Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1678: Juan Tong

In Hu Antong's view, it is also unfair for him to give Hu Hanyun initiation.

Can give Hu Hanyun initiation, then why not give him Hu Antong initiation.

In this respect, Hu Antong subconsciously ignored that initiation requires the requirements of the innate master realm.

In his opinion, this is the unfairness of Old Man Hu to him.

What is white-eyed wolf!

This Juan Tong is a white-eyed wolf through and through.

It seems to be accustomed to accepting it. Once others don't give it to him, it is their fault.

Therefore, Juan Tong made up his mind, and then contacted some people.

As a family of warriors, the Jiangnan Hu family is not very high, but it still has some status.

Especially the Hu family has existed for hundreds of years, but they have made friends with many warrior families.

This is why, even if the Hu family only exists as the father of an innate master, many martial artists still have enough respect for the Hu family.

If not, how could Hu Xiaochuan still enjoy the treatment and treatment that many warriors have after becoming an ordinary person?

But in the same way, there are also many forces conspiring with the Hu family.

Especially the Hu family's cultivation method, possessing that kind of empowerment method, makes many forces even more greedy.

After all, there are no other sequelae of the initiation methods of the Hu family, except that those who initiate the initiation will die.

This is a very powerful method for many forces.

After all, many warriors of the powers, after getting old, no breakthrough in the realm, they can only die of old age.

A realm skill can only be wasted.

If there is such an empowerment method, after the warrior dies of old age, he won't waste any skill.

But the Hu family kept strict about this, and the method of empowerment never leaked out.

But at this point in Hu's family, a Hu Antong appeared.

Before Hu Xiaochuan brought Qin Shaofeng back, Hu Antong didn't care much.

But after many people told him that Qin Shaofeng was not ordinary, Hu Antong was not calm.

After Baijia cooperated with Qin Shaofeng, in order to sell the highest price for the Martial Spirit Pill, it has already begun to promote the Martial Spirit Pill.

Although Baijia did not name the refiner of the martial arts pill, some capable forces still found Qin Shaofeng.

Knowing that Qin Shaofeng could refine a pill like a martial arts pill, Hu Antong couldn't sit still.

Especially after knowing that Hu Xiaochuan's body is now recovered and that it is Qin Shaofeng's masterpiece, he can't sit still.

For fear that Qin Shaofeng would also heal Hu Hanyun, Hu Antong did not hold back, and directly contacted a certain force that had been in contact with him.

"Hmph, since the old immortal and Hu Hanyun are so unrighteous, I can't blame Hu Antong!"

With cold eyes, Hu Antong finally made up his mind, and then dialed a number by pressing out his cell phone.

"How? Think it through?"

As soon as the conversation was connected, a gloomy voice came from the other side.

"I think it over!"

Hu Antong gritted his teeth and said: "The old undead family treats me this way, no need to think about it. I can't blame it."

There was silence on the other side of the phone, as if he was disdainful of Juan Tong's cold blood.

But the other party didn't care much, because that was his goal.

"Very well, in that case, then as agreed, I will help you sit as the head of the Hu family. The corresponding thing is that you should know what to do after the matter is done!"

"Don't worry!" Hu Antong said disapprovingly, "Isn't that the method of empowerment? As long as you help me sit as the head of the Hu family, I will offer it with both hands!"

"Very good, then happy cooperation!"

"Well, happy cooperation!" Hu Antong smiled.

The phone soon hung up, but Hu Antong smiled grimly.

"I'm not dead, I told you not to pass on the position of Patriarch to me. Now I see how you die. No, now not only you, but your son and your grandson will die for me!"

Hu Antong was very sure in his heart, after all, the family he was cooperating with, definitely had enough strength.

Moreover, Hu Antong was also very calm, not worried about what the other party would do to him.

After all, the other party is one of the five great families, and it is impossible for them to really attack the Hu family.

Because of this, it will cause dissatisfaction from other martial arts families. In the face of such a situation, even if the opponent is the top five families, it will definitely be a trouble.

Therefore, in Hu Antong's view, just by surrendering the method of empowerment, he can sit firmly as the head of the Hu family.

Such a deal is simply too cost-effective!

The other party didn't let Hu Antong wait for long, just one night, and the next morning Hu Antong received the call from the other party again.

Then, Juan Tong went out once, and when he came back again, he was surrounded by three more people.

Although there are only three people, Hu Antong is confident.

Obviously, the strength of these three people is not simple.


After almost three days, Qin Shaofeng finally let out a sigh of relief.

Now the connection between Hu Hanyun and Mr. Hu can be maintained even if he is no longer.

According to this situation, Hu Hanyun will wake up in one day at most.

Then, Mr. Hu was about to break through.

Qin Shaofeng also noticed some subtle differences in the high-level spirit pills refined this time.

Because it seems to have added a large amount of low-grade elixir, which resulted in the refined high-level elixir, which did not improve the breakthrough of the innate master.

This is also considered to be that this high-level spirit pill can allow the innate grandmaster to raise one level of realm by one, and can be raised to the realm of ten innate grandmasters.

But this high-level spirit pill is unable to help the innate grandmaster of the pinnacle realm to break through the realm of the innate grand master.

