Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1676: Jiangnan Hujia

On the way, Qin Shaofeng learned why Hu Xiaochuan's father broke through.

This is a secret of the Hu family!

The martial arts exercises practiced by the Hu family are somewhat special, and they can give a kind of initiation to their direct blood relatives.

In fact, Hu Xiaochuan only learned some time ago that his grandfather is no longer good.

Hu Xiaochuan's grandfather is an innate master of the pinnacle realm, but he has been stuck in this position for a long time, and it has been more than ten years.

Breaking through the hopelessness, Hu Xiaochuan's grandfather had other thoughts.

This is all because seeing that Hu Xiaochuan's talent is so high, Hu Xiaochuan's grandfather wants to wait for Hu Xiaochuan to reach the realm of innate grandmaster, and give his life skills to Hu Xiaochuan.

In this way, it is definitely not a problem for Hu Xiaochuan to break through to become the innate master.

But it is a pity that Hu Xiaochuan was poisoned in the end and his power was dissipated. This was also a blow to the elderly.

In the end, Grandpa Hu Xiaochuan stepped back and planned to empower Hu Xiaochuan's father.

Although Hu Xiaochuan's father's cultivation talent is not as strong as Hu Xiaochuan.

But now, Hu Xiaochuan's grandfather can't take care of that much anymore, because even if he doesn't empower people, he will not be able to live in a few years.

Then, at the beginning, things went smoothly, and Hu Xiaochuan's father surpassed the promotion of Congenital Grandmaster.

But later, when Grandpa Hu Xiaochuan gave his father initiation, something went wrong.

In fact, it wasn't a bad thing. When Hu Xiaochuan's father was empowered, in order to save his old father's life, he would not die directly after the empowerment, and deliberately stopped the last step of the empowerment and injected life into life.

As a result, there was no problem. The old man's life was saved.

But Hu Xiaochuan's father suffered a backlash, and then the situation was very bad.

Not to mention outsiders about such a confidential event, few people in the entire Hu family knew about it.

Hu Xiaochuan only didn't know, he also learned the news when he returned to Hu's house from the Sea King.

On the phone yesterday, it was inconvenient to say such things, and Hu Xiaochuan did not explain to Qin Shaofeng.

After seeing Qin Shaofeng now, Hu Xiaochuan finally told the whole story.

"The third child, how? If this is the case, are you sure?"

Hu Xiaochuan looked at Qin Shaofeng expectantly. He knew his father was in a bad situation.

Even his grandfather said that his father was confused and shouldn't save his old man's life. If he appeared in this way, even if the bachelor of the hundred schools came, he would be helpless.

However, thinking that Qin Shaofeng was a cultivator, Hu Xiaochuan still held the last glimmer of hope in his heart.


Qin Shaofeng didn't know now, what to say.

I only thought that the breakthrough failed. In that case, things would be easy to handle, and a high-level spirit pill would probably be done.

But the current situation is obviously not!

However, looking at Hu Xiaochuan's hopeful gaze, Qin Shaofeng nodded and said: "Okay, you can rest assured, no matter what, I will find a way to restore your father."

Hearing what Qin Shaofeng said, Hu Xiaochuan was also relieved.

In fact, in Hu Xiaochuan's opinion, Qin Shaofeng can solve his physical condition, so most of them also have the means to solve his father's current condition.

Now that Qin Shaofeng answered in the affirmative, he was naturally relieved.

With this relief, this guy actually fell asleep in the car, which made Qin Shaofeng speechless.

However, Qin Shaofeng also noticed that Hu Xiaochuan was afraid that this short period of time would have been very bad, and most of them did not rest much.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng didn't bother him and let him go to sleep.

After more than two hours, he finally arrived at Hu's house.

Upon arriving at the Hu family, Qin Shaofeng finally realized that a family of martial artists was different from ordinary families.

Hu's family is very big, it's a big manor. It's probably more than ten times bigger than Fengya Villa.

The entire Hu family still retains the classic style, the layout is very classical, and the characteristics of modern buildings are in the garden of the Hu family manor, but other places are not there.

Soon, under the leadership of Hu Xiaochuan, Qin Shaofeng came to a place deep in the Hu family, where his father Hu Hanyun is now.

As soon as he arrived, Qin Shaofeng felt that the matter seemed a bit serious.

Because the room where Hu Xiaochuan's father was, there were three innate masters secretly guarding it, as if someone was afraid that someone would be against Hu Hanyun.

You must know that this is the Hu family, and Hu Hanyun is the owner of the Hu family. Even if his physical condition is a little bad, he needs such protection in his own territory?

And even if he was brought by Hu Xiaochuan, he entered Hu Hanyun's room after some inspections.

For a while, Qin Shaofeng felt that there was something in the Hu family, and Hu Xiaochuan might not have made it clear to him.

However, Hu Xiaochuan didn't say it clearly, and Qin Shaofeng didn't ask about it.

When I saw Hu Hanyun, my brows suddenly frowned.

Because at this moment, Hu Hanyun's aura was very unstable and extremely messy, as if his body was filled with a lot of chaotic aura.

After observing for a while, Qin Shaofeng felt that the problem was a bit tricky.

Because Hu Hanyun now possesses power that is not inferior to him, I am afraid that this is Hu Xiaochuan's power to empower him.

