Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1679: Get out of me

There are only three elders in this generation of Hu family's elders.

These three elders generally practice in the Hu family and rarely come out.

This time, they came out because of Hu Xiaochuan's father.

They didn't care about the quarrel between Hu Xiaochuan and Hu Antong, nor would they interfere.

But now that Juan Tong is a little bit messy, one of the elders has to speak out.

But this time, something unexpected happened to the elder, and in his opinion, Hu Antong would retreat obediently.

But Hu Antong did not retreat, and even sneered instead.

"Enough is enough? Hu Xiaochuan, a rebellious son, murdered the Patriarch. Not only did you three dead old men not stop it, you actually agreed to it. Do you three elders also want to betray the Hu family?"

Hu Antong's words stunned Hu Xiaochuan and the seven or eight innate martial artists behind him.

This Juan has eaten the guts of the bear heart and the leopard, how dare he talk to the elders of the elders like this?

This Juan Tong is finished.

Sure enough, the next moment, a low anger broke out.


A figure jumped out from a corner instantly, but it was an old man in sixties.

This old man is very strong, the innate grandmaster of the four-level realm. At this moment, because of his anger, all the innate martial masters present feel a strong aura of oppression.

Hu Antong, who was directly forced by his breath, turned pale.


A figure flew out instantly.

But what shocked Hu Xiaochuan and others at the scene was that the person who flew out was not Hu Antong, but the elder of the Hu family innate master.

This is how the same thing?

Hu Xiaochuan was stunned, but then he discovered something.

This is a person behind Hu Antong who made a move. The opponent is fast, but Hu Xiaochuan, who has practiced "Nine Turns of God and Demon Art", still vaguely sees signs of the opponent's move.

Suddenly, Hu Xiaochuan's face sank.

He originally thought that his ‘good’ second uncle, although the people he brought with him were powerful, but at best he was at the level of the innate martial arts realm.

But now it seems that the three martial artists on the opposite side are probably not innate martial masters at all, but very powerful innate masters.

Damn, where did Juan Tong find three such powerful people?

Hu Xiaochuan's face changed slightly, and a trace of eagerness appeared in his eyes.

After the gray old man took a blow, he became unstable and flew out directly.

Fortunately, after he flew upside down for a while, a figure flashed by and took him down, but it was another elder of Hu Jiaoguo.

But even so, the gray old man still turned pale, with a trace of blood showing at the corner of his mouth, and he was obviously seriously injured.

This caused the elder who caught the opponent to sink in his heart.

At this time, the last elder Hu came out, looked at the three warriors behind Hu Antong, and said with cold eyes: "I don't know who the three are, what is going on in my Hu family."

After seeing this elder appear, the Hu family present, including the two elders, were a little relieved.

This elder is the second strongest of the Hu family, the elder of the Hu family, the innate grandmaster with a nine-fold realm, but he is lower than the old master Hu.

With the great elder, the three people on the opposite side should not be able to make any waves.

But at this moment, no one knew that Elder Hu's heart was extremely vigilant, and he was indeed the innate master of the Nine Realm.

He can also defeat the Hu family's sixtieth elder with one blow.

But he could never be that relaxed.

Staring at the person who had just shot, Elder Hu's vigilance was raised to the extreme.

"It doesn't matter who we are, the most important thing is that we are entrusted by Mr. Hu to come to Hu's house to help him!" The man who started the hands said in a hoarse voice.

Suddenly, Juan Tong was excited.

"Haha, yes, they are the helpers I hired!"

"Hu Antong, what do you want to do?" The elder's eyes were cold, and he gave a low voice to Hu Antong.

This sound scared Juan Tong, but then, he seemed to be scared too, some reasons for shame, some became angry.

Or in other words, he finally felt that the three people behind him were his own powerful confidence, and Juan Tong simply didn't intend to hide anything.

"What do I want to do?"

Hu Antong's face turned grimly, and said angrily: "What else can I do? Of course, I will take back everything that belongs to me and sit in the position of the head of the Hu family!"

"Bold, Hu Antong, you are in a rebellion, for such a behavior, are you afraid that the Hu family ancestors will blame you?" The elder angered.

This time not only the Great Elder, but the Hu Family Martial Artists once again looked at Hu Antong in anger.

But Hu Antong didn’t care. Instead, he sneered: “Don’t use any ancestors and ancestors to crush me. I’ll tell you the great elder. From today onwards, Hu’s family will be my Hu Antong’s head. If you obey, Then you are still your elders, and I, Hu Antong, will not treat you badly. But..."

With a cold gaze, Hu Antong glanced at everyone, and said grimly: "If you don't obey, then I can't blame Hu Antong for not being affectionate."


There was silence at the scene, and it was clear that Juan Tong's words made everyone present feel bad.

Hu Antong is seeking the position of Hu's Patriarch!

But if you don’t obey the other party, then...

Looking at the three people behind Hu Antong, many people felt a chill, and their expressions became a little frightened.

But at this moment, the elder of the Hu family took a step forward and said coldly: "My Hu family does not have a scorpion who is afraid of death. There are only hot-blooded men. Hu Antong commits you below and wants to seize the position of Patriarch. This is a felony. You are no longer a member of my Hu family from now on."


