Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1653: Hu Xiaochuan

Oh, this Neptune’s casino is quite interesting!

Qin Shaofeng said that he was surprised when he learned that the Haiwang Casino did not collect any funds for his bet against He Yunhui this time.

Because in accordance with the rules of the Aquaman Casino, private gambling is conducted, and every time this is played, 10% is drawn.

According to Qin Shaofeng's and He Yunhui's gambling games, he has to be drawn a lot of rake from the Sea King Casino, and this rake is counted together with the principal.

Qin Shaofeng bet 1 million for the first time, and finally won two million in chips. According to the rules of the sea king’s casino, he had to draw 200,000.

In the second gambling game, Qin Shaofeng won and his principal, plus the final 10 million, can be drawn into 1 million!

The third time is 20 million, and 2 million will be drawn!

In the last time, Qin Shaofeng even got 200 million. If this is in accordance with the rules of the Aquaman Casino, it would be a full 20 million!

Counting the four bets, Qin Shaofeng will be drawn 23.2 million yuan by the Sea King Casino, which is still US dollars.

But in the end, the Neptune’s casino did not receive any money.

This made Qin Shaofeng a little incomprehensible, but since the other party received a lot, Qin Shaofeng was naturally happy.

Although ten to twenty million dollars, it was nothing to Qin Shaofeng now.

But who is too short of money?

However, after this incident, the three Hu Xiaochuan were shocked.

Think about it seriously, if there is no Qin Shaofeng, then the three of them would have lost more than ten million dollars!

this is too scary!

Hu Xiaochuan also wanted. Chen Dazhuang and Bai Xiaobai thought that they almost lost tens of millions. No, it should be said that they had already lost tens of millions. There was a panic in their hearts.

Then, the three of them returned to the room of the Sea King Hotel and never came out again.

Chen Dazhuang and Bai Xiaobai were completely frightened.

But Hu Xiaochuan is different. As the eldest of the Hu family, Hu Xiaochuan still has some knowledge. Even if he loses 10 million dollars, it is nothing to him.

It is not that Hu Xiaochuan can not afford to lose.

But what made Hu Xiaochuan unacceptable was that he was actually caught.

Although Qin Shaofeng also said after the incident, it was the other party who interfered with the three of them with mental power, and then he lost continuously like this.

But even so, Hu Xiaochuan could not accept it.

The three of them were disturbed by mental power, but Qin Shaofeng didn't, and he helped the three of them to disperse these disturbances.

In other words, Qin Shaofeng is much better than Hu Xiaochuan now.

Originally, Hu Xiaochuan thought that after he started to practice again, and after cultivating the powerful "Nine Turns of God and Demon Art", he would definitely get closer to the third.

But now he knew that he was too naive.

However, this was not a blow to Hu Xiaochuan. The thing that hit Hu Xiaochuan the most was that Wang Shaowei was already an innate warrior.

Moreover, according to Qin Shaofeng's statement, the other party was still an innate martial artist in the double pinnacle realm, which was something Hu Xiaochuan could not accept.

Back then, Wang Shaowei could only be beaten by him, and now the opponent is actually an innate martial artist in the double pinnacle realm.

But he is still a five-fold innate warrior now!

Suddenly, Hu Xiaochuan, who was hit, was greatly stimulated and planned to work hard and returned to the hotel to start practicing.

Qin Shaofeng thought it was a good thing on the contrary, and didn't say much.

As for Qin Shaofeng himself, he is still dangling in the casino.

However, even if he was betting this time, it was only a small bet.

Because Qin Shaofeng discovered that after he entered the casino, some eyes always fell on him, and these eyes were watching him, actually the security guards of the casino.

Immediately, this made Qin Shaofeng understand that the high-level people in the Aquaman Casino had already noticed some of their own situation and knew that they were good at betting.

In the previous four-person gambling game with He Yunhui, the other party did not charge his own penny. I am afraid that he was gambling frantically in the casino, which gave himself this hint in advance.

Now that he understood this, Qin Shaofeng didn't do anything out of the ordinary. In the end, he gave the Aquaman Casino a face. Even if it was a gambling, it was just a small gamble. The maximum chip stack was 10,000 US dollars.

Sure enough, it seemed that after Qin Shaofeng hadn't made a big bet, the casino's attention to Qin Shaofeng gradually diminished.

This also confirmed Qin Shaofeng's guess, but Qin Shaofeng didn't care.

Because soon, he found Liu Ya's third daughter, and then left with them.

I have to say that Liu Ya and the others are better than Hu Xiaochuan, and the bet allocated to them is 300,000.

But when Qin Shaofeng found them, the 300,000 on them had doubled to more than 2 million.

This made Qin Shaofeng very surprised, but Qin Shaofeng soon discovered that the reason for this situation was completely related to Liu Ya.

Because Liu Ya seems to be able to detect the numbers under the cards with her own mental power, and use the final bet results such as dice gu.

How can you still lose in this situation?

It's just that every time the three women bet, it's not very big, it's basically one or two thousand, or even less, so naturally they won't win much.

For this situation, Qin Shaofeng didn't care much.

However, I am afraid that Qin Shaofeng did not expect that he had overlooked one point, that is the strength of Liu Ya's mental power.

