Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1680: Congenital Grand Master of Panic


This roar, like a powerful sound wave attack, carried a force far beyond the realm of an innate martial artist.

Even the general innate masters, I am afraid it is not as good.

And under this attack, the youngest who was the first to dodge, was hit directly.


The youngest man was blasted out directly, bleeding from seven holes, and his breath dropped straight!

"The third child!"

The pinnacle Congenital Grandmaster who fought against the Hu family elder was shocked when he saw this scene, and ignored the Hu family elder, and directly caught the youngest third.

But when he caught the youngest, the pinnacle innate grandmaster's heart sank, and a trace of horror flashed in his eyes.


The third child is dead!

Just a simple roar, killing the youngest?

You must know that the realm and strength of the third child is no better than that of others. I am afraid that it is difficult to have an opponent under the innate master.

And even if they met a master in the realm of Innate Grand Master, although the three of their brothers could never be opponents, they would not be killed by the opponent in a single blow.

Especially there is still a roar!

Suddenly, this congenital grandmaster in the pinnacle realm knew one thing in his heart.

There is definitely a great innate master in that room, and he is also a very powerful great innate master.

Thinking of this, he couldn't stay any longer.

"Second, let's go!"

He shouted at another peak congenital martial artist not far away, and he quickly fleeed away holding the corpse of the youngest.

This scene happened very quickly, and it was also bewildered by the Hu Family Elder and others.

They heard that ‘get me off’ too, but why did the three peak congenital grand masters just ran away after hearing this roar?

It was only Elder Hu Family who was present, vaguely feeling something.

However, he is not very clear, and the most important thing for him now is someone in front of him.

"Hu Antong, do you still want to run?" The Hu family elder yelled fiercely.

Suddenly, seeing that the situation was not good, Hu Antong, who was planning to escape, trembled, and his whole body trembled.

And being drunk by the Hu family elder like this, everyone's eyes fell on Hu Antong, one by one with anger and hatred.

Suddenly, Juan Tong turned pale with fright. He hurriedly yelled: "Don't, don't come over, these people are forcing me, these are not my fault, don't come over."

But obviously, no matter how Juan Tong yelled, it was useless.

Soon, he was surrounded by people, and then only the screams of Juan Tong could be heard.

At this time, Hu Xiaochuan was relieved.

At that moment, he thought he was really going to be killed!

An innate grandmaster of the pinnacle realm, that kind of aura is simply not something he can contend.

As for the violent roar that just appeared, Hu Xiaochuan already knew who it was.

It's Qin Shaofeng!

When Hu Xiaochuan heard it, he knew that it was Qin Shaofeng's voice, which also made him know in his heart that the person who saved him was Qin Shaofeng, which made him very grateful.

However, as Hu Xiaochuan was grateful, he was also secretly surprised.

The third child actually possesses such a powerful strength, and with a roar, can he directly roar back a congenital grandmaster in the pinnacle realm?

At this moment, neither the Hu family elder nor Hu Xiaochuan was aware that the third child had died.

But even so, in Hu Xiaochuan's view, it is extremely amazing.

Because of this, Hu Xiaochuan began to wonder whether Qin Shaofeng should be in the realm of the innate great master.

But Hu Xiaochuan didn't know at this moment. In his opinion, Qin Shaofeng, who was already in the realm of the Great Congenital Grandmaster, was utterly pale.

Nima, it was almost finished!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng was extremely grateful in his heart, fortunate that the two innate grand masters of the other party had retired, otherwise, they would be the one who finished.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng had already noticed it when Juan Tong showed up and started arguing with Hu Xiaochuan.

But at this time, there was something wrong with Mr. Hu's situation, and there were actually some signs of adobe.

But Qin Shaofeng knew that this time was not the best time for Mr. Hu to make a breakthrough, and even if Mr. Hu chose to break through at this time, the chance of success would be only 30% at most.

And this is not the point. The point is that Hu Hanyun's internal Qi at the moment is not completely pulled out. Hu Hanyun himself is still in a coma.

If Elder Hu had a breakthrough at this time, no matter whether the breakthrough was successful or not, he would not continue to absorb the internal energy in Hu Hanyun's body, and Hu Hanyun would be bad.

This kind of internal air extraction can not be interrupted.

If this were not the case, Qin Shaofeng wouldn't be guilty of staying here forever.

Therefore, in desperation, Qin Shaofeng could only forcefully suppress the signs of Master Hu's breakthrough.

But Qin Shaofeng is now the fourth stage of the basic chapter of "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", replaced with the realm of the earth warrior, that is, the innate martial master realm of the triple peak realm.

This allowed Qin Shaofeng to suppress the situation of a pinnacle congenital grandmaster breaking through the congenital great grandmaster. Even if it was Qin Shaofeng, it was a very laborious task.

