Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1626: Vicious father and son

No, I remember I was stabbed by someone?

Liu Ya, who was in the bed, suddenly remembered something, and she was suddenly puzzled.

When she checked her body just now, she saw that she didn't seem to have any wounds behind her back.

And she doesn't hurt now!

Subconsciously Liu Ya touched her back, but she found a piece of smooth, white skin.

There is no wound at all?

What is going on here?

Liu Ya, who was curious for a while, also forgot to be ashamed. He threw out from the bed and asked Qin Shaofeng: "Qin Shaofeng, what about my wounds? I remember that I seemed... as if I was stabbed with a knife. ?"

The smooth, white back gave Liu Ya a feeling of uncertainty. At this moment, she even thought she was not injured?

"It was cured by me!" Qin Shaofeng said.

? ? ?


Liu Ya was stunned, with a look of puzzlement: "So fast? Are there any wounds?"

"What's this, don't look at it, who am I!" Qin Shaofeng said proudly, and then explained it to Liu Ya.

"Actually, let me tell you that in this world, there are still some special people, they are martial artists, and there are cultivators above them..."

Liu Ya's body is now running on her own to practice "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", and Qin Shaofeng naturally wants to explain some of this knowledge with her.



Following Qin Shaofeng's explanation, Liu Ya realized that she had entered a new world.

After a long time, Liu Ya seemed to finally understand something.

However, after understanding, she asked Qin Shaofeng, not about the strength of the cultivator, but...

"In that case, can a cultivator stay young forever?"

Liu Ya asked, her eyes bursting with astonishing light.

I co-authored and talked about it for a long time. Regarding the various miracles and abilities of cultivators, this is the first question you actually asked about?

The corner of Qin Shaofeng's mouth twitched, but he nodded, "Yes, that's right, as long as the realm is higher, the life span of that cultivator will naturally be longer, and the eternal youth is just one of the ordinary abilities."

The point of Qin Shaofeng's words is that life expectancy has been increased a lot, and youth is forever, in Qin Shaofeng's view, it is really just an ordinary ability.

But in Liu Ya's view, this is the point.

"Great, this is really amazing. I didn't expect that cultivators will stay young forever! I want to cultivate, I must practice, I must stay young forever!"

Qin Shaofeng: "..."

It seems that the most important thing for a girl is not to improve her strength through cultivation, nor to have an endless life span, and powerful and special abilities.

For them, the most important thing is to stay young and always beautiful!


In the following time, Qin Shaofeng and Liu Ya talked about a lot of cultivation matters, especially the training notes in "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", which was very detailed.

Knowing that cultivation can stay youthful forever, Liu Ya is particularly serious, and she can write down everything Qin Shaofeng explained.

And most importantly, for some reason, Liu Ya can quickly accept and understand many things about cultivation.

It was even more usable, which surprised Qin Shaofeng.

But these things, Qin Shaofeng can only be classified in the end, Liu Ya's talent is detached.

After all, there are quite a few examples of this situation in the ancient continent.

Although Liu Ya's injury has been healed, she just recovered after all, which caused Liu Ya's spirit to be not very good.

Therefore, after explaining for a while, Liu Ya was a little bit weak.

Qin Shaofeng didn't bother her and let her rest directly.

After coming out of the room, Qin Shaofeng closed the door, his face instantly darkened.

Although Liu Ya has recovered, the matter today is not over yet!

A trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes, and then Qin Shaofeng dialed Hu Xiaochuan's phone.

"Lao San, something?" Hu Xiaochuan's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Although Hu Xiaochuan's first sentence was to ask Qin Shaofeng, the other party seemed to have known that Qin Shaofeng would call him.

"Help me check Xu Wentao's home address." Qin Shaofeng said.

Hearing Qin Shaofeng speaking solemnly, Hu Xiaochuan was not surprised, but said in a deep voice, "Do you need my help?"

After a pause, for fear that Qin Shaofeng would refuse directly, Hu Xiaochuan said again: "After I came back, I knew you wouldn’t count it like this. So, I told my dad that what happened today, my dad said, we Hu Home can help you!"

Hu Xiaochuan's words warmed Qin Shaofeng's heart. He knew that it was Hu Xiaochuan's kindness, and he knew that his father was sincere to help himself.

However, he still refused.

"No, it's not a big deal. I just want to make it clear to some people that Qin Shaofeng is not an easy person either." Qin Shaofeng said.

"Okay, I'll send you the address later. However, you still pay attention, I learned from my dad, and Xu Dahai seems to be protected by innate warriors!"

Hu Xiaochuan heard the firmness in Qin Shaofeng's tone, but he still reminded Qin Shaofeng.

Congenital warrior?

A hint of surprise flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, because he didn't expect that a businessman would be protected by innate warriors.

But what about it?

A gleam of cold light appeared in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, and a hint of killing intent rose in his heart.

Although he had consumed a lot before, he consumed a third of his blood for Liu Ya.

