Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1646: Wonderful misunderstanding

A very weird scene is being staged in a luxurious room.

Because at this moment, two warriors were kneeling in front of a young man who was about twenty-two years old, sweating profusely.

This young man is also a warrior. At this moment, he is sitting on a soft sofa, his face is gloomy and terrible, obviously he is in a very bad mood.

And it was precisely because he was in a bad mood, which made the two warriors at his feet pale, as if they were very afraid of the young man in front of him, afraid that he would be angry.

The reason why it is said to be weird is because the realm of the young warrior is actually just enough to reach the realm of an advanced warrior.

Such a realm, in the words of some martial artists, is considered to be relatively poor in talent.

But contrary to him, the two middle-aged martial artists kneeling at his feet at this moment are very powerful, and still very powerful.

Because both of them are both innate martial artists!

A high-level martial artist in a mere trivial area actually made the two innate martial masters kneel down unwillingly, and they still looked terrified, especially after seeing the young man's face wrong.

Obviously, from this aspect, we can see that the identity of this young man must be extremely difficult.

It is indeed not simple, because this young man is impressively the second young master of the Li family, one of the top five martial artists in the martial arts world today-Li Feifan!

Although Li Feihua was named Feihua, in fact he is not that extraordinary.

Born into a powerful family of warriors like the Li family, for many years, this Li Feifei was only in the realm of a high-level warrior, and it was still an achievable situation.

Such a realm of cultivation is obviously not incompatible with his family!

But even so, this Li Feihua is still the second youngest of the Li family, with a great identity.

Not to mention the innate martial masters, even some inborn masters dare not do anything extraordinary to Li Feifei.

And most importantly, there are only two males in the Li family's generation, one is the Li family's elder and the other is the Li family's second youngster.

In this regard, the Li family naturally protected the second young master.

Even at this moment, the two kneeling innate martial arts masters were actually just the manpower by Li Feifei's side for him to send.

Although they are innate martial arts masters, these two are only innate martial arts masters of the first realm.

At this moment, an old man sitting at the other end of the room was Li Feifei's guardian.

"Is the message confirmed?"

After a long time, after the foreheads of the two innate martial masters kept sweating, Li Feifei spoke.

"Confirmed!" One of the congenital martial masters quickly replied, "The Zhendong Gang has been destroyed, and the old man Zheng seems to have been killed before!"

"Okay, very good!" Li Feifan's face became cold, his eyes showed a hint of murder.

A servant he had only accepted the day before yesterday, and then someone else killed it yesterday?

Someone dared to kill Li Feihua's person?

Are you looking for death?

"Who did it?" Li Feifei said coldly.

Although he didn't care about the life of a new servant, he had already accepted the old man Zheng as a servant. After all, the things the other party brought out still made him interested.

But it was precisely because of this that this made Li Feifei very annoyed.

He doesn't care about Zheng Lao's life, but he cares about his own face.

These two innate martial arts also knew the character of their second young master, but it was precisely because they knew that they were nervous now, because they had not found out who killed the old man Zheng.

That day, Mr. Zheng took the Zhendong Gang to subdue the Black Tiger Gang, but it was a very secret thing. And although he had already followed Li Feihua, Li Feihua didn’t pay much attention to him. This, coupled with the short period of time, Li Feifei naturally I don't know where the opponent went and how he was killed.

"If you return to the second young master, the subordinates don't know it!"

The congenital martial artist bit his head and said, he can't help it without saying it, but he really hasn't investigated it clearly yet.

Hearing such an answer, Li Feifan's face turned gloomy, which caused the two innate martial masters to see him. He was shocked. One of them seemed to think of something and hurriedly started talking.

"Second Young Master, although we did not investigate clearly, we did. The Zhendong Gang had a conflict with a black scorpion killer organization in advance, and the Zhendong Gang destroyed the Black Scorpion headquarters!"

"Yes, not only the Black Scorpion, but also the Black Tiger Gang!"

Another congenital martial artist listened to his companion’s answer and remembered something. He said, “According to our investigation, the Zhendong Gang seemed to be annexing the Black Tiger Gang before, but afterwards the Black Scorpion and the Black Tiger Gang not only regained the Black Scorpion headquarters, and Many areas of the Black Tiger Gang, and even all the Zhendong Gang's industries have been taken down by the Black Scorpions and the Black Tiger Gang."

"So, the subordinate feels that the Zhendong Gang's accident must be related to the Black Scorpion and the Black Tiger Gang!"

"Black Scorpion? Black Tiger Gang?"

A trace of killing intent flashed in Li Feifei's eyes, and he had to speak subconsciously, letting people kill the black scorpion and the black tiger gang.

But at this moment, the old man who had been sitting not far away spoke up.

"Master, forget it!" the old man said.

Young Master, not Second Young Master!

This is the old man's name for Li Feihua. You know, in Li's family, everyone calls Li Feihua the second young master, and his elder brother is the eldest young master.

Although Li Feifan's talent for cultivation is not good, the Li family is somewhat special. Even ordinary people in the Li family who have no cultivation at all can inherit the position of Patriarch as long as they have enough abilities.

