Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1637: This is definitely a conspiracy

The principals of the organization all knelt down, and those black scorpion high-level men naturally knelt down one by one.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng's current strength has already scared them.

Even shooting the opponent so close, all the bullets can be blocked, such a person is too scary.

Facing the kneeling black scorpion seniors, Qin Shaofeng just glanced lightly and said, "Then you can tell me now, who on earth came to assassinate me with such a high price?"

Old Xie was embarrassed for a while, and paused: "Senior, this... In fact, we don't know, because the person who posted this person was anonymously posted, and 100 million funds were directly transferred to our Black Xie account!"

"Huh? Anonymous?"

Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly, he really did not expect that the other party would actually play this hand.

However, Qin Shaofeng’s frown made the old Xie’s heart jump. He thought that Qin Shaofeng was angry, so he immediately said, “However, please don’t worry, seniors. Although the other party is anonymous, after all, it is a hundred million yuan of circulating funds. You can find out the other party!"

"Oh, is it?" Qin Shaofeng said lightly.

"Yes, absolutely no problem, at most half...no, at most ten minutes will do!"

Old Xie originally wanted to talk for half an hour, but when Qin Shaofeng's expression was wrong, he immediately changed his words.

"Well, I'll give you ten minutes!" Qin Shaofeng said coldly, "If there is no result after ten minutes, you know the consequences!"


Old Xie nodded, and immediately took out a cell phone, called his subordinates, and asked them to check.

Old Xie didn't follow this excuse, left from here, and then fled.

Ever since he determined that Qin Shaofeng was an innate master, Elder Xie knew that if Qin Shaofeng didn't allow him, he would never be able to escape.

He had long since stopped the idea of ​​running away. If that weren't the case, how could he directly kneel to Qin Shaofeng and start begging for mercy!

Innate master!

In front of such a strong man, ordinary means of escape are useless at all!

Therefore, Xie Lao naturally persuaded.

After getting the affirmative answer from Old Xie, Qin Shaofeng didn't speak, but sat so quietly.

But this pair of black scorpion members such as the old scorpion was suffering.

After a few minutes that seemed like centuries, Xie Lao's cell phone rang again.

Old Xie was shocked, and after the connection, he immediately asked.

Soon, the veteran Scorpion hung up his phone again, and then raised his head and said to Qin Shaofeng: "Senior has checked it out. Although the other party has used some means, after some secret relationships, we have checked it out. This fund comes from the Dahai Group. !"

"If nothing unexpected happens, this time we will spend 100 million, let us black scorpion assassin you, should be a member of Dahai Group, even if it is not chairman Xu Dahai, it is definitely a shareholder of Dahai Group." said Mr. Xie. Out of my own guess.

However, for fear that Qin Shaofeng would be dissatisfied, Elder Xie said again: "But please don't worry, senior, I have already ordered to go down, and I will be able to find out who is the specific person soon!"

"No need!" Qin Shaofeng shook his head gently, "I already know who it is!"

When the old man Xie said about the Dahai Group, Qin Shaofeng knew that this time he had used one hundred million to let Black Scorpion assassinate him, and it must be that Dahai.

Qin Shaofeng had this kind of speculation before, and the reason why he went to Black Scorpion directly was because he confirmed it and solved the killer organization of Black Scorpion.

He is not afraid of any black scorpion organization, but the people around him can't do it.

As for how to solve the black scorpion killer organization, Qin Shaofeng had already made a decision in his mind.


In the next moment, Qin Shaofeng suddenly transformed into a black shadow. Before the old Xie and others had time to react, he passed by them and returned to the place again.

So fast!

Old Xie was shocked, very uneasy.

He is coming soon, he just feels a flower in front of him, Qin Shaofeng is a small hand.

And without waiting for him to see more, Qin Shaofeng returned to the place again.

Such a speed shocked him very much.

But these are not the main points. The main point is Qin Shaofeng's actions just now. Why?

"Senior, you, this is..."

There was a bad feeling in his heart, and the old Xie asked.

"I didn't do anything." Qin Shaofeng smiled faintly, "It's just that there is something left in your body!"

Old Xie was shocked, and immediately ran the inner Qi in his body to explore the abnormalities in his body.

As a result, Xie Lao's face soon became gloomy.

Because he felt that in his dantian, there was a little more aura that was not lost to him.

This is an internal energy, very subtle, although it is only the size of a grain of rice, but it gives a scorpion old feeling, but it is extremely terrible.

When Elder Xie was aware of this special breath, he naturally used his internal energy to dispel the special breath for the first time.

But the result can be imagined, no matter how he drives out, he can't shake that little breath.

The rest of the people are somewhat warriors, but even if they are the only ordinary killers, at this moment, seeing the face of Xie Lao, they know that the situation is not good.

