Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1681: Old man Hu in the realm of a great master

At this time, the second child also seemed to be aware of the death of his third brother, a little surprised for a while.

"Big brother, the third..." he said uncertainly.

"Yeah!" The boss nodded, "The third child has suffered a powerful mental attack. The person who shot is definitely the Innate Grand Master, and it is estimated that there are at least three or five levels!"


After listening to his elder brother's words, the second child took a breath, and was not mentioning words of revenge.


Are you kidding me?

Not to mention the five-fold innate great master, the innate great master in the triple realm is enough for the three brothers to see King Yan.

"Damn it, did that Hu Antong lie to us, there is a powerful expert in this Jiangnan Hu family?" The second child said angrily, thinking of Hu Antong instantly.

"Probably not, then Juan Tong doesn't have the guts to deceive us?"

The boss shook his head, paused, and said with some speculation: "I think it is very likely that this Jiangnan Hu family also has a mysterious and powerful warrior. After all, the Jiangnan Hu family has hundreds of years of inheritance, if it really only has that If there is a congenital master in the Hu Jingshan District, I am afraid it does not fit the name of Jiangnan Hu Family!"

Hu Jingshan is the name of Grandpa Hu Xiaochuan in He Jiaolong's eyes.


The second nodded, then seemed to remember something, and said: "By the way, I remember that there was a very uncertain message in the information about Jiangnan Hu's family."

"It is said that it seems that Hu Jingshan's father also reached the state of the peak innate grandmaster back then, but he died of illness in his early years. But what is strange is that Hu Jingshan did not receive his father's empowerment. If not, then Hu Jingshan is probably now He is already an innate master. In this way..."

The second child didn't say anything, but the boss had already thought of a lot from this.

Yes indeed!

Back then, Hu Jingshan’s father was said to have died of illness, but even if he is sick, he can still be empowered!

But why is Hu Jingshan still in the realm of so many innate masters?

When the old man from the Hu family died of illness, Hu Jingshan was already in the realm of the innate master.

So it seems that the man who killed the third child was the father of Hu Jingshan in the past?

Thinking this way, the boss suddenly felt that everything was justified.

And the more he thought about it, the more he felt that it should be the case, and so did the second child.

In fact, the two brothers did not know that Hu Jingshan's father, Hu Xiaochuan's grandfather, did not die of illness.

But when the old man was forcibly assaulting the realm of the Innate Grand Master, he suddenly went into a devastation and finally died.

This is the real cause of death. To the outside world, it is natural to declare death.

This is why Hu Jingshan did not receive his father's empowerment.

The reason why Hu Xiaochuan's grandfather Hu Jingshan seldom tried to force an attack after entering the realm of the pinnacle innate master.

This was all because of his father's failure, which made him try easily.

The chance of success is too slim.

And the consequences of failure are too serious!

There are no masters in the Jiangnan Hu family now. They are the elders of the Elder Pavilion, only three or four innate masters.

It would be better to cultivate your inner Qi and empower your son in full, so as to make the Hu family a great congenital master.

It is undeniable that Mr. Hu has really broken his heart for the Hu family all his life.

But outsiders are not clear about these circumstances, it is no wonder that these two people think this way.

After a moment of silence, the second child spoke, and he hesitated.

"Brother, now... We can't go back to the Hu family. Then, even if we fail this mission, if this is the case, the young master..."

After a pause, the second child looked at his elder brother, his tone a little uncertain.

"Hey, there is no way, I can only tell the eldest master clearly." The boss sighed, a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

Finally, he stepped aside, took out a cell phone, and dialed a number.

"It's me, young master!" He said as soon as the call was connected.

Although he was already an innate master of the pinnacle realm, at this moment, even if it was just a phone call, not face-to-face, he subconsciously placed his attitude in a very low position.

The tone is extremely respectful!

"Well, is the matter done? Has the Hu family's empowerment method been obtained?" A man's voice came over the phone.

Hearing this voice, the other party was not too old, at most he was 27 or 28 years old.

"Lost...failed!" the boss said, and the whole person suddenly became nervous, and even a little sweat leaked from his forehead.


The man on the opposite side seemed a little surprised, and at the same time his tone was only slightly angry.

Suddenly, the sweat on the boss's forehead grew even more, and the sweat had already condensed into big sweats.

"Yes, eldest master, this is because his subordinates are unfavorable, letting you down!"

The boss who knew the eldest master's temper did not start to shirk immediately, nor did he explain anything.

Because he knew in his heart that whether it was shirking or explaining, failure in the eyes of his young master was failure.

"Say, what is going on?" The young master's tone became cold.

Even with the phone, the distance between the two is thousands of miles, the boss shivered involuntarily.

"I don't know, but the Jiangnan Hu family has a powerful congenital master. The other party screamed, and the third child was killed!" The boss began to explain.

