Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 164: Almost

"Lu Yun, I advise you to get acquainted and don't run away, because you can't escape at all. As long as you are honest, I can keep you a whole body!"

Lu Yun, who was madly fleeing, suddenly heard Qin Shaofeng's voice behind him.

But these words made him almost spit out a mouthful of old blood when he heard it, which made him hurt and hurt.

The present world report!

This sentence, Lu Yun, he spoke to Qin Shaofeng not long ago.

But how long is this?

The positions of the two parties were changed.

Lu Yun's expression was hard to see the extreme, but after seeing Qin Shaofeng getting closer and closer to him, Lu Yun suddenly shouted in order to survive: "Qin Shaofeng, spare my life, the grievances between you and me will be wiped out!"

Although he had already asked for mercy, the speed of Lu Yun's escape still did not slow down.

"Written off?" Qin Shaofeng sneered and said, "Your brother Lu Qi died in my hands, so he can be wiped off?"

"Yes, absolutely?" It seemed that Qin Shaofeng had something to say, Lu Yun quickly replied, "That kid Lu Qi has long been unpleasant, and you don't think he is his own brother, but his heart has long been Peeping into my position as the Young Patriarch of the Lu Family, I feel unruly towards me. He is dead now. I am a little grateful to you."

Thank me?

Qin Shaofeng sneered again and again, because Qin Shaofeng was very clear in his heart, don't look at what Lu Yun said so nicely, but once he survived today, then Qin Shaofeng will continue to desperate for the world tomorrow. Even uncertain, at this moment, Lu Yun was already thinking about how to avenge himself.

What Qin Shaofeng thought was right, and that was what Lu Yun really thought at the moment.

Huh, write off?

how is this possible?

It was the first time that Lu Yun was so embarrassed. As the culprit, how could I write off you Qin Shaofeng like this?

However, now I'll talk to you first, and after I go out, I will summon my Lu Family Spirit Vein Realm master to smash your Qin Shaofeng body into pieces!

Although he thought so in his heart, Lu Yun's face did not show the slightest, and he even looked back at Qin Shaofeng from time to time, revealing a sincere look.

At this moment, seeing that Qin Shaofeng did not respond directly, he thought that Qin Shaofeng was thinking about his own words. For a moment, he was happy and sneered in secret, but he said: "Qin Shaofeng, how do you think about it? If you agree, when I go back, I’ll tell my father that Lu Qi’s death has nothing to do with you, and I promise that in the future, my Lu family will never trouble you."

Having said that, Lu Yun finally breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that Qin Shaofeng would agree.

But just after he breathed a sigh of relief, there was a breaking sound behind him.

Lu Yun is no stranger to this air-breaking sound. After hearing this, a trace of panic appeared on his face.

After looking back, Lu Yun even screamed.

"Qin Shaofeng, how can you not count? You actually killed me!"

That's right, it was Qin Shaofeng's answer that responded to Lu Yun, a silver knife and Xiao Li's flying knife.

Now Lu Yun has already created an incomparable shadow over the silver light knife light. When he saw that it was a silver light knife light that shot at him, he didn't think much about it. Lu Yun would have passed the earth-level three-star Qi Qi Pill. Most of the recovered inner energy condensed, and a buckler of inner energy condensed behind him.

I have to say that Lu Yun's fear this time saved his life.

Qin Shaofeng's internal vigor had recovered to 80 percent at this moment, so this little Li flying knife burst out with one hundred thousand internal vigor in order to kill Lu Yun with a single knife.

I don't want to, because of the fear of Xiao Li Feidao's silver light, Lu Yun actually defended with all his strength.


The blade light blasted on the inner Qi buckler, bursting out a bright light.


After the light was on, Lu Yun's inner gas buckler was still there. It was not crushed by Xiao Li's flying knife like the last time, but it became much dim after receiving Xiao Li's flying knife.

This is entirely the result of Lu Yun's full defense under fear.

But even if Qin Shaofeng's unexpected blow was blocked, Lu Yun still shook blood violently because of the powerful counter shock.

If it were Lu Yun during the victory period, no matter how strong the counter shock was, he would be able to withstand it without any problems.

But he was seriously injured now, and this counter-shock force immediately killed him half-life.

Such a situation made Qin Shaofeng a little surprised. He thought that this blow would turn Lu Yun's life into his own experience.

However, Lu Yun's previous scream almost made Qin Shaofeng laugh.

"I'm not a big deal?" Qin Shaofeng sneered, "Lu Yun, you two pens, when did you hear that I agreed to your request, and don't think I am fooling, the grievances between your Lu family and me , It’s absolutely impossible to write off a one-off. Even if your Lu family wants to write off a one-off, it depends on Qin Shaofeng’s disagreement!"

"So, it is inappropriate to say more, today you Lu Yun will save your life!"

After finishing the last sentence, Qin Shaofeng decided not to give Lu Yun any chance again. It was another Earth-level three-star Qi Qi Pill. Qin Shaofeng instantly entered the airless state, and his speed suddenly increased.

Lu Yun is desperate!

The body was seriously injured again, and the internal Qi in the body was almost exhausted again.

Although he still has a prefecture-level three-star Qi Qi Pill on his body, Lu Yun knew that judging from the serious injury he suffered, he was afraid that he would be doomed today.