But after absorbing the aura in that Tai Sui flesh, these depletions have been completely repaired.

Even Qin Shaofeng now has some faint signs of a breakthrough. If it is not the time, Qin Shaofeng can use this opportunity to officially break through to the second level of the basic chapter of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons".

In fact, Qin Shaofeng only needs to wait a few hours, and that's all right.

But he doesn't want to wait anymore!

Because every time he thought that Liu Ya almost died because of herself, Qin Shaofeng couldn't suppress the anger in his heart.

And for that Xu Wentao, he has repeatedly tolerated.

He can't bear it anymore!

If you can't bear it, you don't need to bear it anymore!

After about a minute, an address was posted on Qin Shaofeng's mobile phone.

Qin Shaofeng looked at this address, and the coldness in his eyes became more sharp.

Then, Qin Shaofeng went into the room and looked at Liu Ya. After seeing that Liu Ya was already asleep, Qin Shao carefully closed the door for fear of disturbing Liu Ya.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Shaofeng walked out of the villa, then got up and swept, like a wild geese swept up, and hurried to a certain place quickly.

It was already past twelve o'clock in the evening, but in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, it was nothing at all, he could see it very clearly.

After more than ten minutes, Qin Shaofeng came to a villa area, and then according to the address sent by Hu Xiaochuan, Qin Shaofeng's eyes fixed on one of the villas.

Is it this?

A cold light flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, and he quickly jumped towards the villa. His body was like an agile monkey, his body dodged in a flash, and the cameras hidden in the dark.


At the same time, in this villa, a father and son are discussing something in it. The son has a flustered expression and anxious expression on his face.

The father was hesitant too, frowning.

The father and son in the living room of this villa are Xu Wentao and Xu Dahai.

What happened during the day caused Xu Wentao to panic completely, especially when he recalled Qin Shaofeng's last look at him, the icy feeling that Xu Wentao could not forget in this life.

I'm afraid this will be the shadow of his life!

too frightening!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng had already come to this villa. He just happened to see this scene and hid himself, intending to listen to the conversation between the father and son.

Although separated by a wall, the sound insulation of this villa is also better.

It can be said that Qin Shaofeng's current state, and the dialogue between Xu Wentao and his son, Qin Shaofeng can hear clearly.

"Dad, you don't know the way Qin Shaofeng looked at me today is too scary. I think he will really kill me! You must save me, you must think of a way for me! I am your only son. !" Xu Wentao said.

Xu Wentao was full of fear at the moment, and as soon as he came back, he told his father what happened today, and now he is more afraid as he thinks about it.

"Don't worry, he will definitely not live long! It's just that you will give me a little peace in the future, and don't provoke anyone. After all, we can't provoke some people." Xu Dahai said with a serious face.

Although I know that my son is causing trouble today, and he is very likely to kill him.

But Xu Dahai didn't care at all. He was just two college students, which was nothing at all.

Even after listening to Xu Wentao's words, Xu Dahai had a murderous heart towards Qin Shaofeng.

The son who dared to treat him like that to Dahai was simply tired of living.

But Xu Dahai didn't know. Because of fear in his heart, Xu Wentao had forgotten to tell Dadong that he was kicked to death by Qin Shaofeng.

At this moment, Dadong was already dead because of his injuries.

Faced with such a situation, the bodyguards who protected Xu Wentao before were a little scared.

Because of Dadong's identity, he was also a little special. He died like this now. Although it was none of their business, the bodyguard became scared when he thought of someone.

They are afraid that because of Dadong's death, they will be implicated. To be precise, they will be angered and their lives will be in danger.

Thinking of this, the bodyguards were in a tacit understanding, and no one went to tell Xu Dahai that the fact that Dadong was dead was concealed by them for the first time.

And now those bodyguards who know the truth have fled the city early.

As for Xu Wentao, he had completely forgotten Dadong long ago, and even told his father that someone stabbed Liu Ya and he didn't mean that Dadong did it.

Therefore, Xu Dahai did not know the news that Dadong had died.

Otherwise, he would definitely not treat Qin Shaofeng as the same thing.

"Dad, should we ask the killer to kill Qin Shaofeng! Anyway, as long as those people pay the money, they will do everything." Xu Wentao said suddenly viciously.

"You don't need to worry about this. You can go back to my room and have a good rest. Don't go back to school during this time. Stay at home and go out to make trouble!"

Xu Dahai did not promise Xu Wentao, but just let him return to the room.

Hearing what his father said, Xu Wentao suddenly became unhappy.

But seeing his father's face resolute, he didn't dare to say anything, he could only walk to his room depressed.

This pair of father and son is really vicious!

Outside the villa, Qin Shaofeng listened very well.

Both Xu Wentao and his father Xu Dahai are very vicious people, and they want to put themselves to death.

Originally, Qin Shaofeng felt that he was a little bit uncomfortable by directly attacking ordinary people like Xu Wentao.

But no longer needed!

Such a person, even such a vicious couple of father and son, is not worthy of living in this world.

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