Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1630: Goodbye bald kay

After breakfast, Liu Ya did not say to leave, nor did he even have any intentions in this regard.

In fact, Liu Ya wanted to leave, and Qin Shaofeng would try to get him to stay.

This does not mean what Qin Shaofeng wants to do, but he feels that Liu Ya is not suitable to leave him now.

Because for Liu Ya, who started to practice initially, and still practiced such techniques as "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", Liu Ya still has too much to figure out.

Although "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" can run on its own in her body, there are still many things that Liu Ya has not figured out.

If she were to go back and start cultivating alone, it would be somewhat troublesome.

Liu Ya didn't want to leave either. Maybe it was because of her cultivation. She felt that she didn't know about cultivation until last night. There were a lot of things about cultivation, but she didn't know much about it, so she needed to ask Qin Shaofeng.

But what's more, since yesterday, Liu Ya has no longer wanted to leave Qin Shaofeng.

No reason, just don't want to!

Therefore, after the breakfast, Qin Shaofeng began to explain to Liu Ya some things about the practice of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons".

Of course, Qin Shaofeng also talked a little about the earth warrior.

Until about ten o'clock, Liu Ya suddenly went out to buy vegetables in advance.

Since I'm not leaving, eating at noon becomes a problem, because Qin Shaofeng's kitchen doesn't have much.

Qin Shaofeng did not object to this, and went out directly with Liu Ya.

Fortunately, there is a vegetable market not far away.

Qin Shaofeng and Liu Ya held hands and walked towards the vegetable market.

At this moment, Liu Ya's face was full of happiness, but she couldn't imagine that she would develop with Qin Shaofeng so fast.

I couldn’t help thinking of what Wang Tingting said, ‘as long as you take the initiative and show courage, you will have a story. ’

Liu Ya felt a lot of these words, and at this time she admired the courage in her heart.

Although she experienced many things yesterday, in the end she was still with Qin Shaofeng.

After the two came to the vegetable market, Qin Shaofeng didn't know what he wanted to eat after looking at the various dishes.

"What kind of dishes do you cook? I am looking forward to your cooking now. I haven't eaten home-cooked dishes that other people have cooked for a long time. You have to take the opportunity." Qin Shaofeng asked with a smile.

"Then what do you like to eat? What if you don't eat it if you buy it back, and then blame me, saying that I don't know how to cook." Liu Ya smiled.

"Don't worry, I'm not picky eaters, I will eat as long as you make it." Qin Shaofeng said.

"Just what you can say!"

Liu Ya said with a smile, but her face was full of smiles.

Liu Ya walked in front of the vegetable stall to select various vegetables, while Qin Shaofeng was carrying vegetables in the back, feeling like a sweet young couple.

After buying the food, the two of them were about to leave when they saw a crowd of people crowded there not far away, and they kept pointing and talking.

The two people walked over because of curiosity, and saw a few punks facing a 70-year-old grandmother, shouting loudly and cursing.

After listening to Qin Shaofeng for a while, he knew what was going on.

It turned out that a few gangsters came to collect the booth fee, and the grandmother couldn't afford the booth fee.

In fact, this is all because these little gangsters feel that this old grandma is helpless and bully, so they come to her to collect booth fees every other day.

The people around all pointed and pointed, but no one went up to stop those punks.

Faced with this situation, Liu Ya frowned slightly, and she was about to say something when she was about to open her mouth.

At this time Qin Shaofeng couldn't stand it anymore, and before Liu Ya could speak, he quickly stepped forward and shouted loudly.

"My grass, where's the dog? Where's my dog! Obviously ran here just now, I don't know where it is, you can see if you see it."

After speaking, Qin Shaofeng deliberately looked at the people around him, with an inquiring look, which made Liu Ya a little confused for a while.


Did we bring the dog?

No, do we have a dog?

The people around were yelled at by Qin Shaofeng, and they all looked at Qin Shaofeng for the first time. Some people were still pointing out where there was a dog.

Liu Ya was still confused, because she knew that Qin Shaofeng did not raise a dog, so where did she get the dog now?

But the next moment, Liu Ya saw it. Qin Shaofeng's eyes were struggling with him, and his heart suddenly realized.

"Qin Shaofeng is afraid to help this old grandma."

With a move in her heart, Liu Ya quickly cooperated and said: "I just got into the crowd, it's a pug. It's really ugly and not very good-looking. No one has seen it yet?"

The people around were even more trapped at this time and didn't know what was going on.

Those little gangsters also looked dumbfounded, and didn't know what was wrong.

"You don't have your dog here, you hurry up and find other places, don't make trouble here." One of the gangsters said impatiently.


Qin Shaofeng ignored the bastard, but sighed.

"This **** little beast, I have raised him for so many years, and now he has no humanity at all. When he was raised before, he was still small and respected the old and loved the young. It was very cute and fuzzy. But now he is not obedient. , And biting people everywhere, I also broke my heart."

Qin Shaofeng said with a look of hatred for iron and steel, and even more regretful expression on his face.

