Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1650: Can I bet?

"Boss, don't be impulsive!"

Hu Xiaochuan also came over to hold Chen Dazhuang at this time.

At this time, although Chen Dazhuang understood in his heart, he was still angry when he looked at the proud and provocative He Yunhui on the opposite side.

Upon seeing this, Hu Xiaochuan understood that today this matter cannot be left alone.

Signaling that the Panthers are optimistic about Chen Dazhuang, Hu Xiaochuan stepped forward and said coldly to Wang Shaowei: "Wang Shaowei, what do you want to do?"

"What are you doing?" Wang Shaowei smiled slightly in a pleasant tone, "What can I do? You are the genius of the Hu family, what can I dare to do to you?"

Although he said that, everyone present could hear the irony in Wang Shaowei's tone.

At this time, the movement here has attracted a lot of attention.

In particular, there were also many warriors present who recognized Hu Xiaochuan and Wang Shaowei, and they immediately became interested and more people followed.

Hu Xiaochuan did not speak, but looked at Wang Shaowei coldly.

Upon seeing this, Wang Shaowei gave He Yunhui a wink again, and then He Yunhui took a step forward and sneered at Chen Dazhuang: "Chen Dazhuang, don’t you think my father has sacked your family a lot of money? Now Ben will give you one less chance. If you are If you have the ability, just at the gambling table, win the money back!"

"Okay, just gamble!" Chen Dazhuang was angry, and immediately agreed upon hearing this.

This made Hu Xiaochuan even unable to stop it.

Hu Xiaochuan knows the Aquaman casino very well, and he also knows that there is a rule on the second floor of the casino, a special gambling agreement.

If one party issues a gambling agreement and the other party agrees to it, then the gambling agreement must be carried out and cannot be reversed.

In other words, after Chen Dazhuang agreed, this bet must be done.

Faced with such a situation, Hu Xiaochuan could not stop it, and the development of things now exceeded his expectations.

But Hu Xiaochuan was fairly calm, and gave the Panther a wink without leaving a trace. After seeing the Panther, he pulled away and went downstairs.

At this time, the casino had prepared a gambling game for Chen Dazhuang and He Yunhui.


In less than an hour, Qin Shaofeng's bargaining chips were already different.

Although the number of chips in front of Qin Shaofeng all added up, it was only 5.

But these five chips are all red, two pale red, and three purple.

On the Neptune, chips worth less than US$10,000 are all green, while chips worth more than US$10,000 have a variety of different colors.

The chip with 10,000 dollars is blue, the chip with 50,000 is purple, and the chip with 100,000 is light red. As for the chip with 1 million dollars, it is a fuchsia scene.

Therefore, the five chips in front of Qin Shaofeng are 3.2 million, and they are still US dollars.

It was only for a while before Qin Shaofeng expanded his bargaining chip to more than three million.

And this is the result of Qin Shaofeng's deliberate suppression. In order not to be the main player in the casino, Qin Shaofeng has lost and won, not always winning.

That was too ostentatious, and it wasn't what Qin Shaofeng wanted.

This is also because it took Qin Shaofeng an hour to win such a chip.

The bargaining chip of 3.2 million U.S. dollars seems to be a lot, but if Qin Shaofeng didn't deliberately do this, he might be able to multiply this number several times, or even dozens of times.

However, considering that Hu Xiaochuan said that this Sea King was the property of those hundred families, Qin Shaofeng did not do so.

It is better to converge!

But well...

Well, let's win more!

The corner of his mouth curled slightly, and Qin Shaofeng planned to throw out the light red chips in his hand.

This time Qin Shaofeng found out the results of his mental power, but he knew that this time the dealer and the player were the same size, it was a tie!

In the Baccarat in this Sea King casino, the odds of a tie game are the same as those in ordinary places, eight times.

Qin Shaofeng planned to throw 200,000, and then beat 1.6 million.

But just as Qin Shaofeng was about to throw those two pale red chips, a figure appeared in front of him instantly.

"Master, it's not good, there is a problem with Shao Hu!"

This person who appeared suddenly is naturally a black panther.

After receiving Hu Xiaochuan's hint, the Panther went downstairs to look for Qin Shaofeng.

But the first floor of the entire casino is very large, even if the ship has not officially opened yet, there are many people in this casino.

It happened that the baccarat table where Qin Shaofeng was located was in another corner. The Panthers searched for more than ten minutes before they found Qin Shaofeng.

The Panthers also knew that Wang Shaowei's visitors were not good, and I am afraid that Hu Xiaochuan and the others would have trouble, and they were also very anxious.

Therefore, when he finally found Qin Shaofeng, he rushed over, his tone not only sudden, but also urgent.

This caused Qin Shaofeng's hand to shake involuntarily, and the two chips fell into the Zhuang win area.

"The banker is 8 o'clock, the player is 8 o'clock, and!"

The croupier's voice sounded, but Qin Shaofeng at this moment had already stood up and left.


On the second floor, at a gaming table, Hu Xiaochuan, Chen Dazhuang and others looked ugly.

ten minutes!

In just ten minutes, they not only punched out all their chips, they even owed the opponent 10 million chips!

Ten million!

This is U.S. dollars, but it would be more than 60 million if it was changed to RMB.

