Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1629: Awkward and warm breakfast

Half an hour later, another senior warrior also turned into a corpse.

After killing the first senior warrior before, Qin Shaofeng subdued the last senior warrior.

Then, Qin Shaofeng used some methods to learn a lot from the other party.

It turned out that these two senior warriors were not the warriors owned by Xu Dahai, but the old Zheng.

Speaking of this old Zheng, Qin Shaofeng also knows some of the other party's situation now.

The other party was not in China before, but in a chaotic place in Southeast Asia.

Ten years ago, Xu Dahai went out once to discuss business in Southeast Asia, and happened to save a person at sea.

This person is Mr. Zheng.

Mr. Zheng was chased and killed by enemies and eventually fell into the sea to escape.

However, if it hadn't been for Xu Dahai, Zheng would have died long ago.

And because of this incident, Xu Dahai knew that there were still special people like warriors in the world.

Old Zheng's identity is not simple, he is the head of a gangster force. But because he had offended more powerful forces, he could only leave Southeast Asia.

Since that time, Mr. Zheng has stayed with Xu Dahai.

Although Luo Nan was chased and killed by enemies, Zheng Lao still had big ambitions. Over the years, he seemed to be very grateful to Xu Dahai for his life-saving grace, and even volunteered to be Xu Dahai's servant.

But in fact, Zheng Lao only used Xu Dahai's wealth and Xu Dahai's ability in China to secretly develop his power in China.

In the past few years, Zheng Lao started to convene his men in Southeast Asia before, and Dadong is actually Zheng Lao's nephew.

And the two senior warriors who were killed by Qin Shaofeng were also Zheng Lao's men.

According to what the senior warrior had confessed, Qin Shaofeng knew a lot of things, and was shocked by Zheng Lao.

Because the other party has developed a good force in China, and even a local gang with thousands of people is actually a force cultivated by Zheng Lao secretly.

Zhendong Gang is the name of this gang.

Among the Zhendong Gang, in addition to Zheng Lao, the behind-the-scenes master, his big disciple is also the Zhendong Gang's gang leader. He is also a warrior with the realm of innate warriors, and is also a realm of triple innate warriors.

In addition, there are seven innate martial artists in the Zhendong Gang, while senior martial artists have dozens of them.

The number of intermediate warriors has reached hundreds, and for junior warriors, it is hundreds.

This number of warriors is already equivalent to a family of warriors that is not weak.

But because the Zhendong Gang was well hidden, and coupled with the fact that there were very few major incidents, outsiders did not notice that a gangster in a mere gang actually possessed so much martial power.

As for what is in this one, so that old Zheng has so many warriors.

For this, the senior warrior didn't know, but he himself told Qin Shaofeng that the warriors who helped them in Zhendong would distribute some pills every month.

The warriors of the Zhendong Gang grew up relying on those pills.

Because that high-level warrior had no pill, he had already taken it all, so Qin Shaofeng didn't know what kind of pill it was.

But Qin Shaofeng had noticed that the pill issued by Zhendong Gang was definitely not a good thing.

Because Qin Shaofeng had already noticed that there was something wrong with the aura in that senior warrior, although he had the realm of a senior warrior, and his strength was in line with the realm of a senior warrior.

But Qin Shaofeng was aware that there seemed to be a special toxin in the opponent's body.

And it was this toxin that swallowed the vitality of this senior warrior, and finally reached the realm that allowed him to be elevated to a senior warrior.

Obviously, the pill that those warriors of the Zhendong Gang took must be the pill that stimulated vitality in exchange for the level of cultivation.

Seriously speaking, such a pill can be regarded as a poison pill.

But for Qin Shaofeng, these things are not his business at all.

Qin Shaofeng had already learned from the senior warrior that whether it was his companion or Xu Dahai, he did not know that the person who killed Xu Wentao was Qin Shaofeng.

Moreover, Xu Dahai and the others didn't seem to value his Qin Shaofeng's knowledge.

Even the senior warrior said that as long as Qin Shaofeng let him go, he would tell Xu Dahai when he went back that the murderer was an enemy of his Xu Dahai.

Anyway, Xu Dahai has used the power of Zheng Lao to use many very disgraceful methods in these years, so he has many enemies.

Therefore, there is no problem at all.

But for Qin Shaofeng, this is even more of no problem.

Because as long as that senior warrior is also killed, then no one can know what happened today.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng started.

Then, after processing the corpses of the two senior warriors, Qin Shaofeng went back.


As Qin Shaofeng guessed, Xu Dahai really didn't know who the killer of his son was, especially given the potential that the two high-level warriors hadn't returned for a long time, Xu Dahai had another guess in his mind.

Is there an enemy seeking revenge?

At the thought of this, Xu Dahai became scared in his heart.

Then, he called Elder Zheng the first time and told Elder Zheng about the murder of his son and the two high-ranking warriors who chased them out, but still did not come back.