"And now I don't know what's going on. Everyone has five people and six people. There are all kinds of miscellaneous hairs everywhere. There are all kinds of red, green, blue and purple. The more you live, the more dog-like!"

At this time, there were a few people who were quick to turn, already knowing what Qin Shaofeng said, and their laughter became quieter.

But those little gangsters are getting more and more in circles, and they don't know what Qin Shaofeng is talking about, but they are getting more and more impatient.

One of the gangsters said angrily: "Boy, I will go away. Don't cause trouble and trouble your upper body. You don't know how to die by then. If you know, go quickly and don't get in the way."

"I really lost the dog, mainly because I have raised it for so many years, and I still have a bit of affection for it. Although it is not human, it is still a beast, but I still raised it! It must be because I didn't teach it well. Will make it what it is now."

Qin Shaofeng said with a serious face, with self-blame on his face.

"Your dog is not here, hurry up, don't get in the way here." A little **** said impatiently.

Immediately Qin Shaofeng turned slowly and made a posture to walk, but he sighed slowly: "Oh, these days, some people are alive, even dogs are worse than dogs, and they are becoming more and more like dogs. !"

His voice is not loud, but everyone around can hear him clearly.

At this moment, more people knew what Qin Shaofeng meant.

Therefore, the surrounding area caused a lot of laughter.

These little gangsters are not stupid enough to be treated. They still have a little bit of brain. They didn’t understand at the beginning, but now they play Qin Shaofeng and the reaction of people around him. Everyone heard that Qin Shaofeng was scolding them.

One of the thugs had a grumpy temper and couldn't bear it immediately.

"You stop for Lao Tzu, who do you blame Sang Shuhuai? Don't want to leave here if you don't explain it to me today." A small **** pointed at Qin Shaofeng and roared with anger on his face.

"What's wrong, after bullying the old, now want to bully the younger? Don't let it go, the young and old are not letting go, sure enough, it's just like that of the beasts." Qin Shaofeng said with a smile on his face, looking at the little bastard.

"Who are you talking about a dog? I will kill you today." The little **** said as he hit Qin Shaofeng with a punch.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding crowd couldn't bear to exclaim for a while.

They all knew that Qin Shaofeng was out for that old grandmother, but now that these punks are offended, Qin Shaofeng is probably going to be unlucky.

Liu Ya was the only one who didn't worry about Qin Shaofeng at the scene.

Because Liu Ya now knows that Qin Shaofeng is not an ordinary person, but a warrior.

These little gangsters are definitely not Qin Shaofeng's opponents, and she doesn't need to worry at all.

This is natural, and Qin Shaofeng is very easy to deal with these punks, it is not a thing at all.

With a light flash, Qin Shaofeng dodged the bastard, then stretched out and shook slightly before knocking the **** down.

Several other gangsters saw their companions being knocked down, and when a few people saw it, their hearts suddenly became angry, and one after another shot.

However, for the current Qin Shaofeng, these little gangsters didn't need much effort at all to solve them in twos or twos. In a blink of an eye, these little gangsters all crawled down.

At this time, a little **** who hadn't taken a shot saw that something was wrong and immediately dialed a phone call.

After the call was connected, the other party hung up the conversation without saying a few words, but after hanging up the phone, the other party's face returned to confidence and arrogance again.

Then, the **** walked to Qin Shaofeng's side and yelled to Qin Shaofeng, "Boy, today you're a mess. Don't think you can be arrogant if you can fight. If you have a kind, just wait for me. Who is afraid today? Who is the grandson."

The gangster's tone was full of confidence, and his expression was very confident.

"Didn't you just call someone? Call here, and I will shoot together, so that you don't have a long memory!" Qin Shaofeng said indifferently.

Several punks suddenly became angry, but at this time they were not good to say anything.

Because they could see Qin Shaofeng's skill, but he was a scumbag.

If it irritated the other party at this time, a few people on his side might not be able to beat him.

When Qin Shaofeng started, Liu Ya helped the old woman up.

At this time, the old woman seemed to know that Qin Shaofeng was doing it for herself, but in the face of such a situation, she quickly pulled Qin Shaofeng aside and said: "Young man, thank you, but these are rascals. You are afraid you can't fight them. You go quickly."

"The grandmother is fine, I don't take them seriously." Qin Shaofeng said to the grandmother with a smile.

"No! These people are organized, he called someone, and more people will definitely come!" the old woman said urgently.

"Grandma, don't worry, it's okay!"

At this time, Liu Ya also said that she had full confidence in Qin Shaofeng.

But the people around him were pointing at them, shaking their heads and sighing constantly, thinking that Qin Shaofeng was unwise.

Although Qin Shaofeng was able to deal with these gangsters, but when more people came, it would be different.

Not long after, Qin Shaofeng saw an Audi car and drove over with two vans.

Then, for a while, a dozen or so people got out of the two vans, all of them big hands.

But when he saw the person getting on and off the Audi, Qin Shaofeng laughed.

This person is not someone else, but the big bald man who was beaten by Qin Shaofeng in KTV that day.

Well, that's the bald Kay!

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