Hu Antong's face became completely sullen: "It seems that you old and undead, you haven't figured out the situation yet!"

"Go on, let me all three of you, kill all these people, and then drag out Hu Hanyun and the old undead from that room for me, and kill them all together!"

Hu Antong yelled at the three people behind him.

The expressions of the three warriors were a little unhappy, but the three of them still didn't say anything, they all took a step forward.


It was just this step, and the next moment later, everyone in the Hu family, including the elder of the Hu family, all looked astonished.

The pinnacle innate master!

These three people are actually innate masters in the pinnacle realm!

This Hu Antong unexpectedly found three innate masters in the pinnacle realm?

Damn it!

Only for an instant, the Hu family elder knew that all this was definitely premeditated.

These three pinnacle innate martial artists are not what the Hu family can contend.

Because even the old Patriarch still has the strength of the peak realm innate grandmaster, facing these three peak innate grandmasters at this moment, I am afraid they can't compete.

And the current martial arts world can dispatch three innate martial masters, and they are still the strength of the peak innate martial masters, basically few.

Elder Hu's family only thought for a moment, and it became clear in his heart that Hu Antong was probably being used as a gun.

No matter what kind of person the other party is, Elder Hu can be sure that the other party is directed at the Hu family, and I am afraid it has been planning for a long time.

"What kind of family members are you three, so against my Hu family, are you not afraid to cause dissatisfaction with other martial arts families in the martial arts world? Also, the people behind you already have the strength to not fear the power of the entire martial arts world. ?"

Elder Hu Jia said angrily, and at the same time he was extremely vigilant, ready to do it.

"You don't need to test!"

The pinnacle Congenital Grandmaster who shot before said in a deep voice: "This time, we just responded to Hu Antong's request to help him put down the Hu family's rebellion!"

"What a quelling of the rebellion, it seems that this time is something you planned!" Elder Hu said in a cold voice, "It is useless to say so much, although the three of you are all innate masters of the pinnacle realm, but my Hu family is also It's not someone who is afraid of death, see the real trick under your hand!"


As soon as the words fell, the Hu family elder rushed out for the first time, and then fought against the pinnacle innate grandmaster who had shot before.

Although the elder of the Hu family is only the innate grandmaster of the nine-fold realm, the opponent is the innate grandmaster of the pinnacle realm.

But when he took the shot, the Hu family elders completely sacrificed his life for injury, and there was a tendency to die with the opponent.

And his opponent didn't want to die with him, but when he shot for a while, he had some scruples, and the two were inextricably beaten.

But the situation on the other side is troublesome.

The other two elders of the Hu family brought several innate martial masters to meet each other, one of them was the pinnacle innate martial master.

But obviously, even if a few people joined forces, the other party was ultimately an innate martial artist at the pinnacle level. After a fight, the team brought by the two elders of the Hu family began to fall into a disadvantage.

And the elder Hu, who was injured before, was caught by his opponent and knocked to the ground.

There is no elder on the side, how could the remaining Hu family martial artists of the innate martial master realm be the opponent of the innate grand master of the peak realm?

In the first time, those innate martial artists flew out one by one.

Not only each suffered heavy losses, even one of the innate martial arts masters in the triple realm was directly killed by the opponent's palm.

At this time, the person who fought with Elder Hu, suddenly shouted to the companion who had solved the opponent: "The third one, quickly get rid of the two people and understand the matter thoroughly."

Suddenly, Elder Hu's family became anxious.

Because the two people mentioned by the other party are the old Patriarch and Patriarch Hu Hanyun.

Elder Hu family wanted to support, but it was a pity that he was so entangled that he couldn't get out of it.

As for the other elder Hu, facing his pinnacle, the innate grandmaster was already very tired, and it was impossible to get out of the rescue.

At this moment, at the door of the room between Mr. Hu and Hu Hanyun, only Hu Xiaochuan was left guarding.

Damn it!

Facing a peak congenital grandmaster, Hu Xiaochuan was not afraid in his heart, but it was one thing to be afraid of not being afraid, and it was another matter to block a peak congenital grandmaster.

But even so, Hu Xiaochuan had no intention of leaving.

When the youngest saw this, he approached and sneered at Hu Xiaochuan: "Boy, get out of the way, a reptile of the innate martial art realm, dare to be the way of the master?"

At this time, Juan Tong, who was watching from a distance, suddenly shouted.

"Kill him, that kid is Hu Xiaochuan, kill him for me!"

The third child was taken aback for a moment, then looked back at Juan Tong, frowned slightly, and said nothing.

Then he turned his head back again and looked at Hu Xiaochuan with a grinning face: "Oh, although I really don't want to, but who told you to be Hu Xiaochuan. So, let me die!"

When speaking, the youngest slapped Hu Xiaochuan with a powerful innate energy.

Facing this palm, Hu Xiaochuan felt despair in his heart.

Because under the opponent's innate anger, he couldn't even move a point, and could only wait to die.

But at this critical moment, a sudden roar came from the room behind Hu Xiaochuan.

"Get out of here!"

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