Then Old Zheng frowned at this, and then subconsciously thought that this was Xu Dahai's enemy who came to him.

Then, Zheng Lao sent out a few men again to protect Xu Dahai, and this time he sent out the men, but there is also an innate warrior.

Although only a congenital martial artist of the first level, the congenital martial artist is the congenital martial artist, and the strength is much stronger than the acquired martial artist.


After handling everything, Qin Shaofeng returned to the villa.

When he came back, Qin Shaofeng went to the room for the first time to see Liu Ya's situation.

As a result, Liu Ya was seen lying on the bed, and the other person's sleeping position was also very... seductive.

Because of the clothes on Liu Ya before, almost all of them were taken off when Qin Shaofeng treated her.

At this time, Liu Ya, who was looming in the spring, made Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but swallow, but in the end Qin Shaofeng closed the door gently and quickly retreated.

Qin Shaofeng shook his head and smiled bitterly, then took a shower, and then went to rest.

Today, it was really choking for Qin Shaofeng. When he was treating Liu Ya, he spent a lot of energy, and in the end he consumed one third of his own blood.

Although these were finally recovered by the Tai Sui, Qin Shaofeng still felt a little tired, especially since he also killed two senior martial artists.

Although the two senior martial artists were nothing to Qin Shaofeng, they still took some effort.

The combination of these things caused Qin Shaofeng to be a little tired.

However, even if you are tired, you will be able to fully recover from a rest.

Early the next morning, Qin Shaofeng was awakened by a pee, and then he hurried to the toilet.

But when he opened the toilet door, Qin Shaofeng was immediately confused, and then he immediately exited the toilet.

But when he closed the toilet door again, he heard screams coming from the toilet.

Well, female voice!

Liu Ya's voice!

Qin Shaofeng forgot that Liu Ya was also in his own home, and it just so happened that she was also in the toilet.

This is so embarrassing.

At this moment, Liu Ya blushed like an apple, squatting on the toilet, shy and furious in her heart.

Damn, this Qin Shaofeng actually...

How could he be like this?

No, he didn't mean it. He also wants to go to the toilet, and I blame myself for this. Who told me to go to the toilet without locking the door?

Liu Ya's mood at the moment was unusually tangled, one would blame Qin Shaofeng, and another would blame herself, which was very contradictory.

She even thought that the moment Qin Shaofeng came in, she just got up and was about to put on her pants, but at this moment, Qin Shaofeng came in!


Did he see me there?

Am I being watched by him?

Just when Liu Ya felt complicated, she heard Qin Shaofeng's voice outside the door, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I didn't know you were inside, I didn't see anything."

Liu Ya was silent for a while, because she really didn't know what to say now.

"Can you hurry up? I can't hold it anymore."

After being silent for a while, Liu Ya heard Qin Shaofeng's voice again.

Qin Shaofeng really couldn't help it. At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was very depressed, if he had already cultivated to a high level at this moment.

It doesn't need to be like this at all. Once there are impurities and filthy garbage in the body, it can be refined directly!

In this case, it would not be as embarrassing as it is now.


The door opened, Liu Ya glanced at Qin Shaofeng and whispered, "Go!"

After speaking, Liu Ya left as if fleeing.

Qin Shaofeng didn't care about anything and flushed directly into the toilet.


After Qin Shaofeng resolved it, he washed and came out.

As soon as it came out, Qin Shaofeng felt something was wrong.

Then, as soon as Qin Shaofeng came to the kitchen, he saw that there was already a rich breakfast in the kitchen.

"Well, I saw something in the refrigerator, so I made some breakfast!"

Liu Ya said, her face still blushing, obviously she hadn't completely put aside the shameful things just now.

Qin Shaofeng saw this, and then did not mention the previous matter, but exclaimed.

"Wow, what a great breakfast!"

Although Qin Shaofeng's tone was a bit exaggerated, the breakfast was really rich.

A bowl of lean meat porridge, a sandwich, two hard-boiled eggs, a piece of toast and a glass of fresh juice.

And Qin Shaofeng could tell that these were all made now, not bought.

This immediately moved Qin Shaofeng's heart, and his exaggerated tone was not very exaggerated to speak seriously.

Faced with Qin Shaofeng's reaction, Liu Ya was very happy, but she still said something.

"Just what you would say, eat it!"

Then the two began to eat breakfast, and they were talking while eating.

Qin Shaofeng seemed to intentionally make Liu Ya forget what happened yesterday and the embarrassment this morning, and kept telling Liu Ya a joke.

This makes the breakfast this time very warm and satisfying.

Not only psychologically, Qin Shaofeng's appetite was also satisfied.

After he finished eating, his stomach was full anyway.

And Qin Shaofeng is very satisfied with Liu Ya's craftsmanship, because the breakfast she cooked is really delicious!

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