Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1619: The Master of Ziwu

The auction was over, and the final piece was taken by Hu Xiaochuan's father.

Soon, Sister Rong left.

She went to settle the items under the auction, and of course sister Rong knew in her heart that she might not be suitable to stay here for the next situation.

After Sister Rong left, Hu Hanyun's face became gloomy.

"Shaofeng, do you really confirm that Xiaochuan's situation was caused by the poisoning?" Hu Hanyun asked.

However, he seemed to suddenly remember something and said something.

"Of course, this is not Uncle Hu. I don't believe you, but you have to know that in my identity and Xiaochuan's situation, I won't wait to confirm with you again."

Hu Hanyun looked at Qin Shaofeng with a serious look.

"Well, I know all of this, don't mind Uncle Hu!" Qin Shaofeng nodded, and then said very genuinely.

"Uncle Hu, I can tell you with great certainty that the current condition of Brother Xiaochuan's body is really caused by poisoning. And I also know that this poison is a special medicinal material called Duanmaicao."

"Duanmai Grass?"

Hu Hanyun frowned slightly and asked, "What is this? Is it a highly poisonous herb?"

"Yes or not!" Qin Shaofeng shook his head.

Next, Qin Shaofeng talked to Hu Hanyun about some of the Duanmai Grass.

During this period, Hu Xiaochuan remained quiet and didn't say much.

After listening to Qin Shaofeng's words, Hu Hanyun's expression became more gloomy.

In fact, after receiving a call from Hu Xiaochuan, saying that his own body was poisoned, Hu Hanyun felt a little restless in his heart.

In fact, a long time later, Hu Hanyun had such a guess in his mind, but he didn't confirm it before.

Then, based on what Hu Xiaochuan said, Hu Hanyun conducted an investigation on Qin Shaofeng.

After investigating Qin Shaofeng, Hu Hanyun had a better understanding of Qin Shaofeng's medical skills. At that time, he believed in his own son Hu Xiaochuan that the poisoning caused the current situation.

But now after listening to Qin Shaofeng's explanation of this Drifting Vessel, he was completely convinced in his heart.

And Hu Hanyun also fully confirmed in his heart that someone deliberately caused the condition of his son.

Because according to what Qin Shaofeng said, if you want to make Hu Xiaochuan's body appear such a situation, and it is not recognized that it is caused by poisoning.

Only by purifying and refining the essence of Broken Vessel can this situation be caused.

Therefore, this cannot be caused by Hu Xiaochuan inadvertently eating the grass.

This is definitely something someone deliberately did.

After fully determining this, Hu Hanyun was very angry.

However, he also knows that this is not the time to say this.

Looking up at Qin Shaofeng, Hu Hanyun asked urgently: "Shaofeng, you said you can solve the situation in Xiaochuan, can you tell me more specifically?"


Qin Shaofeng nodded, but looked around for a while and said, "However, Uncle Hu shouldn't be the place to talk, let's find a place to talk about it in detail!"

"Yes, yes, this is really not a good place!"

It wasn't until this time that Hu Hanyun realized that they were still in the box.

This is indeed not the place to talk about these things.

After talking to Sister Rong, Hu Hanyun left with Qin Shaofeng and Hu Xiaochuan.

However, before Hu Hanyun left, he took directly from Lin Haicheng, the top-grade exercise technique that was photographed.

This high-grade exercise method is very important, and it can't keep anyone from ill-tempered.

Therefore, Hu Hanyun felt that it was safer to bring it by himself.

As for the other auction items, as well as the Tai Sui that Qin Shaofeng photographed, they were all handled by Sister Rong.

Soon after, Qin Shaofeng and Hu Xiaochuan followed Hu Hanyun to a luxurious villa.

Although the Hu family is not in this province, the Hu family has a lot of real estate. At the moment, this villa is also a place for Hu Xiaochuan's father, Hu Hanyun, to stay in this place.

After exchanging a few words with each other, Hu Hanyun shifted the topic to Qin Shaofeng.

"I don't know where you became, Shaofeng, you learned such advanced medical skills and skills." Hu Xiaochuan's father asked tentatively.

Because from the results of his investigation, he knew that Qin Shaofeng was not well-known before, and there was no special place at all.

Entering now to show such amazing medical skills, it is indeed surprising.

"My master would not let me use his reputation to walk outside, for fear that I would insult his reputation. Moreover, I am only a medicinal skill now, so I can be sure of treating others." Qin Shaofeng said with a smile.

Qin Shaofeng had already thought of this set of rhetoric. After all, his birth on the earth was very ordinary. If it weren't for the other settings, it would be very suspicious.

"I took the liberty. From your medical skills, I can imagine that your master must be a great person, most of whom are hermits!"

"Moreover, like your master, such a hermit expert is not born, he must be an expert senior!" Hu Xiaochuan's father Hu Ming said.

Obviously, Hu Hanyun believed Qin Shaofeng's rhetoric.

This is natural, because Qin Shaofeng's medical skills are very impressive.

