Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1674: Successfully dived


Hearing this loud noise, the black tiger was startled, and when he looked back, he discovered that the Mercedes-Benz behind actually hit a tree.

This made him a little confused for a while.

However, Qin Shaofeng was not surprised at this, and asked the black tiger to stop the car, then opened the door and walked to the Mercedes Benz.

When he came to Mercedes-Benz, Qin Shaofeng discovered that the triple congenital martial artist, that is, the person who attacked, was unexpectedly out of the car, and the rest of the people had died.

In fact, with Qin Shaofeng's strength, if he wanted to, he could completely kill Li Feng when he counterattacked Li Feng.

A person with weak mental power will attack a person with strong mental power, and it is easy for the strong side to seize the opportunity to recoil and let the weak side appear spiritual backlash.

Especially with Qin Shaofeng's current mental power, his recoil mental power attack was enough to make Li Feng backlash to death.

However, at the last moment, Qin Shaofeng's heart moved, and a thought suddenly came up. Only then did he plan to let Li Feng back the idea of ​​death, leaving the other party's life.

But even so, Li Feng at this moment has already suffered a very serious mental attack, and his consciousness has been completely dissipated.

However, Qin Shaofeng wanted such an effect.

With a light wave, a faint light was shot out by Qin Shaofeng, and then fell on Li Feng's forehead.

After doing all this, Qin Shaofeng said to the black tiger who had caught up, "Okay, let's go back!"

What? go back?

Heihu was instantly confused.

However, after taking a look at the immediate situation of the Mercedes-Benz, it seemed that there was no one who was panting. Heihu thought the matter was resolved.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng and Heihu left.

Not long after Qin Shaofeng and Heihu left, there was a noise in the Mercedes-Benz, and then a person climbed out, it was Li Feng.

As soon as Li Feng climbed out of the car, without even looking at Li Dawei and others, he ran to the grove on one side, then found a place, and then sat down cross-legged as if he started to adjust his breath.

Soon after, someone finally discovered the situation here and called the police.

However, in the face of such a situation, after calling the police, it is only treated as a normal car accident.

When the scene was finally sorted out, it was already more than one o'clock in the morning.

And after all relying on it, it seemed that the rate adjustment had resumed, and then Li Feng jumped out again.

Then Li Feng rushed all the way, extremely fast.

It just seems that Li Feng himself is very complaining about this speed.

"It's too bad, you can only have this kind of speed under your full strength?"

"It doesn't matter if the realm is low, it doesn't matter if you can't fly in the air, but this body can actually burst out some basic speed, and it can't stand it."

"Hey, it's so sad that the current earth has fallen to such a place!"

"Forget it, don't care, anyway, it's only for temporary use. If it is scrapped, it will be scrapped. It is better to hurry up."


The voice was full of complaints, but Li Feng's speed increased.

And this kind of speed is simply impossible for an innate martial artist with a tri-level realm to perform.

All this is very weird!


For more than an hour, Li Feng came to a hotel, and then according to the room number in his memory, he came to a luxurious suite.

After knocking on the door, the door opened, and an innate martial artist came out. The other side saw that it was Li Feng, and suddenly opened the door to let Li Feng in.

"Young Master!"

As soon as he entered the door, Li Feng asked in a deep voice, but his voice was a little different from the usual time, with a dull hoarse.

However, the congenital martial artist saw Li Feng's clothes in tatters, and the absence of Li Dawei and others, guessed something in his mind, did not ask more, just said: "Master, I have rested!"

"Go and tell the young master that I have an urgent matter to report!" Li Feng said hoarsely.

"Master is already asleep, it's not appropriate to disturb Master at this time!"

That congenital martial artist is a bit tangled, and he is very clear about his young master's temper. If he interrupts the young master's rest, the trouble will be serious.

"No, go quickly, I don't have much to do!" Li Feng was anxious.

Moreover, this urgency seemed to have affected his injury, and he spit out a black blood.

Suddenly, this made the congenital martial artist feel that something is very wrong, no longer hesitate, and ran directly to the innermost room of the suite.

A few minutes later, Li Feifean stretched out his nightgown and appeared in front of Li Feng.

"What's the matter?" Li Feifan's tone was a little unhappy, "Is it done? Wake me up this late?"

"It's done!" Li Feng said hoarsely, "However, Li Da sacrificed for them, and I was seriously injured."

Is it done?

Li Feifei's eyes lit up slightly, and he was relieved that this annoying guy named Qin Shaofeng was finally dead.

As for Li Feng's news that Li Dawei died for them, Li Feifei didn't care at all.

However, when Li Feng talked about his serious injury, Li Feifei frowned slightly and looked down at Li Feng: "Are you injured?"

"Yes!" Li Feng said solemnly, "However, this is not the point. When the young master's subordinates killed that Qin Shaofeng, they also asked a very surprising news."

"What news?" There was a dignified look on Li Feifei's face.

He knows Li Feng's character, and since he said it was amazing, the news is definitely not simple.

Li Feng didn't speak, just raised his head and glanced at a corner behind Li Feihua, then lowered his head again.

Li Feifei frowned slightly, because the place Li Feng was looking at was where Cheng Lao was.