You must know that Liu Ya is only an innate martial artist in the five-fold realm, and he has just begun to practice.

Even if she was cultivating it was "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", but even so, when she only started to practice, she had cultivated mental power.

But it is impossible that the mental power has already reached the level that can pass through cards, dice gu, and the like.

This is obviously something abnormal, because even Hu Xiaochuan hasn't cultivated spiritual power now!

Although Hu Xiaochuan has practiced his own "Nine Turns of Gods and Demon Skills", he has practiced before, plus the "Nine Turns of Gods and Demon Skills" at the beginning of his practice. When the same is the basic article, it is also more than "The Book of Gods and Devils". Not much difference.

Even Qin Shaofeng, because of the strength of his own soul, has cultivated such a strong mental power.

In fact, seriously speaking, the spiritual power of Qin Shaofeng's cultivation is not really spiritual power, his spiritual power is also powerful in his soul, and it is actually a weakened version of spiritual consciousness.

After all, Qin Shaofeng had cultivated divine consciousness before, and his soul was also in divine consciousness, which was much stronger than ordinary people.

Because the soul is qualitatively strong, even if he only cultivates spiritual power, Qin Shaofeng's spiritual power is somewhat different.

This is like, the color is different.

For example, if the spiritual power cultivated by the earth warrior is classified as white, if the spiritual power cultivated by Qin Shaofeng is red, then the red is stronger than the white.

So in such a situation, even if it is a hint of red, if it enters white, it will be able to dye white into red.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng's mental power is not simple.

But he didn't realize that the spiritual power that Liu Ya cultivated was not the pure spiritual power cultivated by Earth Martial Artists.

If Qin Shaofeng could be more careful, he would find that the mental power Liu Ya cultivated was somewhat similar to him.

It's the kind of spiritual power that is close to God's consciousness!

But he hasn't noticed this now.


At night, something that made Qin Shaofeng very entangled happened.

Originally, he wanted to continue the opportunity of being in the same room and give Liu Ya a real win.

But in the end, he was a person and a room.

The reason is very simple. After Hu Xiaochuan became more aggressive, he began to practice seriously.

And Chen Dazhuang was afraid that Faye Wong would know that he lost 10 million US dollars. Although he did not lose alone, Dazhuang Chen was still worried about Faye Wong's thoughts.

So, under the name of cultivation, he practiced in the same room with Hu Xiaochuan and Bai Xiaobai.

But because of this, Liu Ya, Faye Wong, and Wang Tingting, the three of them together, moved directly into the same room.

Faced with such a situation, Qin Shaofeng could only "guard the vacant room alone".

For the next two days, the three of Hu Xiaochuan really didn't plan to gamble. The three had been practicing in the room.

Although this is on the Sea King, basically due to the strength of Baijia, nothing should happen.

Even if it was Wang Shaowei, in Qin Shaofeng's view, he should have no guts to do anything to Hu Xiaochuan and the others on the Sea King.

However, carefully sailing the Wannian Ship, Qin Shaofeng finally let Black Tiger and Black Panther take the innate warriors to guard Hu Xiaochuan and the others.

As for Liu Ya's three daughters, Qin Shaofeng directly followed. Of course, in order not to mention anything, Qin Shaofeng called two more congenital martial artists.

However, Liu Ya and the others played at the casino for one day at most, and after another morning the next day, they lost interest in the Aquaman casino.

Then they started to play in other places on the Sea King. During the period, there were also many people who did not have long eyes. Seeing the beauty of Liu Ya and the three people, they came to chat.

However, most of these people were stopped one by one by Qin Shaofeng's two innate martial artists.

Even if one or two people with uncomplicated identities or relatively strong identities appear occasionally, as long as Qin Shaofeng reveals a little bit of his own breath, there will be no trouble.

You must know that Qin Shaofeng has now reached the third stage of the basic chapter of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", and it is also the third major stage of achievement.

Such a realm is equivalent to an innate martial artist in the fifth or sixth realm.

Coupled with the spirit power of Qin Shaofeng's powerful soul, even the innate martial artist of the seventh or eighth level or above would feel heart palpitations.

There are not a few fools who can appear on this Sea King. After feeling Qin Shaofeng's breath, they naturally dare not disturb Liu Ya and the others.

Even if one or two fools appeared, the people around him wouldn't let them provoke a powerful person like Qin Shaofeng.

Now in the eyes of many people, Qin Shaofeng is a real powerhouse.

In this way, in three days, Qin Shaofeng followed Liu Ya and others, but played on the Sea King.

At this time, the Sea King had sailed for three days.

The Neptune started off from XG. After three days of voyage, it passed through the Philippines and then to Malaysia. The last stop was yesterday's Indonesia.

Now it is on the Pacific side.

Qin Shaofeng felt that even though the Sea King was traveling very fast in the past three days, there were still many ships approaching along the way, and people boarded one after another.

Some people even landed on the Sea King directly by helicopter.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng discovered that there are many warriors with good strength among these people.

There are many innate martial artists and many innate martial artists.

Even Qin Shaofeng sensed that two or three auras threatened him, and he was obviously an innate master.

But the arrival of these people made Qin Shaofeng more interested in the Neptune deal this time.

Today, three days later, the Neptune trade fair has finally begun.

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