Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 165: The beloved little princess

Almost, almost!

Qin Shaofeng felt a pity when the silver light of his little Li Fei Dao was crushed by a man in black.

What a pity, if the other party was a little slower, then Lu Yun would be dead.

However, Qin Shaofeng was secretly surprised by the attributes of the man in black who appeared suddenly.

Ever since he was chased by Lu Yun, Qin Shaofeng had kept his eyes open, which made him unable to escape his perception with a radius of 100 meters.

As soon as the man in black appeared, Qin Shaofeng knew what kind of person he was.

Character: Lianfeng Seventeen

Level: Late Ten Congenital

Internal gas value: 432000/475000

Talented roots: medium fire roots

Techniques: "Lianyang Baodian" (simplified version), three forms of iron fist (simplified version).


Since the 4th level of the Golden Eye, Qin Shaofeng can see the specific level of other people's talents.

However, Qin Shaofeng didn’t know what this spiritual root level meant. He didn’t even give a specific introduction to the Library of the Yang Academy. He just said that only people with spiritual roots can cultivate to the spiritual vein realm. No more.

However, most of the people Qin Shaofeng saw in Lianyang Academy were low-level spiritual roots, with almost no medium-level spiritual roots. Perhaps there were master masters with spiritual veins after all, and Qin Shaofeng’s golden eyes still couldn't see through.

As for Zhao Yun'er, that is that the special spiritual root is not within the general spiritual root.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was naturally surprised to see a man in black clothes.

But what really surprised Qin Shaofeng was that the opponent's internal aura was clearly only in the late tenth stage, but the inner aura was close to the tenth peak.

Under normal circumstances, the standard for the ten innate peaks is to have an internal energy value of 500,000 points.

However, Qin Shaofeng quickly became relieved after seeing the other party's cultivation techniques and skills.

"Lian Yang Baodian"?

Iron Fist Three Forms?

This is the practice practiced by the Lianyang royal family!

But the man in black only cultivated the simplified version of "Lianyang Baodian" and the three iron fist styles. This involuntarily made Qin Shaofeng think of another power of the Lianyang royal family.

Dark army!

Even the guards of the members of the Yang Kingdom’s guardian royal family are very mysterious and powerful, among which the lowest members are innate martial artists, and even rumored that there are still strong masters in the realm of legendary masters in the royal dark army.

This is what Qin Shaofeng heard from Zhao Yun'er. The reason why Zhao Yun'er knows so clearly is because many of the members of the royal family's dark army are also geniuses selected from Lianyang Academy.

This is also what Qin Shaofeng didn't panic at the moment, because he knew that the black man in front of him would definitely not attack him.

Because I am now wearing the uniform of the Lianyang Academy!

Qin Shaofeng didn't panic, his face was calm, but Lu Yun not far in front of him was different!


Feeling the strong breath of death on the back of his head before, Lu Yun was truly desperate at that moment, and even closed his eyes in resignation.

After being rescued by the man in black at this moment, Lu Yun only had the feeling of the rest of his life, and he was completely relaxed.

After this relaxation, Lu Yun immediately felt the severe pain in his whole body, as well as the extremely weak body hurriedly, just like mud, limp on the ground.

But soon, Lu Yun suddenly remembered something, and struggling to sit up, ignoring his injuries, then stared at Qin Shaofeng bitterly, and roared with a ferocious husky, "Kill him, kill him for me!" "


Lu Yun's hoarse roar caused the black-clothed man to snorted coldly. He just looked at Lu Yun lightly and didn't make any movement.

But this cold snort fell in Lu Yun's ears like a thunder.

Lu Yun just remembered that the man in black next to him, but the dark army of the royal family, actually went to instigate the opponent. Isn't this too long?

For a while, Lu Yun was sweating cold all over, and immediately shut up.

At this moment, several figures flashed, and there were seven or eight people on the scene.

Lu Yun subconsciously raised his head and looked at the people, but at this sight, he immediately exclaimed, "Little princess?"

That's right, the breath that Lu Yun noticed was not the prince, but Lian Yufeng, the youngest princess in Lianyang.

The man in black who rescued Lu Yun was sent by the little princess Lian Yufeng when he heard Lu Yun calling for help.

The little princess thought it was the other two countries, or the two colleges of Heiwu and Yinyue, who were chasing Lu Yun.

But I don't want to, it was Qin Shaofeng who was chasing Lu Yun.

At this moment, seeing Lu Yun's miserable look, the little princess showed a trace of disdain and contempt.

But when she saw Qin Shaofeng, the little princess's beautiful eyes flashed with brilliance.

This Lu Yun was a martial artist in the late eighth stage realm, but he was chased by Qin Shaofeng so embarrassed.

This is also incredible. Didn't Lu Yun get the favor of Lu Mingxu?

It is reasonable to say that even if you encounter a general nine-tiered martial artist, you are still capable of the enemy.

But he was actually chased and killed by Qin Shaofeng, who was in the fifth realm.


As if she felt something, the little princess stared at Qin Shaofeng abruptly, and the splendor in her beautiful eyes grew more and more.

Congenital Six?

Qin Shaofeng actually advanced?

This speed is too fast, right?

Interesting, this Qin Shaofeng is really interesting!

