Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1652: The ending of He Yunhui

1, 4, 6, 11 o'clock!

Seeing the numbers on the three dice, He Yunhui couldn't believe it.

"Impossible, this is impossible! How could it be 11 o'clock?" He Yunhui was a little crazy.

"No, you are paying a thousand, yes, you are paying a thousand!"

He Yunhui suddenly yelled at Qin Shaofeng, but in the next moment, a black bodyguard next to Wang Shaowei took the lead and knocked He Yunhui out.

At this time, Wang Shaowei stood up, took a serious look at Qin Shaofeng, and said lightly: "You are very good!"

Wang Shaowei's expression was very arrogant, he put himself in an absolutely high position in front of Qin Shaofeng.

It seems that his voice is good, just like praising Qin Shaofeng again.

But the next moment, his face became gloomy.

Because at this time, Qin Shaofeng stood up, glanced at him lightly, then shook his head gently, and said, "It's boring!"

After speaking, Qin Shaofeng left with Hu Xiaochuan and others.

Of course, when they left, the Panthers and others were the first to take away all the chips on the gaming table.

On the Neptune, there is a special place, that is, the two sides of the gambling agreement that are conducted on their own, even if one of the parties can't get the gambling capital, it does not matter, the Neptune’s casino is out.

This kind of situation is aimed at Xiang He Yunhui's position in the bank, and the opponent won a large sum of money, and can't come up with so many chips at a time.

It doesn't matter, the Sea King is out.

Of course, this is not a charity that the Neptunus is, it directly provided money for the losing party.

You must know that those who can enter the second floor of the Sea King are basically of some family background, and no matter how bad they are, they are also an innate warrior.

If you have a family, naturally you don’t need to say more. When the time comes, the Neptune will come directly to the door to recover the money you have advanced, and even charge some extra interest.

Although the interest is not very high, if the money is advanced, the interest will accumulate, and there will be a lot.

As for those who really can't get the money, then they directly collect the other party's immovable assets and emptied the other party's family.

You must know that the Sea King is the property of a hundred families, and with the strength of the hundred families, even if the other four warrior families of the same five great families owe the money to the hundred families, it is impossible not to pay back the money, and other forces do not even use it. said.

If the person who owes money is an innate martial artist, and then does not have the ability to repay, then you will have to work for a hundred families.

In fact, there are many Innate Martial Artists who owe a lot of money in the Sea King, and finally they have no choice but to work for Baijia. What's more, many Inborn Martial Artists joined Baijia because of this.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng doesn't care much about these things, as long as he can get his bargaining chips back, that's fine.


In a room in the Sea King Hotel, Wang Shaowei looked gloomy, and beside him was a middle-aged man with a pale face.

"Uncle Peng, how are you?" Wang Shaowei asked concerned about the middle-aged man's face.

The Uncle Peng he said was one of his clan uncles named Wang Peng.

Although this Wang Peng is only a collateral member of the Wang family, he is born with strong spiritual power, and he only has spiritual power when he cultivates to the realm of innate martial artist.

You need to know that ordinary martial artists, but as long as they enter the realm of innate martial masters, or even innate masters, will they cultivate spiritual power.

And the attack method of mental power is very weird, and it is impossible to guard against.

Although Wang Peng is now in the realm of the Nine-layer Innate Martial Artist, the other party's mental power is already equivalent to some Innate Grand Master.

Of course, this is just mental power. The spiritual power cultivated by the earth martial artist, even if it is the spiritual power of the innate grandmaster level, is not very powerful.

Only relying on spiritual power, even the spiritual power of the innate grandmaster realm, can't kill a 7th realm innate martial artist.

However, if Wang Peng's mental strength was unexpected, it would be enough to make an innate martial artist of the fifth or sixth realm hate Jiuquan.

Moreover, a warrior with spiritual power has a very strong sense and can detect danger in advance. This is why Wang Shaowei, a direct disciple of the Wang family, does not have the protection of an innate warrior.

Because of the presence of Wang Peng, he was equivalent to an innate martial artist in the seventh realm.

But such a master, although he lost to a young man in the contest of mental strength?

This makes Wang Shaowei feel incredible.

Not only Wang Shaowei, but Wang Peng, the party concerned, is still very confused at this moment.

"Fortunately, after a period of recuperation, I can recover!" Wang Peng said.

Upon seeing this, Wang Shaowei was also relieved.

You must know that warriors who are good at spiritual power are very special, not high in realm, but they have high strength.

Moreover, as the spiritual power of the martial artist increases, their spiritual power will also increase.

If Wang Peng could suddenly reach the realm of the Innate Martial Master, then the opponent's mental power might be a threat to the Inborn Grand Master.

Therefore, the position of Wang Peng in the Wang family is also somewhat special.

Although not as good as Wang Shaowei's direct line, he is also a relatively important figure in the Wang family.

If Wang Peng had an accident, it would be troublesome for Wang Shaowei.

The most important thing is that even Wang Shaowei doesn't want an accident in his father's confidant, otherwise he would not be easy to explain.

