Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1647: Aquaman

"Finally stepped into the third realm!"

Feeling his realm at the moment, Qin Shaofeng exhaled.

After stepping into the third stage of the basic chapter of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", Qin Shaofeng's realm is already equivalent to the realm of an innate martial artist.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng already possessed the strength of some innate martial arts when he reached the second major Consummation state.

After entering the third stage at this moment, Qin Shaofeng's strength naturally strengthened.

Although he had just entered the third level of Xiaocheng realm, Qin Shaofeng was confident to defeat the innate martial artist of the triple realm, and even some innate martial arts of the fifth or sixth realm, he could beat the opponent with some hole cards.

And Qin Shaofeng's breakthrough this time was completely dependent on the genuine low-level spirit pill that was successfully refined.

The thirteen elixir collected from the Zhendong Gang just happened to be refined by Qin Shaofeng to produce thirteen low-level elixir.

Qin Shaofeng also used a low-level spirit pill to promote himself to the third level.

After being promoted, Qin Shaofeng also discovered that the effect of taking a low-level spirit pill again was greatly reduced.

Because Qin Shaofeng had tried it, after he was promoted, he took the low-level spirit pills again, but in the end he didn't improve much, nor was he promoted to the third major level.

However, this low-level spirit pill had no effect on him, but it was different for others.

Qin Shaofeng himself took two of the thirteen low-level spirit pills, and then gave Chen Dazhuang and the other three people one one each.

As for Faye Wong and Wang Tingting, each of the two women got two.

Because of relative cultivation, Faye Wong and Wang Tingting's cultivation speed has fallen a lot, even if there is a shortcut like double cultivation, they are still not as fast as Chen Dazhuang and Hu Xiaochuan.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng gave them an extra low-level spirit pill. As for Liu Ya, the speed at which Liu Ya cultivated "The Book of Gods and Demons" was not only unsatisfactory, but also very fast.

Even after the spiritual stone was completely consumed and refined, Liu Ya was already an innate warrior in the triple realm.

In this short time of cultivation, Liu Ya also took some substandard low-level spirit pills, and his realm had already reached the realm of the five-tiered innate martial artist.

However, Liu Ya's realm was well hidden due to the practice of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons". Everyone except Qin Shaofeng thought that Liu Ya was barely reaching the realm of an innate martial artist!

But it was precisely because of this that Qin Shaofeng felt that Liu Ya's cultivation progress was too fast, and worried that her state was unstable, so Qin Shaofeng did not let Liu Ya continue to take the medicine.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng rewarded the old Xie and Heihu with the four remaining pills.

In Qin Shaofeng's opinion, since the old Xie and Heihu are already his own subordinates, their cultivation bases are really low.

It is worth mentioning that after the old Xie annihilated the Zhendong Gang, his realm broke through again, reaching the realm of the nine-fold innate warrior.

Then, because of the two low-level spirit pills rewarded by Qin Shaofeng, the old Xie directly reached the peak realm of the Innate Martial Artist.

Now the old Xie has retired, ready to break through the innate martial artist.

Qin Shaofeng didn't worry about this, because the old Xie who practiced assassination skills, after taking the next two low-level spirit pills, it was only a matter of time before he broke through to become an innate martial artist.

As for the last two low-level spirit pills, Qin Shaofeng had already given them to Black Tiger.

However, Heihu did not take it, because Qin Shaofeng told him that if he was to take these two low-level spirit pills when he reached the level of the nine-fold innate martial artist, he would most likely be able to break through to the innate martial artist like the old Xie. Realm.

Heihu was naturally happy to do this, because for him now, it was not difficult for him to rise to the eight-fold innate martial arts realm.

The low-level spirit pills are gone, but there are still many inferior low-level spirit pills refined from common medicinal materials.

Qin Shaofeng has now discovered that, at a ratio of one to one hundred, one hundred ordinary ginseng and other medicinal materials, coupled with a ginseng, can produce dozens of inferior low-level spirit pills. .

Of course, if it is not an ordinary medicinal material of a panacea, it is more or less valuable.

Take ginseng as an example. Even if ginseng is grown, it must be at least ten or two years old.

Too many years, insufficient medicinal properties, I am afraid that it is a substandard low-level spirit pill, which cannot be successfully refined.

Of course, these things are not what Qin Shaofeng is worried about.

In the following days, Qin Shaofeng had a relaxed life.

At most, it is to give pointers to Chen Dazhuang and others' cultivation, if otherwise, when nothing happens, exchange feelings with Liu Ya, er, exchange cultivation experience.

As for going back to school, Qin Shaofeng didn't care at all.

Even this, neither Chen Dazhuang nor Hu Xiaochuan and Bai Xiaobai cared much.

Since the beginning of cultivation, the three people's awareness of going to university has become extremely weak.

On the contrary, Liu Ya, Faye Wong and Wang Tingting, these three girls still have a certain interest in going to school.

After all, they don't want Chen Dazhuang and the others to keep practicing.

In this way, one month passed.

In this month, Qin Shaofeng didn't take any medicine, but his realm has been elevated to the third major stage of the theater version of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons".

And at this time, the old Xie had officially become an innate martial artist.

