Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1654: Fair (on)

Qin Shaofeng's main purpose of coming to this Sea King was the trade fair held by this Sea King.

Because according to Hu Xiaochuan, there will definitely be a lot of elixir in this Neptune trade fair.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng received an invitation from the Sea King for this trade fair on the second day after logging on to the Sea King.

Not everyone can participate in the Neptune trade fair. After all, there are two to three thousand people who come to play Neptune. It is impossible for everyone to participate in this trade fair.

In fact, there are certain conditions for the Neptune’s trade fair. Only those who meet the conditions are eligible to participate in the Neptune’s trade fair.

Although Qin Shaofeng was not well-known, many people had already noticed the aura leaked on the Sea King.

Of course, this was also what Qin Shaofeng did deliberately, because all he wanted was for the Sea King to invite himself to the trade fair.

The day of the trade fair began, and Hu Xiaochuan finally came out and stopped practicing.

In this trade fair, Qin Shaofeng did not bring anyone, except for the accident of Black Panther and Hu Xiaochuan, the rest did not go.

However, Qin Shaofeng was very surprised that the place where the Sea King's trade fair was held was somewhat special and somewhat surprised him.

Because the venue was actually the third floor of the Aquaman Casino.

After arriving on the third floor, Qin Shaofeng discovered that the third floor has actually become a scene similar to an auction, and the layout and furnishings are also very similar.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng had discovered that there were already many people here, and Qin Shaofeng could feel that almost all the people who appeared here were martial artists, and they had basically reached the realm of innate martial artists.

According to the invitation letter issued by the Sea King, Qin Shaofeng found his place and settled down with Hu Xiaochuan, while the Black Panther stood honestly behind Qin Shaofeng.

As soon as Qin Shaofeng sat down, he realized that something was wrong with Hu Xiaochuan, because he was looking somewhere, following Hu Xiaochuan's gaze, Qin Shaofeng saw an acquaintance.

Well, it should be considered an acquaintance!

Wang Shaowei!

Qin Shaofeng was not surprised either, because regardless of Wang Shaowei's identity or his strength, he could get the invitation letter from the Sea King.

Wang Shaowei also saw Qin Shaofeng and Hu Xiaochuan, a strange light flashed in his eyes, and his expression was very calm.

But what is in his heart, only he knows.

After just taking a look at Wang Shaowei, Qin Shaofeng looked around.

Qin Shaofeng was a powerful warrior who was sensing the scene, and the congenital warrior was ignored by Qin Shaofeng.

He directly sensed the existence of innate martial masters, but even so, Qin Shaofeng also felt the aura of at least twenty innate martial masters.

There are even three innate masters above the realm of innate martial arts.

One of them was a middle-aged beautiful woman. Qin Shaofeng vaguely remembered the other person, who came from the Philippines.

It's just that Qin Shaofeng couldn't agree with this middle-aged beautiful woman.

Because the breath of the other party is very mixed, Qin Shaofeng's vision can naturally tell at a glance that the other party may have cultivated the method of collecting yang and replenishing yin, and has supplemented many male martial artists.

Moreover, Qin Shaofeng was also very clear when he sensed the aura of the other party's life. He had only used some means to cover up the appearance that seemed thirty or forty. The other party's true age was probably over fifty.

For such a person, Qin Shaofeng just glanced at him, and did not look at him.

The second Congenital Grandmaster is a person who is all hidden in a black cloak. Such a dress is very strange, but he dare not deny that the right strength is absolutely powerful.

Qin Shaofeng felt the strong blood from the opponent, and it was obvious that the opponent had killed a lot of people and was a bloodthirsty person.

However, compared with these two people, the one who made Qin Shaofeng feel the most threatened was the last old man in Tang suit.

This old man's aura is very unusual, although on the surface it is the aura that can reach the innate martial artist, but this is the result of the other party's hiding.

Moreover, this kind of hiding technique is not simple. At least among the people Qin Shaofeng has met, only Hu Xiaochuan's father Hu Hanyun, that kind of hiding breath technique is comparable to the old man.

And if compared, the old man's concealment technique is slightly better.

Qin Shaofeng also used enough mental power to sense the other's breath.

Innate grandmaster, and at least seven innate grandmasters.

The reason for saying it is at least because when Qin Shaofeng used his mental power, the old man seemed to have noticed something and turned his head to look at Qin Shaofeng.

However, the other party was not angry, but smiled kindly at Qin Shaofeng.

In response, Qin Shaofeng smiled apologetically and arched his hands.

At this moment, the old man was also slightly surprised, because just now he felt that a very powerful detection force seemed to see him through.

This made him feel tight, and hurriedly pursued its source, only to discover that the other party was a young man, which surprised him greatly.

At the same time, he also felt it for the first time that the other party was not malicious, but just felt his own realm, so the old man just smiled.

After receiving Qin Shaofeng's apologetic smile, the old man didn't plan to pursue anything.

