Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1675: Hu Xiaochuan's help

The next day, Qin Shaofeng received an unfamiliar text message on his cell phone.

After coming back last night, Qin Shaofeng was not in a hurry to refine the pill, but went directly to the fodder room and hugged Liu Ya to sleep.

At this moment, I woke up to find this strange text message.

Looking at the unfamiliar text messages, Qin Shaofeng thought it was a harassing message at first!

But as a result, Qin Shaofeng's mouth was slightly raised.

"Heh, I didn't expect this evil blood Taoist person to be quite clever!"

This unfamiliar text message came from the evil-blooded Taoist. After taking control of Li Feifei's body a little, he hurriedly sent a short breath to Qin Shaofeng.

Fortunately, before, Qin Shaofeng considered that Li Feng's body would not be able to support the evil blood Taoist for long. To prevent accidents, he told the evil blood Taoist that his mobile phone number was actually used now.

The Evil Blood Taoist hadn't used a mobile phone before, and was an out-and-out old antique, but after devouring the souls of Li Feng and Li Feihua, and getting many memories, he naturally knew all about mobile phones.

This text message sent by the evil blood Taoist to Qin Shaofeng also made Qin Shaofeng finally understand who wanted to die.

Li Feifan?

The second young master of the Li family of the five great martial artists in China?

As soon as he saw this strange name, Qin Shaofeng was blind with both eyes. He didn't remember any intersection with such a person, so he couldn't offend the other person.

But why did the other party kill him?

After looking behind, Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt fire in his heart.

Just because of a reluctant suspicion, I felt that I was very likely to belong to his eldest brother Li Feifan, or some conspiracy and trickery, so I killed myself.

Moreover, this killer directly used a lot of power, first attacked by missiles, and then used the struggle between the two warriors as a cover?

Even with those experiences in the ancient continent, Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt that this Li Feihua's heart was really vicious.

If it weren't for Li Feihua who had been swallowed by the evil blood Taoist now and completely disappeared, Qin Shaofeng had the intention to catch the opponent and let the other party understand who could not offend.

However, now this matter has come to an end.

After all, now that Li Feifan is already'his own', then he doesn't need to worry about anything.

At the very least, he won't be assassinated again.

Otherwise, it would be really troublesome if no one stopped.

As for the evil-blooded Taoist sneaking into the Li family with the help of Li Feifei, it may be a good thing for Qin Shaofeng.

At the very least, let the evil-blooded Taoists explore the true depth of the five great families of warriors in China.


After breakfast, Qin Shaofeng accompanied Liu Ya for a while, and was about to start refining the pill.

But soon a sudden incident interrupted him.

Hu Xiaochuan called!

And this time, Hu Xiaochuan called Qin Shaofeng, and Qin Shaofeng felt something wrong.

"The third child, do you have any medicine for healing?"

This was the first thing Hu Xiaochuan asked after he got on the phone.

Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly, and there was a faint guess in his heart.

"What injury?" Qin Shaofeng asked.

This time Hu Xiaochuan did not answer immediately, but was silent for a while before he spoke: "My father failed to attack the realm of Innate Grandmaster!"

Just this sentence, Qin Shaofeng immediately understood.

The impact failed, and then some injuries occurred due to backlash?

"If it is a general backlash situation, I can quickly resolve it. Even if it is a bit serious, I can still recover your father."

"Really? This is great!" Hu Xiaochuan suddenly became a little happy.

However, Qin Shaofeng frowned and asked: "How is your father's situation now?"

If it's okay, then don't rush over.

But the next moment, what Hu Xiaochuan said made Qin Shaofeng know that the situation was not good.

"Not so good!" Hu Xiaochuan said, "Actually, my father failed to attack the Congenital Grandmaster. It has been some time ago. I came back suddenly because of this incident. It has been a week or two now, his Things are getting worse and worse!"

A week or two?

Qin Shaofeng was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect it to be so long.

"Well, I know, I'll be there tomorrow."

After a while, Qin Shaofeng hung up the phone and shook his head slightly.

"It seems that the martial artists in Hu Xiaochuan's family are not very powerful in practicing the exercises. They can even fail to attack the innate master realm, such a low realm, and the consequences are so serious!"

However, Qin Shaofeng quickly woke up.

Basically, the warriors of the earth use their own power to stimulate their internal qi, instead of cultivating heaven and earth aura to strengthen themselves.

If the inner energy cultivated with one's own strength suffers backlash, then the situation is really serious.

Qin Shaofeng was also speechless in this situation.

Because for the earth martial artist, even if they have the elixir in their hands, when they absorb it, they don't directly absorb the aura in the elixir and refine it into their own internal energy.

Under normal circumstances, the earth warrior absorbs the aura in the elixir, but it absorbs a little bit of aura into his body.

Then, stimulate the strength from this body, and finally cultivate the inner qi to achieve the effect of raising the realm.

This is why, all the medicines Qin Shaofeng has seen so far are flawed.

This is all because these medicinal herbs, the method of symptomatic refining, is entirely the method of absorbing aura from earth warriors.

Too complicated and too cumbersome.

Even Qin Shaofeng had already guessed the reason why Hu Xiaochuan's father failed to attack the Congenital Grandmaster.

Probably because of lack of blood qi, the strength provided is not enough to cultivate the innate qi to be promoted to the realm of innate master.

Or maybe the blood qi is too abundant, which causes one's own power to transform into the natural qi, some not in time, then the blood qi surges, causing the impact to fail.