"The third child is dead?"

The voice of the young master facing him was surprised, and the anger in his tone was also reduced.

"Yes!" The boss nodded, "It went well at the beginning, and when the immediate matter was about to end, the Hu family didn't know where, and there was a powerful mental attack that directly destroyed the youngest brain. "

"According to the subordinate's inference, this level of mental power is at least twenty times that of the subordinate, or even a stronger state."

"Therefore, the subordinates speculate that although the Jiangnan Hu Family is only the innate grandmaster of Hu Jingshan's peak realm, there is still at least one innate grandmaster with strong spiritual power in the dark!"

The boss began to explain, and even the speculation between the second and the second was also spoken out.

"...So, the subordinates think it is very likely that Hu Jingshan's father is still alive, and that the other party is not only alive, I am afraid that he has already been promoted to the realm of Innate Great Master!"

After saying these words, the old man stopped talking, respectfully holding the phone and waiting for his hair to fall.

Opposite the phone, the young master was silent for a while before he said: "Forget it, you and the second child should come back!"

After speaking, the young master seemed to remember something, and added one more sentence.

"Bring the third child back and bury it properly. This time the information is wrong, you are correct, but you can rest assured that I will avenge the third child!"

"Yes! Thank you, Master!"

The boss was grateful, even the second child next to him was excited.

At the same time, the two of them took a sigh of relief, and the eldest master didn't pursue it.

At this moment, in a place thousands of miles away, a 27-year-old young man hung up his mobile phone with a playful smile on his mouth.

"Oh, it's interesting. I didn't expect this Jiangnan Hu family to have innate masters?"

A gleam of cold light flashed in the man's eyes, and there was some doubt in his heart.

Is Hu Jingshan's father still alive?

Isn't it possible?

Of course, the news of the other party's death was confirmed by his own family. With the intelligence capabilities of his own family, this should not be wrong!

But if it wasn't Hu Jingshan's father, then who is this extra innate grandmaster?

"Huh, I didn't think that a Hu's family would have such a secret!"

A sharp light flashed in his eyes, and the man raised his head and said coldly: "Go, show me whether there is really a great congenital master in the Jiangnan Hu family!"


A feelingless voice sounded, but not far behind the man, a man in black made a sound.

However, at the moment when the man in black was about to leave, the man seemed to remember something and added another order.

"Wait, if there is an innate great master in Hujiazhen, go and test on the 7th. If the opponent is not strong enough, just kill it!"

At the end, the man's eyes showed a trace of killing intent.


The man in black no.7 responded instantly, and then his figure flashed before disappearing from the room.

At this moment, the door of the man's room was knocked.

The man frowned slightly, and said displeasedly: "Come in!"

Afterwards, the door opened and a housekeeper in his fifties came in.

When the old man saw the man, he opened his mouth and said: "Young Master, the Second Young Master has returned, but I don't know why, the few innate martial masters around the Second Young Master, including Li Feng, are all damaged!"

"Oh, is it so?"

Hearing this news, the man's mood was a little unhappy, and he suddenly got better.

"Heh, what did my good brother do!"

The man smiled slightly and said to the old man: "Go and check to see what stupid Li Feifei has done."

"Yes!" The old man replied and went down.

Needless to say, this man is naturally Li Feifan's eldest brother, Li Yulong, the eldest of the five largest family of Li family.

I'm afraid that even Qin Shaofeng hadn't thought that the person who did the Hu family this time was Li Feifan's eldest brother Li Yulong.


Three days later, Qin Shaofeng finally came out of the room.

In fact, he would have been able to come out two days ago, but after that, Qin Shaofeng's time was delayed for two days.

Even Hu Xiaochuan's father, Hu Hanyun, woke up until yesterday because of this.

However, after he came out, the matter was finally over.

Because just three hours ago, Elder Hu finally began to attack the realm of the innate master.

After that, after three hours, with the help of Qin Shaofeng throughout the journey, Hu's breakthrough this time not only did not fail, but also went smoothly.

And what surprised Qin Shaofeng most was that it was not only whether it was the effect of the previous high-level spirit pill, but also the reason for the inherent qi in his body later.

Or maybe it was before that, when he was forcibly suppressing Old Hu's promotion, Qin Shaofeng injected a lot of inner energy of the gods and demons into his body.

In the end, Mr. Hu not only successfully promoted to become a master in the realm of Innate Grand Master this time, he even directly reached the realm of Innate Grand Master at the Double Peak.

This is much more special than Qin Shaofeng's prediction.

Qin Shaofeng estimated that this was mostly due to his inner qi of the gods and demons, with the main reason.

Of course, I'm afraid it is also more or less related to the situation of Mr. Hu, who has stayed in the pinnacle innate grandmaster realm for more than ten years.

Combining these factors, Mr. Hu made a lot of money this time.

All in all, this is good news!

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