Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1615: Auction (Part 2)

This centuries-old ginseng has a good effect on ordinary people, and it can directly become a warrior.

Moreover, it also has a good effect for low-level warriors. After taking it, it can completely raise a low-level warrior to the realm of an intermediate warrior.

Even with some luck, it is possible to upgrade to a senior warrior.

Therefore, the auction of this century-old ginseng is also very fierce, although not as fierce as the previous middle-grade exercise "Fuhujue".

However, the reserve price of one million was quickly increased to seven or eight million, and after the price of seven or eight hundred, there were still many people bidding against each other.

But Qin Shaofeng has no interest in this century-old ginseng because the spiritual energy contained in this century-old ginseng is really too little.

As little as Qin Shaofeng estimated, relying on this ginseng to make him break through to the second level of the basic chapter of "The Book of Gods and Demons", it was a bit unclear.

With so little aura, the price is so high, it's not worth taking pictures!

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng has no interest in this century-old ginseng at all?

But Qin Shaofeng was not interested, not so for others.

Therefore, in the end this centenary ginseng with a reserve price of 1 million, the final transaction price was more than 15 million.

Then, after this centenary ginseng, some medicinal materials were auctioned again.

But these medicinal materials are almost the same, they all contain a little bit of aura, and some of them are not as good as the aura of this century-old ginseng.

However, Qin Shaofeng immediately became interested in a ranking that appeared soon.

"The next thing to be auctioned is a meat ganoderma, commonly known as Tai Sui meat. Its main function is to prolong life, and it can also increase the physique of the warrior."

Lin Haicheng pointed to a wooden plate and said, but for this Tai Sui, he just explained it here, and started to let everyone auction it.

"This Tai Sui also starts with a reserve price of one million yuan, and each increase must not be less than one hundred thousand yuan. Start now!"

But this time, no one participated in the auction. To be precise, no one was interested in it.

Even if someone bids, it only adds one hundred thousand, and there are very few people who bid.

Faced with this situation, Qin Shaofeng smiled in his heart.

Oh, no one bids for real good things?

Yes, this Tai Sui meat is really good.

Because Qin Shaofeng had sensed that there was a very special aura in this Tai Sui meat.

This kind of spiritual energy is not only a way of convergence, it exists in the center of this Tai Sui meat, but also seems to be wrapped in layers by thick Tai Sui meat, and it has not leaked out.

This situation has caused even an innate martial artist like Lin Haicheng to fail to notice the aura in it.

Qin Shaofeng's guess was not wrong. Just as Qin Shaofeng had thought, neither Lin Haicheng nor the appraiser at the auction had noticed the aura inside this Tai Sui meat.

They just regarded this Tai Sui meat as a normal wild Tai Sui.

Even if this were not the case, Lin Haicheng would not position it as a low reserve price of one million.

After all, things are rare and expensive. Tai Sui's situation is rarer than ginseng and other medicinal materials, and even the effect is better.

If it contains aura, the starting price of this Tai Sui will be at least three million, instead of the current one million.

"Two million two million!"

After another bid, this was already the twelfth bid, but the twelve bids only raised the price of this Tai Sui meat to 2.2 million.

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, he immediately picked up the bidder on the desk of the box and directly entered a number.

I have to say that this box is still good, unlike the outside, which needs to be raised again and again.

One time bidding, just enter the price directly from the bidder, which is very simple and convenient.

"three million!"

Lin Haicheng shouted suddenly, which made the scene suddenly quiet.

In the eyes of many people, this Tai Sui meat is already worth more than 2 million. Now there are still people who directly increase it to 3 million?

"I circled a cross, what are you doing, the third child?"

Hu Xiaochuan looked at Qin Shaofeng with disbelief, because the three million was the price Qin Shaofeng paid.

"Oh, you don't understand!"

Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly without explaining anything.

This made Hu Xiaochuan very depressed, but at this moment he suddenly remembered that Qin Shaofeng seemed to be a cultivator, and his heart moved slightly.

Did the youngest see the mystery hidden in this Tai Sui meat?

"Three million for the first time!" Lin Haicheng suddenly shouted.

At this moment, Lin Haicheng did not expect anyone to increase the price.

In fact, it is true.

After Qin Shaofeng shouted out the price of 3 million, even the few people who wanted to buy this Tai Sui could not help but give up.

"Three million for the second time!"

"Three million for the third time!"


In the end, this Tai Sui was photographed by Qin Shaofeng for three million.

After getting the Tai Sui meat, Qin Shaofeng was also relieved. Because in Qin Shaofeng's opinion, this Tai Sui meat is much more valuable than the previous ginseng medicinal materials.

Three million won, which is definitely a big profit.

And this is only one of the big profits. The most important thing is that even though Qin Shaofeng is a little far away, he didn't really feel the special aura in that Tai Sui, how much.

But Qin Shaofeng had a feeling in his heart that the spiritual energy contained in this Tai Sui meat could definitely bring him a surprise.

