Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1627: The death of Xu Wentao

This Xu Wentao and his son have already murdered themselves, so they don't need to be merciful.

Since you father and son want me to die, then I will do nothing and send you on the road directly.

A cold light flashed in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, and now he no longer had the slightest burden in his heart, even if he was planning to take action.

But the next moment, Qin Shaofeng's heart was shaken when he heard the figure from the villa lobby, and instantly stabilized his figure.

"Old Zheng, what do you think of this?"

This was Xu Dahai's voice, but Qin Shaofeng didn't care about this, but the old Zheng in his mouth?

There is a third person in the villa hall?

Qin Shaofeng was immediately taken aback, because he had sensed the breath of Xu Wentao and his father Xu Dahai before, but he did not feel the breath of other people.

But now it seems that there is a third person in the hall.

Can't feel the other person's breath?

This was what shocked Qin Shaofeng, so he didn't rush to shoot.

Because in Qin Shaofeng's view, it is probably not trivial for him to feel the breath.

"No problem, according to the young master, the one named Qin Shaofeng is not much better than ordinary people, and he can't be a martial artist!"

Just as Qin Shaofeng was surprised, he heard a hoarse old man's voice.

There are really others!

Qin Shaofeng moved in his heart, approached a window, and carefully glanced at the hall.

Although it was only a glance, Qin Shaofeng saw it right away. At this moment, besides Xu Dahai, there was an old man in the hall.

At the moment he saw the other party, Qin Shaofeng felt a sense of crisis.

The opponent is a warrior!

And it was not a simple warrior, because Qin Shaofeng felt a dangerous aura from the opponent.

That old man has at least the realm of five innate warriors!

This made Qin Shaofeng's heart suddenly startled, even though Hu Xiaochuan had reminded him before that Xu Dahai was protected by martial artists.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't expect that the other party was actually an innate warrior with a five-level realm.

This is incredible.

How could an ordinary person in Xu Dahai be protected by an innate martial artist of the five-fold realm?

This is too unreasonable!

At this time, Qin Shaofeng heard Xu Dahai stunned again: "Old Zheng, do you think the opponent can't be a warrior?"

"Definitely not!" Old Zheng said in a very affirmative tone, "If the opponent is a warrior, no matter how weak the warrior is, it is impossible to lose to the few bodyguards next to the young master, causing the girl to be stabbed! "

Because he did not know the existence of Dadong, this old Zheng was also misled.

"Then I can rest assured!" Xu Dahai smiled slightly, "If it's just a student, then I have a way to deal with him!"

"Well, this is natural." Old Zheng nodded, as if thinking of something, his tone became serious.

"Compared to this, another thing is the most important thing now!"

When Mr. Zheng said this, Xu Dahai seemed to think of something, his face straightened, and he nodded cautiously, "Yes, that matter is the most important thing, but you can rest assured, Mr. Zheng, that matter is basically done. That's it..."

Qin Shaofeng didn't listen to the following words, because the feeling that Zheng had given to Qin Shaofeng was too dangerous.

Qin Shaofeng used to be very good, but now he can only be regarded as a starting point in cultivation.

Although it is a bit close to the second level of the basic chapter of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", and Qin Shaofeng now enters the second level of his own, facing a warrior of the level of the innate warrior on the earth, even if he can't beat it, it is not What's the danger?

But now it is a pity that he has not broken through to the second level.

In order to avoid being discovered by the other party, Qin Shaofeng could only hide it.

And just when Qin Shaofeng left that window, Old Zheng seemed to sense something and looked towards the window.

But in the end he didn't find anything, which made him think he was too vigilant and some hallucinations appeared.

But Zheng Lao didn't know, but Qin Shaofeng's heart was relieved.

Almost found it!

However, even if such a situation occurred, Qin Shaofeng had no plans to leave.

Keep hiding, Qin Shaofeng intends to look for opportunities.

Because Qin Shaofeng has a feeling in his heart, it seems that if he doesn't solve Xu Wentao as soon as possible, he will definitely be in trouble.

After all, it has now been discovered that there are five-level innate martial artists around Xu Dahai, and Qin Shaofeng naturally dare not care.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng was not allowed to wait any more, because after ten minutes, Qin Shaofeng found that his chance had come.

Because the old Zheng actually left!

However, when Mr. Zheng left, Qin Shaofeng was surprised to discover that two warriors had entered the villa again.

Although these two warriors are only warriors in the high-level pinnacle realm, there is still a slight distance from the innate warriors.

But the strength of such a warrior is actually not small.

This made Qin Shaofeng feel more and more that the sea is a bit difficult.

But these are no longer important, what is important is that the opportunity he waited for finally came.

After watching the old Zheng go far away in the car, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed a little light, and then quietly came to Xu Wentao's window and knocked on the window.

Xu Wentao hadn't slept yet, because he was still scared in his heart, and even thinking of Qin Shaofeng's eyes today, he couldn't sleep at all.

At this moment, Xu Wentao was suddenly a little confused when he heard the sound of knocking on the window. Xu Wentao walked over as if he looked at the window.

