Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1620: Heal Hu Xiaochuan

Although the real situation is not the same, Qin Shaofeng naturally couldn't break these things. He just nodded and said modestly: "Where, Uncle Hu has passed the award, I will have to rely on your care in the future!"

"Hehe, easy to talk, easy to talk!" Hu Hanyun smiled slightly, and then he said, "The poison of Xiaochuan..."

Qin Shaofeng understood what Hu Hanyun meant, nodded and said, "Uncle Hu, you can rest assured that if I can't solve it, I will definitely ask my master to do it!"

Master shot?

Qin Shaofeng has no master!

Master or something, these are all things that Ziwu must have, Qin Shaofeng said this is nothing but to make Hu Hanyun feel at ease.

Sure enough, after seeing what Qin Shaofeng said, Hu Hanyun smiled in relief and said, "Ha, then I will trouble you Shaofeng!"

After that, Qin Shaofeng didn't delay anything, and began to treat Hu Xiaochuan.

Hu Xiaochuan was also very excited at this time. When he thought that his body had to be clear of toxins, and to be able to practice again, he was extremely excited.

Qin Shaofeng didn't evade Hu Hanyun and directly let the other party stay.

Then, Qin Shaofeng asked Hu Xiaochuan to take off his clothes, and finally Hu Xiaochuan lay down wearing a pair of pants.

Before starting, Qin Shaofeng had already prepared all the ginseng medicinal materials brought by Hu Xiaochuan's father.

It is worth mentioning that Hu Xiaochuan's father still has things like medicine furnaces in this place.

Since seeing the existence of Xiantian Pill, Qin Shaofeng has known that there are also alchemists on the earth.

However, from the situation of the low-grade Xiantian Pills, Qin Shaofeng knew that the alchemists on the earth might not be really good at it.

Such a low-grade Xiantian Pill is so precious. Obviously, the level of alchemy on the earth is not good.

Especially after Hu Xiaochuan's father took out the so-called medicine furnace, Qin Shaofeng was even more painful.

Because this is not so much a medicine furnace, as it is a big tripod!

Of course, the real size of this medicine furnace is not as big as a big cauldron.

But this Dading Medicine Furnace is also one meter tall.

Moreover, in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, the pill refining furnace was so crude that it could not be called a medicine furnace.

But still that sentence, it's better than nothing.

Because of this medicine furnace, Qin Shaofeng finally got rid of the embarrassment of relying on the electric medicine furnace.

And although this medicine furnace is far from the current alchemy furnace, it is very far away.

But if it is only used to boil pharmaceutical liquid, it is indeed very suitable.

After putting all the aura-containing medicinal materials that Hu Xiaochuan's father took out and putting them into the medicine furnace to start refining and boiling the medicine, Qin Shaofeng's inner energy of the gods and demons was finally added, and it was cooked in just an hour.

With enough liquid medicine, Qin Shaofeng's confidence in removing toxins from Hu Xiaochuan's body can be even greater.

At the beginning of the treatment, Qin Shaofeng held the silver needle and flew the needle to the acupoint.

This made Hu Hanyun on the side see another shock in his heart.

Because of such flying needles, it surprised him too much.

In the so-called acupuncture and moxibustion, Hu Hanyun has also seen flying needles go acupuncture points, but none of the doctors he has ever seen is an ordinary role.

Basically, they are all amazing medical skills, and at least they are innate masters.

But in Hu Hanyun's eyes, although he could not see Qin Shaofeng's realm clearly.

But in Hu Hanyun's view, Qin Shaofeng should also have practiced some techniques to hide his realm.

He thinks that no matter how Qin Shaofeng makes a move, no matter how evil he is, it is at most the realm of the innate martial artist, and it cannot be the innate master.

Therefore, seeing Qin Shaofeng perform acupuncture and moxibustion with flying needles, he was very shocked.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng didn't pay attention to how Hu Hanyun's face was. He was already paying attention at this moment.

After all, Hu Xiaochuan had been poisoned for a long time. The Broken Vein Grass in his body was not only the essence after purification, but also existed in Hu Xiaochuan's body for more than five years.

This has been slightly fused with Hu Xiaochuan's flesh and blood.

Even after the acupuncture treatment, Qin Shaofeng discovered that Hu Xiaochuan's condition was worse than he expected.

Because Hu Xiaochuan's heart is no longer as simple as being infected and contaminated with the grass.

In some parts of Hu Xiaochuan's heart, there is already a phenomenon of being assimilated by broken vein grass.

It can be said that if someone had Hu Xiaochuan's heart refining medicine now, the refining pill would definitely be a pill that is poisonous with the broken vein grass.

Moreover, the effect is several times better than the refined Broken Vessel essence.

The reason for this is because Qin Shaofeng discovered that Hu Xiaochuan's original martial arts realm did not disappear, but was absorbed by the Broken Vessel Grass, and then gathered on the part of the heart.

If you change to someone else, you will definitely feel helpless.

But for Qin Shaofeng, this is only slightly tricky.

But that's it!

With the output of the inner energy of the gods and demons, Qin Shaofeng used the silver needle faster and faster, and in the end even Hu Hanyun could not see Qin Shaofeng's movements clearly.


In the end, this was the number of times Qin Shaofeng punctured Hu Xiaochuan's body when he was acupuncture.

Twenty-four silver needles, each of which has been applied seven or forty-nine times, for a total of 1,176 needles!

After the last needle fell, Qin Shaofeng fiercely added the last spirit of the gods and demons in his body and injected it into Hu Xiaochuan's body along with the silver needle.


