Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1673: Assassination strikes

"Boss, the target is on the road, the target is on the road!"

In a dark contest, a short figure looked at the car in the distance and shouted to the other side of the phone.

And the car in the distance was the car Qin Shaofeng was riding in.

He planned to go back after discussing with Bai Yifan.

There are still twelve middle-grade elixir in the house, and a full two hundred lower-grade elixir waiting for him to refine the pill!

On the other side, after getting the report from his subordinates, a glimmer of light flashed in Li Dawei's eyes.

This Li Dawei is the subordinate of the innate martial artist next to Li Feifei. Although he is only a realm of the innate martial artist, he is also a disciple of the Li family and has good strength.

Since Li Feifan asked him to assassinate Qin Shaofeng, he has joined Li Feng.

But when Li Dawei was a little depressed, Qin Shaofeng suddenly moved.

Then, after finally finding Qin Shaofeng's new home, he discovered a new situation.

"Master Li Feng, what should we do?"

Li Dawei is not the only one beside him, there are four people beside him at the moment.

Three of them were the subordinates he brought, and they were all innate martial artists of the first realm.

However, among these people, one of the men with a gloomy expression was an innate martial artist with a triple realm. He was the Li Feng that Li Feifei said.

When Li Dawei waited for this action, this Li Feng was the main focus.

The phone was turned on just now, so Li Feng and others also heard it.

"How to do?"

Li Feng's eyes flashed and he hesitated.

The reason is simple. When he followed Qin Shaofeng before, he discovered the existence of Bai Yifan.

Li Feng and others couldn't be more familiar with what Bai Yifan was.

Hundreds of outstanding geniuses of the younger generation, in the contemporary era, only their eldest master, Li Feifan’s eldest brother, Li Yulong, can resist.

However, the strength of Bai Yifan is still the key, the key is his identity.

The young master of a hundred families!

This is the same identity and place as their eldest master and second master.

As such a character, he actually came into contact with Qin Shaofeng.

This situation is somewhat difficult to handle.

My young master wanted to wait and kill Qin Shaofeng, but Qin Shaofeng obviously knew Bai Yifan, and it seemed that the relationship was not simple.

For such a situation, Li Feng was a little confused.

If he had slaughtered Qin Shaofeng now, wouldn't he offend the Hundred Clan for this and then bring unnecessary trouble to his Li Clan?

But just after thinking about it for two or three minutes, a cold light flashed in Li Feng's eyes.

"Not much, since Young Master wants this Qin Shaofeng to die, then we will let him die!" Li Feng said coldly.

"But..." Li Dawei started to say something.

But before he could finish speaking, Li Feng interrupted him.

"It's nothing, even if Qin Shaofeng and Bai Yifan knew each other and had anything to do with Baijia, it wouldn't matter, as long as we start quickly, simply and neatly, and erase all traces, we won't be discovered!"

"And this time, I will do it myself, don't do it!"

Li Feng's last words made Li Dawei and others relieved.

Because Li Dawei was four innate martial arts masters present, but it was very clear that this Li Feng was not only cruel, but the most important thing was the opponent's strength.

If it were just an ordinary triple innate martial artist, Li Dawei and others would not call each other an adult. After all, everyone was a member of the Li family's collateral disciples, and no one had a higher status.

Even if it is an innate martial artist with a triple realm, it is only after all that he has a double realm.

But this cold front is different, because he is a triple innate martial artist with super spiritual power.

Although this Li Feng's mental power belonged to the acquired mental power, it was obtained by chance and coincidence, after the last practice, it became extremely powerful.

This Li Feng is also using his special spiritual power to have strength far beyond his own realm.

Although he is the innate martial artist of the triple realm, Li Feng is not afraid even when facing some innate martial arts of the seven or eight realms.

Even he has the record of defeating the tenth peak realm of innate warriors.

This is why, Li Dawei and others treat Li Feng so respectfully.

Of course, this Li Feng can have today, and it has a lot to do with Li Feihua's efforts to train him. If it were not for Li Feihua, Li Feng would not have the strength that he is today.

Therefore, if Li Feifei wants this Qin Shaofeng to die, then Li Feng will kill the opponent.


In the car, Qin Shaofeng was in a good mood.

In Bai Yifan's view, the three hundred low-grade martial arts elixirs were actually the cost price of the inferior low-grade elixirs, which was about 100 low-grade elixir.

But in fact, the cost price of these three hundred substandard low-level elixirs was only twelve low-level elixirs and some common medicinal materials that were transformed into elixirs through one night.

To be honest, the cost price of those three hundred substandard low-level elixirs is amazing, which is about twenty plants, not only the price of thirty low-level elixirs.

At this price, Qin Shaofeng's profit could still be a hundred times higher even after the 100 schools were drawn.

Under such circumstances, Qin Shaofeng was naturally in a good mood.

But soon, Qin Shaofeng's brows frowned.

"What about Master?"

The black tiger driving in front seemed to notice it, and Qin Shaofeng's expression was a little unhappy, so he asked.

"It's nothing, it's just that some flies have followed us!" Qin Shaofeng said lightly, not caring.


