Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1631: Daily life with Liu Ya

Oh, what a coincidence!

Qin Shaofeng was happy when he saw Bald Kai.

This bald-headed Kai really has fate with him!

As soon as Kay Bald got out of the car, the bully who called ran up to Kay Bald and began to cry.

"Kaye, you are here, but my brothers have been beaten. If you don't come again, the other party will tear down some of our brothers!" The little **** cried.

The bald Kay suddenly became angry, and there were people in their black tiger gang's territory, beating their gangsters, this was simply eating the guts of the bear.

"What's the matter, I don't know which thing that doesn't have eyes on this, is this land covered by Kaye? I dare to come here to make trouble."

"It's him, Kaye is the kid!"

The little **** pointed at Qin Shaofeng and said with an angry expression: "Kaye is that kid, he must be killed today, let him be a hero who is nosy."

The bald-headed Kai looked in the direction pointed by his little brother, but after looking at it, he immediately changed his face after he discovered that this person was actually Qin Shaofeng.

My grass, why is this little ancestor?

The bald-headed Kai was taken aback, and then even with a backhand wave, he directly slapped the little **** next to him.

That little **** was slapped by Kay Bald’s face, but he was stunned. He looked at Kay Bald with a dumb face and said: "Kay, why are you hitting me? You hit the wrong person, that kid, you should hit that guy. Kid?"

"I'm grass, I'm the one who beat you." The bald-headed Kai yelled angrily, and another slapped fan slapped him, and his heart was extremely depressed.

He was originally invited to a dinner by his own little brother today, that is, at this moment, he slapped the boss of that little bastard.

In other words, this gangster is just the younger brother of the bald brother Kai.

Originally at the dinner, the bald-headed Kai was very happy and drank a few more glasses. Then his little brother received a call from the gangster, saying that someone was making trouble on their site.

The bald-headed Kai should have been drinking too much, and then a rush of alcohol rushed up, intending to check with his little brother, who is so bold and daring to make trouble on their black tiger gang.

But as a result, when Bald Kai saw Qin Shaofeng, he was immediately dumbfounded.

At this moment, Kai Bald was extremely regretful, and Nima drank again.

If he didn't drink high, he wouldn't be able to say those nonsense when he saw this master when he got off the car!

But the matter is now, he can only hope that the other party will not get angry.

So after Bald Kai slapped his slap, he immediately turned his head and said to Qin Shaofeng with a flat face: "Ha, this is not Qin Shao! I didn't expect to see you in this place. What a coincidence!"

"Yes, it's a coincidence!" Qin Shaofeng nodded with a smile, and looked at Bald Kai with a playful look.

Facing Qin Shaofeng's expression, Bald Kai gritted his teeth and said: "Qin Shao, this time it was my Bald Kai's fault. I dashed against you. Give me a word. As long as you vent your anger, I will never complain."

Bald Kay's words made the people behind him quiet.

Originally, the bald-headed Kai suddenly made a move and slapped his own person, and the members of the Black Tiger Gang were stunned.

Afterwards, Bald Kai said Qin Shao, which made the black tiger gang feel that Qin Shaofeng's identity is not simple.

But when he saw the bald-headed Kai look so low, those people in the black tiger gang felt that something was wrong.

Bald Kay?

That's just the name of their gang leader. In the entire black tiger gang, the people in the black tiger gang call bald Kai as Kai Ye.

In the Black Tiger Gang, Bald Kai's status is extremely high, second only to their leader and deputy leader.

This is all because the bald-headed Kai once saved the life of the black tiger gang leader, and was the first member to start fighting with the black tiger gang leader.

Therefore, Kay Bald has a very high status in today's Black Tiger Gang.

But with his identity, there is actually one more young man in his early twenties, so low-pitched.

This immediately made the people of the Black Tiger Gang understand that the person in front of them absolutely can't afford it!

And the **** who was slapped by the bald Kay was completely awake now.

Seeing his boss's boss looks like this to the other party, he suddenly understood in his heart that he had a big deal.

Provoked someone who should never be provoked!

Qin Shaofeng didn't really plan to do anything to Bald Kai. In fact, today he didn't even think about having trouble with anyone in the past.

"Don't worry, I don't have the habit of looking for trouble!"

Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, then looked at the little **** behind Bald Kai, and said, "It's just that these little brothers of your black tiger gang are too overbearing. You actually have to accept a vegetable stall for a 70- or 60-year-old grandmother. 'Protection fees', is it true that your black tiger gang is really poor?"


Protection fees?

Kay Bald's face instantly became gloomy!

"Xiao Feng, what's the matter?" The bald-headed Kai turned to look directly at his little brother.

Suddenly, the little brother of the bald-headed Kai, who is the boss of the gangster, was shocked, knowing that something was wrong.

"Kaye, I...I..." Xiao Feng's vague words were also incomplete.

Needless to say, because Bald Kay already knows what's going on.

Ignoring the hesitant Xiao Feng, the bald-headed Kai turned around and said to Qin Shaofeng: "Qin Shao, although my black tiger gang is a gangster, we still have some measures. We don't charge any protection fees at this place. In the situation like this today, it's all because of my shaved head and lax discipline. I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer to this matter!"

