Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1649: Bad encounter

On the second floor of the casino, Hu Xiaochuan looked somber.

At this moment, Hu Xiaochuan not only had the congenital warrior arranged by Qin Shaofeng, but also Chen Dazhuang and Bai Xiaobai, as well as Black Panther and another congenital warrior.

Now the faces of several people, Hu Xiaochuan, are gloomy, but compared to him, Chen Dazhuang's face is the most excited.

Because Chen Dazhuang looked at the person opposite, but there was a wave of anger in his eyes.

Things have to start a few minutes ago.

It has been a while since I entered the casino, and then Chen Dazhuang and Bai Xiaobai were quickly cleared.

Well, I lost it all.

Although the two of them practiced "Nine Turns of God and Demon Art", their souls could not be compared with Qin Shaofeng at all, let alone divine consciousness, even their spiritual power had not yet been cultivated.

Therefore, it is impossible for the two of them to see through the cards like Qin Shaofeng.

They can only gamble by luck, but whether it is Chen Dazhuang or Bai Xiaobai, Qin Shaofeng’s luck today is still black. In just ten minutes, the two will allocate the chips in their hands and lose everything. Up.

After losing the bargaining chips in their hands, Chen Dazhuang and Bai Xiaobai realized that they had lost so much money.

This made the two people embarrassed, and they didn't even have the idea of ​​looking for Liu Ya's three daughters. After the last two of them negotiated, they found Hu Xiaochuan together, planning to deduct some chips from Hu Xiaochuan's hand.

The bargaining chips that Qin Shaofeng had previously lost were provided by Qin Shaofeng. The two of them were naturally embarrassed to go to Qin Shaofeng again.

After looking for Hu Xiaochuan, the two immediately became happy.

Because Hu Xiaochuan had a lot of chips in his hands, the two decided that Hu Xiaochuan had won the money, so they planned to follow Hu Xiaochuan to win a few with luck.

But Chen Dazhuang and Bai Xiaobai didn't know at all. Although Hu Xiaochuan had a lot of chips in his hands, he had already changed for the second time.

He had already lost all the chips he changed for the first time, faster than the two of them.

Of course, for this, Hu Xiaochuan could not say clearly, he was good-faced, and finally he could act in front of Chen Dazhuang and Bai Xiaobai, how could he say it clearly.

Even the innate warrior who was following him was passed by Hu Xiaochuan secretly, so that the other party didn't need to pierce it.

However, I don't know who gave which luck. After the three of Hu Xiaochuan got together, they actually won some chips.

Even the chips that Hu Xiaochuan had put out before have already won.

Suddenly, the three of them felt that they had already come around, and they were in a state of killing all sides.

No, at Hu Xiaochuan's proposal, the three of them entered the second floor.

If you enter the second floor, although a certain amount of money is needed, there is still this special rule hidden in this Aquaman’s casino.

If the cultivation realm reaches the innate martial artist, then no matter whether you have money or not, you can enter the second floor.

With the help of Qin Shaofeng, not to mention Hu Xiaochuan, even Chen Dazhuang and Bai Xiaobai have been promoted to innate martial artists, and all of them are innate martial artists in the triple realm.

Therefore, when a few people went up to the second floor, it was naturally unimpeded.

The gambling game on the second floor is bigger than the one on the first floor, and there are also many ways to play.

The most important thing is that in the gambling game on the second floor, there are casino croupiers. If they have enough chips, anyone can be a banker.

As the so-called three heads surpass Zhuge Liang!

I don't know if this is the truth. Hu Xiaochuan, Chen Dazhuang and Bai Xiaobai add a piece, it seems that the time has come.

After entering the second floor, the three of them won more and lost less, and they had more and more chips.

But the good times didn't last long, and a person who surprised the three people appeared.

To be precise, it was Chen Dazhuang who was surprised and hated appeared.

He Yunhui!

A person that Chen Dazhuang couldn't be more familiar with, because this He Yunhui's father was the enemy who caused heavy losses to their family and made his uncle Chen Dazhuang injured and died.

If it was before, Chen Dazhuang would definitely turn his head and leave when he saw each other.

He Yunhui couldn't provoke him, but he could avoid it.

But now it's different, he Chen Dazhuang is a warrior of innate triple realm.

How could he still fear each other?

"Oh, isn't this Chen Dazhuang and Chen Dashao?"

Then He Yunhui also saw Chen Dazhuang, and immediately laughed at Chen Dazhuang.

He Yunhui knew exactly what his father did to Chen Dazhuang's family, but he didn't care about it at all, and even looked down on Chen Dazhuang very much.

The appearance of He Yunhui also made Hu Xiaochuan and Bai Xiaobai notice.

Seeing that Chen Dazhuang's face was not right, Hu Xiaochuan and Bai Xiaobai asked secretly, and after they knew the identity of each other from Chen Dazhuang, Hu Xiaochuan and Bai Xiaobai were immediately angry.

"Oh, where did you come from?" Hu Xiaochuan smiled coldly, and looked at He Yunhui with a sneer and disdain.

He Yunhui hadn't noticed the existence of Hu Xiaochuan and Bai Xiaobai, he only saw Chen Dazhuang from the beginning.

But now Hu Xiaochuan's sneer made him angry.


When He Yunhui was angry, he planned to open his mouth to say something vulgar.

But before he finished speaking, he was pressed on his shoulder and asked him to swallow all the words behind.

"Young Master?"

