Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 163: Feng Shui turns

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully killing a special medicine beast white-headed gibbon and gaining 10 experience points! After the triple experience bonus card is added, a total of 30 experience points are gained!"

"System prompt: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for successfully killing a special medicine beast white-headed gibbon and gaining 10 experience points! After the triple experience bonus card is added, a total of 30 experience points are gained!"

"system hint……"


After Qin Shaofeng exhausted all his inner aura and burst out five Xiao Li flying knives, he finally got what he wanted.


Qin Shaofeng had already reached 49,860 experience points before, and was only 140 points away from the 50,000-point upgrade. If it hadn't been for Lu Yun's sudden appearance, Qin Shaofeng would have been upgraded to the sixth level of innate.

But it was precisely because of Lu Yun's appearance, and then in the process of hunting down Qin Shaofeng, Lu Yun even more unscrupulously burst out of the aura of his innate eightfold late stage.

My sister, this is only the first and second congenital levels, and at most it is the area where the congenital quadruple medicine beasts live. Suddenly, there is an aura from the late phase of the congenital eight levels. There is no medicine beast waiting for Qin Shaofeng to kill.

Under Lu Yun's breath, the medicine beast within a radius of a radius almost ran away.

This is also the reason why Qin Shaofeng is so depressed that he has not found the medicine beast to upgrade his kills for a long time on the way to escape.

But I don't want to, this **** still cares for himself.

After hearing the five system prompts, Qin Shaofeng immediately received the long-lost fairy tone of upgrade.

"System prompt: Congratulations to the player Qin Shaofeng for meeting the upgrade requirements, and the level is increased by one level. The current level is the sixth innate!"


As soon as the system prompt was over, Qin Shaofeng flashed an upgrade white light, which was the same as before. Only Qin Shaofeng himself could see this upgrade white light.

Under the white light of this upgrade, Qin Shaofeng felt that he had exhausted his internal energy before, and he immediately recovered to Consummation, and it was much more than before.

What surprised Qin Shaofeng most was that under the upgraded white light, the severe injuries he suffered had actually completely recovered.

Feeling his injury recovered, Qin Shaofeng was overjoyed, and then subconsciously summoned his attribute interface, and took a hasty look.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Congenital Six

Experience value: 10/60000

Occupation: Devil

Internal energy value: 281600/281600 (Innate Fifth Layer has 32000 points, Yi Jin Jing bonus is eight times, equipment bonus is 10%)



280,000 internal energy!

Just seeing the column of inner aura, Qin Shaofeng's heart was ecstatic, and then without any hesitation, Qin Shaofeng directly turned and stopped, facing Lu Yun who had already approached him quickly.

At this time, Lu Yun, who once again made Qin Shaofeng a short distance away from him, finally caught up with him because of his palm pat flying.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng stopped suddenly, Lu Yun was taken aback for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, Qin Shaofeng, you finally can't hold it, right?"

Lu Yun was laughing, a vicious flash suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he waved his hand for a while, and then shot out another burst of cloud palm.

He was afraid that Qin Shaofeng would stop suddenly because of some conspiracy, so he took the initiative to attack.

No matter what you do, I will beat you to a serious injury first.

But Lu Yun couldn't see it. At the moment he waved, a white light flashed across Qin Shaofeng's body.

Full blow!

The First Spirit Light Set Skill is activated!

In the white light, Qin Shaofeng smiled.

Even if Lu Yun had already slapped Bengyun out of his palm, Qin Shaofeng smiled indifferently.

While smiling, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with light, and he suddenly yelled in his heart: Xiao Li Feida!


With a slight shock in his right hand, a small Li Fei knife condensed and formed in an instant, and then flew towards Lu Yun's palm with a silver light.

Sure enough, there is a conspiracy!

Lu Yun sneered in his heart when he saw Qin Shaofeng's hand flashing the silver sword light again, and even a hint of pride.

Hmph, I knew that the chopsticks suddenly stopped, nothing good, and now it seems that the final blow is still prepared.

However, in front of my Bengyun palm, basically...

"how come……"

Lu Yun, who was complacent in his heart, suddenly changed his face and exclaimed in disbelief.

Because at this moment, Lu Yun saw his collapsing cloud palm, and was suddenly broken down by the silver blade light.

The most important thing is that the silver sword light still flew towards him unabated.

not good!

Although he was shocked in his heart, Lu Yun responded in a timely manner, running the inner Qi in his body and blessing the inner Qi Buckler on his chest.

At this time, Lu Yun felt extremely lucky: Fortunately, I didn't disperse the inner qi buckler, otherwise...

But the next moment, Lu Yun paled again.

Because at this time he realized that there was not much qi in his body.

Also, the palm of Bengyun that smashed Qin Shaofeng into serious injuries before directly consumed nearly 30% of the internal Qi in the body, and the palm just now consumed 10% of the internal Qi in the body.

During this period of time, because of the maintenance of the internal Qi Buckler, plus the reluctance to bear the two-star and three-star Qi Qi Pill, Lu Yun's internal Qi has been maintained at 50 to 60%.

Now that he felt the threat posed by the silver blade light, and prepared to bless the defensive power of the inner qi buckler, Lu Yun realized that his inner qi was not enough, but only less than 20% of the heyday.

But now even if he was willing to subdue his few earth-level three-star Qi Qi Pills, it was too late.

In desperation, Lu Yun had no choice but to inject the last 10% of the inner Qi in his body into the inner Qi Buckler on his chest, and he was still looking forward to it.