The reason why this old man called Li Feifan the young master was because the other party was a member of Li Feifan's mother's family, who specially protected Li Feifan.

In the heart of this old man, he naturally hoped that Li Feifan could become the next generation head of the Li family. He was very loyal to Li Feifan.

Based on this, plus the strength of the old man, Li Feifei respected the old man very much.

This old man's real name was Wang Cheng, Li Feifei's mother, and they all called each other an uncle. Li Feifei always referred to each other as Cheng Lao.

Seeing Cheng Lao opening his mouth, Li Feifei naturally took it seriously.

"Forget it? Cheng Lao, why is this?" Li Feifan asked with a frown.

Cheng Lao didn't speak, just glanced at the two congenital martial masters who were kneeling, and then the two congenital martial masters understood and hurried out.

When the old man acted like this, Li Feifei suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"Old man, what are you?"

After the two congenital martial artists withdrew, Cheng Lao glanced at Li Feifei, and then said: "Master, this is the end of the matter. Because the old man has investigated before, the surname Zheng is not from China, but from Southeast Asia. A gang member, see for yourself!"

With that, Cheng Lao took out a document.

After Li Feifei took it, he looked for a while, his face was extremely gloomy.

The information that Cheng Lao gave out was very detailed, and it was all about Zheng Lao’s identity and deeds, even when he was saved by Xu Dahai, and when was Xu Dahai used by what means. The things brought back to China are very clear.

Among them is the identity of Zheng Lao, and over the years, Zheng Lao used Xu Dahai's identity and social status in China to establish the Zhendong Gang.

"That old man is not from China?" After reading these materials, Li Feifei frowned slightly.

"Yeah!" Cheng Lao nodded and said, "Not only is that person not from my Huaxia, but he also secretly established this gang like Zhendong Gang in my Huaxia, and even has seven Innate Martial Artists in his gang, and seventy or eighty. A senior warrior, this is a bit subtle!"

Li Feifan's eyes sank, and his heart was slightly angry.

As the second young master of the Li family, one of China's top five warrior families, Li Feihua knew many things. He also knew that in China mainland, although the existence of gangs was not completely stopped.

But there is an invisible rule among them, that is, innate warriors in a gang can't live through three.

Once there are more than three congenital warriors in a gang, it will be subject to state official supervision, and even strong action players will be weakened.

The entire Huaxia is very large. Although most ordinary people don't know the existence of warriors, there are a lot of warriors in the entire Huaxia, except for the warriors of various martial families.

And in order to restrain the martial artist and avoid situations such as the use of military force to violate the prohibition, there is also a strong force in the official power of China.

It can be said that even a family like the five great warrior families would not dare to compete with the country.

Therefore, this is why there are basically no warriors in the gangs on the Chinese mainland, even if they do, there are only a small number.

But the Zhendong Gang is another.

He actually subdued such a gang?

Li Feifei's heart was chilled, because if this matter were to be spread out, perhaps in his capacity as the second young master of the Li family, there would be no serious situation, at most he would be warned by the state.

But this has allowed him to completely cut off the position of Li Family Patriarch.

Because a dignified head of the Li family, it is impossible to have such a gang, whether it is not allowed by status or by the official power of the country.

Someone hurt me?

Li Feifei seemed to think of this possibility, and his voice became low: "Cheng Lao, is there a problem with the old man surnamed Zheng?"

"Yeah!" Cheng Lao nodded again, his eyes flashed with a cold light, and his voice became cold.

"The surname Zheng owns a gang like the Zhendong Gang. If the news that he belongs to you spreads, it will be very unfavorable to you, and who do you think is most beneficial to such a thing?"

Until the point was reached, Cheng Lao did not go on.

But Li Feifei had already understood.

Who is the most beneficial?

Does this need to be said?

Because of his good talent for cultivation, the chance of inheriting the position of Li Family Patriarch is not as good as his elder brother.

If it were not for the fact that his mother's identity was not simple, I am afraid that things like inheriting the Patriarch would be completely insulated from him.

And Li Feifei knew that his eldest brother was targeting him everywhere.

In this situation, in Li Feifei's opinion, his good eldest brother probably made the shot.

"Sure enough, it's my big brother, he can come up with such a way to frame me, is he already a little impatient?"

Li Feifan was angry, and instantly forgot the anger that had appeared before his servant was killed. Now all he has is anger towards his elder brother.

As for who killed Zheng Lao, it doesn't matter to Li Feifei anymore. His attention and concentration are now completely on his elder brother.

A wonderful misunderstanding just appeared.

I have to say that sometimes many things happen inexplicably and coincidentally.

Because that day, Li Feifei received news that his eldest brother’s confidant had appeared at the auction of Dahai Hotel two days ago.

Although the other party really came to participate in the auction, now that this thing happened, Li Feifei had completely subconsciously determined that the other party was looking for Zheng Lao.

Then, the wonderful misunderstanding was completely recognized by Li Feihua!

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