Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1616: Xiantian Dan

Hei Yaojian's bidding is getting fiercer and fiercer. In Qin Shaofeng's eyes, these martial artists don't treat money as money at all!

These hundreds of millions of billions of soaring upwards are crazy!

Not only Qin Shaofeng thought so, but the people in the hall also thought so.

too crazy!

"32 billion"

"Forty billion!"

This time Sister Rong made the offer.

Before that, Sister Rong bid 290 billion, which was increased to 30 billion, and then another increased to 32 billion.

Up to now, only three are still bidding.

Therefore, Sister Rong made a decisive decision and directly raised the price to 40 billion!

Faced with the price of 40 billion yuan, the other two were finally silent.

"40 billion for the first time!"

"Forty billion for the second time!"

"Forty billion for the third time!"


In the end, this Black Yaojian was bought by Sister Rong at a sky-high price of 40 billion.

Forty billion!

This is really a sky-high price!

Faced with such a situation, Qin Shaofeng had nothing to say.

After Hei Yaojian was auctioned off, Lin Haicheng patted both hands, and another cheongsam beauty came up with something.

However, this time the auction item was not covered by red cloth, it was just a tray.

And on this tray, there is a crystal clear jade bottle.

"Lao San, here comes the highlight of this auction!" Hu Xiaochuan suddenly shouted.

At the same time, the entire auction scene fell silent.

However, this silence did not last long, and some restlessness began to appear in the entire scene.

Even Qin Shaofeng clearly sensed that several of the strongest innate martial artists in the surrounding boxes, as well as the aura of those innate martial artists, had a lot of restlessness at this moment.

All this is because of that jade bottle?

Seeing this jade bottle, Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly, and he had a guess in his heart.

Could this be a pill?

Sure enough, what Lin Haicheng said next confirmed Qin Shaofeng's guess.

"I believe you already know what will be auctioned next!"

Lin Haicheng smiled slightly and said: "Yes, the next auction will be three low-grade Xiantian pills!"

"Low-grade Xiantian Pill?" Qin Shaofeng frowned again.

At this time, Hu Xiaochuan seemed to see Qin Shaofeng's puzzlement, and he explained: "The third child, this Xiantian Pill is an elixir that can improve innate level masters."

With that, Hu Xiaochuan looked at the jade bottle, a trace of envy flashed in his eyes, as well as a trace of desire.

"The third child, I can tell you, this Xiantian Pill is an absolute good thing. Under normal circumstances, a low-grade Xiantian Pill can raise an innate martial artist of the first level to at least three or four levels."

"Even if it is taken by some innate martial artist of the nine-fold or ten-fold realm, then there is no need to practice at all, and it can be directly promoted to the realm of the innate martial artist!"

"If this is the middle grade Xiantian Pill, then it will be even more..."

Qin Shaofeng didn't listen to what Hu Xiaochuan said, because he already understood what this low-grade Xiantian Pill was.

The pill to enhance the realm of innate warriors?

It turns out that the earth also has a pill!

This made Qin Shaofeng a little surprised, but soon Qin Shaofeng was speechless again.

Because at this time, Lin Haicheng had already picked up the jade bottle, and poured the three low-grade Xiantian pills in it onto a delicate jade butterfly for everyone to watch.

Suddenly, the whole auction was filled with a faint smell of immortality.

It's very refreshing. When ordinary people hear this question, they immediately feel relaxed and comfortable.

For a while, everyone on the scene looked at the three low-grade Xiantian Pills, and their eyes became even more fiery.

But at the same time, Qin Shaofeng's mouth twitched slightly, and a trace of surprise appeared in his eyes.

That's right, this Xiantian Pill can indeed raise the realm of cultivation.

Moreover, the effect of the improvement is almost the same as what Hu Xiaochuan said. This point, Qin Shaofeng can already feel it just by smelling this scent.

After all, his powerful alchemy is not fake.

Even though Qin Shaofeng has lost a lot of memory now and has forgotten the existence of the system, Qin Shaofeng has not forgotten a lot of knowledge about alchemy, and even the feeling of alchemy.

So, this is just a sniff, these three low-grade Xiantian pill's pill incense, you already know the specific effect of this pill.


At the same time Qin Shaofeng also knew the shortcomings of this kind of Xiantian Pill.

This is a good side to improve the realm of cultivation.

But in Qin Shaofeng's view, the bad side of this Xiantian Pill is even more amazing!

This Xiantian Pill can indeed improve the cultivation realm of an Innate Martial Artist, but the problem is that while improving it, it has brought great drawbacks.

Qin Shaofeng could feel that although this so-called Xiantian Pill also contained aura, it contained very little aura.

The reason why it can improve the realm of the innate martial artist is because the pill has a special ability.

This special ability is to squeeze the user's own potential, even overdraft.

Finally, Xiantian Pill can indeed improve the user's cultivation realm, but this is in the case of overdrawing itself.

