Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1648: Small bet

"The third child, have you prepared what I asked you to prepare?"

After seeing Chen Dazhuang and others boarding the ship, Hu Xiaochuan was not eager to follow up, but was two steps behind, and asked Qin Shaofeng.

"Well, don't worry, I have prepared a lot!" Qin Shaofeng nodded, with a relieved expression of you.

"That's good, then there will be no problem!" Qin Shaofeng smiled, "In this case, then I will have a good time for three days!"

After saying this, Hu Xiaochuan also hurriedly followed the crowd.

Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, and then said to the rest of the people around him: "You all watch them for me."

This time, in addition to the four big men Qin Shaofeng and Hu Xiaochuan, and Liu Ya's third daughter, Qin Shaofeng still took some people.

This is the Black Tiger and Black Panther, as well as the other three innate warriors who have reached the triple realm.

This is considered a bodyguard!


Heihu and the others responded, and immediately followed with the luggage of the person who left.


The Neptune is very big. As a gambling ship, the Neptune is famous all over the world and is one of the most luxurious cruise ships in the world.

The cruise ship is based on the world-famous cruise brand "Princess" series fleet, manufactured by the cruise ship.

Moreover, its size is almost the same as the "Diamond Princess" manufactured by the "Princess" series. It is the world's top luxury cruise ship with the largest volume and the most complete facilities in the "Princess" series. Even because of the requirements of some characters, the Sea King The launch of the'Diamond Princess' is worse than ever.

The entire Neptunus is like a five-star hotel on the sea. When Qin Shaofeng stepped into the lobby of the Neptunus cruise ship, he even discovered that it was extremely luxuriously furnished. Everything is available.

According to Qin Shaofeng's understanding, this Sea King is more than 300 meters long, 50 meters wide, 60 meters high, and has a load of more than 120,000 tons.

There are more than 1,500 cabins on the Sea King, which can accommodate more than 3,000 passengers, and half of the cabins have private open-air balconies. Visitors can directly lean on the rails to enjoy the beautiful sea scenery without leaving the rooms.

There are also five main restaurants on board, which can provide tourists with Italian, European, American and Asian cuisine. There are four swimming pools of varying sizes, a Princess Theatre that can accommodate more than 700 people, various bars, nightclubs, luxury casinos, duty-free shops, fitness centers and SPAs, libraries, the largest Internet cafe on the sea, and even There is a romantic wedding hall.

With such a complete and luxurious Sea King, looking from a distance, the entire cruise ship seems to be a hill with more than ten stories high. The milky white hull looks very bright under the direct sunlight.

For such a cruise ship, Qin Shaofeng is also somewhat interested.

Of course, since this Sea King is known as a gambling boat, it is naturally based on gambling.

After putting down the luggage in their respective rooms, Qin Shaofeng and others came out.

It is worth mentioning that there was an episode when putting the luggage.

That is, Hu Xiaochuan only booked five rooms, and he booked it by chance, because there are really no extra rooms.

In this case, then the problem comes.

There are only five rooms in total. Qin Shaofeng and his party have more than a dozen people.

Hu Xiaochuan is also a chicken thief. He divided himself and Wang Tingting in a room, and then Chen Dazhuang and Faye Wong shared a room.

Then, the two brothers Bai Xiaobai and Heihu had a room, and the other three Innate Martial Artists had a room.

In this way, only the last room is left.

Well, the last room is naturally Qin Shaofeng and Liu Ya's room.

Qin Shaofeng didn’t know it before, but when he came to the room and found that the room was between himself and Liu Ya, he finally understood. Hu Xiaochuan’s sentence, “Lao San, I can only help you here, and you can work hard for the rest. ! ’

At first, Qin Shaofeng thought it was about buying panacea!

But now it seems that the guy is completely talking about Liu Ya!

In this regard, Qin Shaofeng could only express his speechlessness.

Because Liu Ya came to the room first, she put down her salute and hurried out to meet Faye Wong and Wang Tingting.

At this time, she still doesn't know about it!

"Forget it, let's talk about it then!"

Qin Shaofeng shook his head and also went out.

Since the Sea King is a gambling boat, it is naturally based on gambling. Here Qin Shaofeng is very stuck and has seen various gambling methods.

Although the ship hasn't sailed yet, many places in the casino are already busy.

When he came to the casino lobby, Qin Shaofeng saw Hu Xiaochuan and others.

Several people are changing chips, but the only person changing chips is Hu Xiaochuan. After all, Chen Dazhuang and others don't have much money.

Upon seeing this, Qin Shaofeng gave Black Tiger a wink, and Black Tiger immediately understood, and then proactively stepped forward and told everyone that he was going to change chips.

But I don't want to, what made Qin Shaofeng speechless in the end was that this black tiger was used to being the leader of the black tiger gang, and the bargaining chip changed a million.

And this one million is still US dollars, if converted into RMB, it would be more than six million.

However, Chen Dazhuang and others also know that Qin Shaofeng is not short of money now, nor does he care about it.