At this time, the trade fair just started.

At this time, a man about 30 years old appeared. As soon as the opponent appeared, Qin Shaofeng's eyes flashed with surprise.

Because the other party was actually an innate martial artist with a nine-level realm, this could be regarded as the youngest and highest-level innate martial artist Qin Shaofeng had ever seen.

This person should be a member of a hundred families!

Sure enough, at this time, the man introduced himself.

"Hello everyone, in Xia Bai Yifan!" Bai Yifan smiled.

At this time, Hu Xiaochuan secretly introduced Qin Shaofeng.

"The third child, this is the second outstanding genius of the Hundred Schools of today. He is less than 30 years old now, but he has already cultivated to the realm of the nine-fold innate martial artist. Many people believe that the opponent is thirty-five at the latest. You can become an innate master at the age of."

Hu Xiaochuan spoke with a hint of envy in his tone.

In the ancient Chinese martial arts world, it is not easy to become an innate master at the age of thirty-five.

You must know that the entire Jiangnan Hu family, that is, Hu Xiaochuan's grandfather, is just an innate master.

But in a family of warriors like this, the younger generation is about to have an innate warrior.

This is indeed worthy of the five great families!

However, Qin Shaofeng was attracted to Hu Xiaochuan's name as the second outstanding genius.

"The second one? So, there are even better geniuses in these hundred schools?" Qin Shaofeng asked.

"Yeah!" Hu Xiaochuan nodded, then his face became serious.

"It is said that Bai Xiaoyue, the sister of Bai Yifan, is the number one genius of the hundred schools, and not only the contemporary, but also the absolute genius of the hundred schools for hundreds of years!"

"Because the opponent is only fifteen years old, he has already cultivated to the realm of the innate martial master, and now it seems to be 20 years old. Many people already think that the opponent has broken through to the realm of the innate grandmaster, and is the youngest inborn grandmaster!"

Bai Xiaoyue?

Qin Shaofeng's heart moved and he wrote down the name.

At this time, Bai Yifan finally finished talking about some rules of the fair, and immediately announced the start of the transaction.

"Okay, everyone knows the rules of this trade fair, so now it's up to me to start a trade for the first time!"

With that, Bai Yifan took out a booklet.

This is a practice, and it is also a high-grade practice.

Suddenly, many people present were moved.

Many people at the scene are innate martial artists and innate martial masters, and they all want to cultivate to the realm of innate masters. If there is a high-grade exercise technique, it will be much easier to cultivate to the realm of inborn masters.

Suddenly, many people were excited.

Seeing this, Bai Yifan nodded very satisfied, and then said: "I believe you all already know the value of this high-grade exercise, then I will say more. I will just say the transaction price is good."

"The transaction price of this high-grade exercise method is based on Lingyu, and the price is the one!"

The transactions on the Neptunus are a bit special, even if they are exchanged for goods, they rarely trade with money.

Of course, with money, this is not without it, but basically the people who take out the goods are planning to exchange goods.

This point was stated clearly in the invitation letter when the Sea King sent out the invitation letter, and Qin Shaofeng had already understood it.

And Qin Shaofeng just knew about this so-called Lingyu.

In modern times, some of the jade and jade that are mined will have some spiritual energy locked in the jade due to some changes.

Then after a long period of baptism, while the jade is condensed and formed, it also merges the aura.

This is what makes some jade and emerald have a lot of aura.

This is actually a kind of spiritual stone.

However, the spirit jade is felt on the earth, and the aura that I encounter is not very rich. Although it can absorb cultivation, it still needs to cooperate with some special cultivation techniques.

But even so, a decent spiritual jade, its value is very high.

Of course, the jade and jade on the market, even if they have aura, they are basically jade and jade that have been absorbed by the aura, not a spiritual jade.

Qin Shaofeng only knew about Lingyu, but he had never seen it.

But soon, Qin Shaofeng lost interest in this so-called Lingyu.

Because someone was there soon asking for a price, they directly took out the spirit jade.

After all, the spiritual energy contained in the spirit jade is not consistent, so the value of a piece of spiritual jade can only be determined by the amount of spiritual energy contained in it.

Many people at the scene understood these principles, so when bidding, they all took out the spirit jade.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng finally understood why many people present either brought their bags or dragged their suitcases. It felt like they were packed!

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng also noticed that although these spiritual jade contained spiritual energy, the spiritual energy contained a lot of impurities.

This absorption is a bit complicated, not only needs to be absorbed carefully, not to waste the aura in the jade, and even after absorption, it takes some time to refine.

As a result, the speed of cultivation is much slower.

If people knew that Qin Shaofeng had such an idea, he would probably swear.

Absorbing spiritual jade is one of the fastest and safest ways for earth warriors to practice without side effects.

Although the absorption of spiritual energy requires refining, it is faster than practicing by yourself!

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