Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1635: Black scorpion

A few minutes later, after the killer had explained everything, he begged Qin Shaofeng.

"I have said everything you want to ask. As for who the employer is, I really don't know, so please give me a happy one!"

"as you wish!"

This time, Qin Shaofeng didn't say much, and directly shot out a spirit of the **** and demon, and the killer was killed.

Then, Qin Shaofeng stood up and clapped his hands, without leaving his head.

Although this was Qin Shaofeng's first murder on earth, he didn't have the slightest burden in his heart.

The other party was a killer, and he was still a killer who put him to death. Qin Shaofeng killed the other party, naturally there would be no discomfort in his heart.

However, although the assassin didn't tell the employer who hired him to kill him in the end, who was it, Qin Shaofeng knew his origin from the other party.

Black scorpion!

This is the name of a killer organization, and that killer comes from Black Scorpion, and it is also the second most ace killer among black scorpions, nicknamed Venomous Scorpion!

Although this poisonous scorpion killer is not a warrior, in fact this is the most terrifying place.

Because the opponent is not a warrior, after a series of training, it is difficult to be detected after hiding its killing intent.

The poisonous scorpion itself is weak, if it deliberately hides its killing intent, it may be difficult for people to detect it.

In fact, if Qin Shaofeng hadn't been promoted to the second level of the basic chapter of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" this time, he would not have noticed the killing intent of this poisonous scorpion.

It can be said that this poisonous scorpion is actually a very powerful killer.

The reason why Black Scorpion sent a poisonous scorpion to assassinate Qin Shaofeng, now Qin Shaofeng has also learned through the poisonous scorpion.

"Tsk tut, a hundred million!"

Qin Shaofeng shook his head lightly with a look of playfulness. He never thought that someone would come up with a price of 100 million yuan to assassinate him.

Although the poisonous scorpion didn't tell the employer who had paid 100 million, he just told Qin Shaofeng that he didn't know what the employer was.

Qin Shaofeng believed in this, because he could see that this was the truth of a poisonous scorpion, and he really didn't know.

However, Qin Shaofeng's heart is becoming more and more certain that this person who used a billion to assassinate him is the father of Xu Wentao, Xu Dahai.

But there is something strange to Qin Shaofeng, that is, if Xu Dahai knew that he was the murderer of his son Xu Wentao, then why didn't he know Mr. Zheng and deal with him?

From the previous senior warrior, Qin Shaofeng knew in his heart that even though Mr. Zheng had dissatisfaction with Xu Dahai, at this stage, if Mr. Xu Dahai asked Mr. Zheng to kill himself, then Mr. Zheng would probably not refuse it!

Then why did Xu Dahai finally find a killer organization like Black Scorpion?

Qin Shaofeng had some doubts about this.

Isn't it that Xu Dahai?

"Forget it, don't just guess, just come to the door and ask if it's clear!"

With a slight shrug, Qin Shaofeng made a decision in his heart.

Although the poisonous scorpion did not name his employer in the end, he explained the existence of the black scorpion clearly.

The black scorpion assassin organization can be regarded as a more powerful assassin organization in China.

However, Qin Shaofeng knew from the mouth of the poisonous scorpion, a big secret of this black scorpion killer organization.

That is, in the assassin organization of Black Scorpion, there is no powerful warrior.

Among them, the strongest is only the strongest black scorpion, the number one killer black scorpion named after the black scorpion, and the opponent is only the innate warrior of the fifth realm.

It's just an innate martial artist in the five-fold realm, this is not a problem for Qin Shaofeng.

Although he was in the second stage of the basic chapter of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" at this time, he was only an innate warrior equivalent to the triple stage.

But if it is about combat power, Qin Shaofeng has enough confidence to destroy the entire Black Scorpion!


The sea and the sky are the same!

This is located in the most prosperous commercial area of ​​GD, a famous entertainment venue, and a man yearns for paradise.

But in such a place, I am afraid that no one will connect it to a killer organization that I am afraid of.

That's right, this Haitian Yishi is the headquarters of the Black Scorpion Killer Organization.

"Such a place is actually the headquarters of a killer organization? This is really surprising!"

In front of the Haitian Yise Club, Qin Shaofeng smiled faintly at this magnificent and beautiful clubhouse.

This is the Black Scorpion Headquarters, which is indeed surprising, because just like this situation, it has nothing to do with the killer!

After arriving at the place, Qin Shaofeng did not rush in immediately.

Although this looks like a leisure club, Qin Shaofeng already knows it now. This is just a superficial phenomenon.

As the headquarters of a killer organization, Qin Shaofeng doesn't think this is a place that many men yearn for.

Sure enough, after looking around for a week, Qin Shaofeng was Mingrui aware that there were some secret whistles around the Haitian Yise Club.

Because that killer poisonous scorpion often needs to enter this club, he naturally has the membership card of this club.

Now that membership card was naturally in Qin Shaofeng's hand, and Qin Shaofeng could easily enter this Haitian Yise Club.

However, after entering the clubhouse, Qin Shaofeng was even more aware that the entire clubhouse not only had many secret whistles, but also a large number of cameras.

These cameras will take care of everything, which is quite different from the general clubs.

But Qin Shaofeng couldn't be troubled by this. After groping for a while, Qin Shaofeng found a vacant spot, and then acted secretly in this club at his astonishing speed.

