Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1617: Grace

30 billion?

This kind of situation is very unexpected for Lin Haicheng, which makes his brows wrinkle slightly.

But soon, as if thinking of something, a gleam of light flashed in Lin Haicheng's eyes.

Obviously, this person who directly bid for 30 billion must definitely want to win the second low-grade Xiantian Pill.

Because the first one was sold at a price of 30 billion yuan, he wanted to directly stun all competitors at a price of 30 billion yuan, and then win the second low-grade Xiantian Pill.

Faced with such a situation, Qin Shaofeng naturally saw this.

But as Lin Haicheng suddenly thought of it at this moment, Qin Shaofeng was not very optimistic about this.

None of the people present were fools, and this low-grade Xiantian Pill was three in total.

Now one has been photographed, and your second one is 30 billion.

Although the other party wanted to use this to shock other people, in such a situation, this method was obviously not feasible.


Just as Qin Shaofeng thought, many people knew what was going on in the face of such a situation.

and so……

"Thirty billion and one billion!"

Yes, there is a box bid.

The situation of this offer, to the person who directly shouted 30 billion, was very much out of his expectation, and even completely different from what he thought.

Because in the next moment, people who bid prices appeared one after another.

"Three hundred and two billion!"

"Three hundred and five billion!"

"Three hundred and six billion!"


Although every bid is only an increase of one or two billion, it doesn't feel intense.

But the problem is, this time the price increase is only 100 million yuan!

Moreover, the addition of this billion has led to an extremely fierce bidding situation, which made many people in the lobby bewildered.

This first one is only 30 billion, and no one bids.

But now the price of this second one has exceeded 35 billion, but there are still many people asking for it!

Seeing this scene, many people can't understand it.

However, Qin Shaofeng was very clear in his heart that most of the reason for this situation was that when one Xiantian Pill was auctioned, after facing a price of 30 billion yuan, many people thought that there would be two more, competing The latter will do.

Of course, the most important thing in this is that the person who took the first Xiantian Pill really deceived most of the people present, thinking that the other party was bound to win the first low-grade Xiantian Pill.

In addition to these circumstances, the previous situation finally appeared, and the first low-grade Xiantian pill was photographed by 30 billion.

But now when the second low-grade Xiantian pill was being auctioned, someone finally woke up. This caused the auction competition, which was naturally fierce.

In the end, this second low-grade Xiantian pill was actually photographed by a family of warriors in a box at a price of 43 billion yuan.

This is 13 billion more than the first one!

In this situation, the seller who took the first low-grade Xiantian Pill was grateful for a while.

Fortunately, no one bid, otherwise he would never get a low-grade Xiantian Pill.

However, when it was the turn of the last low-grade Xiantian Pill to be auctioned, the competition became more intense.

This was the cause. The last low-grade Xiantian Pill was finally auctioned off at a price of 47 billion.

Faced with such a result, Lin Haicheng was very satisfied.

After the auction of Xiantian Pills, Lin Haicheng said, "Well, you guys are now starting to auction the last item in the auction today!"

At this time, a cheongsam beauty came again carrying a tray covered with red cloth.


Lin Haicheng lifted the red cloth fiercely.

On the tray without red cloth, there is an old book on it quietly.


It's another exercise!

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly, disappointed in his heart.

If this is a medicinal plant that contains spiritual energy, how good it would be!

So far, this auction is about to end.

But Qin Shaofeng also shot and photographed a Tai Sui meat. He was still waiting for medicinal materials with more spiritual energy to appear at this auction.

However, the final result still disappointed Qin Shaofeng.

Because the finale of this auction is actually a martial artist's practice technique.

But I am very disappointed in this, I am afraid that it is Qin Shaofeng alone.

"Appeared, finally appeared!"

"No, Lin Haicheng really took out this technique for auction?"

"Since it is the final auction item, then the rumors are probably true. This Lin Haicheng really wants to auction the top-grade techniques!"

"No, this is a high-grade technique, can Lin Haicheng get it out?"


There was a lot of discussion throughout the scene. At this time, Lin Haicheng spoke.

"Yes, that's right! As everyone guessed, the final auction item of this auction is a top-grade technique!"

Lin Haicheng's remarks thoroughly confirmed everyone's guess.

This shocked many people who had some doubts before.

"Hey, it's really scary, it's really a top-grade technique!"

"Hey, high-grade exercises! This is really a high-grade exercise!"

"This Lin Haicheng is really amazing, and even the high-grade techniques can be auctioned."

"The high-grade technique is true, but if the origin of this high-grade technique is unknown, then..."

"Yes, if the source is unknown, how much is a trouble!"

At this time, Lin Haicheng also seemed to hear the discussion among the crowd, but he didn't care at all, because he had guessed about this situation a long time ago, and there was already a solution.