With surprise in her heart, the little princess became more and more interesting to Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng was not surprised by the appearance of the little princess, because the name of the man in black had already told himself that there was no prince among the people, but the little princess Lian Yufeng.

Among the royal dark army, there are some very peculiar existences. This kind of existence is the dark army team dedicated to guarding important members of the royal family.

This kind of dark army team has been cultivated since childhood, and will only be loyal to the monarch of Lianyang Kingdom and the master they need to protect. Therefore, the names of dark army members like them are named after their protecting masters.

Lianfeng Seventeen!

It was a member of the dark army guarding the little princess Lian Yufeng, and the name of the dark army was ranked based on strength.

Lian Feng Shi was naturally ranked seventeenth among the dark army guarded by the little princess.

What Qin Shaofeng didn't expect was that the seventeenth place was already in the late stage of the tenth congenital stage. What about the sixteen people in front?

Thinking of this, Qin Shaofeng couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Worthy of being the royal family of Lianyang Kingdom!

However, it was the little princess Lian Yufeng who really surprised Qin Shaofeng.

Character: Lian Yufeng

Level: Ten Innate Peaks

Internal gas value: 800000/800000

Talented roots: advanced fire roots

Exercises: "Lianyang Baodian", three forms of iron fist


When the little princess Lian Yufeng's attribute information was fed back into her mind through fiery eyes, Qin Shaofeng's mouth twitched fiercely.

Ten congenital peaks?

If I remember correctly, this little princess from the Lianyang Kingdom seems to be a lot younger than herself, and it seems that she has just passed her sixteenth birthday, right?

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng had nothing to say about the 800,000 points of internal energy the opponent had.

Suddenly Qin Shaofeng discovered that once there was no god-level cultivation system, even if he was in the same realm, he would be thrown out of seventeen or eight streets by the little princess.

"Are you Qin Shaofeng?" The little princess looked at Qin Shaofeng with interest, and then before Qin Shaofeng could reply, she spoke out Qin Shaofeng's information again.

"Qin Shaofeng, the young master of the Qin family of Lanjiang City, sixteen years old, um, should be considered seventeen years old now. At the age of sixteen, the Lanjiang City City Master Competition, defeated his opponent and became the young master of Lianyang City. City Lord. After entering Lianyang Academy, and in the enrollment assessment, not only won the first place, but also inspired the innate golden pillar in the assessment..."

After a series of talks, the little princess has said everything that Qin Shaofeng has happened in the past year.

Of course, except for some outsiders that cannot be detected at all.

But even so, after Qin Shaofeng listened, his heart was sweating coldly.

Because after the things the little princess said, some of the things that she thought were very secret were finally revealed by the little princess.

Even the process of killing Lu Qi and destroying the Zhang Family and Wang Family in Lanjiang City, and even the little princess knows some of the details very well. It is like the little princess is watching Qin Shaofeng while doing this. same.

Although Qin Shaofeng remained silent, he was secretly vigilant in his heart.

It seems that I am still not cautious enough. Once something goes wrong, I will still be found out. I must pay more attention to this in the future.

"... But what makes me curious is how do you practice?"

At the end, the little princess became a little curious, and looked up and down Qin Shaofeng, and said in a puzzled way: "When I entered the alchemy mansion before, I noticed you, but at that time, you were born with the fifth layer. Realm, but now it's innate sixth level, this speed is really fast!"


Congenital Six?

Lu Yun, whose face was a little uncomfortable just because the little princess was speaking, was shocked when he heard the little princess say this, only to realize that Qin Shaofeng did not know when he was promoted to the sixth level of innate.

But after discovering this, Lu Yun's face became even more ugly.

This Qin Shaofeng has actually been promoted to the sixth congenital level. How long has it been since he was promoted from the acquired martial artist to the current congenital sixth level?

He just stayed in the Spirit Garden for a few days. If he were to be like himself in the Spirit Garden in the first half of the year, how much would he improve?

Lu Yun didn't dare to think about it anymore.

Such talent is definitely a strong enemy to my Lu family. If it doesn't work, I must not let him live.

But at this moment, Lu Yun was a little uncomfortable.

Because he faintly heard the little princess's appreciation for Qin Shaofeng from the little princess's tone.

If this Qin Shaofeng submits to the little princess, then...

Lu Yun was anxious, because he knew that once Qin Shaofeng returned to the little princess, his hatred would never be reported.

Moreover, once Qin Shaofeng, who has received the attention of the little princess, grows up quickly, even his Lu family master Lu family will not be able to save them.

It seems that the less you don't want to see something, the more it comes.

Just as Lu Yun hoped that when the little princess did not appreciate Qin Shaofeng's potential, he saw the little princess who had been silent by Qin Shaofeng, and finally said something after finishing speaking.

"Qin Shaofeng, I think you are pretty good, how about it? Become my subordinate!"

The little princess Lian Yufeng was moved at this moment, and she was moved by Qin Shaofeng's potential.

Originally, she was only planning to come out to play with the words of her future emperor Yan Churui. She didn't care what Yan Churui said about Qin Shaofeng.

But now it is different.

A few days ago, the spirit garden broke through the third level, and after coming out of the spirit garden for a short time, it broke through the second level again, reaching the innate five-level realm.

And the most incredible thing was that a few hours ago, Qin Shaofeng, who was still inborn five-fold, was actually six-fold innate after meeting again.

Can such a genius be unmoved?

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