
The strongest black scorpion, the killer with the title of black scorpion, was knocked down by Qin Shaofeng.

An innate martial artist of the five-fold realm, was just knocked down?

And after seeing the black scorpion fall to the ground, he just looked like he couldn't get up, and he was obviously severely traumatized.

It was indeed seriously injured, because Qin Shaofeng's punch was not only not low in power, but it was an attack that Black Scorpion could not withstand.

Even at the moment of the attack, Qin Shaofeng deliberately injected a spirit of God and Demon into the black scorpion, and it was this spirit of God and Demon that destroyed the internal organs of the black scorpion.

Now the black scorpion seemed to vomit blood and fell into a coma on the ground.

But in fact, after this coma, it is difficult for him to wake up again.

This scene happened suddenly, and it was also a very unexpected accident, which stunned the black scorpion seniors present.

"who are you?"

An old voice sounded, and the speaker was the only old man among the black scorpion high-levels present.

This old man, Qin Shaofeng, also knows that from the poisonous scorpion, Qin Shaofeng knows that this is probably the founder of the black scorpion, and the father of the black scorpion, the real principal of the black scorpion killer organization-the old man!

Xie Lao is just a code name, but even the poisonous scorpion doesn't know Xie Lao's name, at most he knows that he is the father of Hei Xie Lao.

According to the poisonous scorpion's account, the old scorpion is also one of the few innate warriors in the black scorpion killer organization, but only a first-level innate warrior.

However, at this moment Qin Shaofeng was also aware that the aura of the old scorpion was not a first-level congenital warrior at all.

Because the opponent's realm is probably stronger than the black scorpion, Qin Shaofeng estimated that the opponent's real realm should be in the realm of the Seventh or Eighth Innate Martial Artist.

It's just that this old scorpion should have suffered any injuries, and the strength that can be displayed now is probably only the realm of the second and third innate warriors.

For Qin Shaofeng, this is even more of no threat.

Seeing that his son was wounded in front of him, he was still very seriously injured, but the old Xie was indifferent, instead staring at Qin Shaofeng.

"Who am I?" Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly and said, "You have accepted the task of assassinating me, do you still have to ask who am I?"

"Huh, make a fuss!" Black Scorpion said coldly, "According to our investigation, our goal this time is just a college student, and at most a high-level warrior. And the strength you have demonstrated has far surpassed that of a high-level warrior. Even the innate martial artist of the seventh or eighth realm is not surprising!"

"So, you are not Qin Shaofeng, who are you?"

Old Xie stayed in place, looking at Qin Shaofeng with cold eyes.

While speaking, Lao Xie was silent, and made a hint to the other senior Black Scorpions.

When Mr. Xie said the last words, everyone present at the scene moved in unison, raised a pistol and pointed it at Qin Shaofeng.

But even so, the old Xie still feels a little uneasy, because for some reason, the young man in front of him always feels dangerous.

This is his intuition as a killer for decades.

Even at this moment, his six subordinates all pointed their guns at each other, and the old Xie still didn't feel at ease.


Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly, walked directly to the side table and sat down, with a calm expression on his face, without the fear of being pointed at by a few pistols.

"Don't be suspicious, I'm Qin Shaofeng, just like a fake replacement!" Qin Shaofeng looked at Xie Lao with a smile.

"The reason why I am here now is because you black scorpions took on the task of assassinating me, so I want to know who has paid 100 million and asked you black scorpions to assassinate me."

The attitude of Qin Shaofeng made Lao Xie a little bit confused. The most noticeable thing was that he felt the danger from Qin Shaofeng, and for a while he didn't know what to do.

But at this moment, a sturdy and burly man couldn't help it.

"Damn boy, do you really think we can come in casually? You don't put us in your eyes?"

The burly man was very angry. Several of them had pointed their guns at each other, but the other party actually threatened him?

This is unbearable!

"Boy, I Da Biao, no matter how strong you are, I don't believe that you can escape the bullet in my gun at such a close distance!" The burly man smiled grimly, his eyes full of killing intent.

not good!

Seeing this scene, Old Xie's heart was slightly shaken, feeling something uncomfortable, and he came up with words to stop the burly man.

But it's too late!

Because at this moment, the burly man had already pulled the trigger at Qin Shaofeng.


The gunfire!

But the next moment, a scene that made the burly man's eyes widened and shocked appeared.

After hearing only one gunshot, when the bullet was about to hit Qin Shaofeng's body, it was as if it had hit an invisible steel plate.


With a crisp sound, the bullet hit a place ten centimeters away from Qin Shaofeng, and then fell to the ground.

"how can that be?"

Seeing this scene, the burly man was stunned and horrified.

At such a short distance, there was no gunshot to the opponent, but the bullet was blocked.

What is this all about?

For the unknown, most people have fear.

Although this burly man was very skilled, he was only equivalent to an ordinary person, and the scene before him was somewhat unacceptable.

The next moment, because of the panic in his heart, he subconsciously madly started to shoot Qin Shaofeng.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

A gunshot sounded, and the burly man started shooting frantically.

But the more so, the more frightened his heart became.