But even so, the three of Hu Xiaochuan didn't realize this. Instead, all of them got red eyes and wanted to continue gambling. This was obviously abnormal.

In private gambling games like this, the Aquaman itself will not participate, but will provide props, and if both parties request it, they do not need to send any dealers.

Even the game play and odds of the game can be negotiated by both parties themselves.

Of course, after such a gambling round is generally over, regardless of whether both sides win or lose, the winner of each round must come up with 10% of the chips and be drawn by the Sea King.

Therefore, no matter who wins or loses, it doesn't matter to the Neptune, because they all have money to take.

"4, 6, 7, 17 o'clock!"

"Ha, I won again!"

After the croupier lifted the dice gu, He Yunhui burst into laughter.

Then, He Yunhui took back all the chips on the table, and provocatively said to Hu Xiaochuan and others: "How about it, do you want to continue?"

"of course……"

Of course continue, what Hu Xiaochuan wants to say, he has lost the red eye now, and he hasn't considered that much at all. He just wants to win back all the chips that went out.

Then, win again!

But before he could finish speaking, he was slapped on the shoulder, and all the words that blew up were suppressed.

Not only that, Hu Xiaochuan was sober up in this shot.

The person who photographed Hu Xiaochuan was Qin Shaofeng.

On the way here, Qin Shaofeng learned about the situation from Black Panther, and realized that Hu Xiaochuan and others were in trouble.

But Qin Shaofeng did not expect that it would be such a trouble.


This is fine, but the problem is that the three of Hu Xiaochuan have passed.

According to Black Panther, when he went down to find himself, Hu Xiaochuan's three injured people should have three or four million chips.

But now not only the three or four million in the hands of Hu Xiaochuan's trio have lost all of them, but the trio also borrowed 10 million chips from each other.

This is obviously abnormal for the three of Hu Xiaochuan.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng also felt it for the first time that there was a trace of mental energy remaining on the three of Hu Xiaochuan.

Immediately, Qin Shaofeng understood that it was probably the hands and feet called Wang Shaowei.

Even if a warrior is a warrior on the earth, Qin Shaofeng estimates that after reaching a certain level of cultivation, he will definitely cultivate spiritual power.

Even for some people, even at a low level, they can cultivate spiritual power.

At the very least, some of Qin Shaofeng’s innate martial artists, some of whom are talented in spiritual power, Qin Shaofeng estimates that under the condition of practicing assassination and profound spiritual skills, perhaps there is a level of six or seven innate martial arts that can cultivate some. Mental strength.

Although it can't be compared with himself, this also made Qin Shaofeng aware of one thing, that there are also people with talents in all aspects on earth.

Therefore, it is very likely that he might encounter someone whose realm is far inferior to him, but whose mental power may be stronger than him.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't expect to meet such a person with special spiritual power today.

Obviously, the situation of Hu Xiaochuan's three losers getting more jealous was affected by some mental power.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng immediately dispelled the mental power of the three Hu Xiaochuan.

As soon as the mental power was dispelled, the three of Hu Xiaochuan immediately understood.

The three of them did not lose their memory or some psychedelic situation, but because they were induced by certain mental powers, they made actions that did not conform to their own consciousness.

Therefore, the three of them only remembered clearly, but they could not prohibit their actions. Now that the mental power was dispelled, the three of them were in a cold sweat.

Hu Xiaochuan, as a young man in the Hu family, has been widely experienced by others. Although he still doesn't know what happened to the three of them, he can be sure that the three of them have been calculated.

"Youngest, we..."

Hu Xiaochuan stood up and wanted to say something to Qin Shaofeng in a low voice, but Qin Shaofeng waved his hand, then turned to look at Wang Shaowei and said, "Can I bet?"

At this moment, the person sitting at the gambling table, even though it was He Yunhui, Wang Shaowei was just sitting aside and watching quietly.

But Qin Shaofeng knew that the real person involved in the gambling was not He Yunhui but Wang Shaowei.

He Yunhui didn't even speak at this moment, but looked at Wang Shaowei and waited for his reply.

Wang Shaowei glanced at Qin Shaofeng, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

In fact, from the very beginning, he had noticed the Black Panthers who followed Hu Xiaochuan's trio, and he also noticed the breath of the Black Panthers for the first time, and felt that the Black Panthers are all innate warriors.

At first he felt that the Black Panthers were all from the Hu family, but after seeing Qin Shaofeng's arrival at the moment, the attitude of the Black Panthers towards Qin Shaofeng, he suddenly understood that the Black Panthers and others were not from Hu Xiaochuan.

For a while, Wang Shaowei became interested in Qin Shaofeng.

"Are you?" Wang Shaowei asked.

"Qin Shaofeng!" Qin Shaofeng pointed at Hu Xiaochuan and replied, "We are brothers!"

Qin Shaofeng?

Upon hearing Qin Shaofeng's name, Wang Shaowei was shocked, and immediately thought whether Qin Shaofeng was from the Qin family.

The Qin family is one of the five largest families, and if Qin Shaofeng is a member of the Qin family, it would be troublesome.

However, after careful recollection, it seemed that the younger generation of the Qin family did not have Qin Shaofeng, and Wang Shaowei immediately felt relieved.

"If that's the case, it doesn't matter, you bet you bet, it's the same anyway!" Wang Shaowei smiled.

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