"Senior, what do you mean, I have done what you said, and I have found out the person who issued the assassination mission. Why do you still attack us?" said the old Xie.

"Heh, don't you think that just like this, I can bypass you?"

Qin Shaofeng smiled softly, and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes: "Since you black scorpions dare to take on the task of assassinating me, then wait to be prepared to pay the price."

"However, you don't need to worry, I just left something in each of you. If you can do something for me, then I will forget it!" Qin Shaofeng said.

Old Xie frowned slightly, but he also knew in his heart that it was a blessing that Qin Shaofeng had not killed all of them on the spot.

Moreover, in the current situation, even if there is any dissatisfaction or dislike in his heart, he can't resist.

In the current situation, he could only follow Qin Shaofeng's request.

"Well, if the senior has an order, even if we put it forward, we must do what Black Scorpion can do. At that time, we just hope that Senior can let us go!" Old Xie said in a deep voice.

"Heh, don't worry, for organizations like your Black Scorpion, I will not deceive you."

Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly, and then said: "The task I gave you is also very simple, that is, to assassinate Xu Dahai for me, and completely destroy the Dahai Group for me."

"However, let me make it clear to you first. The gadgets I keep in your body can only last for seven days at most. As for seven days later, if you haven't completed this task, then you know what will happen!"


After saying these words, Qin Shaofeng's figure flashed before leaving.

As for the old Xie and others who remained, no one said anything until a long time later.

"Old Xie, what should we do now?" a man in his 30s and 40s asked.

"Hey!" Xie Lao sighed, "Follow his instructions and do it well. The things the other party left in our bodies are too dangerous and difficult to get rid of. We can only do what the other party requires now. Up!"

The remaining few black scorpion seniors were silent for a while.

Elder Xie said so, so what else could they say?

But in fact, Xie Lao didn't know, he just scared himself.

Speaking seriously, Qin Shaofeng did leave something in each of them, a little bit of inner energy of the gods and demons.

But Qin Shaofeng's inner qi from the scorpion of "The Book of Gods and Demons" was not simple.

For ordinary martial artists, not to mention the innate martial artist Xie Lao, even the innate grandmaster might not be able to refine the inner energy of the gods and demons cultivated by Qin Shaofeng with his own inner energy.

However, based on the fact that the inner Qi of the Xiantian Grandmaster has been transformed into the Innate Qi, although it cannot be refined, it is still possible if it is expelled from the body.

But this old Xie was just an innate martial artist, and couldn't do this at all, and then adding what Qin Shaofeng said, he subconsciously thought that this was some method of the innate master.

As a result, Xie Lao was naturally afraid.

As for why a period of seven days was added, it was all because with Qin Shaofeng's current realm, the inner energy of the gods and demons remaining in the old man Xie could last for seven days at most.

As soon as the seven days arrive, that little spirit of the **** and demon will dissipate on its own.

Well, yes, it just dissipates on its own.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng's move is not a lethal method at all.

But Qin Shaofeng believed that even so, the old Xie and others would not think that they would definitely think that the inner energy of the gods and demons was absolutely deadly.

For this, Qin Shaofeng was right.

Because in the next few days, the entire black scorpion was very busy.

Because I felt that the special aura in my body could erupt at any time, and then let myself wait for someone to die, Xie Lao waited for a few black scorpion high-level people, but did not neglect.

When Qin Shaofeng had just left, Elder Xie ordered him to go down and let people collect information on Xu Dahai.

If it had been in the past, based on the black scorpion's knowledge of Xu Dahai, facing Xu Dahai who was just a somewhat wealthy simple businessman, they would definitely send a killer as soon as possible.

But a lesson from the past, and because this assassination mission is related to the lives of oneself and others, it should not be careless.

Therefore, the old scorpion was the first to investigate.

As a result, after this investigation, Xie Lao Ke discovered a special situation.

That was Xu Dahai, who was actually protected by innate warriors.

After this discovery, Xie Lao and other Black Scorpion executives became angry.

You Xu Dahai Te is protected by innate warriors, and the opponent, a senior warrior, needs to spend a hundred million to find a killer?

The first time Xie Lao and other Black Scorpion seniors had already determined that, I am afraid Xu Dahai knew that Qin Shaofeng was very strong, and that he could not deal with it, but was planning to hire a killer.

This is also the reason why the other party's release of the task will be so secretive, so that the Black Scorpion will not be aware of it.

If he can't do it, he will find their black scorpion, and let them offend a powerful existence.

This is definitely a conspiracy!

This **** Xu Dahai!

Suddenly, all the senior people of Black Scorpion hated Xu Dahai.

At this moment, even without Qin Shaofeng's mission, Black Scorpion would have worked hard to assassinate Xu Dahai.

Dare to frame them like this black scorpion, such a person absolutely cannot bear it!

Black scorpion will kill!

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