"Not to me, but to the people here!"

Qin Shaofeng shook his head, pointing to the old grandmother and the people in the other stalls behind him.


Bald Kay nodded, then turned his head, his face was gloomy.

"Bring me Xiao Feng and all his people back!"

That's it!

That Xiaofeng and his little brothers knew that they were finished when they saw Bald Kai's face.

The Black Tiger Gang is indeed a gang, and they also charge protection fees.

But the problem is that they charge protection fees, and only those bathing centers and hotels are considered high-end places.

As for the vegetable market, how can they charge protection fees for the stalls of some vegetable farmers?

Although this bald-headed Kai is not a good person, he is very moral. It's a pity to say that a person who is mixed with society actually talks about morality.

But in fact, in this regard, the Black Tiger Gang has done an excellent job.

In fact, when Qin Shaofeng first learned of the existence of the black tiger gang from Hu Xiaochuan, he knew these things from Hu Xiaochuan's mouth.

If this is not the case, he would probably take care of today's affairs, instead of letting Bald Kai handle it by himself.

Kay Bald came and went quickly, but after Kay Bald left, the people around him, the vegetable farmer, became excited.

Because from the present, it seems that they don't need to pay anymore.

This is a great benefit to them.

Not only will your income increase, but you don't have to worry about what you are afraid of.

For a while, the vegetable farmers around were grateful to Qin Shaofeng, and the aunts and grandpas on the left, one on the left, all began to hand over vegetables to Qin Shaofeng and Liu Ya.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Shaofeng and Liu Ya had no free hands.

Especially that old grandmother thanked Qin Shaofeng again and again, which made Qin Shaofeng a little unbearable.

It was not until a long time before Qin Shaofeng and Liu Ya left the vegetable market. When they returned to the villa, it was almost time for lunch.

Because there were so many things to mention, and with some strength, the two of them were a little hungry at this time.

Then Liu Ya took out the dishes he had just bought and prepared to cook in the kitchen, and Qin Shaofeng was too embarrassed to be idle, so he followed Liu Ya to fight.

But he was quickly driven out by Liu Ya, saying that the kitchen is not a place for big men.

Qin Shaofeng smiled helplessly, and could only quit, but he enjoyed it very much.

Because watching Liu Ya who is busy in China in the kitchen, Qin Shaofeng feels that Liu Ya is a hardworking little wife.

Liu Ya's cooking skills are very good, coupled with the complete kitchen equipment, only half an hour, Liu Ya made four dishes and one soup.

One braised eggplant, one braised pork, one sweet and sour fish, one tomato scrambled egg, and one seaweed soup.

Although it was just a very ordinary home cooking, Qin Shaofeng saw these dishes, and his appetite suddenly increased. He immediately picked up his chopsticks and tasted a piece of braised pork.

After watching Qin Shaofeng eat a piece, Liu Ya watched nervously, and then heard Qin Shaofeng's very exaggerated voice.

"Wow, I'm still eating it. It's so delicious. This is the best braised pork I have ever eaten since I was a kid."

"Poor mouth, is that exaggeration?"

Seeing Qin Shaofeng's exaggeration, Liu Yajiao groaned, but she was seriously happy.

The two were chatting happily, and quickly eliminated the four dishes and one soup.

After eating, Qin Shaofeng patted his belly and said, "Wow, I'm going to support it! This time I'm going to support it, and it's over, I will definitely become fat after eating like this every day!"

"Just to raise you white and fat, no one will **** you from me in the future. People feed pigs in the same way. If you raise pigs white and fat, you can kill them." Liu Ya said suddenly. Said, his face was full of smiles.

But Qin Shaofeng smiled maliciously at Liu Ya, and said with a smile: "Ha, this is what you said, I have to cook for me every day from now on!"

Liu Ya found out that she had been fooled, her face flushed a little and said, "You are just a poor mouth, you can't stop your mouth after eating so much!"

"Then you will cook special meals for me in the future, and block my mouth!" Qin Shaofeng said with a smile.

"It's not impossible to want me to cook for you every day." Liu Ya smiled slightly, "However, it depends on your performance. If you perform well, I can still consider it. If you perform poorly, I will be delusional. Up."

"Okay, then I must behave well!" Qin Shaofeng nodded, making me very honest.

But Liu Ya's next sentence made him look down.

"This is what you said!"

The corner of Liu Ya's mouth tilted slightly, pointing to the table and feeling the dishes and chopsticks, and said: "Now I will give you a chance to show, take the dishes and wash them quickly."

Qin Shaofeng also smiled helplessly at this time, and had to walk into the kitchen dingy with the dishes.

But in the end, Liu Ya washed the bowl and chopsticks.

She was just talking about it, and would not let Qin Shaofeng really do the dishes.

In the next few days, Qin Shaofeng and Liu Ya stayed in the villa and lived a life like a newlywed couple.

The only thing that made Qin Shaofeng a little regretful was that Liu Ya was too shy, and always insisted on the last step of Qin Shaofeng's idea of ​​‘getting an inch.’

This makes Qin Shaofeng, who has been unable to eat meat, feel itchy!

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