Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1655: Fair (in)

Not long after, Bai Yifan selected one of the innate martial artists who had bid, and bought the high-grade exercises.

Then, Bai Yifan didn't take out any more, and said, "Next, please trade with everyone", and then came down.

However, Qin Shaofeng discovered that Bai Yifan had found it, and those who had taken out the spirit jade before began to communicate one by one.

Immediately, Qin Shaofeng understood.

I am afraid that these hundreds of exchange meetings held by the Sea King are to collect the materials they need.

After all, knowing who owns the spirit jade, now it is much easier to go to the other party to discuss the purchase.

And not only Baijia, other people can do the same.

Qin Shaofeng finally knew why this Sea King felt that the trade fair would attract so many warriors.

Soon, the second person who took out the item to trade appeared.

However, the items that this second person took out were only some special materials.

Although Earth Warrior is not very good at refining tools.

But there are still people who can forge some amazingly hard or sharp weapons. All special materials and minerals are still very attractive.

However, Qin Shaofeng was not very interested in this.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qin Shaofeng said to Hu Xiaochuan: "Okay, let's go up next!"

"So fast?" Hu Xiaochuan was a little surprised.

"Hmm!" Qin Shaofeng nodded and said, "Hurry up, maybe someone will come up with medicinal materials to trade next, but if we don't have a bid, it will be difficult to do. It's better to take out things and trade, maybe It can attract many people who have medicinal materials!" Qin Shaofeng said.

"Good! Give me something, I'll go up later!" Hu Xiaochuan nodded.

Then Qin Shaofeng handed a box to Hu Xiaochuan.

After a while, the second trader got down after he got his satisfaction.

Upon seeing this, Hu Xiaochuan went immediately.

When Hu Xiaochuan went up, it attracted the attention of many people. After all, they were all powerful warriors and their identities were not simple. He knew that Hu Xiaochuan was the eldest of the Jiangnan Hu family.

On the contrary, Wang Shaowei saw Hu Xiaochuan go up, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, then a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what to think about.

After Hu Xiaochuan went up, he first smiled at Bai Yifan, then took out the box and placed it on the special table at the trade fair, and said to everyone: "Everyone, in the next Hu Xiaochuan, I believe many people here know me. I won't say much. The items I traded this time are nothing but a kind of pill, a pill to improve cultivation!"

When Hu Xiaochuan said that the item he traded was a pill, many people were attracted to him immediately. When Hu Xiaochuan said that it was a pill to improve his cultivation level, everyone's eyes focused.

Even if he nodded slightly to Hu Xiaochuan, Bai Yifan, who was about to negotiate with one person to buy the spirit jade, couldn't help but stopped and looked at Hu Xiaochuan.

Seeing that he attracted everyone's attention, Hu Xiaochuan was very satisfied, and then opened the jade box.

Three jade bottles were placed in the jade box, and each of the three jade bottles contained ten pills.

These are all substandard low-level spirit pills refined by Qin Shaofeng!

As early as after knowing the specific opening date of the trade fair on the Sea King, Hu Xiaochuan asked Qin Shaofeng to refine a batch of low-level spirit pills.

Because he knew some of the rules of the fair and Qin Shaofeng needed elixir, Hu Xiaochuan asked Qin Shaofeng to refine these substandard low-level elixir, and planned to conduct a trade in exchange for a large amount of elixir at the Sea King’s fair. .

Qin Shaofeng didn't know about this trade fair before. When Hu Xiaochuan told him that he could obtain a large amount of elixir by refining substandard low-level spirit pills, Qin Shaofeng refined it.

At that time, the old Xie and Heihu collected a lot of medicinal materials and a few elixir, and Qin Shaofeng refined these inferior low-level elixir.

Qin Shaofeng knew what Hu Xiaochuan meant when he learned that the trade fair was trading for goods.

As for letting Hu Xiaochuan go up, Qin Shaofeng also considered that Hu Xiaochuan's identity is better, after all, he is the eldest young master of the Jiangnan Hu family.

At this moment, Hu Xiaochuan began to introduce to everyone, the substandard low-level spirit pill in his hand.

Of course, although Hu Xiaochuan knew from Qin Shaofeng's mouth that this thing was only a substandard pill, but now that it is introduced, Hu Xiaochuan will naturally not say that this is a substandard pill.

He just listened to him and said: "This kind of pill is called Martial Spirit Pill. After ordinary people take it, it can be directly promoted to the realm of advanced warriors. If you are lucky, it can be raised to the peak realm."

"As for the innate martial artist who takes this pill, those who are below the seventh level of the innate martial artist can increase the level of cultivation to the first level by taking one. Even if the innate martial artist takes this pill, although it cannot improve the first level, it can improve somewhat. realm."

"And the most important thing is that my martial arts spirit pill has no side effects at all, and the realm after taking it is no different from the realm I cultivated."


When Hu Xiaochuan said this, everyone present was moved, and even the eyes of Bai Yifan flashed a ray of light.

Directly promote ordinary people to the realm of advanced warriors?

Innate martial artist below the seventh level, one can raise the first level?

And there are no side effects?