Not to mention seeing the situation of Hu Xiaochuan's poisoning at a glance, it is that Qin Shaofeng solved the symptoms of the two old people, Li and Zhang Fuguo's father. This is enough to convince Hu Hanyun of Qin Shaofeng's medical skills.

And the person who can teach Qin Shaofeng with such medical skills is even more impressive than that, definitely a senior expert!

Seeing Hu Xiaochuan's father so cooperating, Qin Shaofeng also smiled slightly, and said: "That's true, my master and his old man are indeed a master, at least I can't see through his strength now!"

"oh, I see!"

Hu Xiaochuan's father moved slightly in his heart and asked, "So, Shaofeng, you might see my realm through?"

Qin Shaofeng knew this was Hu Xiaochuan's father deliberately testing him, but Qin Shaofeng didn't care about it at all.

Because from the moment he saw Hu Xiaochuan's father, Qin Shaofeng had already felt the aura and realm of the other party.

Even if the other party's breath is very convergent, it even hides a part in a special way.

But such a way of hiding the breath is simply full of loopholes in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, and Qin Shaofeng can see it at a glance.

"If I didn't see it, Uncle Hu, your realm should have reached the seventh realm of the innate martial artist!" Qin Shaofeng smiled.

Qin Shaofeng's words flashed a strange light in Hu Xiaochuan's father's eyes, but without waiting for him to say something, Qin Shaofeng's words shocked him the next moment.

Because after Qin Shaofeng finished saying that sentence, he went on to say another sentence.

"However, this is only a superficial realm. In fact, Uncle Hu has hidden a lot of your realm. I am afraid that your real realm is not far from the realm of the innate grandmaster!"


At this moment, Hu Xiaochuan, who had not interrupted, was completely stunned.

His father's realm is not far away from the Xiantian Grandmaster?

Isn't that the realm of the tenth peak of the innate martial artist?

But why doesn't he know?

Hu Xiaochuan was stunned, because as far as he knew, his father was also in the realm of the Seventh Innate Martial Master.

For the first time, Hu Xiaochuan felt that Qin Shaofeng was wrong, but the next moment, when he subconsciously looked at his father, he saw his father's face in shock.

Needless to say, the expression on his father's face at the moment has already explained everything.


On the surface of this Hu Hanyun, the realm was only the realm of the seven innate martial artists.

But in fact, his true realm had already reached the realm of the pinnacle of the innate martial artist.

Hu Xiaochuan has no brothers, but he is not the only child. There is a sister ten years older than him.

Therefore, Hu Xiaochuan's father only had his son in his thirties, which means that Hu Hanyun is actually over fifty years old now.

The reason why the other party looked a little young, just wanted to look like in his early forties, but that was all because Hu Hanyun was a cultivating warrior, although it would not increase his life span.

But in terms of appearance, it can appear younger.

This Hu Hanyun's own cultivation talent is not bad, even some outstanding.

Outstanding talent, coupled with the Hu family's sufficient resources, this has led to Hu Hanyun's cultivation realm is naturally not low.

Externally, Hu Hanyun said that he was only in the realm of the Seventh Innate Martial Master, but in fact he had already reached the pinnacle of the Inborn Martial Master.

Even he was in the pinnacle state of the innate martial artist, and it had been as long as three years.

And this time, the reason why he spent 300 billion yuan to take a high-grade exercise technique was because he wanted to use other high-grade exercises to help him break into the realm of the innate master.

These things, Qin Shaofeng's heart has long been written.

However, after being raised by him, Hu Hanyun was really shocked.

Because the cultivation methods of their Hu family are somewhat special, if they hide a part of their aura, they are regarded as ordinary innate masters, unless they are very careful, otherwise, they will not be aware of his true state.

But now it was said that Qin Shaofeng had said it.

However, at this time, in addition to shock, Hu Hanyun was more happy.

Because Qin Shaofeng explained his true realm with a single word, he thought that the master behind Qin Shaofeng was even more extraordinary.

Now even if Qin Shaofeng can't solve Hu Xiaochuan's problem, then if the time comes to ask the master behind Qin Shaofeng to take action, there will probably be no problem.

Thinking of this, Hu Hanyun felt a lot easier.

"Sure enough, as the so-called famous master produces high disciples, your master must be a very powerful senior hermit with your ability." Hu Hanyun said.

Moreover, in Hu Hanyun's mind, he even believed that the master behind Qin Shaofeng was definitely a great congenital master, and also a very powerful congenital great master.

As the head of the Hu family, Hu Hanyun still knew some secret things.

Although China's martial arts world now has only a few innate masters on the surface, that is only the surface situation, the real situation, I am afraid that there are still many innate masters of the level.

Moreover, China is so big, there are always some people who are indifferent to fame and fortune, and practice in the deep mountains.

These people are mostly hermits!

Now in Hu Hanyun's view, the master behind Qin Shaofeng is probably a senior hermit senior at the level of innate great master.

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