Fortunately, the previous assassin had been tortured and collapsed by Qin Shaofeng, and he revealed the layout of the entire clubhouse and the real location of the Black Scorpion headquarters.

This made it easy for Qin Shaofeng to arrive at the location of the Black Scorpion headquarters.

In fact, the location of the Black Scorpion headquarters is in the same sea and sky marked as a place for employees to rest.

In fact, after entering this resting place, he arrived at the Black Scorpion headquarters.

Although there were some guards after entering the rest area.

But these people are just ordinary people. Although they have undergone some training, their strength is equivalent to that of ordinary special forces.

However, for Qin Shaofeng, these are still too weak.

Qin Shaofeng just raised his hand and let out a few faint spirits from the gods and demons, knocking these people unconscious.

After that, Qin Shaofeng easily found the Black Scorpion Headquarters Chamber that the Killer Scorpion said.

This is the place where the black scorpion gathers, because this time it is a task of 100 million yuan. At this moment, several persons in charge of the black scorpion, and even the strongest assassin, the black scorpion, are all here, waiting for the assassination of this poisonous scorpion killer. good news.

After dealing with the guards, Qin Shaofeng came to the gate and heard the movement immediately.

At exactly this time, the people inside seemed to be waiting for news from the scorpion.

"How come the poisonous scorpion didn't send a message? Didn't it succeed?"

A somewhat impatient voice sounded, which caused Qin Shaofeng, who was about to enter, to stop immediately.

"It should be something that has been delayed. The target is only a high-level warrior at best. The poisonous scorpion has a successful example of assassinating an innate warrior, so don't worry!"

This was the voice of an old man, and after he finished speaking, the people in the room seemed to be calmer.

"Well, it should be like this, this time the goal is not difficult!"

"However, you can't be careless. After all, the employer has paid 100 million yuan. The goal must have some means!"

"Oh, how about some methods? We must know that our black scorpion killer is a special restraint of warriors."

"That's right, there should be no problem!"

Qin Shaofeng laughed when he heard it.

Restrained warrior?

Well, this is true. Judging from the performance of the poisonous scorpion, Qin Shaofeng also knows in his heart that if it is changed to a high-level warrior, or even an innate warrior of the second and third levels, today's layout will not escape the assassination of that poisonous scorpion.

But it is a pity, this time the opponent's target is him!

Qin Shaofeng didn't have the patience to continue listening at this moment, and he stretched out his foot and kicked it up.


The heavy door was kicked open by Qin Shaofeng immediately, and a loud noise erupted.


Suddenly, the black scorpion executives inside the gate were suddenly shocked, and everyone became vigilant.

This is their Black Scorpion headquarters. Now someone sneaks in and kicks the door directly?

"You don't have to wait, that poisonous scorpion has been solved by me!"

With a chuckle, Qin Shaofeng slowly walked in under the surprised gazes of seven or eight black scorpions.

As soon as Qin Shaofeng appeared, all the black scorpion seniors present recognized Qin Shaofeng at first glance.

It's impossible not to know him, after all, Qin Shaofeng is worth one hundred million!


At this moment, one of the seven or eight black scorpion seniors moved.

After seeing that it was Qin Shaofeng who came, he started.

And this person is the strongest Black Scorpion and the number one ace killer-Black Scorpion!

At the moment Black Scorpion shot, the eyes of the other Black Scorpion high-level officials were full of coldness.

Although they didn't know how Qin Shaofeng found this place, and how did they know that the Black Scorpion headquarters was in this place.

But this is not important anymore, the other party is about to die.

After receiving the task of assassinating Qin Shaofeng, Black Scorpion investigated Qin Shaofeng.

However, the results of the investigation were no different from what Xu Dahai understood. Hei Xie believed that Qin Shaofeng was an ordinary high-level warrior.

Although at the moment the Black Scorpion seniors were very unclear about how Qin Shaofeng escaped the assassination of the poisonous scorpion.

And as for whether the poisonous scorpion was really killed by Qin Shaofeng, it didn't matter anymore.

Because the black scorpion has already shot.

You must know that the black scorpion possesses the realm of five levels of innate martial artist, and it does not require any assassination to deal with Qin Shaofeng, and it can completely kill the opponent.

But in the next moment, something that shocked all Black Scorpion executives happened.


With a bang, a figure was blown out.

But this figure was not Qin Shaofeng, but killed Black Scorpion.

Qin Shaofeng had known from the poisonous scorpion a long time ago that the strongest killer of the black scorpion, the black scorpion, was an innate warrior with a five-level realm.

And when he approached the gate before, Qin Shaofeng noticed the aura of the black scorpion, how could he not be guarded?

Qin Shaofeng's current realm is indeed only equivalent to a triple realm innate warrior on earth.

However, Qin Shaofeng's combat power absolutely exceeded the innate warrior of the triple realm on earth.

Moreover, the martial arts possessed by Qin Shaofeng are very dynamic.

At that moment, he just used a powerful martial skill-Fu heavy punch!

Fu Zhongquan is a martial art that can burst out one's own power in an instant, and exert a power far beyond one's own realm.

Although Qin Shaofeng could only exert one-tenth of the strength of Fu Zhongquan, it was nothing at all for a warrior with an innate five-fold realm.

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