Heihu was promoted to the Seventh Innate Martial Artist, and his younger brother, Heibao, was already the fifth Innate Martial Artist.

As for the other warriors under Qin Shaofeng, some have reached the second and third level, and there are even more advanced warriors who have successfully entered the realm of innate warriors.

At this time, the number of warriors under Qin Shaofeng's men who reached the realm of innate warriors exceeded fifty, and for advanced warriors, there were two to three hundred.

Fortunately, these warriors under Qin Shaofeng either practiced assassination skills or profound spiritual skills, and the methods of hiding their breath were not as powerful as those on earth.

This also keeps them from being exposed!

If not, Qin Shaofeng has so many congenital warriors and senior warriors who have been passed on, and they will definitely be targeted by many forces and state officials.

And with so many subordinates of innate warriors and senior warriors, Qin Shaofeng can be very relaxed.

Because these men were all sent out by him.

This dispatch is naturally looking for a panacea.

Although there are very few elixir on the earth now, Qin Shaofeng learned from Hu Xiaochuan that there are still some elixir in some deep mountains and dense forests.

There are even places where people are rare, and there are still elixir that grows for hundreds of thousands of years.

If such a panacea could be obtained, it would be a very good thing for Qin Shaofeng.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng himself is also looking for elixir, at best, his method is somewhat special.

For example, the place where Qin Shaofeng and his party are at this moment is the place where the elixir is sold.

However, this place is somewhat special.

"I said, second brother, is there really an elixir selling in this place?"

Seeing the behemoth in front of him, Bai Xiaobai couldn't help but ask, with doubts and curiosity in his eyes.

This is not to blame him, after all, the behemoth in front of him is a huge cruise ship!

And most importantly, this is a somewhat special cruise ship!

The Sea King is the name of this cruise ship, but this behemoth is a veritable gambling ship!

Yes, it is a gambling boat!

A gambling boat also sells elixir?

In this regard, not only Bai Xiaobai, but even Qin Shaofeng and Chen Dazhuang, they were a little bit unbelievable.

As for why Qin Shaofeng and the others will appear here, this matter has to be mentioned a week ago.

A week ago, Hu Xiaochuan told Qin Shaofeng that there would be a place for elixir sales today.

However, this guy was half talking, and he didn't say what place it was.

It was not until this morning that Qin Shaofeng was told to wait for him, saying it was on a gambling boat.

In this regard, Liu Ya's third daughter was excited.

They don't care much about elixir or something, but for the existence of gambling boats, which they have only watched on TV, they naturally want to experience it firsthand if there is a chance.

Not only Liu Ya and the others, even if it was Chen Dazhuang and Bai Xiaobai, when they heard the word gambling boat, their eyes glowed.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng and his party are here.

But the gambling ship and the elixir have nothing to do with each other!

Seeing that everyone didn't believe it, Hu Xiaochuan was immediately anxious.

"What did I lie to you for? There is really a panacea here!"

As he said, Hu Xiaochuan glanced around and said in a low voice: "This is what my father said. This Sea King is the property of Baijia. Although it is a gambling ship, this is just a superficial situation. There really is an elixir deal."

As if for fear that everyone would not believe it, Hu Xiaochuan said with a stern word: "Secretly telling you that my father has been here a few times and bought some medicinal materials, as if to make some preparations for himself."

Although Hu Xiaochuan's last sentence was a bit unclear.

But Qin Shaofeng understood something.

prepare for?

Hu Xiaochuan's father, what else can he do now?

Naturally it is preparation for a breakthrough.

You know that Hu Xiaochuan's father is an innate martial artist in the pinnacle realm. He is preparing for a breakthrough, and that is naturally the preparation for breaking through the innate master.

But for the warriors on earth, it is not easy to break through the elixir needed by the innate warriors.

So, is it really to the other party?

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, and he spoke to Hu Xiaochuan: "Then how is this elixir deal?"

When Qin Shaofeng said this, Hu Xiaochuan knew that the other party believed his words, he was overjoyed, and said happily: "The third man, don't worry, according to my father, the deal for the Sea King looks pretty good. However, the time for this transaction seems to start after three days."

"Three days later?" Qin Shaofeng didn't speak, but Chen Dazhuang frowned and asked: "Since it is three days later, why are you letting us here now?"

"Hey, you don't understand this boss!" Hu Xiaochuan raised his brows, "This is three days in advance, so naturally it is a game. You know this is a gambling boat! Don't you want to play it?"

Hu Xiaochuan's last sentence was to everyone.

This time, everyone was silent, even Chen Dazhuang didn't say much.

Upon seeing this, Hu Xiaochuan nodded in satisfaction, and said: "Okay, don't forget the ink. This gambling boat is very complete. Not only is there a lot of entertainment, but it also has a hotel. I have booked a room for the next three days. , Let's have a good time!"

As soon as Hu Xiaochuan finished speaking this sentence, Bai Xiaobai, who was already a little impatient, was the first to walk quickly to the Sea King.

Liu Ya's third daughter also quickly followed, and Chen Dazhuang stopped talking nonsense when he saw it, and quickly boarded the ship.

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