that time, I was completely desperate, and even my grandpa didn't know what was wrong with my body!"

Hu Xiaochuan said with a sad expression: "Although my father never took me to the hospital, I hope to see if the problem can be found from the current medical point of view, but..."

Hu Xiaochuan didn't say the following words, but Qin Shaofeng and the three people all understood what he meant, so they definitely haven't checked it out.

However, the next moment, Hu Xiaochuan's eyes burst out with hope again, and he asked Qin Shaofeng: "The third child, you said you are a cultivator, then can you notice what is going on in my body?"

"Yes, and I already know the reason for your appearance!" Qin Shaofeng said.


Hu Xiaochuan was suddenly surprised. He had only a glimmer of hope, but now when Qin Shaofeng said that he already knew the reason for his current situation, he was suddenly excited.

"Really? Youngest, don't lie to me!" Hu Xiaochuan said excitedly.

"Cut, when you are the third child, you will deceive people?" Chen Dazhuang said with disdain.

In fact, after hearing what Hu Xiaochuan said, both Chen Dazhuang and Bai Xiaobai were a little worried about Hu Xiaochuan, and they also looked forward to Qin Shaofeng's solution.

Now that Qin Shaofeng said that he already knew the condition of Hu Xiaochuan's body, Chen Dazhuang was also relieved.

Because of the understanding of Qin Shaofeng, Qin Shaofeng's tone at this moment clearly means that there is a solution.

Bai Xiaobai also understood this, and even asked, "Third brother, then the second brother's current situation, what is the situation, tell me!"

"Well, this situation is actually considered poisoned!" Qin Shaofeng replied.


When the three of them heard these words, their expressions changed instantly.

"It shouldn't be!" Hu Xiaochuan said puzzledly, "When I was just practicing, my realm suddenly stopped and then regressed. And even my grandfather checked me and I didn't find me poisoned."

It was not that Hu Xiaochuan didn't believe Qin Shaofeng's words, but what Qin Shaofeng said made him feel that something was wrong.

Because if he was really poisoned, how could his grandfather, who is already a master-level martial artist, not notice it?

Qin Shaofeng had long expected Hu Xiaochuan to have this doubt, and that was to explain to him Duanmai Grass and some of its abilities.

"...So, because of the characteristics of this Dangmai grass, it is not considered a poison at all, and with its medicinal effect, it can easily be integrated into the meridians without any pain or itching, and nothing unusual. Under normal circumstances, It’s hard to be noticed."

Qin Shaofeng said, with a slight pause in any tone, he said to Hu Xiaochuan with a dignified expression: "Second, there are some things that I shouldn't have said. Although this Broken Vessel is not a poison, it depends on your situation. At one point, and it won’t work in a short while. So, think about it for yourself, if there is any suspicious person around you."

Qin Shaofeng's words silenced Chen Dazhuang and Bai Xiaobai.

Because according to Qin Shaofeng’s words, it is clear that Hu Xiaochuan was poisoned by humans. With the ability of the Broken Vessel, only after a certain amount of purification and refining as Qin Shaofeng said, can Hu Xiaochuan become what he is now. Look like.

Hu Xiaochuan was also silent at this moment, and his face was uncertain.

Because what Qin Shaofeng said at the moment, combined with his situation back then, seemed to remind him of something, which made his face very ugly.

Hu Xiaochuan was silent for a while, and did not say anything more on this issue, but asked Qin Shaofeng: "Lao San, can my meridians be restored?"

After speaking, Hu Xiaochuan looked at Qin Shaofeng expectantly.

If it can be recovered, it would be a great thing for him, which is too important for him.

"It's okay." Qin Shaofeng nodded and smiled, "This Broken Vessel Grass may be a big trouble for others, but it is a small thing for me. But..."

After a slight pause, Qin Shaofeng said again: "The problem is that I don't have the ability to use my own strength to help you withdraw from the medicinal effect of the Broken Vessel. All I need to find some medicinal materials, and then match the effects of the medicinal materials. , As well as some of my unique acupuncture and moxibustion, you can force the Broken Vessel Grass that has been integrated into your body to withdraw, so that your meridians can be restored."

After breaking the vein grass into the body, it is a small matter to resolve it.

Because Qin Shaofeng cultivated the inner energy of the gods and demons, he could completely do this.

But the problem is that his current realm is still too low, the inner Qi of the gods and demons in his body is not very strong, and it is impossible to separate all the broken vein grass in Hu Xiaochuan's body.

Faced with such a situation, Qin Shaofeng could only rely on medicinal materials.

As for medicinal materials, it shouldn't be a problem.

These needed medicinal materials are just a supplementary function, and it is enough that some medicinal materials containing spiritual energy can be used.

Well, it was the kind of wild ginseng I saw at Zhang Fuguo before. If there were seven or eight branches, Qin Shaofeng would be sure.

With sufficient aura medicine power, Qin Shaofeng is confident that even if his own gods and demons lack internal qi, he can use the medicinal materials of these aura medicinal effects and his own acupuncture method to completely force the broken vein grass in Hu Xiaochuan's body. Up.

Of course, this also has to be Hu Xiaochuan!

After all, wild ginseng that contains aura like the kind that Zhang Fuguo took out is not so easy to get, and this is still seven or eight in a row, which is even more difficult. I am afraid that even the rich country can hardly collect so many so many Wild ginseng.