Because no matter how many shots he fired, after the sound of the sound of the collision, the bullets all fell in front of Qin Shaofeng, and they did not hit Qin Shaofeng at all.

"Impossible, this is impossible?"

The words in front of him completely surpassed the imagination of the burly man, because even the black scorpion, the strongest killer of their black scorpion organization, could not do this.

Even facing such a close shooting, the burly man was confident that he could be shot and killed even if he faced a warrior who was a grade stronger than the black scorpion.

But the situation before him was completely different from what he thought!

At the same time, the old scorpion was also sweating coldly.

Innate body protector Qi Gang!

The scene in front of him made Xie Lao think of such a term.

This is a method that the martial artist has cultivated to a certain level and condensed with enough innate energy.

But if you want to do this, even the innate energy that the innate martial artist possesses is far from enough.

A warrior who can use the innate body protector Qi Gang is definitely the innate master.

This is why the innate master does not need to be afraid, because most firearms threaten.

Because of the innate body guard qi, ordinary gun bullets can't hit the innate grandmaster at all. How can you threaten it?

Elder Xie had never seen the Xiantian Grandmaster, but he could only think of Qin Shaofeng as a Xiantian Grandmaster.

Thinking about it this way, he was scared.


Finally, after hitting the last bullet, the burly man stopped the two, his face turned pale with cold sweat.

Because he could see it now, Qin Shaofeng in front of him was stronger than he thought, and no amount of bullets could hurt him.

The rest of the Black Scorpion executives seemed to understand this, and could not help but slowly lowered the pistol aimed at Qin Shaofeng.

It's useless to aim, it can't threaten the opponent at all!

"Oh, did it finally stop?" Qin Shaofeng smiled faintly, then his eyes became cold, "Then it's my turn!"


Qin Shaofeng waved his hand slightly, and then the burly man instantly widened his eyes, and fell directly to the ground without aura, completely dead.

Seeing this scene, the old Xie felt even more sure that Qin Shaofeng was a strong man in the realm of innate grandmaster.

Because there are only strong innate masters who can kill people with innate qi, I am afraid that Da Biao died under Qin Shaofeng's innate qi attack.

Innate anger?

Innate master?

Of course Qin Shaofeng was not the Innate Grandmaster, and neither blocking bullets nor killing the burly man Da Biao was as old Xie guessed.

To be precise, this is indeed related to internal qi, but it is the internal qi of the **** and demon cultivated by Qin Shaofeng.

After entering the second level of the basic chapter of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", Qin Shaofeng found that he could do a preliminary qi protection, that is, he could use qi to control things.

But with Qin Shaofeng's current realm, the use of Qi to protect things can only turn some delicate items. If it is too large or too heavy, it is impossible, and once it is too far away from Qin Shaofeng itself, it will not work.

When the burly man shot Qin Shaofeng just now, he actually used his own spirit of the **** and demon to guard three silver needles.

Because of the inner energy of the gods and demons, even if it encounters extremely fast bullets, the three silver needles can easily resist.

Then, because the three silver needles are very small and the speed is very fast, even the old Xie didn't see it clearly, and he directly believed that Qin Shaofeng was a master-level powerhouse with innate body protection Qi Gang.

But Elder Xie didn't know that with the three silver needles in the spirit of the **** and demon, Qin Shaofeng could move within ten centimeters of his own at most. If it was farther away, even if it was only one or two centimeters, he would not be able to resist the bullet.

As for killing that burly man Dabiao, it was actually very simple, it was Qin Shaofeng's inner energy from the gods and demons all around, wrapped a silver needle, and shot it at that Dabiao.

The silver needle shot was naturally not controlled by Qin Shaofeng.

But that Da Biao was just a killer, not a warrior. He couldn't avoid it at all. Naturally, the silver needle was penetrated into his forehead immediately, and he couldn't die anymore.

But Elder Xie didn't know all of this, he couldn't see through, because he subconsciously believed that Qin Shaofeng was a master of innate master.

The old Scorpion couldn't see through it, and the others in the Black Scorpion, let alone more.

"Please don't blame senior, this time it was my black scorpion who didn't know Taishan and offended senior. I will still be sent off by senior!"

The first time Xie Lao knelt down, and began to beg for mercy with a look of horror and horror.

You can't kneel down!

Facing an innate grandmaster, let alone Black Scorpion himself, I am afraid that even if the entire Black Scorpion Killer organization goes together, it is definitely a dead end.

Elder Xie knelt down like this, and the remaining five black scorpion seniors were dumbfounded.

Because it was the first time they saw Xie Lao showing such a frightened appearance, we must know that Xie Lao hadn't taken a shot for a long time.

But they all know that the old scorpion is their strongest killer.

Even Xie Lao is now over 70, and his body is beginning to decline.

But no one among the black scorpions underestimated the old scorpion, the real principal of the black scorpion killer organization.

In this regard, that poisonous scorpion also thought.

The reason why he said that the black scorpion was the strongest killer in the organization before, did not mention the old scorpion, because he had the idea that Qin Shaofeng came to the door and was eventually killed by the old scorpion.

But now it seems that this is probably impossible.

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