For these injuries, Qin Shaofeng saw that there were means to solve them.

The most direct point is that it is enough for Hu Xiaochuan's father to directly break through to the Xiantian Grandmaster.

Since the injury was caused by the failure of the breakthrough, if the breakthrough was successful, the situation would naturally be much better.

As for how to make people who have broken through the innate master and failed, the way to directly break through to success, Qin Shaofeng just had a way before him.

That is to refine a high-level spirit pill!

The middle-level spirit pill can allow the martial artist of the innate martial master realm to increase to one realm after taking it, and it can also rise to the tenth peak realm.

In fact, with Hu Xiaochuan's father's innate martial artist in the pinnacle state, as long as three middle-level spirit pills are enough to promote the opponent to the innate grand master state.

But considering that the opponent had already failed the impact and was seriously injured by the backlash, Qin Shaofeng hesitated, and finally felt that it was more appropriate to prepare a high-level spirit pill.

Qin Shaofeng told Hu Xiaochuan before that it was actually for this reason that he would be there tomorrow.

"Fortunately, I now have twelve middle-grade elixir and two hundred lower-grade elixir. There should be no problem with refining high-level elixir!"

With enough common medicinal materials added to a low-grade elixir, Qin Shaofeng can refine dozens of inferior low-level elixir, which is the so-called low-level warrior elixir.

But if it were to refine genuine genuine low-level spirit pills, then as Qin Shaofeng and Bai Yifan said, only three low-grade spirit pills could be refined.

The only difference is that one is defective and the other is genuine!

Similarly, if it were a middle-rank elixir, it would be able to refine three middle-rank elixir.

As for the high-level spirit pills, Qin Shaofeng was able to refine them with middle-grade spirit medicines, and at the most, put in more middle-rank spirit medicines.

As for the twelve middle-grade elixirs and the two hundred lower-grade elixirs, combined, of course, high-level elixirs were also refined.

In fact, the secretive elixir contains the degree of aura, and the sum of these elixir is barely comparable to the three top-grade elixir.

But in the end, there were only six high-level spirit pills refined by Qin Shaofeng.

"The number is a bit less, it seems that it is still a bit reluctant to use lower-grade elixir to refine high-level elixir."

However, if there are six high-level spirit pills, that is enough!


At noon the next day, Qin Shaofeng was already on the plane.

This time, Qin Shaofeng didn't bring anyone, but he was alone.

Of the six high-level spirit pills refined last night, Qin Shaofeng served two on the spot, and then Qin Shaofeng's realm broke through to the fourth level of the basic chapter of "The Book of Gods and Demons".

Moreover, it was still the pinnacle realm of Xiaocheng, in terms of realm, it was already equivalent to the innate master of the triple pinnacle realm.

But when it comes to strength, Qin Shaofeng feels that even an ordinary innate master can deal with it.

Of course, if you add your own mental power, even if you are the Innate Grand Master, as long as it is not too strong, Qin Shaofeng can easily defeat or even kill the opponent.

For the remaining high-level spirit pills, Qin Shaofeng gave Liu Ya one, and the third senior Xie Ling.

To give Liu Ya a high-level spirit pill, it was because Qin Shaofeng wanted the other party to cultivate to the third level of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", so he was relieved.

To give the two high-level spirit pills to Xie Lao, Qin Shaofeng completely wanted the other party to break through to the realm of Innate Grand Master.

After all, the old Xie is now sitting in Fengya Villa, if it is only the realm of innate martial artist and innate martial artist, it seems that it is not enough.

If you can reach the realm of the innate master, then it would naturally be better.

The last remaining high-level spirit pill was prepared by Qin Shaofeng for Hu Xiaochuan's father Hu Hanyun.

With two high-level spirit pills, Xie Lao can break through from the innate martial artist of the nine-fold realm to the realm of the innate grandmaster. Then Qin Shaofeng believes that a high-level spirit pill is enough for Hu Xiaochuan's father, Hu Hanyun, to be successfully promoted to the innate grandmaster.

After getting off the plane, Qin Shaofeng saw Hu Xiaochuan.

However, after getting off the plane, Hu Xiaochuan told Qin Shaofeng that it would take another two hours to drive to reach his destination this time-Jiangnan Hu's!

The Jiangnan Hu family, a family of martial artists, has been inherited for hundreds of years. It was during the Ming Dynasty that an ancestor of the Hu family became a martial artist by chance and created the family of martial artists.

According to Hu Xiaochuan, this is a very old story. The ancestor of the Hu family was originally a woodcutter. When he was cutting timber in the mountains, he hid in a cave for shelter because of a sudden rain.

Then, the ancestor of the Hu family obtained a martial arts technique and a few pills, and eventually became a martial artist.

Perhaps at that time, the earth's aura was relatively abundant, and there were some real alchemists.

Because after getting those pills, the ancestors of the Hu family only took a few years to become a powerful warrior of the innate master, and then founded the family of warriors.

In the past hundreds of years, the Hu family has actually produced many innate masters.

However, in modern times, it seems that the earth's spiritual energy is thin, and the Hu family has rarely appeared innate masters, and even now the huge Jiangnan Hu family, the strongest is only the innate master.

This is why Hu Hanyun is eager to break through the innate master.

Because at his current age, if he breaks through and becomes the Innate Grand Master, he is likely to become the Inborn Grand Master.

This is very important to the Hu family.

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