Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1651: Sorry, I won again!

Wang Shaowei nodded, and He Yunhui naturally had no opinion.

And the three Hu Xiaochuan also stood up immediately and gave way to Qin Shaofeng.

At this time, Hu Xiaochuan thought that he had borrowed Wang Shaowei 10 million, and his heart was in a cold sweat.

Not only him, but Chen Dazhuang and Bai Xiaobai, who thought of this, couldn't say a word in shock.

After Qin Shaofeng sat down and took a look at the gaming table, he realized what Hu Xiaochuan and the others were betting on.


The dice is also called Sic Bo.

Qin Shaofeng recalled the gambling method about this Sic Bo in his mind.

SicBo (SicBo) is generally called a bet size and is a method of gambling with dice. In Sic Bo, each player places a bet on the dealer. Before each bet, the dealer puts three dice in a covered vessel, which is the dice gu, to shake.

When the players have finished placing their bets, the dealer opens the dice and then pays.

The most common bet is to buy the size of the dice points (the total number of points is 3 to 10 is called the small, 11 to 17 is the big, except for the dice), so it is often called the buy size (Tai-Sai).

In fact, the gambling method of Sic Bo is a gambling game where the dealer is always in a favorable position. Players cannot improve their chances of winning with technology, and in the long run, the banker will win. Among various bets, "big and small" are the most beneficial to the player, but the banker still has the advantage.

However, this is a general gambling method.

Qin Shaofeng now looks at the situation at the gaming table and knows that the dice betting method this time should be a little different.

Upon seeing this, an innate martial artist who had been watching the whole process took a step forward, muttered a few times in Qin Shaofeng's ear, and told Hu Xiaochuan and the other party's gambling method.

There is no way to be complicated, it is very simple, just bet on the size.

Of course, in addition to the size, there is also guessing the number. The so-called guessing number is to directly guess the number of the three dice, and it is still the sum of the numbers.

If you guess right, you can get one to ten odds.

The gambling method is very simple, and Qin Shaofeng quickly understood.

However, as this bet, He Yunhui is the banker and Hu Xiaochuan three bets.

As for the person who even shakes the dice, it is a croupier from the Sea King Casino. The other party should have no problem, because it is Hu Xiaochuan who identified the croupier.

But even so, the three of Hu Xiaochuan still lost more than 10 million.

If there is no problem, Qin Shaofeng doesn't believe anything.

After the croupier swayed for a while, He Yunhui sneered at Qin Shaofeng and said: "Heh, boy, even if you change, I can't kill you. How much do you pay this time?"

Qin Shaofeng glanced at He Yunhui faintly, didn't say much, and threw a purple-red chip in his hand to the top.

Qin Shaofeng's actions were taken aback by everyone onlookers and Hu Xiaochuan.

1 million directly?

You must know that even if it was influenced by the spiritual power of others, Hu Xiaochuan and the others only gambled 1 million once!

Now when Qin Shaofeng comes up, he directly bet 1 million?

"One million bet big?"

He Yunhui laughed and said, "Look at me, I will kill you!"

With that, He Yunhui motioned to the croupier, the croupier nodded, and then lifted the dice gu.

"3, 5, 6, 14 o'clock, big! Player wins!" the croupier said.

He Yunhui, who was originally laughing, his face changed in an instant, and said angrily: "Come again!"

Compared to He Yunhui, who was a little angry, Qin Shaofeng was very indifferent.

This is a destined thing, because even if it is an airtight dice gu, Qin Shaofeng can penetrate it with mental power, and then'see' the number of the dice inside.

This is naturally impossible to lose!

Therefore, after the croupier finished rolling the dice again, Qin Shaofeng didn't hesitate, and directly threw a 1 million chip to the top again.

"Still betting big? Do you think it will make you big in succession?" He Yunhui sneered.

But when the croupier lifted the dice gu, he couldn't laugh.

"4, 4, 5, 13 o'clock, big! Player wins!" the croupier said.

Still big?

Seeing this scene, Wang Shaowei didn't say anything, but He Yunhui's expression turned gloomy.

"Damn it!" He Yunhui snorted, a glimmer of anger flashed in He Yunhui's eyes, and shouted at Qin Shaofeng, "Boy, do you dare to increase your bet this time?"

"What am I afraid?" Qin Shaofeng smiled faintly.

"Okay, you are fine!" He Yunhui smiled coldly, then said to the dealer, "Shake the dice!"

After a crackling of the dice, the croupier left the dice Gu with both hands and said: "Please place a bet!"

This time, Qin Shaofeng did not hesitate, and directly bet all the five chips in his hand, and this time, Qin Shaofeng still bet big.

"Hahaha, you dare to bet big?" He Yunhui smiled.

Even this time, even Hu Xiaochuan and others were a little uncomfortable.

This has been a big issue twice in a row, and the chance of a third time being big should be very small!

This is the psychology of ordinary gamblers, thinking that it is impossible to continuously increase or decrease.

But Qin Shaofeng's bargaining chip had already been thrown out, and Hu Xiaochuan and the others couldn't say anything.

However, what surprised and pleasantly surprised them happened again.

"2, 4, 6, 12 o'clock, big! Player wins!" the croupier said.


