Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1638: People practice

After solving the black scorpion problem, Qin Shaofeng went straight back to the villa.

Liu Ya seemed to know something, and did not fall asleep, but had been waiting for Qin Shaofeng to return.

Finally, after seeing Qin Shaofeng's return, she was completely relieved.

Qin Shaofeng felt very much about Liu Ya's behavior.

In the next few days, Qin Shaofeng brought Chen Dazhuang and others to the villa.

After the black scorpion assassination, Qin Shaofeng felt that it was necessary to improve the strength of those around him, otherwise, it would be too dangerous.

It is worth mentioning that Qin Shaofeng accepted Black Scorpion's odds on the second day of his return.

Although old Xie and others are killers, they have undergone a lot of training.

But perhaps, it has been too long to become a black scorpion high-level, or maybe it is rarely a mission. These black scorpion high-levels are somewhat pampered and are already afraid of death.

Therefore, they were afraid that if Qin Shaofeng came to an early impatience and detonated the aura in their body, it would be finished.

You must know that the old scorpion guessed that although that breath is rarely small, it is likely to cause absolute damage to itself after detonation.

Faced with such a situation, the black scorpion high-level officials naturally panicked, and after some discussions, they sent Qin Shaofeng an apologize the next day.

A bank card.

And this bank card has one billion in deposits!

Qin Shaofeng was also very surprised by this situation, but Qin Shaofeng didn't refuse it.

It's just that after he had the one-billion-dollar bank card under his hand, he suddenly said to the member of the black scorpion who gave him money.

"Tell you the leader, if I can collect some elixir for me, not only will I not kill him, but I will also give him some benefits!"

After speaking, Qin Shaofeng took out a pen and paper to write some actions, and handed them to the black scorpion member so that he would take it back and show them to the old man.

Qin Shaofeng suddenly thought about it now, he seemed to be weak now, well, he was completely alone.

He is a little inconvenient to do many things in China.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng had the idea of ​​accepting some servants.

This black scorpion was barely able to get into his eyes, and if it was subdued, there would be more or less a runner.

As for the things that the black scorpion member brought back, to Qin Shaofeng, they were just fur-like things.

Even accurate, not much different from garbage.

But these things that Qin Shaofeng regarded as **** were very important things in Xie Lao's eyes.

In fact, it didn't kill. It was just a short section of practice exercises written by Qin Shaofeng at random, and this short section of exercises tended to be more inclined to assassination and other methods.

But even if it is regarded as **** by Qin Shaofeng, this assassination technique can be compared with the top grade technique on earth.

Although it was only a short paragraph, it was enough for the old Xie to cultivate to the realm of an innate martial artist.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng didn't know that Xie Lao originally possessed the realm of nine levels of innate martial artist, but the exercises he cultivated were only middle-grade exercises, and it was still very **** and incomplete.

This kind of exercises, at the beginning of cultivation, it was still nothing.

However, after practicing to the realm of Innate Martial Artist, due to incompleteness, the old scorpion became confused when practicing.

After Hei Xie grows up, Xie Lao didn't find other middle-grade exercises, even if it was a top-grade exercise, he also found one.

However, his body has been finalized because of the incomplete cultivation of the middle-grade exercises, and it is difficult to practice other exercises.

As a result, the old Xie finally fell into a loss because of several delusions.

But after Qin Shaofeng gave this technique called assassination technique, Elder Xie discovered that he could actually practice, and he also felt that this assassination technique could completely repair his broken body.

This made Xie Lao like a treasure, and in accordance with Qin Shaofeng's instructions, he immediately took out one third of the large amount of elixir that Black Scorpion had collected over the years and sent it to Qin Shaofeng.

Regarding Lao Xie's decision, no other senior Black Scorpion objected, and even supported it.

Because they can see now that Qin Shaofeng is a mysterious and powerful person, if he can have a relationship with the other party, it will definitely be good, but not bad.

And most importantly, it seems that their lives are controlled by the other party now!

This is why Qin Shaofeng has a lot of elixir to improve Chen Dazhuang and the others' cultivation level.

The black scorpions are indeed a killer organization, and the elixir they possess are all very good elixir.

These elixir can be completely refined by Qin Shaofeng, and some martial artists can use it to upgrade.

Low-level spirit pills.

Qin Shaofeng refined this kind of pill.

The so-called low-level spirit pills are actually the pills on the ancient continent that cultivators use to restore their own consumption.

Because the spirit pill contains enough aura and spiritual power, it can be used to supplement the consumed power.

To be honest, this kind of pill, Qin Shaofeng didn't care at all when he was in the ancient continent, and he didn't even refine it.

But now on the earth, this kind of restorative pill has become a pill that can improve the realm of cultivation.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng made some changes to this, and the low-level spirit pills he refined could be used to improve his cultivation.

Although it is only a very inferior low-level spirit pill, it is quite good if it is used to improve the realm of Earth Martial Artist.

Even if an ordinary person takes a low-level spirit pill, it can be fully promoted to the realm of a high-level warrior, and it is still the pinnacle realm, and it is only a thin line away from the realm of the innate warrior.

To put it more directly, this low-level spirit pill can be used by Innate Martial Artists to raise a realm.

Of course, if it is a congenital warrior whose realm reaches the fifth or sixth realm, then two low-level spirit pills are needed to break through and raise the first realm.