If this wasn't for Qin Shaofeng's mental power to be strong enough, I'm afraid he might not be able to succeed.

This is why Qin Shaofeng did not come out when Hu Xiaochuan and others were fighting with the innate masters of the three peak realms brought by Hu Antong.

It's not that he doesn't want to come out, but that he can't get out of it!

But as the situation became more and more unmanageable, especially when Hu Xiaochuan had a life crisis, Qin Shaofeng finally couldn't help taking it.

He directly instilled a powerful mental power, and broke out with his own roar, forming a powerful sonic attack.

This sonic attack was indeed very powerful, even a congenital grandmaster in the pinnacle realm was directly killed by the impact.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the youngest has no defense in his heart.

Because there was no defense at all, that sonic attack of mental power directly blasted into that youngest third's mind.

The martial artist is no longer the innate grandmaster of the pinnacle realm, even if it is the martial artist of the innate grand master realm, the brain is still very fragile.

Especially without the slightest precaution, it is like a watermelon with a hammer.

However, for Qin Shaofeng, this is also the limit.

With his current situation, he could only make one attack, and even for this attack, Qin Shaofeng forcibly suppressed the power of the impact of Old Man Hu, there was some slack, and he suffered a strong rebound.

Although this wave of rebound has just been completely suppressed, it has been abruptly suppressed.

But Qin Shaofeng also consumed his mental power excessively, and now he can barely maintain the current situation.

If the two pinnacle congenital grandmasters were aware of this situation and did not retreat directly, then Qin Shaofeng would be unable to make a move.

Unless he ignores the life and death of Hu and Hu Hanyun!

Fortunately, such things did not show up, and the other party was scared away by him.

Can you not be scared away?

Just a simple roar, he directly roared a congenital grandmaster in the pinnacle realm to death. If this was replaced by any congenital grandmaster, I am afraid that he would not dare to stay.

Twenty or thirty miles away from Hujia Manor, the boss and the second child finally stopped.

After stopping, the second child asked a little puzzled: "Big brother, why are we running?"

The eldest brother didn't speak, but calmly put the youngest corpse on the ground.

The second child seemed to finally feel that something was wrong, stepped forward and glanced at the third child, and suddenly became angry.


The third child is dead?

"Damn the Hu family, dare to kill my third brother!" the second child roared.

Because the black hood of the angry second child was directly lifted up, and then revealed a look almost exactly the same as the third child lying on the ground.

Obviously, the second child and the third child are twins.

No, not twins!

At this time, the boss also opened his cloak, and his appearance was surprisingly the same as the second and third.

They are triplets!

"Damn, I'm going to kill them!"

It seems that because of the death of the third child, the youngest who was too angry, turned around and was about to rush to the Hu family, intending to kill the Quartet.

But the boss grabbed him and said coldly: "Don't be impulsive, the Hu family has a master!"

Just after running away, the boss checked the bodies of his third brother.

As a result, he discovered that his third brother had no wounds on his body except his head, and there was not even a trace of injury.

But he noticed a situation in his third brother's head, and knew the cause of his third brother's death.

At this moment, the whole brain of his third brother had become a paste.

That was the case, the subsequent violent shout directly completely destroyed the inner part of his third brother's brain.

It was the first time he had seen such a method.

This technique is very special. It seems that it has suffered a powerful mental attack, and the whole brain has been severely injured. It is like this, I am afraid that only mental power can do it.

And this also made the boss more convinced that the person who shot must be an innate master.

Because even a warrior with strong mental power, the mental power that can cause such damage is absolutely no small thing.

At the very least, a master in the realm of the innate great master can never do it.

This boss is already the innate grandmaster of the pinnacle realm, and he also has a lot of spiritual power. In fact, his spiritual power is equivalent to the spiritual power of some three or four innate grand master realms.

But even so, it would be impossible for him to make this kind of muddling a person's brain.

Unless the opponent is a person below the realm of an innate warrior, even in the case of an ordinary person, he will eventually destroy the right brain with mental power, causing brain death.

And the realm of his three brothers is the same realm as him!

The three brothers are not only triplets, but also very special triplets. The three of them practice together, which seems to convey the feeling of cultivation, which makes the three of them practice as one person.

That's why, these triplets' cultivation talents are not outstanding, but they were able to enter the Innate Grand Master when they were thirty years old, and now they have reached the realm of the Peak Inborn Grand Master when they are less than 40 years old.

Because the realm of the three people's cultivation can be completely consistent, and in the case of simultaneous cultivation, it is equivalent to three times the cultivation speed.

This is a special physique!

Therefore, the boss is very clear in his heart that if he wants to use his mental power to transform his mind into this way, his mental power is only ten or twenty times, or even higher.

Under normal circumstances, such a powerful mental power is simply impossible for the innate master to possess.

Therefore, the person who shot is definitely the Innate Grand Master, and definitely an unusually powerful Innate Grand Master!

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