Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1682: Hujiamidi

Because Qin Shaofeng used the spirit of the gods and demons to help Old Hu's mathematics and science after he was promoted.

Therefore, Mr. Hu quickly consolidated his realm.

After Qin Shaofeng came out, two or three hours passed by himself, and Old Man Hu also came out.

Then, the entire Hu family became excited.

Although after Qin Shaofeng came out, everyone already knew that Mr. Hu had been promoted successfully.

But after seeing Old Man Hu with his own eyes and feeling the aura of Old Master Hu that belonged to the realm of the Innate Grand Master, the Hu Family cheered thoroughly.

"Xiao Feng, I... thank you so much!"

After coming out, this was what Elder Hu said to Qin Shaofeng.

He had too many words to say to Qin Shaofeng, but in the end all these words gathered into a single thank you.

Because now he can only express his gratitude to Qin Shaofeng in this way.

Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly and said that it was nothing, because of his relationship with Hu Xiaochuan, he didn't need to be polite.

This made Mr. Hu even more moved!

Then, after learning from his grandson, after Qin Shaofeng had acquired the elixir, he waved his hand and asked Qin Shaofeng to enter the secret area of ​​his Hu's family and still let the other party collect the secret elixir.

There is a secret place in Hu's family. Even Hu Xiaochuan doesn't know such news.

Because this secret place is only known to the Hu Family Patriarch and the elders.

The entire Hu family knew that the secret place existed, that is, only Hu Xiaochuan's father and Hu's old man, and the three elders of Hu's family.

Of course, now there are Qin Shaofeng and Hu Xiaochuan.

Hu Xiaochuan knew the information of Midi, but it was not a young age. This is a blessing to Qin Shaofeng. For this reason, Hu Xiaochuan's heart is sour.

"I circled a cross, the third child, I now seriously doubt who is the heir of the Hu family between you and me. In a place like Midi, my dignified Hu family still depends on your relationship to know. This is so shameless!"

On the road to Hu's Midi, Hu Xiaochuan whispered to Qin Shaofeng, he did not dare to speak loudly.

Because the one walking in front is his grandfather.

Qin Shaofeng didn't speak, because the dignity in his eyes at the moment became more and more serious.

Because he felt it, the aura around him was increasing at this moment.

It is not as strong as the Nine Spirit Palace, but compared to other places, the aura here is much richer, at least not much different from that on Tang Yun Island of the Tang family.

The only downside is that this place is too small.

Following Mr. Hu, Qin Shaofeng and Hu Xiaochuan quickly passed the Hu's road, and finally entered the underground.

Then, Qin Shaofeng discovered that it was a special cave.

The entire cave is not big, only a radius of seventy to eighty meters, not even a hundred meters, but the aura here is not low.

And in the center of the cave, there is a special pool, Qin Shaofeng discovered that the spiritual energy here is emitted from the pool.

Then, Qin Shaofeng was shocked to find that this pool was actually a spiritual pool.

The appearance of the spiritual pond, even on the ancient continent, is rare.

Usually a spiritual vein is just a solid spiritual stone. Only in special circumstances, a spiritual vein only has a very abundant spiritual energy, there is a certain chance of a spiritual pool.

Of course, I'm talking about natural spiritual ponds here, but some of the ancient continents were built into spiritual ponds.

And the pool in front of him is a naturally formed spiritual pool.

But it is a pity that Qin Shaofeng soon discovered that although this is a spiritual pond, it is also a spiritual pond that will be exhausted.

And Qin Shaofeng didn't feel any spiritual veins under this spiritual pond.

Probably because of the thinning of the earth's spiritual energy, the spiritual veins under this spiritual pond have also dissipated.

Of course, it is also very possible that the spiritual veins below were dug away.

However, that was a long time ago, and Qin Shaofeng can only sense a general situation now.

But Qin Shaofeng understood why the aura here is so abundant, dozens of times the outside world.

This is all because of this spiritual pond!

Lingchi is just the spiritual energy, it can be described as the essence of a spiritual vein, even if the spiritual vein disappears, the spiritual energy contained in the spiritual pond can last for a long time.

And the spiritual pool in front of him had been maintained for a long time without being broken.

Even in today's environment where aura is thin, it can still maintain a good aura.

And the so-called non-destructive means that it has not been absorbed and has no reason, otherwise it would not be possible to have such a perfect spiritual pool based on the current situation of the earth.

But now, Qin Shaofeng faced this spiritual pond, but didn't know what to say.

It stands to reason that with such a spiritual pool, no matter how bad the Hu family is, it will not be difficult for even a great innate master to be born!

If he had such a spiritual pool, he would be able to train hundreds of innate great masters within three to five years at most.

This is not an exaggeration. With Qin Shaofeng's method, even if there is no special magical device for planting elixir like the Nine Spirit Palace, Qin Shaofeng still has many other methods to plant elixir.

Especially for this spiritual pond, even if the spiritual energy of the spiritual pond is not as strong as it was originally, it is enough if it is just the words of the innate great master.

Not to mention him, this kind of spiritual pond falls into the hands of Bai Lao San, I am afraid that in a dozen or twenty years, he can also make Bai Jia more dozens of innate masters.

This spiritual pond is definitely a treasure for today's confidence!