But Hu Xiaochuan is different, he is the heir of the Hu family!

"Great, my meridians can finally be repaired."

When Qin Shaofeng said that there was a way to restore his meridians, Hu Xiaochuan immediately shouted excitedly.

Chen Dazhuang and Bai Xiaobai on the side also looked happy for Hu Xiaochuan.

And just as Qin Shaofeng expected, after he said he wanted pure wild ginseng and other medicinal materials like Polygonum multiflorum, Hu Xiaochuan directly patted his chest and said, "No problem, just some wild ginseng. My family still has some! "

In fact, Qin Shaofeng didn't know that the ancient Wu family in China were more concerned about medicinal materials. Many ancient Wu families had their own places to grow medicinal materials.

For example, Hu's family where Hu Xiaochuan is located has a special medicine garden in Changbai Mountain.

It's the same situation as the Hu family, and it's almost the same in other families.

Of course, these pharmacies must be places that most people don't know.

Hu Xiaochuan's physical condition has already settled, which makes Hu Xiaochuan very excited.

But Qin Shaofeng suddenly remembered that the incident that Hu Xiaochuan had started, er, was Wang Tingting's incident, and it seemed that it had not been resolved yet!

Forget it, let's wait until later!

Seeing Hu Xiaochuan's excited look at this moment, Qin Shaofeng couldn't bear to say about Wang Tingting, so let him be happy for a while!


After deciding to practice, the three of Chen Dazhuang were taught the exercises by Qin Shaofeng.

However, considering the situation of the earth's spiritual energy, and that Chen Dazhuang and Bai Xiaobai had not practiced before, and Hu Xiaochuan only practiced the techniques of earth martial artists, Qin Shaofeng deliberately decided to teach the three simple techniques first.

But even with simple exercises, Qin Shaofeng still controls many very special exercises.

When he was in the ancient sanctuary, Qin Shaofeng had comprehended many exercises and martial arts in that almighty competition (in Qin Shaofeng's memory of his own existence), he even created many exercises.

Especially Qin Shaofeng is in his own memory, but he knows that in order to create "The Book of Gods and Demons", he could create a lot of exercises for this purpose, including a simplified version of "The Book of Gods and Demons".

In this regard, Qin Shaofeng's memory is not wrong, the "Glossary of Gods and Demons" he created in the Almighty Competition is indeed the simplest.

It's just that this simple version of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" in Qin Shaofeng's mind is considered a bit special.

Because this simple version of "The Book of Gods and Demons" is actually the "Book of Gods and Demons" after Qin Shaofeng received the help of his father Qin Feiyang, based on the original "The Book of Gods and Demons".

Although such "The Book of Gods and Demons" is far inferior to the "Book of Gods and Demons" currently practiced by Qin Shaofeng, it is also an extremely special technique.

Qin Shaofeng named it "Nine Turns of Gods and Demons"!

"Nine Turns of Gods and Demons Gong" is divided into four chapters, and it is not like the basic chapters, rules chapters, and realm chapters like "The Book of Gods and Demons".

"Nine Turns of Gods and Demons" is now divided into the basic chapter, the holy world chapter, the world chapter, and the final master chapter!

The basic chapter is actually a warrior chapter, which is the training power of the warriors of the ancient continent.

This martial artist chapter is divided into ten levels of cultivation realm, from one to ten levels corresponding to the cultivation realm of the ancient mainland warriors, namely the body tempering realm, the acquired realm, the innate realm, the spiritual vein realm, the legendary realm, the small yuandan realm, and the great realm. Yuan Dan, Di Yuan, Tian Yuan, Saint Yuan, these ten martial arts realms.

It's the second stage of the Holy Realm. The ten realms correspond to the very realms of the ancient sacred warriors. They are the lower three, the middle three, the upper three and the final supreme realm of the holy realm. These ten realms.

As for the world chapter, it is naturally for the seven worlds above the holy realm.

The world's seven realms only exist in the seven realms of Lord Realm, Realm Realm, Great Realm Realm, Realm Realm, Great Realm Realm, Realm King, Emperor Realm, and Nirvana Realm.

Therefore, the world chapter of "Nine Turns of Gods and Demons" has only seven levels.

As for the final dominance chapter, it is naturally about the dominance state that dominates the three realms, the supreme dominance state, and the final dominance supreme state.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng didn't know at all. According to the classification of ancient mainland exercises, his "Nine Turns of Gods and Magic Skills" is actually a very powerful star-level exercise. The specific star level is only at the nine-star level.

Even if it's a ten-star technique, it's not an exaggeration.

Of course, for the three Hu Xiaochuan at the current stage, Qin Shaofeng just taught them the basic martial arts content of "Nine Turns of Gods and Magic Skills".

But even the basic chapter is enough for the three of Chen Dazhuang to practice on the earth.

In the basic chapter of "Nine Turns of Gods and Demons," this first three realms is easy to reach.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng only spent one night, using a large amount of medicinal materials purchased from some Chinese pharmacies, and the medicinal solution made with his acupuncture, so that Chen Dazhuang and Bai Xiaobai completed the first level of cultivation.

Even after two or three days, both of them have reached the second mid-term state.

Such a realm is comparable to some intermediate or even advanced warriors on earth.

Hu Xiaochuan was envious of this, but he could only envy it.

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