Li Feng's meaning was obvious. With Cheng Lao present, Li Feng seemed to feel a little inappropriate.

After all, Ke Cheng is his own personal guardian, and he trusts the other party very much. There is no way he can't let him know!

Therefore, Li Feifei planned to speak, let Li Feng tell the news, Cheng Lao is not a foreigner.

But at this time, Cheng Lao stood up.

"Master, I should go out!"

In fact, the moment he saw Li Feng, Cheng Lao knew that Li Feng could not survive, and even at this moment, he felt a trace of lifelessness on Li Feng.

The reason why Li Feng has been able to support it up to now is probably because of his special mental power. As for Li Feng's body, it is probably already dead.

After seeing this, Cheng Lao didn't care, he planned to go out.

It's better to be pitiful for Li Feng, because if he were to change to normal, he would have taken action long ago.

He was the one who watched Li Feifan grow up, and he has been guarding him to this day. Even Li Feng, one of you, has questioned his actions?

However, as Li Feng was about to die, Cheng Lao didn't care much.

For such a situation, Li Feifei didn't say anything.

After Cheng Lao left, he asked Li Feng, "What is it that makes you like this and avoiding Cheng Lao?"

"Master, because the matter is important, the subordinates have to be cautious!" Li Feng said.

Seeing what Li Feng said was so serious, Li Feifei couldn't help but get closer and said, "Say, what is it?"

"The thing is..."

Suddenly, when he was talking about this, Li Feng, who had originally bowed his head, raised his head fiercely, and instantly met Li Feifan's gaze.

"Go to hell!"

At the moment Li Feifan met his gaze, Li Feng smiled evilly.

Suddenly, Li Feifei felt that something was wrong, and a great crisis inexplicably surged in his heart, and he opened his mouth to cry for help.

But the next moment, Li Feifei just saw Li Feng's eyes flash, and his whole person was dizzy, and his consciousness plunged into darkness.

Seeing Li Feifan's whole body collapse on the sofa behind him, the corner of Li Feng's mouth curled, and he said disdainfully: "Sure enough, rubbish! Just like Li Feng's memory, is this Li Feifan special? One of the weak chickens, relied on his status as the second youngest of the Li family, to dominate and deal with it, it was really easy!"

At this moment, both the temperament and the tone of speech of'Li Feng', especially the attitude towards Li Feifan, are completely different from before.

This is simply a change of person!

In fact, this is indeed a change of person, no, to be precise, a change of soul.

Because in Li Feng's body at this moment, it was not the soul of Li Feng, but the soul of the evil blood Taoist that Qin Shaofeng had subdued.

The remnant soul of the evil-blooded Taoist, after Qin Shaofeng's soul consciousness has been nourished for a while, although it is still very weak, it is already intact in the soul, and is no longer in the previous remnant soul state.

When Qin Shaofeng counterattacked Li Feng before, the reason why he didn't directly inflict Li Feng with a mental force to death was because he thought of the evil blood Taoist.

Although he could easily kill Li Feng and others, what Qin Shaofeng wanted was who was behind the scenes this time.

It was precisely because of the special nature of Li Feng's mental power that Qin Shaofeng thought of the evil blood Taoist.

In the end, the evil-blooded Taoist swallowed Li Feng's soul, temporarily controlled Li Feng's body, and then came to Li Feifan.

After devouring Li Feng's soul, the evil blood Taoist probably knew what happened.

According to Qin Shaofeng's plan, the evil blood Taoist can now retreat.

Just know the master behind the scenes.

However, after the evil blood Taoist learned that Li Feifei was just a senior warrior, other thoughts moved in his heart.

That is to occupy this Li extraordinary body!

"Hey, the body of a senior warrior, although the grade is too bad, but if it can help the master, then the master will definitely be happy, and maybe reward me!"

From Qin Shaofeng's soul-knowledge sea space, the evil blood Taoist knew that his master was absolutely extraordinary, and he naturally tried his best to please Qin Shaofeng.

"Then let's start!"

As soon as the words of ‘Li Feng’ fell, the whole person lay down.

However, just before Li Feng collapsed to the ground, a gleam of light from his forehead entered Li Feifan's brain.

Not very soon, Li Feihua opened his eyes again, but this time Li Feihua was no longer Li Feihua.

To be precise, Li Feifei has died, and his soul has been swallowed by the evil blood Taoist.

"Well, the devouring was successful, but it is still a little unstable, and it takes some time to consolidate, but fortunately, my identity is different now!"

Soon, Li Feifei of the evil-blooded Taoist shouted to the door, an innate martial artist came in, and the evil-blooded Taoist ordered the other party to dispose of Li Feng's body.

At this time, Cheng Lao also came in.

Cheng Lao is no ordinary person. The evil blood Taoist hasn't completely controlled Li Feifan's body. He said that he should go to rest first, and then directly enter his room.

Although Cheng Lao was curious about what'Li Feng' had said to Li Feifei before he died, he didn't ask too much when he saw Li Feifei went in to rest.

Old Ke Cheng didn't see it. After entering the room, ‘Li Feifan’ smiled, with a trace of triumph in his eyes.

"Hey, am I successful in sneaking into the enemy?"

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