Looking back at the person holding his shoulder, He Yunhui's original angry face instantly turned into a panic, and then turned into a flattery.

Because the Wang Shao who shot him is not simple. In fact, the reason why he can appear on the second floor of the Ocean King Casino is precisely because of this Wang Shao!

Seeing this Wang Shao, Hu Xiaochuan frowned slightly and his face became a little serious.

Because the identity of the Wang Shao is not simple, the other party is the eldest of the Wang family-Wang Shaowei!

"Heh, Hu Xiaochuan didn't expect to see you in this place!"

Wang Shaowei smiled slightly, then shook his head again, and sighed pretentiously: "However, now I am different from you, but I entered this second floor with my own strength, not like the background you rely on. And identity!"

Wang Shaowei's remarks couldn't be better understood. It was nothing more than to say that Hu Xiaochuan entered the second floor with the identity of the Hu family.

Instead of being an innate warrior, he has the qualifications to enter this second floor.

After practicing "Nine Turns of Gods and Demons", whether it is Hu Xiaochuan, Chen Dazhuang and Bai Xiaobai, they can have a good breath of themselves.

Hu Xiaochuan didn't speak, looking at this Wang Shaowei was a little shocked.

Because he found that he could not see through the realm of Wang Shaowei.

You must know that he is now an innate martial artist of the five-level realm. Although he has not cultivated his spiritual power, he can sense the realm aura of other people.

However, if the opponent's realm exceeds him by too much, it will not be sensed.

After all, he is not Qin Shaofeng!

But with Hu Xiaochuan's current state of five innate martial artists, he still couldn't sense the state of Wang Shaowei, there was only one possibility.

The opponent is the realm of an innate martial artist!

This Wang Shaowei is already an innate martial artist?

Hu Xiaochuan was shocked.

However, Hu Xiaochuan soon felt relieved.

Like the Hu family, the Wang family is a family of warriors, and in comparison of power, the Wang family is slightly better than the Hu family.

The so-called Jiangnan Hu Family and Northeast Wang Family refer to these two martial arts families.

Although Wang Shaowei's cultivation talent is not as good as him, it is still good, and he is definitely a genius in the Chinese martial arts world.

And this Wang Shaowei is not him, he has not been poisoned by anyone. With the powerful resources of the Wang family, he was promoted to an Innate Martial Artist under the age of seventeen.

Now the other party is twenty-two years old, and it has been four or five years since the other party has been promoted to become an innate martial artist, that is also said to have passed.

Hu Xiaochuan was confident that if he had no physical condition, he would at least be an innate martial artist of the triple realm, and even the realm of the fifth or sixth innate martial artist, that is very possible.

The relationship between the Hu family and the Wang family is very bad.

The two families have been fighting secretly for a long time. Looking back, it is the hatred that the two families took over during the Ming Dynasty.

But the strength of the two is almost the same. Either you are stronger, or mine is a better one. For so many years, no one has beaten another.

The Hu family and the Wang family have been grieving for a long time.

And the young masters of the two families, Hu Xiaochuan and Wang Shaowei, are even more contradictory.

There is a fight between the two, but because Hu Xiaochuan's talent is higher than that of Wang Shaowei, even Hu Xiaochuan has the upper hand.

But after this part of Hu Xiaochuan's body appeared, the situation was completely reversed.

This is worse than Wang Shaowei, who turned over. Naturally, he kept hitting Hu Xiaochuan, looking for Hu Xiaochuan's troubles everywhere.

It wasn't until Hu Xiaochuan entered the university that the two people met less, and Wang Shaowei didn't bother to find Hu Xiaochuan.

After feeling Wang Shaowei's breath at this moment, Hu Xiaochuan frowned slightly, knowing that he was in trouble.

However, when he thought that this was the Sea King, Hu Xiaochuan felt a little relieved.

Because no matter how messed up the opponent is, it is impossible to do anything extraordinary on the Sea King.

Even considering that he is not alone now, Wang Shaowei's identity is not simple. In order not to cause trouble to Qin Shaofeng and others, Hu Xiaochuan had already planned to ignore the other party and left directly.

And now seeing Hu Xiaochuan again, Wang Shaowei will not let Hu Xiaochuan leave under this pressure.

In particular, He Yunhui pointed at Chen Dazhuang at this moment, and then said something in Wang Shaowei's ear, which was even more interested in Wang Shaowei's heart.

Wang Shaowei also saw that Hu Xiaochuan didn't want to pay attention to himself, and that this was on the Sea King, and he dared not do anything to Hu Xiaochuan.

However, after learning about the relationship between Chen Dazhuang and his younger brother He Yunhui, Wang Shaowei suddenly gave birth to a plan and winked at He Yunhui.

He Yunhui nodded clearly, and then shouted at Chen Dazhuang: "Why did you run away again, Chen Dazhuang? With your father and them, they are all spoils!"


As soon as He Yunhui said this, Hu Xiaochuan knew it was bad.

Sure enough, as soon as He Yunhui said these words, Chen Dazhuang didn't hesitate. He turned around in an instant to show up to He Yunhui.

But fortunately, the Panthers, who had long felt something wrong, immediately held down Chen Dazhuang.

"Shao Chen, don't be impulsive!" Black Panther whispered.

Needless to say, Hu Xiaochuan, the Panthers have already felt Wang Shaowei's breath, which is extremely dangerous to him.

Even more dangerous than the old Zheng who made a temporary breakthrough.


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