You must know that Hu Xiaochuan's grandfather is the innate grandmaster of the pinnacle realm. With all his skills empowered, it is not at all that Hu Hanyun, a martial artist who has just stepped into the realm of innate grandmaster, can completely bear it.

Perhaps, if Hu Hanyun hadn't deliberately controlled it to allow Hu Xiaochuan's grandfather to fully carry out the initiation, he would probably not have such a situation.

But in order to save his old father's life, Hu Hanyun made this choice, which ultimately resulted in the current result.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng also saw clearly. It is estimated that some of the martial arts techniques cultivated by the Hu family can be empowered, and after the empowerment, there will be basically no major problems.

Hu Hanyun's current situation can be said to be completely asked by him.

This is like a cup. Hu Hanyun's cup is complete and can withstand the water in the cup of Grandpa Hu Xiaochuan.

This cup of Grandpa Hu Xiaochuan had cracks before, and it had reached its deadline.

Therefore, Hu Xiaochuan's possession wants to put all the water in his cup into Hu Hanyun's cup.

In such a situation, if Grandpa Hu Xiaochuan didn't sleep on this cup, it would be completely broken.

In order to prevent this from happening, Hu Hanyun made a decision, that is, let his old father's cup leave a little bit of someone.

But the consequence of this was that his own cup was cracked.

What Qin Shaofeng needs to do now is to repair Hu Hanyun's cup.

But this is in trouble.

Because this is not something that can be done with a pill to improve, and even to take Hu Hanyun a pill to improve, that is absolutely the most unfeasible behavior.

"Lao San, how is it?" Seeing Qin Shaofeng kept silent, Hu Xiaochuan was a little uncomfortable.

Just when Qin Shaofeng wanted to say something, suddenly another person came into this room, an old man.

"Grandpa!" Hu Xiaochuan yelled after seeing the old man.

This made Qin Shaofeng immediately understand that it was Hu Xiaochuan's grandfather.

In fact, Hu Xiaochuan was also at his own grandfather, completely at a loss. After some words, Hu Xiaochuan's grandfather decided to give Qin Shaofeng a try.

After all, Qin Shaofeng is still too young, even if there is a precedent for curing Hu Xiaochuan, it is still not enough.

Even if it were not for Qin Shaofeng to cure Hu Xiaochuan, Hu Xiaochuan’s grandfather would never agree to let Qin Shaofeng come to heal his son.


Hu Xiaochuan's grandfather nodded, and then his eyes fell on Qin Shaofeng.

To be honest, Hu Xiaochuan's grandfather didn't expect much when he believed his grandson and asked Qin Shaofeng to heal his son.

This is at best a hopeless prerequisite, with the mentality of being a dead horse doctor.

But after seeing Qin Shaofeng at this moment, Hu Xiaochuan's grandfather's mind suddenly changed.

Although at this time, he had lost his original realm, and his own state was not very good.

But his old man's eyesight and his perception of subverting the realm of innate martial masters still exist.

But it is precisely because of this that Hu Xiaochuan's grandfather was shocked.

Because he found that he didn't notice Qin Shaofeng's realm, it seemed that Qin Shaofeng's realm was stronger than him.

Suddenly, there was a glimmer of hope in his heart.

"Master Qin, I don't know the situation of my son, can you solve it?" Hu Xiaochuan's grandfather asked, with a hint of expectation in his tone.


Seeing that both grandparents and grandchildren were looking forward to it, Qin Shaofeng nodded directly and said, "However, some trouble!"

Seeing Qin Shaofeng nodding, Hu Xiaochuan and his grandfather were both happy.

As for Qin Shaofeng's troublesome sentence, they didn't care at all.

It's fine if it can be solved, it's okay to trouble or anything!

Thinking of this, Hu Xiaochuan's grandfather said: "It's okay, no matter what trouble Qin Gongzi has, our Hu family will do our best to cooperate with you, as long as you can make my son recover!"

After a pause, Hu Xiaochuan's grandfather added: "Even if it was a waste of this empowerment."

"Don't worry, old man, Xiaochuan is a brother. If his father has something like this, I will do my best to solve it!" Qin Shaofeng said.

"Lao San, I... thank you so much!" Hu Xiaochuan said moved.

"Okay! You are still polite to me!" Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly.

Then, Qin Shaofeng said to Hu Xiaochuan's grandfather: "Master, I now have two solutions to Uncle Hu's situation, depending on which one you choose."

Two ways?

Grandpa Hu Xiaochuan's eyes lit up slightly. He didn't expect Qin Shaofeng not only to deal with his son's situation, but also to have two ways.

"Oh, I don't know which two are they?" Old Hu asked.

After a pause, Qin Shaofeng considered it, and said, "Master, I'll just explain it to you directly. According to Uncle Hu's current situation, he may not be able to hold on for long, and it is very difficult for him to keep you old. The qigong power is digested and absorbed. Therefore, my solution is to extract all the internal Qi in Uncle Hu's body, not only your old one, but also his own."

Elder Hu's eyes dimmed slightly, and all the internal energy was drawn out, which was equivalent to completely abolished.

Moreover, this not only caused him to cultivate his inner Qi for decades, but wasted it, even his son's inner Qi was the same.

I regret it!

I knew that during the previous enlightenment, I would force the enlightenment to the end. In this way, even if I die, I can fully become my own son!

Elder Hu was very regretful at this moment, but the matter has ended, it is useless to say more.

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