Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1656: Fair (below)

From a distance, Wang Shaowei was overjoyed when he saw Bai Lao San directly swallowing the pill.

something wrong!

There must be a problem!

Wang Shaowei's idea is very simple. Bai Lao San swallows this pill. If something goes wrong, it will not only be trouble for Hu Xiaochuan, but also for the entire Jiangnan Hu family.

Therefore, he naturally looked forward to what would happen to the Baisan after taking the pill.

Just as Wang Shaowei expected, after taking the pill, things really happened.

But something different from the situation he expected was that something went wrong with Baross.

But what happened to him was just that his breath increased.

Because of his enthusiasm and the way of alchemy, the hundredth third had no interest in cultivation at all. If the innate martial artist had the physique that could support him in alchemy for several days, he would probably not have risen to the realm of inborn martial artist.

As early as thirty or forty years old, this hundred-year-old was already an innate martial artist of the triple realm, and even though he hadn't deliberately cultivated in these years, he still raised the triple realm to the realm of the sixth innate warrior.

In this regard, basically the warriors who know the hundred and three are all aware of this situation.

But right at the scene, the breath of Bai Lao San improved.

In the previous moment, this Bai Lao San was still an innate martial artist of the sixth level, but the next moment his aura was improved, reaching the state of the seventh innate martial artist.

This scene stunned everyone, especially Bai Yifan.

For Bai Yifan, he knew in his heart that with his third grandfather's level of ‘laziness’ in cultivation, it would take three to five years to enter the realm of the Seventh Innate Martial Artist.

But now his third grandfather has reached the seventh level of innate martial artist realm, doesn't it mean...

In an instant, Bai Yifan's gaze fell on the pills in Hu Xiaochuan's hand.

This pill can really improve the realm.

Then... Is there any other problem with this pill?

Bai Yifan had doubts in his mind, but soon his third grandfather answered him.

"The best, this pill is the best!"

Bai Lao San yelled wildly, grabbed Hu Xiaochuan's hand, and said a little excitedly: "Boy, how did this pill come out? The old man can be sure that this pill is not made with a special furnace. The qi is refined in the first day. This effect is even more pure than the pill that the old man used my elder brother and second brother’s innate qi to refine. What method did you use?"

Bai Yifan is not calm anymore.

Seeing his third grandfather look like this, he really didn't know what to say.

And the most important thing is that you can just say it, don't get excited, just tell the story of catching grandfather and second grandfather as coolies!

Because he is not in the realm of a great innate master, so many times, when refining some relatively special pills, the third brother will take his eldest brother and second brother as coolies.

The congenital warrior who can drive the two great congenital master masters is probably only the third.

The reaction of Bai San also surprised Hu Xiaochuan.

"I said, old man, I'm just a medicine buyer, and I don't know anything else!"

As the elder of the Jiangnan Hu family, Hu Xiaochuan's scheming may not be very deep, otherwise he would not be poisoned and abandoned.

But Hu Xiaochuan still had some IQ. At this time, he naturally wouldn't say what kind of martial arts pill was refined by Qin Shaofeng.

He can only pretend that he doesn't know anything.

"I don't know, how can I not know?" Bai Lao San was a little grasped.

Such a pure pill, it was several times better than the pill he refined.

As a person obsessed with alchemy, he must figure it out.

Seeing Bai Lao San looked like he was holding on to it, Hu Xiaochuan smiled bitterly, but at this moment, his expression moved as if he heard something.

Then, Hu Xiaochuan said to the three hundred old men: "Senior hundred old people, wait for this and other things. Now I'm buying medicine, and your old man has taken one of my pills. As an old man, you should not deny it. Right?"

The reason why Hu Xiaochuan said this was that Qin Shaofeng had instructed him.

With Qin Shaofeng's current realm, although he could not achieve the sound transmission of the divine consciousness, he could still deliver some brief messages between short distances with spiritual power.

What Hu Xiaochuan said suddenly made the Baisan a little embarrassed.

Yes, he took a pill!

And as an old man, doing such a thing is already out of line, so he doesn't intend to take advantage.

"Don't worry, the old man will give an explanation!"

As he said, Bai Lao San thought for a while, glanced at Hu Xiaochuan, and said to everyone present: "Well, this martial artist's spirit pill really works well, and from the perspective of the old man, this martial artist's spirit pill has no side effects at all. false!"

"And the most important thing is that the old man is absolutely certain that if there are three such martial arts pill, it will definitely enable an innate martial artist of the tenth peak realm to successfully break through to the realm of an innate martial artist."

Having said this, Baross paused and said another sentence.

"Regardless of whether you practice high-grade exercises or not, because the spiritual power of this pill is very pure, it seems to the old man that even if you cultivate low-grade exercises and reach the ten-fold peak innate martial art realm, you can smoothly promote to innate martial arts."


The words of Bai Lao San shocked everyone on the scene.

This warrior spirit pill is so amazing?

Regarding the words of the third, no one present doubted, because everyone knew that the third had enough right to speak in the medicine.

Suddenly, the crowd became excited, one by one, they looked at the pill in Hu Xiaochuan's hand with extremely fiery eyes.