But when he walked to the window and opened the window, Xu Wentao found that there was nothing, and couldn't help but wonder.

"Is it because I heard it wrong, I was too nervous today and there was an auditory hallucination?"

Seeing that there was nothing outside the window, Xu Wentao immediately closed the window and walked to his bed.

But as soon as I walked to the bed, there was another sound from outside the window, knocking on the window.

Xu Wentao immediately ran to the window, but found that there was nothing.

This situation made Xu Wentao a little frightened in his heart, and he couldn't help thinking: "Is it a ghost? Could it be that Liu Ya was stabbed to death by herself and turned into a ghost to seek revenge."

Thinking of this situation, Xu Wentao's cold sweat broke out from his back, and his face became paler.

At this moment, there was a hula, and a figure appeared to flash past the window, which made Xu Wentao scream.

"Ah! Liu Ya, isn't it you? Don't come to me. You didn't kill me. If you blame Qin Shaofeng, he killed you. You died because of him. If you want revenge, go find Let him! Or find that Dadong. He did it. Your death has nothing to do with me!"

Xu Wentao panicked completely and decided in his heart that it was the ghost of Liu Ya who had come to revenge after his death.

Do you know you are afraid now?

Outside the window, Qin Shaofeng had a cold light flashing in his eyes, and then he jumped in with a swipe, and then kicked.



There was a flash in front of him, and then Xu Wentao saw a figure flying in from the window.

Then, Xu Wentao felt the abdomen together, and he was kicked into the air.


Hit the wall behind him hard. Before Xu Wentao could feel the pain in his body, he saw that the person entering was Qin Shaofeng.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's cold eyes, Xu Wentao's expression suddenly became nervous.

I didn't care about the severe pain in my abdomen, and said to Qin Shaofeng vaguely: "Qin Shaofeng, what do you...what do you want to do, this is in my house, don't mess around."

"What about your house, what about my mess."

Qin Shaofeng's eyes were cold, and he jumped directly, and he came to Xu Wentao and stepped on Xu Wentao severely, making him unable to struggle to get up.


After being stepped on by Qin Shaofeng forcefully, Xu Wentao yelled in pain, and said angrily: "Qin Shaofeng, if you dare to treat me like this, I will definitely not let you go!"

"Won't let me go?" Qin Shaofeng sneered, "Xu Wentao, you are really a pig brain, don't you still know the current situation?"

With that said, Qin Shaofeng's feet used another force, causing Xu Wentao to scream.

"Ah!" The sharp pain in his chest finally made Xu Wentao recognize the status quo and couldn't help but plead.

"Qin Shaofeng, Uncle Qin Shaofeng, just let me go! I promise not to laugh again!"

"Spare you? I promise that there will be no next time?"

Qin Shaofeng's eyes were cold, and his murderous intention suddenly came to life: "You foolish pig, you have troubled me three times before, and I have let you go, but you don't know how to repent, and you don't know how to cherish it. I have troubled me again and again, and even attacked Xiaoya. Do you know that you are looking for death again!"

Xu Wentao just wanted to yell when Qin Shaofeng said this.

How could Qin Shaofeng wait for him to yell, then stepped on his stomach with a foot, and then clicked several acupuncture points on Xu Wentao's body with a little bit of his finger, so that he could not speak loudly, and could only hum in a very painful voice.

"Aren't you awesome before? Didn't you feel bad? You provoke me before, and I can bear it, but you shouldn't attack the people around me. No one can save you today." Qin Shaofeng looked at him blankly. Xu Wentao said.

At this moment, it seemed to feel that Qin Shaofeng had a murderous intent on himself, and Xu Wentao was so scared that he shivered and couldn't help but plead.

"How can you let me go like this? I'll give you money. I have a lot of money. Don't kill me, please!" Xu Wentao begged, his face full of horror.

"Money is not tempting to me. You shouldn't touch my Ni Lin, and be a good individual in your next life!" Qin Shaofeng said blankly.

After that, Qin Shaofeng's right foot shook, and a surge of spirit from the gods and demon pierced Xu Wentao's heart directly.


Xu Wentao, who originally wanted to plead for something, suddenly hummed, his eyes widened for an instant, and his breath disappeared.

Seeing Xu Wentao begging for mercy like him, Qin Shaofeng could not torture him any more, and also avoided the night long dreams, so he simply gave him a good time.

Did he die like this?

Staring eyes, this was the last thought Xu Wentao thought before he fell into darkness.

This made him very unwilling, and also very resentful and resentful.

Not reconciled that he died like this, hated Qin Shaofeng for killing him like this, and hoped that Qin Shaofeng would not die.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't care about this, and even faced with Xu Wentao's desperate stance, Qin Shaofeng didn't have the slightest disturbance in his heart.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng originally wanted to torture Xu Wentao, because Liu Ya almost died, making Qin Shaofeng very angry.

But the current situation did not allow Qin Shaofeng to delay any longer.

Because someone seemed to be aware of it, the movement here was rushing over.

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