Suddenly, Hu Xiaochuan spouted a mouthful of black blood.

In this scene, Hu Hanyun, who was watching from the side, flashed a trace of fear and anger that couldn't be suppressed.

Because he could see clearly, the black blood spit out from his son's mouth was so black that it even glowed with black air.

No matter how you look at it, they are extremely poisonous!

Is it this kind of poison that has made his son endure the pain for so many years?

Faced with such a situation, how could Hu Hanyun feel better?

"Uncle Hu, liquid medicine!"

As Hu Hanyun was filled with fright and anger, he suddenly heard Qin Shaofeng's voice, but he heard a weakness in Qin Shaofeng's voice.

Looking up, Hu Hanyun discovered that Qin Shaofeng's face was pale at this moment, his whole person seemed extremely weak, and he was obviously over-consuming.

This moved Hu Hanyun, and was also very thankful that his son was able to make such a good brother.

However, Hu Hanyun did not stop either. After stopping Qin Shaofeng's voice, he immediately brought a bowl of liquid medicine over and let Hu Xiaochuan drink it.

Qin Shaofeng had already anticipated that in the face of such a situation, he was likely to consume a lot of energy and become weak.

And Hu Xiaochuan, who was cured by him, probably has no power.

So he asked Hu Hanyun to stay here and watch, in order to feed Hu Xiaochuan with medicine.

After drinking a bowl of liquid medicine, Hu Xiaochuan's face was also pale, and he was slightly ruddy.

But Qin Shaofeng knew that this was not enough.

"Uncle Hu, don't stop, feed him all the liquid medicine!"

Hu Hanyun didn't dare to neglect, for fear that it would affect his son's situation, soon he poured all the remaining liquid medicine into Hu Xiaochuan.

After drinking the liquid medicine, Hu Xiaochuan finally fainted.

However, at the moment when he passed out, the only thought in Hu Xiaochuan's mind was not that he could finally practice again, but...

I circled a cross, what the **** is the third child, what a terrible thing!

At this time, Qin Shaofeng also recovered a little bit, and then signaled Hu Hanyun to go out together.

"Shao Feng, Xiaochuan..."

As soon as he left the room, Hu Hanyun asked nervously.

"Uncle Hu, don't worry, the Broken Vein Grass in Xiaochuan's body has been removed by me!" Qin Shaofeng smiled.

"Really?" Hu Hanyun said in surprise.

"Hmm!" Qin Shaofeng nodded, "It's just that his previous cultivation bases are gone!"

"It's okay, if you don't have it, you won't!" Hu Hanyun shook his head with a look of carelessness, "As long as the person is cured, this is already very good, the cultivation level is gone, and you can practice again!"

Hu Hanyun can see clearly, since he learned that his son Hu Xiaochuan was deeply poisoned, he wanted to detoxify Hu Xiaochuan.

It's better now, the poison on Hu Xiaochuan's body has been eliminated.

Hu Hanyun valued Hu Xiaochuan very much. Even if Hu Xiaochuan could no longer practice, he regarded it as his own and did not reduce his love for Hu Xiaochuan.

Even after Hu Xiaochuan was unable to cultivate and his realm was getting lower and lower, he began to give up. Even when he was somewhat discouraged, Hu Hanyun still did not blame him.

Because Hu Hanyun knew very well in his heart that he could not practice cultivation. For his son Hu Xiaochuan, he was the biggest victim.

But now it's alright, Hu Xiaochuan has recovered, even if he hasn't recovered to the past, it would be fine.

But Qin Shaofeng did not explain to Hu Xiaochuan's father that if the broken vein grass in Hu Xiaochuan's body was not removed, it would be difficult to have offspring.

And even if it is barely there, it will probably eventually be affected by Broken Vessel.

Qin Shaofeng hadn't noticed it before, but when he was treating Hu Xiaochuan with acupuncture and moxibustion, he discovered that the poisoned person was simply insidious, and there was an extra special medicinal material on the Broken Vessel.

It was this extra special medicinal material that caused Duanmai grass to completely blend into Hu Xiaochuan's heart, and even after several years of occupation, the toxicity of Duanmai grass began to assimilate to Hu Xiaochuan's heart.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't have any evidence for this, so he didn't tell Hu Hanyun about it.

However, Qin Shaofeng had made up his mind and had to warn Hu Xiaochuan to let him pay attention to it.

Later, Hu Hanyun thanked Qin Shaofeng again, and even after Hu Hanyun learned that Qin Shaofeng had already lived in Hu Xiaochuan’s villa, he directly changed the name of the villa to Qin Shaofeng.

Now that villa has become Qin Shaofeng's.

To use Hu Hanyun's words, it is, ‘I know that people like you don’t care about money, but this is some of the uncle’s intentions. Shaofeng, you should be your hand! ’

In this regard, Qin Shaofeng naturally didn't care much about it, and directly took charge.

It is worth mentioning that Hu Hanyun also told Qin Shaofeng about Wang Tingting.

As a result, Qin Shaofeng was very surprised, because Hu Hanyun was actually very optimistic about Wang Tingting.

Because according to his investigation, he thinks Wang Tingting is a very scheming woman, but this is something that Hu Xiaochuan does not have.

If Wang Tingting was with Hu Xiaochuan, it would be of great help to Hu Xiaochuan.

Qin Shaofeng didn't say anything about this.

But Qin Shaofeng completely confirmed one thing from Hu Hanyun's satisfied attitude towards Wang Tingting, and that is that Hu Xiaochuan was really'planted' this time!

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