At this time, Bai Lao San said to Hu Xiaochuan again: "Boy, you plan to trade this martial arts pill like this!"

"Elixir, I only need elixir!" Hu Xiaochuan hurriedly said.

From the beginning, he negotiated with Qin Shaofeng, and exchanged this low-level spirit pill for a large amount of elixir. No money, spirit jade or spirit stone was needed, just the elixir.

After all, elixir can be refined into a spiritual pill, and other logistics spirit jade or spiritual stone cannot be refined into a spiritual pill.

As for money, it is even more unnecessary.

Qin Shaofeng is not the one who is short of money now.

"Just an elixir?"

The third frowned slightly, but he still opened his mouth and said: "Okay, the elixir is the elixir, and the old man does not take advantage of you. Ten middle-grade elixir, this bottle of martial artist's elixir belongs to me!"

Ten middle-class elixir?

Hu Xiaochuan's eyes widened suddenly, and there would be no such result.

It didn't need to look at Qin Shaofeng's wink, he nodded and agreed.

There are also three levels of elixir on earth.

In the age when the earth's spiritual energy is thin now, Breitling medicine is a low-grade medicine, and a 300-year-old medicine is a middle-grade medicine.

As for the top-grade elixir, they are all elixir for more than a thousand years.

As for the efficacy, ten low-grade elixir is equivalent to a middle-grade elixir.

And this is just the same in number. Really speaking, the value of a middle-grade elixir is definitely more than ten low-grade elixir.

After all, it is also to absorb elixir. It is more convenient and faster to absorb one middle-grade elixir than ten lower-grade elixir.

Ten inferior low-level elixirs were purchased for the price of ten middle-level elixirs.

This has exceeded Qin Shaofeng and Hu Xiaochuan's previous expectations, and Hu Xiaochuan naturally accepted it.

"Okay, no problem, just ten middle-grade elixir!" Hu Xiaochuan nodded as expected.

Seeing Hu Xiaochuan's promise, Bai Laosan nodded and left directly, and then went to study the so-called Martial Artist Spirit Pill in his hand.

Hu Xiaochuan is not worried about the other party's recklessness. As the other party, it is impossible to recklessly rely on it.

And Bai Yifan had already told Hu Xiaochuan that the ten middle-grade elixir would be brought later.

Hu Xiaochuan didn't have any objection, and then he smiled at everyone at the scene for the first time, and said: "Hey, everyone has seen it. This pill has been confirmed by 100 seniors. I believe everyone can rest assured, so start trading now. Come on! But, speak first, my martial artist's spirit pill only needs to trade the elixir, and the rest is fine."

Then, the scene became popular.

Most of the warriors on the scene are in the realm of innate warriors, and they are naturally very eager for this warrior spirit pill.

Even the innate martial masters are very excited. After all, even if this martial artist's spirit pill does not work for them, as an innate martial master, how can there be no descendants of the innate martial artist?

I don’t need it for myself, but for juniors! ~

At this moment, even Wang Shaowei was very excited.

Although he expected that there was a problem with the pill Hu Xiaochuan took out, there is no problem with the pill now.

And there is no problem with this martial artist's spirit pill, and it is even very good.

Like everyone present, Wang Shaowei had a lot of trust in Baross. Since the other party spoke, it must be good.

Therefore, Wang Shaowei also wanted to buy some of these martial arts spirit pills.

You must know that Wang Peng next to him is already an innate warrior of the Ninth Realm.

According to Bai Lao San, if there were five or six martial arts spirit pills, Wang Peng could be promoted to the realm of innate martial arts.

And once Wang Peng becomes an innate martial artist, his spiritual power will probably be even stronger.

Wang Peng thought of this too, and he would look at Wang Shaowei sternly.

"Uncle Peng, don't worry, one reason for this transaction is to see if there is a way to break through to the realm of the innate martial artist. I will buy you a few of this martial arts pill!" Wang Shaowei said.

Suddenly, Wang Peng was excited.

"Thank you, Young Master, Wang Peng, I will look forward to the young master's head in the future. I will go through the fire and water, and I will not hesitate!" Wang Peng said firmly.

Wang Shaowei smiled slightly and was also very happy in his heart.

Wang Shaowei knew what his clan uncle knew. Since the other party said so, it would be equivalent to showing loyalty to him.

This is great!

However, considering the possibility that Hu Xiaochuan had an opinion on him, Wang Shaowei did not personally bid, but secretly contacted a person who was close to the Wang family to help purchase this martial artist's spirit pill.

But Wang Shaowei didn't know that this was totally unnecessary.

Hu Xiaochuan would not refuse even if he made a face-to-face bid to buy a martial arts pill.

If there is a panacea delivered to the door, Hu Xiaochuan is so likely to refuse?

Besides, what kind of martial arts pill is just a low-level pill of substandard grade, and Hu Xiaochuan doesn't care much at all.

The young master of the substandard low-level spirit pill has long since stopped paying attention, you grab it hard, and when you go back, the young master asks the third child to refine the genuine low-level spirit pill, or even the middle-level spirit pill, as candy.

Suddenly, Hu Xiaochuan was so energetic!

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