There is such a pill?

Suddenly, the whole scene began to become noisy.

At this moment, an unsuitable voice came.

"Heh, Hu Dashao, you will be blown away. What kind of magic pill, are you sure that it has this effect? ​​There are five side effects, which is not as good as the Xiantian pill. Why don't you just make money? "

Hu Xiaochuan is also very familiar with the person who spoke, and it was Wang Shaowei.

But Hu Xiaochuan had already expected it. He smiled coldly and said to Wang Shaowei: "If you don't believe me, you can not buy it, and I don't ask you to buy it!"

Having said that, Hu Xiaochuan did not intend to continue talking with Wang Shaowei, but directly said to everyone present: "Everyone, I dare to use the reputation of my Jiangnan Hu family to guarantee that this medicine is absolutely the same as what I said."

At this moment, the scene was quiet.

Because of Hu Xiaochuan's words, it's not small!

Qin Shaofeng didn't expect that Hu Xiaochuan would say such a sentence, and he was a little touched. After all, the reputation of a family of warriors is very important.

At this moment, suddenly an old but somewhat loud voice sounded.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect such a pill at this trade fair. It seems that the old man is lucky!"

Upon hearing this laughter, Bai Yifan, who had been sitting there, stood up and walked out to the entrance on the third floor.

At this time, an old man walked in.

Seeing this old man, Bai Yifan smiled: "Grandpa San, why are you always coming up?"

Suddenly, the people present knew who came.

Broad three!

This is the old man's name, which of course is not the other party's real name.

But for this Bai third, many people don't know his real name, just know that the other party is the third in the top 100.

Of course, this ranking belongs to Grandpa Bai Yifan's generation.

There are two great congenital masters on the face of Baijia Ming, namely Bai Yifan's grandfather and his second grandfather.

And this Bai Lao San is Bai Yifan's third grandfather, but Bai Yifan's third grandfather's cultivation base is very low, only the realm of innate martial artist.

But there is one difference, that is, this Baila San is one of the few alchemists in the martial arts world today.

The talent for cultivation of Bai Lao San was actually quite good, but he was so enamored with alchemy that he abandoned his cultivation.

Therefore, it took decades to cultivate to the realm of innate martial artist.

But as an alchemist, whether in the Hundred Schools or in the entire martial arts world, the name of Bai Lao San is very resounding, and the status is no less than some innate masters.

No one can imagine that this time Baross will appear on the Sea King.

In fact, the Lingyu that Bai Yifan needed this time was bought for his third grandfather.

As a warrior, even if it is a warrior in the realm of Innate Great Master, the most that one possesses in his body is the innate Qi.

It's a bit reluctant to refine alchemy with the qi in the first day.

Therefore, the earth martial artist world has developed to the present, and has long used other things to bring innate energy to refine alchemy.

The traditional burning of fire has long been replaced by special stoves in the modern era.

In fact, the alchemists in the martial arts world now use special furnaces instead of alchemy.

However, if it is a stronger alchemist, it is entirely possible to use the aura in the spirit jade or the elixir to arrange some formations and use the aura to motivate the furnace to make alchemy.

Bai Lao San can reach such a level. This time he intends to refine a high-level pill, and he intends to use this trade fair to purchase enough spirit jade to refine the pill.

Of course, as the third person, he would naturally not show up.

The reason why he came up was because he was interested in the pill that Hu Xiaochuan took out.

Because the moment Hu Xiaochuan opened the jade bottle, as an alchemist, he smelled a special pill.

Ignoring Bai Yifan, Bai Lao San looked at Hu Xiaochuan with fiery eyes, and said, "Little baby, can you show me the pill in your hand!"

Bai Yifan was a little surprised by the attitude of his third grandfather.

Because he knew that his third grandfather was very keen on pill medicine, and his appearance at this moment obviously showed that this martial artist's spirit pill was somewhat extraordinary.

Hu Xiaochuan also knew about the great figure of Bai Lao San, and he did not expect to draw such a great figure.

However, Hu Xiaochuan was not timid either, nodded and said: "Okay, of course it's okay!"

With that, Hu Xiaochuan handed the jade bottle to Bai Lao San.

After receiving the jade bottle, Bai Lao San couldn't wait to pour out a substandard low-level spirit pill and watch it carefully.

At this time, the scene was quiet.

The name of the Baron, everyone present knows that if this martial artist's spirit pill really has the effect that Hu Xiaochuan said, then Baron can definitely see it.

"This pill..."

After watching for a while, Bai Lao San frowned slightly, his eyes a little puzzled.

Then, he made a move that made Bai Yifan and everyone on the scene dumbfounded.

I saw Bai Lao San watched for a while, and after sniffing for a while, he actually swallowed a substandard low-level spirit pill.

"Grandpa San, you..."

Bai Yifan's egg hurts, and he can't stop it.

In fact, for his third grandfather, he is also a little helpless and willful, and he is completely an old naughty boy!

Hu Xiaochuan on the side was even more stunned.

I circled a cross, what's the situation with this old man?

How did you swallow the pill?

This does not follow the routine at all!

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