Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1657: Attacked at sea

This time the trade fair on the Sea King, because of the emergence of the Martial Spirit Pill, all the focus was on this Martial Spirit Pill.

Then, after more than an hour, the transaction of this martial arts spirit pill ended.

It is hard to believe that at the Neptune trade fair, there will be a trade of goods, which lasts as long as an hour.

But for this situation, everyone present was not dissatisfied.

Although Bai Lao San directly won one-third of the martial arts pill, it is exactly the same. The remaining twenty martial arts pill, but the competition is fierce!

However, not everyone present was as wealthy and wealthy as Barossan, buying a martial arts pill at the price of a middle-grade elixir.

Even the last 20 inferior low-level panacea transactions were basically dominated by the following panacea, and only two middle-rank panacea were sold at a transaction price.

In the end, with the addition of the ten middle-grade elixir of Bailao San, and the 30 low-grade low-grade elixir refined by Qin Shaofeng, a total of 12 middle-grade elixir and 242 low-grade elixir were sold. Elixir.

Although logically speaking, a substandard low-level elixir is worth ten low-level elixir.

But because of the bidding, basically the final transaction price of a substandard low-level elixir had reached at least thirteen low-level elixir.

Twelve middle-grade elixir, two hundred and twelve low-grade elixir!

To be honest, even Qin Shaofeng did not expect to be able to sell such a price.

In Qin Shaofeng's view, these 30 substandard low-level spirit pills are already very good if they can sell 100 low-level spirit pills.

But I don't want the final situation, which completely exceeded his expectations.

After this, Qin Shaofeng finally understood one thing.

That is in the earth martial arts world, the pill is definitely a rare thing.

The low-level elixirs refined by oneself, and the low-level elixirs of inferior grade, possess such value.

You know, these inferior low-level spirit pills are basically made from common medicinal materials, plus a very small amount of spirit medicine.

The cost price of these thirty inferior low-level elixir is at most equivalent to the value of six or seven inferior elixir.

Then, it was the value of six or seven low-grade elixir, and the refined low-grade low-level elixir was sold for more than fifty times the price.

The profit in this is extremely exaggerated.

At the same time, this also let Qin Shaofeng know that the elixir on earth is not what he thought before, it is very rare.

Perhaps the spiritual energy on the earth is thin now, but Qin Shaofeng estimates that there will always be some places that have good elixir, and can grow good elixir.

The elixir on the earth may not be as powerful as the elixir of the ancient continent, but there are still some in number.


After the Martial Spirit Pill trade is over, the trade will continue.

However, the next trade fair, the heat has decreased.

Besides, Qin Shaofeng was not very interested in basically the things that appeared. In fact, many people at this trade fair had brought the elixir and planned to trade something.

But because of the emergence of the martial arts pill, this has caused those who brought this elixir to trade, almost all of them moved their targets and used the elixir to buy the martial arts pill.

Two hours later, the trade fair was over.

As soon as the trade fair was over, Hu Xiaochuan was found by many people.

These people who came to Hu Xiaochuan were basically seeking martial arts pill.

Many of them didn't have any elixir and wanted to buy martial arts pill with money, but in the end they all refused with Hu Xiaochuan, Qin Shaofeng had clearly told him.

Pills can only be purchased as elixir, nothing else!

Hu Xiaochuan is more enthusiastic about this, because the more elixir, the more he can take the elixir. In this case, his realm will rise a lot, naturally.

He had just got on with that Wang Shaowei now, and wanted to quickly rise to the realm of an innate martial artist, and then began to beat Wang Shaowei again.

But even so, there are still many people who told Hu Xiaochuan that as long as there is a martial arts pill, they will be notified that they will buy it with elixir.

This made Qin Shaofeng feel that this time, he came to participate in this trade fair on the Sea King, but he was right.

Because of this, the channel of the elixir was solved.

As long as some substandard low-level spirit pills can get a lot of elixir, this is a good thing for Qin Shaofeng.

As soon as the trade fair was over, the Neptune began to return.

The Sea King set sail only for this trade fair. Now that the trade fair is over, it will naturally return.

Of course, when the Sea King returns, it will take three or four days. Qin Shaofeng and others plan to play on the Sea King again.

However, on the second day of the end of the trade fair, a sudden incident disrupted Qin Shaofeng and others' play opportunities.

Hu Xiaochuan received a call from home, saying that something happened at home and he needs to go back.

Hu Xiaochuan didn't say anything about it, but Qin Shaofeng saw his face and estimated that the matter was not small.

In the end, everyone discussed, and after obtaining Bai Yifan's consent, they rented two helicopters and left early.

However, Qin Shaofeng stayed alone.

The reason is simple, that is, when buying substandard low-level spirit pills, many people paid high prices, but they didn't have that many panacea, or even none at all.

Most of these people got the martial arts pill in advance under Bai Yifan's guarantee, and then promised Qin Shaofeng that the elixir would be delivered within three days.

Originally, according to this situation, when the Aquaman almost returned, all these elixir would be recovered.

But now that Hu Xiaochuan has something to do, he can only leave one person, waiting for the elixir.

For those who stayed, Qin Shaofeng naturally chose himself.