The situation of overdrawing oneself, but there is a big disadvantage, the most direct point is that the future cultivation will be more difficult.

There will even be shortened lifespan, which has other more serious costs.

Qin Shaofeng didn't believe that the warriors of the earth would not know this.

But I am afraid that even if it is clear about the shortcomings of this Xiantian Pill, I am afraid that countless people still want to get this Xiantian Pill.

Because of the three low-grade Xiantian Pills, three innate martial artists can be created.

For the Chinese martial arts world, an innate martial artist is what many small families desire.

After all, there is a huge difference in strength between the power of an innate martial master and the strength of an innate martial master.

The former is probably ten times stronger than the latter!

And most importantly, for many warriors, with their qualifications plus the current environment of the earth, being able to become an innate warrior is already the limit.

Then, with the potential that can't be developed, and a few longevity, you can exchange for a chance to become an innate martial artist.

In the eyes of most people, this is a very cost-effective thing.

Therefore, no one does not know the shortcomings of Xiantian Pills, but in the eyes of more warriors, the benefits of Xiantian Pills definitely outweigh the disadvantages, so naturally they don't care.

The same three low-grade Xiantian Pills do not have a reserve price and are free to increase prices.

Moreover, the three low-grade Xiantian Pills were still auctioned one by one.

"Ten billion!"

When Lin Haicheng announced the start of the bidding for the first low-grade Xiantian Pill, there was an urgent and hoarse roar.


Ten billion?

Everyone was shocked, not scared, but shocked by the fact that the other party had added a price of 10 billion from the beginning.

Qin Shaofeng took a look, but found that the man who opened his bid for 10 billion was a warrior in his fifties.

However, when he felt the breath of the other party, Qin Shaofeng understood why the other party was so eagerly calling out a high price of 10 billion.

Because this person is not only a martial artist, but also a martial artist in the realm of the late nine-fold innate martial master.

And Qin Shaofeng also sensed that, judging from the opponent's aura, this person should have stayed in the late stage of the Nine Layers of Innate Martial Artist for a long time.

Mostly the opponent could no longer rely on cultivation and was promoted to an innate martial artist, so he planned to hold the last glimmer of hope on this low-grade Xiantian Pill.

"Eleven billion!"

After the scene was silent for a while, someone raised the price.

But the next moment, that person did not hesitate to increase the price again, and this time the price increase was directly increased to 20 billion!

It was only the third bidding time, this first low-grade Xiantian Pill had reached 30 billion?

At this time, it shocked many people.

Even Qin Shaofeng had seen it. Sister Rong, who was about to open her mouth to bid, was taken aback by the situation and frowned slightly.

However, after hesitating for a while, Sister Rong increased the price.

Although there is a bidder in the box, most people in the box, like the people in the lobby outside, like to shout out the price directly.

But Sister Rong is different. Every time she bids for an increase, she goes through the bidder.

This time too, Sister Rong quickly entered a number.

Soon, Lin Haicheng shouted: "25 billion! Box 2 bid 25 billion. Is there anyone who bid higher?"

Box 2 is the box Qin Shaofeng and the others are in. The price of 25 billion yuan is naturally the price that Sister Rong paid.

But almost the moment Lin Haicheng finished shouting, that person uttered again.

"Thirty billion!"

This time, Sister Rong put down the bidder after hesitating.

She gave up!

Because Sister Rong felt that the other party would definitely not give up, she stopped bidding.

In this case, the warriors in other boxes also think so.

But Qin Shaofeng had noticed that after shouting the price of 30 billion, the person's breath became a little vain.

Although his face at the moment hasn't changed much from before, he looks crazy, and he seems to have a hint of victory.

But in fact, Qin Shaofeng still felt that the other party was already a little lacking in confidence.

Obviously, calling out a price of 30 billion is already the opponent's limit.

If the bidding continues, the opponent will probably no longer be able to bid a higher price.

But in the current situation, it seemed that Qin Shaofeng was aware of this, and he didn't break it.

As a result, in the absence of bidding, Lin Haicheng frowned slightly, because of this situation, it was a surprise to him.

In his eyes, a low-grade Xiantian Pill was only auctioned for a price of 30 billion, which was not what he expected.

The price is low!

If Qin Shaofeng were to know, the thoughts in Lin Haicheng's heart at this moment would probably be very painful.

However, in the face of such a situation where no one else bids, Lin Haicheng can only fall the hammer in the end.


Some helplessly said these two words, Lin Haicheng started the auction of the second low-grade Xiantian Pill.

However, the auction situation of the second low-grade Xiantian Pill made Lin Haicheng a little surprised.

Because at the moment he announced the start of the auction, someone quoted an unexpected price.

"Thirty billion!"

The sound of the price stunned many people.

Because no one thought that the second low-grade Xiantian Pill was called out at a price of 30 billion yuan from the very beginning!

Nima, who is this uncle, so special!

When it comes up, it costs 30 billion. Doesn't it make people play?

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