Heihu raised his brows and glanced in the mirror of the car. He immediately saw that there was a black car Mercedes-Benz following about thirty meters behind his car.

"Master, should I find a place to park and I will get rid of them?"

After seeing that black Mercedes-Benz, Heihu felt a little eager.

During this period of time, the Black Tiger has been promoted from an innate warrior of the triple realm to the current innate warrior of the seventh peak realm.

With so much improvement, Black Tiger has always wanted to find an opportunity to try his current strength, but it is a pity that he has not been able to find the opportunity.

In this situation, the Black Tiger immediately felt that his opportunity had come.

But as everyone knows, after listening to his words, Qin Shaofeng was a little dumbfounded.

Let you solve it?

It's not that Qin Shaofeng didn't know what Heihu was thinking, but the problem was that the car behind was five innate martial artists.

You are a seventh-level innate martial artist, want to solve five innate martial arts?

Isn't this a lantern in the toilet-is it going to die?

"Forget it, let's find a secluded place, let me move my muscles and bones!" Qin Shaofeng smiled.

Although a little disappointed, Black Tiger still responded, "Yes, Master!"

Then, Heihu began to choose a relatively secluded place and planned to park.

At this moment, among the Mercedes-Benz behind, it was Li Feng, Li Dawei and others.

In fact, it is already nine o'clock in the evening, and there are no vehicles on this section, so it is relatively quiet.

What Qin Shaofeng thought was to find a place to park and get rid of a few flies.

But Li Feng and others did not think so.

Because of the opportunities they need, they don’t need to stop.

"Very good, get closer!"

Staring closely at the vehicle ahead, a gleam of light flashed in Li Feng's eyes.

His current mental power has locked the vehicle in front, and he has even felt Qin Shaofeng's breath.

Li Feng's plan was very simple. He would directly attack Qin Shaofeng with a mental shock, and then give a mental attack to the black tiger driving in front.

In this case, Qin Shaofeng, who lost control of the vehicle and was shocked by his mental power, might be too late. In the end, the vehicle would be destroyed and killed.

Even if someone survives in the end, it will be enough for them to make up the knife.

A very simple thing.

This is Li Feng's idea, and he has enough confidence in his plan this time.

And soon, Li Feng felt that the opportunity to shoot was coming.

Especially Qin Shaofeng's order, Heihu plans to turn and change lanes at the moment, changing to another road to find a secluded place.

But this is an opportunity in Li Feng's eyes.

"it has started!"

Li Feng suddenly gave a low cry, and Li Dawei and others' expressions became serious.

They had already discussed it before, and when Li Feng started to do it, they would just prevent other emergencies from occurring.


This time, Li Feng directly used his full strength, without any reservation of his mental strength, and it poured out frantically. Under the control of his mind, it turned into an invisible sword and surged towards Qin Shaofeng who was in front of the vehicle.

Qin Shaofeng had already noticed it almost the moment Li Feng shot.

Leaving now?

Qin Shaofeng frowned, feeling a little surprised.

However, he soon understood why the opponent made an attack at this time, because the opponent's method of attack was mental power.

If you have a mental power attack, it doesn't matter if you stop or stop.

But well...

Mental strength?

Are you kidding me?

Qin Shaofeng's egg hurts.

In fact, he found that someone was chasing after him, and there was a hint of killing intent, Qin Shaofeng knew that the other party was not good.

Even telling that the other party is in the realm of innate martial arts, I was surprised a lot, and at the same time, I also believed that the other party may be the strength of the party that was still baptized by missiles before.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng is also ready to be bombarded by the opponent's firearms.

But what Qin Shaofeng never expected was that the other party actually attacked with mental power.

I circled a cross to make me worry for nothing!

After that, Qin Shaofeng laughed.

Mental power attacked himself, not to mention a martial artist in the triple innate martial arts realm behind that area, now even if it is a mental power attack at the level of a large innate master, he doesn't care.


In the next moment, Qin Shaofeng felt it, and an invisible spiritual force struck him.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng had only one thought in his mind!

Really weak!

With a move in his heart, Qin Shaofeng counterattacked with a spirit force.


Inside the Mercedes-Benz car behind, Li Feng, who had a gloomy face, opened his eyes wide at this moment, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

Because he didn't expect that this tenable attack would actually fail.

And not only was it a simple failure, he also suffered a terrible backlash.

The opponent's mental power is much stronger than him, and it is not even at the same level at all.

In just a moment, Li Feng let out a dull voice, and his whole body collapsed.

"Master Li Feng?"

Li Feng's situation was immediately felt by Li Dawei and others, which shocked them.

But the next moment, an invisible force enveloped them, and Li Dawei all four of them fainted instantly.

This is Qin Shaofeng's approach to others, and also attacked Li Dawei with his mental power.

The four of Li Dawei were just ordinary congenital martial arts masters once, and they were very weak in spirit, so they fainted and passed out.

Afterwards, with a bang, the car of Li Dawei and others hit a big tree on the side of the road, and the car finally stopped.

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