This is still a substandard low-level spirit pill. If it is a real low-level spirit pill, it can completely increase the realm of any innate martial artist after taking one.

But now Qin Shaofeng hasn't been able to refine those low-level pill, because the elixir is not enough!

Although the medicinal materials that the black scorpion produced are really many.

Qin Shaofeng was able to refine more than 30 substandard low-level spirit pills, but if it were to refine the real low-level spirit pills, I am afraid that these medicinal materials can only be refined in number of ten.

But in Qin Shaofeng's view, Chen Dazhuang and their realm are still very low anyway, and only these substandard low-level spirit pills are enough.

It is worth mentioning that Wang Tingting and Faye Wong also came to this special practice event.

Hu Xiaochuan has completely accepted Wang Tingting's existence. In his words, he is lonely and weak, but Wang Tingting has the support of his father, and he simply cannot resist.

However, after Qin Shaofeng saw Wang Tingting again, Qin Shaofeng smiled in his heart.

Oh, I'm lonely and weak, I think you're quite happy!

When I saw Wang Tingting again, Qin Shaofeng was shocked to discover that Wang Tingting was completely innocent, and she still had a plain face.

The un-faced Wang Tingting gave Qin Shaofeng the feeling that she looked better than her previous fashionable outfit.

And most importantly, such a simple Wang Tingting gave Qin Shaofeng a very real and natural feeling, as if this was the true face of her Wang Tingting.

At that moment, Qin Shaofeng remembered that Liu Ya had told him that Wang Tingting was actually a pure girl.

Qin Shaofeng didn't believe it very much before, but after seeing Wang Tingting again, he felt that Liu Ya was right.

And in fact, Qin Shaofeng, who knows Hu Xiaochuan very well, understands why Hu Xiaochuan no longer struggles with Wang Tingting.

Because the real Wang Tingting is completely his dish!

And Hu Xiaochuan also seemed to have told Wang Tingting about the martial artist, so he came to Qin Shaofeng to practice.

Even the arrival of Wang Tingting made Faye Wong's companions more receptive to the existence of warriors.

Before coming, Qin Shaofeng once asked Chen Dazhuang not to let Faye Wong come to practice together.

Chen Dazhuang's answer was a bit uncertain, because he felt that Faye Wong might still find it difficult to accept these.

Because Chen Dazhuang knew that Faye Wong was an absolute materialist, and the existence of warriors was a bit too idealistic.

Therefore, Chen Dazhuang worried that Faye Wong could not accept it.

Instead, Liu Ya denied it all at once, and then resolutely let Faye Wong come over.

Finally, under the persuasion and explanation of Liu Ya and Wang Tingting, Faye Wong finally explained the existence of the martial artist and also began to practice.

In this regard, Chen Dazhuang was very surprised. He wanted to know what Liu Ya and Wang Tingting entangled and said, which made Faye Wong, a materialist, believe in the existence of martial artists, and even more actively participated in cultivation.

Chen Dazhuang was puzzled, but for Qin Shaofeng, who had amazing ear power, he was as clear as a mirror in his heart, but it was still very painful.

"Mayfair, I told you, cultivation can stay youthful forever, and always keep young and beautiful!"

"Yes, I won’t become a yellow-faced woman at all. I have met Xiaochuan’s mother. I heard Xiaochuan’s mother is in her forties. But when I see my future mother-in-law, I feel like I’m looking at an older sister. Young!"

Faye Wong was instantly ‘knocked down’ by Liu Ya and Wang Tingting’s singing together.

Sure enough, in front of women, beauty and beauty are invincible.

Whatever materialism and idealism, all stand aside.

These things were just small episodes, and soon Qin Shaofeng and the others began to practice.

This time Qin Shaofeng refined a total of 36 substandard low-level spirit pills!

Qin Shaofeng and the others had a total of seven people. For this reason, Qin Shaofeng took out 24 substandard low-level spirit pills for Liu Ya and the others to practice.

On average, everyone can get four substandard low-level spirit pills.

Although they were all substandard, they were all for Chen Dazhuang who had just begun to practice. These four substandard low-level spirit pills could completely raise them to the second and third level of the innate martial artist.

As for the practice of Wang Tingting and Faye Wong, it is even simpler.

Qin Shaofeng did not hesitate, and directly asked Chen Dazhuang and Hu Xiaochuan to pass on "Nine Turns of God and Demon Art" to them both.

Qin Shaofeng even hinted that although Faye Wong and Wang Tingting had never practiced, "Nine Turns of Gods and Demon Skills" had special properties. If they could practice special cultivation, they could easily succeed in cultivation.

As for the special cultivation, it is naturally a man and a woman doing some kind of sacred and great cultivation together.

Cough, commonly known as double repair!

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng also told the two that the cultivation speed of both men and women can increase a lot if they perform dual cultivation.

Faced with such a situation, Hu Xiaochuan turned to Wang Tingting without saying a word.

As a result, Wang Tingting succeeded in training, and on the third day, both stepped into the realm of innate martial artist with Hu Xiaochuan.

This made Hu Xiaochuan feel very emotional, thinking that when he was young, he had cultivated to the realm of Innate Martial Artist, although with his talent, he could easily reach the realm of Inborn Martial Artist.

But that was a lot of effort!

But now, from the beginning of cultivation, only three days, Wang Tingting has become an innate warrior.

How can this not let him sigh?

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