This last blow of Qin Shaofeng should have been a dying struggle, and it also broke my palm and collapsed cloud palm. The power must be insufficient, and my inner Qi Buckler definitely resisted.

But soon Lu Yun knew that he was thinking too well!


Finally, the silver blade light bombarded Lu Yun on the inner Qi buckler on Lu Yun's chest.

But what made Lu Yun's face changed a lot in an instant was that the inner gas buckler clicked and cracked.

Moreover, as soon as the crack appeared, it was like a flood bursting a bank, and the internal gas buckler on Lu Yun's chest broke instantly.

No, to be precise, it was an explosion after being hit by Xiao Li's flying knife.

With a bang, Lu Yun's whole figure seemed to be smashed by the mountain. He gave a slight body and flew backwards in an instant, and the blood in his mouth spurted out desperately.

Not only that, during the explosion, Lu Yun's whole body was traumatized under the violent explosive force, and there were countless wounds all over his body. Lu Yun who flew out of the way was already a blood man.

But after all, Lu Yun was a martial artist in the eighth level of innate realm, and his life was very hard.

After suffering such a trauma, Lu Yun actually took out several pills from his storage bag during the inverted flight, stuffed it into his mouth and swallowed it, and then, with the inverted flight, he was actually ready to escape. .

I don't know if it was the pill that Lu Yun took, which was extremely precious, or it was an explosion of life potential.

After such a serious injury, with almost no internal energy in his body, Lu Yun actually did not directly hit the ground after flying upside down. Instead, he turned around hard and barely fell to the ground.

After falling to the ground, Lu Yun jumped a few times and ran away frantically.

From beginning to end, Qin Shaofeng stood still and didn't move at all.

Qin Shaofeng still didn't move about Lu Yun's escape.

It wasn't until Lu Yun's figure was about to disappear, that Qin Shaofeng hurriedly took out a ground-level three-star Qi Qi Pill from his storage ring and stuffed it into his mouth.

No, Qin Shaofeng didn't want to take this opportunity to kill Lu Yun in one fell swoop.

And he is powerless now!

With the previous stab Xiao Li Fei Dao, Qin Shaofeng consumed all the energy in his body under a full blow, and his strongest blow.

It was also the strongest blow Xiao Li Feidao consumed by all the internal energy, which almost killed Lu Yun.

After swallowing the earth-level three-star Qi-buying pills, he felt that his body had begun to recover. Qin Shaofeng didn't hesitate, and he immediately chased after him.

Now Qin Shaofeng just consumed too much internal energy, his own injury has been recovered after the upgrade, and with the earth-level three-star Qi Qi Pill, he can recover 80% of his internal energy within ten breaths.

But the other party, Lu Yun, was seriously injured. If Qin Shaofeng didn't seize this opportunity, I'm afraid he would not be far to forgive himself.

Humph, Feng Shui turns around!

Didn't you Lu Yun chase me desperately before?

Now it's my turn!

With a sneer, Qin Shaofeng stepped on Taxue Wuhen's pace, and his figure quickly caught up.


Feng Shui turns around!

This sentence really suits Lu Yun at the moment, and Lu Yun can finally realize how Qin Shaofeng, who was chased by him before, feels like.

No, compared to Qin Shaofeng, Lu Yun at this moment is probably even more unbearable!

escape! escape! escape!

Run away!

At this moment, Lu Yun had only such a thought in his mind.

Feeling the severe pain coming from his whole body, Lu Yun still does not understand why this is such a result.

how can that be?

Then Qin Shaofeng was just a martial artist with an innate five-level realm, how could he burst out such a powerful attack?

Lu Yun couldn't figure it out, and he couldn't figure it out at all, and even thought that he was dreaming.

But the severely injured body at the moment told Lu Yun that all this is true.

Lu Yun was a congenital eight-fold martial artist, and he was still in the late stage of the eight-fold congenital state, and he really almost died in the hands of a five-fold congenital martial artist.

It's really almost!

Recalling that silver blade light, Lu Yun felt a chill in his heart.

too frightening!

What kind of martial arts is that?

If it weren't for breaking the palm of one's palm, the power would have been consumed...

If it's not that you feel bad, inject all the last inner Qi into the inner Qi Buckler...

Also, if it wasn't for the last moment, I subconsciously moved slightly, and let the explosive force directly affect my heart, then...

I'm afraid I can't escape completely!

Thinking of such consequences, Lu Yun couldn't help but feel cold, and he was terrified.

However, what really frightened Lu Yun was that if the silver blade light blasted directly on his body.

Lu Yun couldn't imagine such a result at all.

Definitely dead!

The more I think about it, the more scared Lu Yun feels, and he feels that the pill he has taken has begun to work. The exhausted dantian has recovered a bit of internal energy. Lu Yun did not hesitate to stimulate it and use it to escape. The speed is even faster.

But the next moment, Lu Yun's face changed suddenly, and he looked back in panic.

At this glance, Lu Yun's face paled.

Catch up!

Then Qin Shaofeng actually caught up?

how is this possible?

Then Qin Shaofeng was seriously injured by me before?

But as he is now, why doesn't he seem to be hurt at all?

Did he always pretend?

Although there are many doubts in his mind, Lu Yun is no longer going to know which ones.

He just wanted to escape Qin Shaofeng's pursuit, otherwise his fate would definitely be dead.

At this moment, Lu Yun finally believed what Qin Shaofeng said to himself before.

Do I need someone else's help to deal with a Lu Qi in the area?


This kind of strength, just to deal with Lu Qi's kid, is exactly the same as playing!

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