However, this spiritual pool fell into the hands of Hu Family, which was embarrassing.

Although Hu Xiaochuan probably talked to Qin Shaofeng about the cultivation methods of the Hu family.

But Qin Shaofeng probably already knew the situation of the Hu family's cultivation techniques, especially after helping the Hu master to make a breakthrough, Qin Shaofeng had an incomparable understanding of the Hu family's cultivation techniques.

To put it bluntly, the Hu family's cultivation technique is a pure earth martial artist's cultivation technique.

Well, it is the practice of cultivating the innate qi with one's own physical strength.

So, not only the spiritual energy, but also the commonly refined pill, it is very difficult for the Hu family to improve.

This is why, obviously this cave possesses such aura, the Hu family has not arranged any training tools here.

Obviously, the Hu family did not take advantage of this aura-rich environment to cultivate.

What is this called?

Well, there is no need for Baoshan!

Qin Shaofeng finally understood the real reason why the Hu family hadn't produced an innate master master for so many years.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng wouldn't say such a thing.

However, although the Hu family does not practice here, they are very diligent in planting elixir.

This is a karst cave. It is reasonable to say that there is no soil under your feet, but the Hu family probably got a lot of soil here a long time ago.

This underground cave with a radius of less than 100 meters has become a small medicine garden.

The growth of the elixir does not need sunlight, just enough aura.

The Hu family also knew this, so they planted a lot of elixir here.

A lot?

How much is it?

Just a glance, Qin Shaofeng has a spectrum in his heart.

Well, there are thousands of them!

Yes, that's right, this is the Hu family heritage!

Thousands of elixir!

It seems that the Hu family is not in cultivation, using this time the Lingchi karst cave, but it is planting medicinal materials, but it is fully utilized.

This has to be said...

What a waste!

Not only Qin Shaofeng thought so, but even Hu Xiaochuan thought so.

Since starting to practice "Nine Turns of Gods and Demons", Hu Xiaochuan naturally knew that his own practice was somewhat short-circuited.

But when I saw the spiritual pond in front of me, I felt the abundant aura, Hu Xiaochuan's face was called tangled!

At this moment, Mr. Hu looked at Qin Shaofeng and his grandson triumphantly, and said proudly, "Well, my Hu family's dense land is fine!"

In the eyes of Mr. Hu, Qin Shaofeng and his grandson should be shocked after seeing these thousands of medicinal materials, and they were all dumbfounded.

But if he knew what Qin Shaofeng and Hu Xiaochuan were thinking at this moment, it would be a different story.

Qin Shaofeng is very speechless now, as for Hu Xiaochuan, he is a little bit ‘bashful’!

I circled a cross. Hu's family still owns such a treasure, but it's not for cultivation, but for planting medicinal materials?

If you look closely, you can see that Hu Xiaochuan's face is slightly red.

This is a rare situation. Will Hu Xiaochuan blush?

Insert a circle, Hu Xiaochuan's boy will blush, unless the sow goes up the tree, the rooster lays the egg and the hen crowed, otherwise don't even think about it.

This is the summary made by Chen Dazhuang after Hu Xiaochuan's face was stunned.


This is Bai Xiaobai's refined smile.

Well, Hu Xiaochuan has a thick skin, but no matter how thick the skin is, Hu Xiaochuan can't stand it at this moment.

Even at this moment, Hu Xiaochuan had made up his mind, and waited a little bit to discuss with Qin Shaofeng to see if there was any suitable technique to swallow Hu's family.

With such a place full of spiritual energy, if there is no corresponding exercise to practice, then I really don’t know what a pity to say.

Old man Hu didn't know, Qin Shaofeng and Hu Xiaochuan's thoughts began to explain this dense land proudly.

According to Mr. Hu, this secret place was discovered by the ancestor of the Hu family in the Ming Dynasty hundreds of years ago.

It turns out that the place where the Hu family really originated was not in a cave on the mountain, but in an underground cave.

Although the Hu family's cultivation technique cannot directly absorb the aura, it can absorb a lot of the aura in the elixir and elixirs.

In the past, the earth's pill was barely possible, allowing the Hu family's practice methods to absorb and operate, and achieve the effect of improving the state.

But with the emergence and development of modern science and technology, many alchemy alchemists have technology alchemy.

Although this was easy, it caused a lot of waste in the aura in the medicinal materials.

There has even been a reason for reducing the use of medicinal materials, leading to many side effects of the pill.

Technology alchemy, after all, many formal alchemy!

The two cannot be compared at all!

This is also the reason why there is no innate master in the Hu family in modern times.

Although the Hu family's cultivation technique can also be improved by absorbing elixir.

But this absorption process is extremely wasteful, and under normal circumstances, the absorption of low-grade elixir has no effect at all, only middle-grade elixir has some effect.

Only the top-grade elixir can really play a big role!

When Mr. Hu introduced these things, Hu Xiaochuan couldn't stand it anymore.

Haven't Qin Shaofeng's mouth twitched inadequately?

This is totally angry!

A high-grade elixir can allow a ten-level innate grandmaster to raise the realm to the pinnacle realm of the innate grandmaster.

After Mr. Hu proudly said such data, Qin Shaofeng really didn't know what to say.

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