However, Hu Xiaochuan did not accept Qin Shaofeng's bargaining chip. In his words, he is a gambling god. If he uses Qin Shaofeng's money and wins, he is embarrassed to take it, so forget it.

Qin Shaofeng didn't care, and took a bargaining chip of more than one hundred thousand dollars and went to play by himself.

With the chips, Liu Ya, Faye Wong and Wang Tingting went straight away.

Of course, behind the three women, they followed the three.

It was Heihu and the other two triple innate martial artists, Hu Xiaochuan also left alone, and then Qin Shaofeng asked an innate martial artist to follow him, Chen Dazhuang and Bai Xiaobai were together, with the black panther and another innate martial artist.

There is no one around Qin Shaofeng, but he doesn't need it either.

The chips on the Neptune are all purchased in U.S. dollars, which are $1, $10, $20, $50, and $100.

Of course, these are just small chips. If you go up, there are 1,000 dollars, 10,000 dollars, 50,000 dollars, and even 100,000 and 1 million chips.

Qin Shaofeng has only a few chips in his hands, but they are worth more than 100,000.

Two 50,000 dollars, three 10,000 dollars, and five 1,000 dollars.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng is also interested in gambling boats.

The casino above the Neptune also has a wide variety of slots, blackjack, roulette, baccarat, sic bo and so on.

These are just gambling in the lobby. In this casino, there are still special places like the second and third floors.

Of course, if you want to go to the second and third floors, there are some conditions.

Qin Shaofeng listened to Hu Xiaochuan, and he needed a certain amount of wealth on the second floor, and on the third floor, it needed a certain identity or something.

However, Qin Shaofeng was not very emotionally interested in these, and he had no intention of going to the second and third floors.

Coming to the casino, Qin Shaofeng was just enjoying himself.

But soon, countless things that made Qin Shaofeng depressed appeared.

After strolling around on the slot machine, Qin Shaofeng's chips were less than five thousand dollars.

Then, on the roulette, Qin Shaofeng once again contributed two 10,000 US dollars and a 50,000 US dollars in chips.

Now Qin Shaofeng has only one 10,000 and one 50,000 US dollars bargaining chip left.

But this also made Qin Shaofeng clear that gambling by luck is not good for him, because his luck is really bad.

So many times, not one win.

Sure enough, ten bets and nine loses!

In the face of this situation, Qin Shaofeng finally replaced the $50,000 in chips with five chips of 10,000, which increased his chips to six!

Then Qin Shaofeng sat down at a baccarat gaming table.

But, Qin Shaofeng's luck today seems to be really bad.

He actually came to kneel again for five consecutive times, uh, no, it should be five consecutive losses.

"Dizzy, only one bargaining chip left?"

Looking at the last $10,000 chip left in his hand, Qin Shaofeng wondered whether he wanted to replace the 10,000 chip with 10 chips.

You lost hundreds of thousands like this?

No, this is U.S. dollars. If it is changed to RMB, it should be more than 800,000.

I lost so much after just such a short time?

Qin Shaofeng's egg hurts. Although he doesn't care much about money, it always makes him feel uncomfortable to export like this!

At this time, the croupier dealt the cards again, and the people at the table started betting.

"Forget it, this time I still bet I will win, and I will lose if I lose!"

Thinking about it this way, Qin Shaofeng threw the last bargaining chip.

But it turned out to be...

Banker, k of hearts, eight of spades, the total is eight!

The dealer at eight?

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng's mouth suddenly twitched, and he basically won at eight.

But after the player opened the cards, Qin Shaofeng laughed.

Three of spades, six of clubs, a total of nine points!

Play to win!


Qin Shaofeng was happy, and finally won!

However, this was only a one-to-one odds, and Qin Shaofeng only won back a chip of 10,000 at most.

However, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved at this moment, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes as he looked at the cards on the table.

Because he suddenly thought that he seemed to have spiritual power, and with his spiritual power, he could achieve a certain degree of perspective!

So, I should be able to see through these cards too?

Qin Shaofeng was a little unsure, but he released his mental power for the first time.

As soon as Qin Shaofeng's mental power came out, Qin Shaofeng's eyes lit up again, and he continued to cast his two 10,000 chips to win.


Banker, Q of Hearts, Five of Spades, the total is five!

Player cards, king of hearts, seven of clubs, the total is seven!

The banker is five, the player is seven, the player wins!

Seeing that the chips in his hand had become four, Qin Shaofeng's mouth was slightly raised.

Sure enough, the mental power I cultivated with "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", although not divine consciousness, is a very powerful spiritual power. Through a small card, there is no problem at all!

Naturally, Qin Shaofeng knew about this result a long time ago, because he had already known the banker and player cards with his own mental power.

After discovering this, Qin Shaofeng felt relaxed.

Now it's time for me to win!

With a smile, Qin Shaofeng's mental power came out again, and then the four chips in his hand were still thrown to the top of Xiansheng.


Banker cards, seven clubs, six diamonds, the total is three points!

Player cards, 10 of hearts, five of clubs, the total is five points!

The banker three points, the player five points, the player wins!

Qin Shaofeng's bargaining chips have changed from four to eight!

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