And in the final analysis, Wang Peng will be his help in the future, and loss is also a bad thing for him.

"Uncle Peng, what is going on?" Wang Shaowei couldn't help but asked, frowning slightly.

Now that Wang Peng is okay, that's a good thing, but Wang Shaowei is curious about what happened.

"The other party is not simple, he has very strong mental power!" Wang Peng said, his expression a little solemn.

"Strong mental power?" Wang Shaowei's eyes flashed, a little surprised.

Wang Peng's mental power is already equivalent to the average innate grandmaster, and the opponent is even stronger. Isn't it because the other's mental power is already comparable to most inborn grandmasters?

"Hmm! Very strong!"

Wang Peng nodded, hesitated for a moment, and seemed to have considered it, before he continued to speak: "The other party's mental power is so strong, I didn't react at all, and I lost some of my mental power.

"Master, the other party feels that I don't use all his strength at all. I guessed that if it is pure mental power, the other party is afraid that it has the ability to kill four or five innate martial artists."

The last words of the item moved Wang Shaowei.

That person named Qin Shaofeng was so amazing.

"Damn it, what kind of **** did that Hu Xiaochuan take to meet such a person?"

Wang Shaowei's face looked a little ugly, at least at this stage, on the Sea King, he could not trouble Hu Xiaochuan.

But it didn't matter, because he came to the Sea King, not to trouble Hu Xiaochuan.

"Forget it, that's the end of this matter. Before the trade fair begins, we still don't conflict with each other!"

After a moment of silence, Wang Shaowei said.

Hearing what he said, Wang Peng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that his young master and Hu Xiaochuan would smash together, so that would be troublesome.

Seriously, he really didn't want to have any conflict with that person named Qin Shaofeng now.

When he thought of the other party and wiped out his mental power in an instant, he felt a panic.

Absolutely and completely wiped out, it was terrible.

Even in Wang Peng's heart, there is a feeling that if it is only about mental power, the terrible opponent can be some innate martial arts.

Facing such a person, he naturally didn't want to be an enemy with him.

"Master, what about He Yunhui?" Wang Peng asked, as if thinking of something.

"He Yunhui?"

Fortunately, Wang Peng didn't mention it. The mention of He Yunhui made Wang Shaowei feel angry.

Although Hu Xiaochuan returned it and borrowed 10 million from him before, Qin Shaofeng's last hand made him lose 200 million!

With this money, the person in charge of the Ocean King Casino did not go to He Yunhui Yao, but went to him directly.

Facing such a situation, Wang Shaowei was also very helpless, but he did not dare not give money!

But in this way, he lost nearly 20 million US dollars, more than 600 million.

Although 600 million, for his Wang family, it was only a small amount.

But for him, Wang Shaowei, it is a large number. How could Wang Shaowei pay six billion in advance for no reason?

With a cold look, Wang Shaowei said to Wang Peng: "Let someone take that He Yunhui back, and then go and tell him Lao Tzu to give me the six billion yuan of money back!"

Wang Shaowei's voice was very cold, he didn't take He Yunhui to heart at all, and he didn't even think about it. This time he instructed He Yunhui to do the gambling.

But Wang Peng didn't care much, and nodded his head to go out and order people to do this according to Wang Shaowei's intention.

In fact, in his early years, He Yunhui’s Lao had occasionally gotten into some relationship with Wang Shaowei. Before, he planted ginseng with the Chen Dazhuang family. The reason why He Yunhui’s Lao was still fine was Wang Shaowei’s power.

However, this time, the He Yunhui family is still because of Wang Shaowei, I am afraid they will encounter it.

He Yunhui's Lao Tzu was not Wang Shaowei, nor was he a warrior. At best, he knew Wang Shaowei and pleased Wang Shaowei once.

Although over the years, He Yunhui has helped Wang Shaowei's relationship to get a lot of good things and save a lot of money.

But this time, because Wang Shaowei was angry, he directly reported a whole number when he took He Yunhui to ask for money.


Then, He Yunhui's family suffered.

He Yunhui's Lao Tzu was very afraid of Wang Shaowei. Despite the difficulties, he still put out one billion yuan and also paid the sole proprietorship owed by his son.

This suffered very serious trauma to the He Yunhui family.

But He Yunhui's Laozi is not worried, he is confident to make a comeback.

What he did not expect was that because Wang Shaowei demanded one billion from him, many people believed that Lao He Yunhui had offended his patron Wang Shaowei.

He Yunhui has offended many people over the years. Now someone sees his patron Wang Shaowei and doesn't seem to care much about him. For a while, many people have attacked him.

As a result, He Yunhui Laozi was found out a lot of things, and finally ate a bullet.

As for He Yunhui himself, it was also found out that Gongshou, a female student, a female classmate, and related to several car accidents, went directly to jail.

This can be regarded as retribution for evil!

Wang Shaowei didn't care about this at all, because after squeezing the property of He Yunhui's family, he didn't pay attention to what happened to He Yunhui and his Laozi.

Of course, these are all things.

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