"Qin Shaofeng, count you as ruthless, but don't be proud. Even if you kill me today, my Lu family will avenge me. I will tell you clearly. My Lu family has the pinnacle master of the spirit state. You are a congenital martial artist, and you can't escape!" Seeing that there is no hope of escape, Lu Yun turned to Qin Shaofeng and sneered.

"I can't escape, don't worry about that, because you absolutely can't see it!" Qin Shaofeng sneered, shaking his right hand, and another Xiao Li flying knife flew out.

Seeing the lightning strike of Yinguang Daomang again, Lu Yun's vellus hair exploded suddenly.

Although Lu Yun felt that he had no hope of escape, he still refused to give up. Even after suffering another heavy injury before, while escaping quickly, he secretly subdued an earth-level three-star Qi Qi Pill again.

At this moment, seeing the silver sword light appear again, Lu Yun was startled, and quickly condensed the inner Qi inside his body, consolidating the inner Qi Buckler behind him.


With a sudden explosion, the silver blade light once again blasted onto Lu Yun's inner gas buckler. Lu Yun staggered and almost fell out of a state of swift fleeing as he fled quickly.

However, what makes him feel at ease is that this time the silver blade light seems not so powerful, his inner qi buckler completely resisted it, and even weakened the counter-shock force several times, without causing him any more injuries. Up.

This was natural, because Qin Shaofeng hadn't recovered his vitality at the moment, and Xiao Li's flying knife in this attack only consumed 10,000 points of vitality.

However, even so, Qin Shaofeng, who was keeping a traceless state in the air, was getting closer to Lu Yun.

After realizing this, Lu Yun felt even more desperate.

Could it be that my Lu Yun is really going to die today?

Lu Yun was not reconciled, very reconciled, desperately squeezing his potential, and frantically increasing his speed.

Although he knew that this might be useless, Lu Yun still refused to give up even a chance.

It seems that God is starting to take care of Lu Yun. In the frantic escape, Lu Yun suddenly felt a few human breaths not far away.

The aura of humanity doesn’t make Lu Yun particularly concerned, because here is the gathering of people from almost all the forces of the three countries, among them are the students from the two colleges that are hostile to Lianyang Academy. If this happens, absolutely It's not easy.

But this time, Lu Yun was extremely surprised. He felt from those breaths, an aura that made him extremely familiar.

Suddenly feeling this breath, a glimmer of disbelief flashed in Lu Yun's eyes.

But since birth, his father has allowed himself to remember this kind of breath, because there is only one person in Lianyang country who can possess this kind of breath.

That is the Lianyang family of the Lianyang Kings. This breath is exactly the "Lianyang Treasure Book" created by Emperor Lianyang in the past. After the practice, only the Lianyang Kings can practice the exercises.

As soon as he noticed the cultivation breath of "Lian Yang Baodian", Lu Yun was overjoyed, and he turned his escape direction and ran towards that breath in an instant.

And while running away, Lu Yun also shouted loudly.

"Which prince is in front? I am Lu Yun, the son of Lu Yuanjiang, the deputy commander of the Guards of Beiyang City in Lianyang Kingdom. Please also ask the prince to save my life. I am being chased by the wicked!"

With this call, Lu Yun didn't call out his Lu family, but the identity of his father in Beiyang City.

Because among the four major Yangchengs of Lianyang Kingdom, all the guards of the city guards are the people who came out of the Imperial City Guards of Lianyang Kingdom.

The Royal Guards were the first force of the royal family's Lian family. Lu Yun shouted that if a certain prince from Lianyang was in front, he would naturally help.

Although the owner of the breath of "Lian Yang Baodian" in front of him was not a prince, he sent someone to rescue him immediately after hearing Lu Yun's call for help.

not good!

Qin Shaofeng soon noticed Lu Yun's abnormality.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng realized that not far ahead, there were a few powerful auras still above Lu Yun. He had been busy chasing Lu Yun before, but Qin Shaofeng hadn't noticed it in advance.

And Lu Yun's yelling made Qin Shaofeng feel a bit bad.


It's terrible this time. Listen to what Lu Yun said, how his old man seems to be commanded by the Guards. If there is really a prince in front of him, then...

No need for that!

Because Qin Shaofeng had already felt that, in the aura, he was rushing forward quickly.

Damn, in that case...

A hint of hesitation flashed in his eyes, but in the end Qin Shaofeng's heart was cruel, and his right hand pointed at Lu Yun suddenly.

call out!

The 100,000 points of vitality instantly disappeared, and a silver light blade burst again, flying straight into Lu Yun's mind.

"Do not--!"

Feeling the sound that made him scared, and the familiar aura, Lu Yun's face was desperate.

Just in despair, Lu Yun suddenly saw a black shadow flashing forward, and he screamed: "My lord, help me!"

"Mouse is bold!"

The master of that dark shadow also seemed to see the crisis of Lu Yun at the moment. He roared fiercely, and then he was shocked. The speed increased several times in an instant, and the whole turned into a black lightning.


It was just a flash. It seemed that because of some kind of powerful fascination, the black figure finally caught up with Qin Shaofeng’s Xiao Li flying knife, breaking the inner gas buckler that Lu Yun condensed with all his strength, and about to explode Lu Yun’s head. Up.

Then, Qin Shaofeng saw that the black shadow master waved his hand gently, and unexpectedly grabbed his own Xiao Li Fei Dao, unable to get close to the back of Lu Hai's head.

In the end, the master of the black shadow even smashed the silver light of Xiao Li Fei Dao with a light force.

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