Still big!

"how can that be?"

Seeing this scene, He Yunhui looked incredulous.

At this moment, Wang Shaowei, who was sitting by his side, frowned slightly, then glanced at a middle-aged man beside him, with a hint of question in his eyes.

But after the other party shook his head slightly, Wang Shaowei's brows stretched out, but after this time, he looked at Qin Shaofeng's gaze with a strange light.

"Go away, let me come!"

It seemed that he couldn't accept it. After Qin Shaofeng bet to win three times in a row, He Yunhui pushed the croupier away and planned to roll the dice by himself.

He Yunhui is not a veteran of the casino, nor has he received any training. The technique of rolling dice is very poor, but he still took a long time before he deducted the dice gu.

"Come on, there is a kind of this time, your 10 million chips are all-in for me!" He Yunhui said defiantly.

"as you wish!"

Qin Shaofeng smiled faintly, and bet all the ten fuchsia 1 million chips.

The point is that this time, Qin Shaofeng is still betting big!

"Are you actually remand?"

A glimmer of disbelief flashed in He Yunhui's eyes, and this time, for some reason, he felt a little uneasy.

"Do you care whether I bet big or small, you just drive!" Qin Shaofeng said, still with a faint smile on his face.

"Okay, open it, let's see how I can kill you ten million!" He Yunhui gritted his teeth.

Then, he uncovered the dice gu.

Uncovering the dice gu, He Yunhui's face instantly turned pale after seeing Li Min's three dice.

2, 3, 6, 11 o'clock!

Still big!

And this number happens to be big, but a little bit is too small.

It's a little bit worse, it's also bad, and the result is big.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng won.

"how come?"

He Yunhui staggered back two steps with a look of disbelief.

Ten million!

This is US dollars, just lost?

Contrary to He Yunhui, seeing this scene, the faces of the three Hu Xiaochuan were immediately happy, and they were relieved.

Because this finally exported them and won them back.

"Why don't you continue?"

Seeing He Yunhui's face of disbelief, Qin Shaofeng smiled.

This made He Yunhui a little irritated, some blushing with a thick neck and low anger: "Just kidding, there is something I don't dare to, He Yunhui, you can continue!"

He Yunhui shook again with the dice Gu.

However, this time he kept a mindful eye, and when he shook Dice Gu, he secretly gave Wang Shaowei a glance.

After getting Wang Shaowei's relief, He Yunhui finished shaking the dice and put down the dice Gu with a confident face, and sneered at Qin Shaofeng: "Boy, you bet 20 million this time!"

"Why not!" Qin Shaofeng smiled faintly, and directly pushed out all the two thousand chips in front of him.

However, the place where Qin Shaofeng put his chips out this time was not the same place.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng did not bet on juniors either, he was betting on points this time!

"This time, I'll bet the points. Well, it's 11 o'clock!" Qin Shaofeng smiled lightly.

What, betting points?

Qin Shaofeng's actions surprised everyone, even Hu Xiaochuan and others were a little anxious.

How can you count points!

According to the gambling method of both parties, although the odds of betting points are higher, it is directly one pays ten.

But the problem is, the points of the three dice are from 3 to 18, which is sixteen numbers, and the probability is one in sixteen!

This time, seeing Qin Shaofeng bet 20 million to the point, He Yunhui's face was very surprised and even panicked.

20 million chips, if one loses ten, then if you lose, it is two hundred million!

And this is 200 million US dollars, which is more than 600 million yuan in RMB.

For He Yunhui, such a figure is a very exaggerated figure. If you leave him alone, I am afraid that he will panic when faced with such a figure.

But after taking a look at Wang Shaowei, He Yunhui was immediately relieved when he got the affirmative look of the other party.

Then, when he looked at Qin Shaofeng again, He Yunhui looked triumphant, and seemed to believe that Qin Shaofeng was defeated.

Qin Shaofeng smiled because he knew where He Yunhui's confidence came from.

Because at this moment, after he placed the bet, a middle-aged man next to Wang Shaowei moved.

Qin Shaofeng clearly felt it, and the other side probed it out with a spirit of power.

Needless to say, the other party must be the culprit who affected the three Hu Xiaochuan before.

Feeling this situation, Qin Shaofeng's eyes fell cold, and his own mental power also poured out instantly.

Then, the next moment, a muffled groan sounded, and the face of the middle-aged man beside Wang Shaowei instantly turned pale.

Suddenly, this middle-aged man's breath appeared for a while.

At that moment, Qin Shaofeng used his own mental power to release the mental power of the middle-aged man, which was abruptly cut off.

Although the mental strength of this middle-aged man was good, it was still a lot worse than Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng forcibly cut off the other's mental power in this way, which was a serious blow to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man's muffled hum made Wang Shaowei feel that something was wrong.

But at this moment, He Yunhui, who was extremely confident, uncovered the dice gu.

At this time, even if Wang Shaowei had any means, it was already too late.

Because after the dice gu was uncovered, countless pairs of eyes saw the numbers of the three dice.

1, 4, 6!

The three numbers add up, no more, no less, it happens to be 11 o'clock!

"Sorry, I won again!"

Qin Shaofeng smiled faintly as soon as the dice gu was uncovered.

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