The auction continues, but the next few auction items are just ordinary medicinal materials, and the competition is not very fierce.

Until another auction item was taken out by Lin Haicheng, the crowd became noisy again.

This is a sword!

A sword that a warrior can use!

"Hei Yaojian, this sword was cast during the Yuan Dynasty. Where it came from is unknown now. But..."

Lin Haicheng paused slightly and said with a smile: "This black sword not only cuts iron like mud, and is extremely sharp, but also has the ability to increase attacks."

"If you have this sword, a high-level warrior can also defeat the innate warrior. If it is held by an innate warrior with internal energy, even if you have the power to fight against the innate warrior!"

Lin Haicheng's words caused an uproar at the scene.

"Hey, is this true? Innate martial artist versus innate martial artist?"

"It should not be fake. After all, with Lin Haicheng's reputation and identity, he still can't make such a lie."

"This is crazy, if only this sword was given to me!"

"Here you? Did you get a good price? I'm sure that the families in the box must have come for this Hei Yaojian."

"Well, that's right, if it were those aristocratic families, they would definitely know the auction item in advance, and ordinary things would not be in their eyes. This Hei Yaojian must have moved the hearts of these aristocratic families."

"This is a competition between those warrior families."


Seeing the scene that was already a bit messy, Qin Shaofeng was now unable to complain.

Qin Shaofeng had already sensed that the Black Yaojian was actually nothing in his eyes.

Increase the ability to attack?

If a sword does not increase the attack, what else is there?

These are just basic abilities!

"This Hei Yaojian has no reserve price and can bid freely!" Lin Haicheng said.

But facing Lin Haicheng's words, the scene was quiet for a while.

Many people know that this Hei Yaojian seems to have no reserve price, but in fact the final transaction price of this Hei Yaojian is definitely not low, and absolutely amazing.

The people outside the box knew very well in their hearts that this black sword was not something they could grab.

But even if I knew this in my heart, in the eyes of many warriors present, this Hei Yaojian was still too tempting, and it would be unwilling to give up like this.

"One hundred million!"

Suddenly, someone bid.

But this offer scared many people.

Although at the scene of this auction, even many of the people in the boxes are not very rich.

A mere 100 million is nothing to many people.

But the problem is, this is the first price bid!

Sure enough, just as many people thought, the person who suddenly screamed for 100 million seemed to have a head.

Yes, a large number of bids have emerged vying to one another.

"Two hundred million!"

"Three hundred million!"

"400 million!"

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt that money was no longer money.

The price increase of 100 million yuan made Qin Shaofeng a little uncomfortable, because at this time, he realized that he still seemed very poor.

Well, in the face of such a situation, Qin Shaofeng really feels that he who holds 90 million in his hand is really a poor person!

However, the price increase of 100 million and 100 million did not last long. When the price of the black yao sword climbed to 3 billion, even if someone shouted the price, it would not be an increase of 100 million to 100 million.

If someone makes another bid, it is basically an increase of 10 million to 10 million, and at most, there is an occasional bid of 20 to 30 million.

It seems to have calmed down!

But soon, another voice sounded, completely breaking the state of bidding.

This voice came from the box next to Qin Shaofeng and the others, which was also a box, and that was also a family of warriors.

And the other party's utterance made the people who had participated in the Black Yaojian bid on the scene completely quieted down.

Because the price called by the other party is...

Ten billion!

In the face of such a price, Qin Shaofeng had a kind of intention to immediately arbitrarily assemble a sword that would enhance his attack power, and it was auctioned here.

Such a thing is so valuable?

What a joke?

Qin Shaofeng felt very painful in his heart, but the things that made him even more painful were yet to come.

The ten billion sound seemed to be the end of the previous bidding and the beginning of another degree of bidding.

"Eleven billion!"

It's very true. It's another warrior family in a private box who bids, and when the opponent bids, it actually increases by one billion.

But this is not over yet!

"Twelve billion!"

Another family of warriors in a box bid.

"Thirteen billion!"

This time, it was Qin Shaofeng's box, and the bidder was Sister Rong.

Of course, it's not that Sister Rong herself wanted this Black Yaojian.

This time, Sister Rong made a bid on behalf of the Hu family, and the Hu family is bound to win the opponent's black yao sword.

Originally such a thing, in terms of identity, should belong to Hu Xiaochuan, the heir of the Hu family.

But in the face of some financial shrewdness, Hu Xiaochuan is probably not Sister Rong's opponent at all.

Besides, Hu Xiaochuan has no interest in these things at all.

If he could sit in the lobby outside the box, the kind of situation in full view, Hu Xiaochuan would definitely do his part.

But this is in the box, but outsiders can't see it, it can't show the limelight at all, Hu Xiaochuan's natural interest is lacking.

"Fifteen billion!" Another box bid.

"One hundred and six billion!"

"Twenty billion!"

"Two hundred and one billion!"


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