With a faint smile, Lin Haicheng opened his mouth and said: "You are not worried. Lin Haicheng dares to guarantee his wealth and life. This is a top-grade exercise technique, and it is definitely a top-grade exercise method with a clear source!"

"Because the previous holder of this high-grade technique is actually just an ordinary person, but there is a warrior in the opponent's ancestor. But in his generation, it is no longer suitable for cultivation."

"Therefore, upon learning of this situation, the other party approached me, Lin Haicheng, and wanted to auction off this high-quality exercise technique through my relationship."

"And I, Lin Haicheng, also promised the other party that I would never disclose any information about the other party. That's why, I didn't name this top-grade exercise method. At the same time, I also made a request, that is, auction this top-grade copy. People who practice the exercises must not disclose the name of this high-grade exercise to outsiders within twenty years."

"Of course, unless they are blood relatives, this is not in this category. However, I still hope that the auctioneer of this high-grade technique will keep it secret in the end."

Lin Haicheng's words made the scene quiet for a while.

However, in fact, even if he didn't say anything, I'm afraid that people after the auction of this high-grade exercise technique will not actively disclose the information of this high-grade exercise technique.

This point can be completely seen from the fact that none of the martial arts family with top-grade exercises has been leaked out.

Lin Haicheng also understood this in his heart, and the reason for saying this was that he would only say so after the master who took out this high-grade exercise method.

Seeing that no one spoke out against it, Lin Haicheng spoke directly: "It seems that everyone has no doubts, so let's start the auction of this low-grade exercise technique!"

"High-grade exercises, there is no reserve price, you can still bid, start now!"

After Lin Haicheng said this sentence, the whole scene remained quiet.

Because these people in the hall at this moment are very clear about one thing, that is, the auction of this high-grade exercise is not something they can participate in.

Those who really participated in the auction of top-grade exercises were only those in the boxes.

This is not to say that there are no rich people in the lobby.

The real reason is that in the face of such a technique, even if you have money, you can photograph this top-grade technique.

But it may not have the ability to take the top grade exercises as one's own.

For those who can appear in this auction, who doesn't want to face the top grade exercises?

But if you don't have enough strength, I'm afraid that even if you take this high-quality exercise technique, you will definitely not be able to keep it.

Because the body is carrying a lot of treasures, but it is extremely easy to cause killing!

Many people are aware of this, so no one makes a bid in vain at this moment.

And there are people who can truly photograph this top-grade technique, and who can be safe and sound, I am afraid they are just like Hu Xiaochuan, who are in this box.

"One hundred billion!"

After being silent for a while, the first person to bid broke the silence.

But after this bid, the hall suddenly boiled.

"My grass, did I obey? One hundred billion? Real or fake?"

"Really, I heard it too, one hundred billion!"

"My God, it's too exaggerated, one hundred billion? This is one hundred billion!~"

"No way, although this high-grade technique can be cultivated to the realm of an innate master, is it so expensive?"

"It's not worth it, right?"


not worth?

I'm afraid no one in the box at this moment would think that a top-grade exercise technique is not worth the price.

The more powerful a family of martial artists, the more they know the meaning of a powerful family of martial artists.

Grandmaster, in the entire Chinese martial arts world, but rare.

And basically, warriors in the realm of great masters rarely appear, and they are all practicing or retreating.

Under such circumstances, Xiantian Grandmaster is the mainstream, becoming the combat power of a family of warriors.

The great master is the foundation, the innate master is the power!

But even the innate master, that is a realm that is difficult to cultivate.

Therefore, a martial artist in the realm of an innate master is of great value to a family of martial artists.

And if you have one more high-grade exercise technique, the chance of practicing to the realm of the innate master can increase a lot.

After all, there are times when one step of high-grade cultivation technique cannot break through and rise to the realm of innate master.

But if it were to change to a high-grade technique, it might be different.

A martial artist who cultivates this high-grade technique may not be able to break through to the realm of an innate martial artist, but if he changes his technique, he may be able to break through.

Moreover, the warriors on earth are not practicing cultivation by absorbing the aura of the outside world.

This is a warrior on earth, and there is a very special place, that is, you can change and practice other exercises at any time.

Maybe at the beginning, it will be a little awkward, but after a period of cultivation, if you adapt, there is no problem at all.

And this process, for the innate martial artist, the time required is at most a few months, or a year, which is nothing.

Therefore, this is what caused the martial artists on the earth to practice the exercises, which is extra precious, and the higher the grade, the more so.

Needless to say the value of a high-grade exercise method.

Therefore, the starting price of 100 billion yuan is really not high for those martial artists!

Because in the eyes of many martial artists, the value of a high-grade exercise method is definitely more than 100 billion!

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