Anyway, everyone has played enough on the Aquaman, and now there is nothing to go back.

And most importantly, Qin Shaofeng always had a feeling in his heart, and it seemed that there was always some uneasy feeling.

However, Qin Shaofeng is at best to believe that because of the appearance of the martial arts pill, he and others have made a lot of elixir, which has been targeted by many people.

Qin Shaofeng didn't care much about this.

However, if Liu Ya and others were allowed to go back early, Qin Shaofeng would always feel more at ease.

Originally, the Black Tiger and the Black Panther wanted to stay, but Qin Shaofeng hinted that they would protect Liu Ya and others.

Qin Shaofeng didn't need any protection himself, after all, his strength was much stronger than that of the Black Tiger and Black Panther.

If there is any danger, Black Tiger and Black Panther can only be a burden.

Now that only himself is left, Qin Shaofeng feels relieved a lot.

What's the matter, he has enough means to ensure his silence.

After watching the two helicopters leave, Qin Shaofeng finally returned to his room.

There are still more than a hundred elixir, and he hasn't recovered some of them yet!

Qin Shaofeng didn't know that after Hu Xiaochuan waited to leave, a presidential suite in the Sea King Hotel also had a pair of eyes, watching the two helicopters leave.

And the owner of these eyes is surprisingly the second youngest of the Li family, Li Feifan!

Seeing the helicopter go away, Li Feifei didn't look back, but he asked.

"Have things figured out?"


An innate martial artist behind Li Feifei said, "It should be right. Now the black tiger gang leader Heihu, and his brother Heibao, did not join the Jiangnan Hu family. It is Qin Shaofeng, the companion of the young master of the Hu family!"

Li Feifan did not speak, this time he also came to the trade fair.

However, he came to the trade fair to reach an agreement with someone.

What Li Feifan did not expect was that this time the Black Tiger and Black Panther also appeared on the Sea King.

Li Feifei didn't know about the black tiger and the black panther, but the people under him knew the existence of the black tiger and the black panther, and even knew their appearance.

After all, Li Feifei had already determined in his heart that someone used the Zhendong Gang to deal with him, and this person was probably his elder brother.

Therefore, Li Feifei is also more concerned about the Black Tiger Gang and the Black Scorpion.

At first he thought that the black tiger and the black panther had taken refuge in the Jiangnan Hu family, after all, the person they followed was Hu Xiaochuan.

But soon, he noticed that although the Black Tiger and the Black Panther were more polite to Hu Xiaochuan, they were only polite. The person who made the Black Tiger and the Panther truly respectful was Qin Shaofeng beside Hu Xiaochuan.

Li Feifei noticed Qin Shaofeng the first time, especially after he noticed that Qin Shaofeng was an innate martial master.

I don't know if it was because of the more murders, which made Li Feifei feel that this Qin Shaofeng was a bit dangerous to him.

This makes him deliberately want to get rid of the other party, regardless of whether the other party actually premeditated against him or something.

Ning kills the mistake and never let it go!

This is what Li Feifan thinks.

But on this Sea King, especially with Hu Xiaochuan, it is difficult for him to find a chance to start.

But now Hu Xiaochuan and others are leaving, only Qin Shaofeng is left, which makes Li Feifei feel that his opportunity has come.


Next, Qin Shaofeng was not bored alone. When he was bored, he went to the Aquaman's casino to play a few.

However, because of his being with Hu Xiaochuan, Qin Shaofeng met many people and came to find out the source of the martial artist's spirit pill.

Of course Qin Shaofeng would not say that those martial arts spirit pills were refined by him. In the end, he just shied away from it in a roundabout way, just didn't know it.

This makes many people very anxious, but also helpless.

Finally, on the afternoon of the second day after Hu Xiaochuan and the others left, an innate warrior who had purchased a martial arts pill came to Qin Shaofeng.

This congenital warrior is a congenital warrior of the nine-fold realm, and he is also the only one who spends two middle-grade elixir and 30 lower-grade elixir to purchase five inferior low-grade elixir at one time.

Because of the two middle-grade elixirs, Qin Shaofeng asked Hu Xiaochuan to agree to the other party and purchase three inferior low-grade elixirs at the price of 30 lower-grade elixirs.

And the other party is also a family of warriors who traded with the Hu family, although not as powerful as the Hu family.

But Hu Xiaochuan had told Qin Shaofeng that the warrior family where the other party was located was a small island in the Philippines, and had a lot of elixir planted.

No, on this day, it is convenient to invite Qin Shaofeng to go to the island where his family is located, and get the elixir.

Qin Shaofeng didn't doubt that he had him, because he could detect that the other party seemed to intend to buy more substandard low-level spirit pills.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng finally agreed.

Go and see, it's nothing!

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng quickly boarded with the opponent, and a helicopter went to a certain island.

But just after the helicopter flew for ten minutes, Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt something wrong in his heart.

The next moment, the pilot who was flying the helicopter suddenly shouted in panic.

Qin Shaofeng couldn't understand the language spoken by the other party.

But soon, Qin Shaofeng knew why the other party was so panicked.

Because at this moment, a slamming sound hit the sky, Qin Shaofeng looked up, his eyes widened to the boss in an instant.

Because I think what they hit was a missile!

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