Fortunately, Elder Hu himself is the innate grandmaster of the pinnacle realm, and now he has taken the high-level spirit pills first to restore himself to the realm of the inborn grandmaster.

If this is to absorb back the inner qi he empowered Hu Hanyun, plus Hu Hanyun's own inner qi, the chance of this breakthrough bringing the innate master is very high.

Qin Shaofeng estimated that the probability of this old man Hu breaking through and being promoted to the Innate Grand Master is now as high as 80%.

If this is with him guarding, even if the probability is not a 100% chance, then there is at least a 9.50% chance.

In fact, with Mr. Hu's many years of experience, this promotion to Innate Grand Master is already a sure thing.

Of course, in the best case, Qin Shaofeng is guarding him.

Therefore, even if he could leave now, Qin Shaofeng had no intention of leaving.

However, Qin Shaofeng's brows frowned soon.

Because at this time, he had heard someone making noise outside the door.

This surprised Qin Shaofeng slightly. Didn't he instruct Hu Xiaochuan before to keep quiet outside?

Now neither Hu Hanyun nor Old Hu can withstand any interruptions.

Otherwise, not only will it fall short, but there may even be life-threatening danger.

Outside the door, Hu Xiaochuan stared at a middle-aged man with an angry expression.

"Second Uncle, what do you want to do?" Hu Xiaochuan said angrily.

That's right, it was Hu Antong who came here. After receiving the three people, Hu Antong came here non-stop.

Although Hu Xiaochuan stopped him, Hu Antong didn't care much.

A small Hu Xiaochuan is nothing to worry about, as long as he enters the room behind Hu Xiaochuan and solves the old immortal and the **** Hu Hanyun, then he is the head of the Hu family.

Hu Antong is already a little impatient.

Hu Xiaochuan couldn't think of it this way, it's all the same now, and his second uncle actually came to make trouble.

"What are you doing?"

Hu Antong glanced at Hu Xiaochuan, and smiled coldly: "I said Xiaochuan, you have some messy people staying at home, now I suspect you are not good for the Patriarch and the Patriarch!"


Am I against the Patriarch and the Old Patriarch?

Hu Antong's words made Hu Xiaochuan's lungs burst out of breath.

That was his father and grandfather, and they were still dear, how could he be against the two closest to him?

"Second Uncle, what are you talking nonsense? My father and grandfather are undergoing treatment, don't bother here in the end!" Hu Xiaochuan said coldly.

"Treatment? In my opinion, it is poisoning!" Hu Antong sneered.

At this time, Hu Xiaochuan had awakened from his anger, and he immediately understood that his ‘good’ second uncle was here to find something.

And it's definitely not a good person!

Because at this time, Hu Xiaochuan had already noticed the three people behind Hu Antong.

Although Hu Xiaochuan had reached the level of the Sixth Innate Martial Artist, he felt the aura of the three behind Hu Antong, and Hu Xiaochuan knew that the strength of these three was far stronger than himself.

But he didn't panic, because not far away, there were three Hu family's innate grandmasters and seven or eight innate martial masters.

Since Qin Shaofeng started to treat his father and grandfather, Hu Xiaochuan has mobilized most of the Hu family's power to guard this room, so as not to disturb Qin Shaofeng.

"Second Uncle, I advise you to leave here as soon as possible, otherwise, I will not be responsible for the consequences," Hu Xiaochuan said coldly.

Hu Xiaochuan has no good feelings for his second uncle.

At this time, it seemed that something was not right. The seven or eight innate martial artists of the Hu family gathered around and stood behind Hu Xiaochuan.

This made Juan Tong suddenly a little scared, he himself barely reached the realm of the innate grandmaster, and he was still a substandard innate grandmaster piled up with a large amount of pills, and his comprehensive strength was at most the realm of an eight-fold and nine-fold innate martial artist.

Therefore, seeing the seven or eight innate martial artists behind Hu Xiaochuan, Hu Antong was subconsciously afraid.

But at this moment, a person behind Hu Antong whispered: "Don't be afraid, with us, no one can threaten you!"

This sentence immediately made Juan Tong's confidence soar.

Yeah, what am I afraid of? Will there be a few congenital martial artists soon?

A sharp light flashed in his eyes, and Hu Antong shouted: "Oh, you are Hu Xiaochuan, you dare to murder the Patriarch and the Patriarch. They are your father and grandfather, you rebellious son. Today, Hu Antong is going to clear the door for the Hu family. !"


Hu Xiaochuan was trembling with anger. He didn't expect this Hu Antong to be so shameless and so upside-down.


Suddenly with a low drink, the Congenital Grand Master Hu, who was hiding in the dark, couldn't help it.

There is a special place in Hu's family, that is, the elders' pavilion.

Only the masters of the innate martial arts realm in the Hu family can enter the pavilion of the elders.

The Hu family’s elder pavilion does not have any special rights.

Under normal circumstances, some things about the Hu family will not be involved, even if it is a dispute over the head of the family, the Hu's parents will not participate.

Because they are only responsible to the Patriarch, and obey the Patriarch's orders, and they will not interfere in other matters.

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