Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1683: Master Hu's shock

If a high-grade elixir was given to Qin Shaofeng, it would be able to refine two or three high-level elixir.

And Qin Shaofeng was sure that the high-level spirit pills refined from the above-mentioned spirit medicines could definitely help a ten-fold peak realm innate grandmaster to break through and promote to become the innate grandmaster.

Even if it contains a high-grade elixir with powerful spiritual energy, I am afraid that the refined high-level spiritual pill can enable warriors in the realm of the innate grandmaster to improve their realm after taking it.

Anyway, for Qin Shaofeng, a high-grade elixir was placed in his hand, which could completely enable an innate grandmaster of seven or eight levels to reach the realm of innate grand master in one step.

It is even possible for warriors in the realm of the three pinnacle Innate Grandmasters to break through and be promoted to become Innate Grand Masters.

This effect has gone too far.

In any case, it is much better than what Elder Hu said.

The innate grandmaster of the tenfold realm has risen to the realm of the pinnacle inborn grandmaster.

I circled a cross, what the **** is this, is there such a waste of high-grade elixir?

However, Qin Shaofeng also discovered that the Hu family was really wasting capital.

Because this small cave medicinal garden has thousands of elixir, at least they are low-grade elixir over 150 years.

Among them, more than one-third of the middle-grade elixir that reached 300 years old, that is, at least 300 plants.

And among these three hundred middle-grade elixir, there are many with a life span of five hundred years.

As for the top-grade elixir, although the number is small, there are also seven or eight.

And more than ten years ago, the number of this top-grade elixir exceeded 20.

As for why it has become so at least, the reason is simple.

Because over the years, in order to break through and be promoted to the realm of the innate great master, Mr. Hu has used a lot of high-grade elixir to break through.

Then, seventeen or eight high-grade elixir was wasted!

Qin Shaofeng finally understood that the main reason why this old man was able to reach the realm of the second-level peak innate great master after the breakthrough was probably because he had eaten 17 or 8 high-grade elixir.

Although a lot of high-grade elixir was wasted, there was actually a lot of medicinal power remaining in the old man's body, and those medicinal powers all exploded at the moment the old man was promoted.

For the loss of Qin Shaofeng, he thought it was his own **** and demon's inner qi that played the most important reason, but it seemed that he was passionate about himself.

These are all due to the wasteful spirit of Old Hu!

However, Qin Shaofeng also discovered that the real life span of the elixir here, whether it is a low-grade or high-grade elixir, is not equivalent to hundreds of thousands of years.

The reason for this situation is probably due to this spiritual pond.

Sure enough, after Qin Shaofeng asked about it, he learned from Old Man Hu that there is a natural advantage in planting elixir in this place.

All you need is ordinary medicinal materials. After being planted here, you can pour the water in the Shangling Pond into an elixir quickly.

According to Mr. Hu, the elixir here only needs the middle-grade elixir and the top-grade elixir to be effective for their Hu family cultivators.

Basically, the elixir used here are all top-grade elixir.

Therefore, the elixir planted here are all grown in batches, but it has only been more than ten years since the last elixir planting.

In other words, planting medicinal materials here, even ordinary medicinal materials, will only take up to ten years before they can be used as low-grade elixir.

However, the Hu family is not stupid.

Although the elixir is not very helpful to them, the value of the elixir in the outside world is very high.

Therefore, the Hu family did not take out the elixir here to trade with outsiders. Even if there is a elixir transaction, it is a elixir purchased from the outside world.

After finally clarifying all the conditions of the cave, Qin Shaofeng hesitated, glanced at Hu Xiaochuan, and winked.

Hu Xiaochuan suddenly understood something, and then blinked, as if to say, listen to you.

Qin Shaofeng nodded clearly, and then said to Elder Hu: "Father, Xiaochuan should have told you that I will refine some medicines!"

"Yeah, I know!" Hu nodded, "You didn't give Han Yun a high-level pill before!"


Senior Dan?

Lord, I am a high-level spirit pill!

"Grandpa, that is a high-level spirit pill, a powerful pill that can directly raise a realm by the innate grandmaster!"

Hu Xiaochuan seemed to be unable to stand it anymore, and finally said something.

"What? A pill that can directly raise the first realm of the innate grandmaster?"

Suddenly, Mr. Hu was not calm, looking at his grandson, his eyes widened.

"Yes! And there are no side effects at all, and it can be directly promoted to the pinnacle of the innate grandmaster."

Hu Xiaochuan nodded and added: "It's also very convenient. If there are enough, it can take up to two or three months to upgrade from the first level of the innate grandmaster to the peak of the innate grandmaster!"

At this time, Mr. Hu was not calm at all.

"Xiaofeng, come to grandpa to discuss something with you!"

Elder Hu grabbed Qin Shaofeng’s hand and pointed to the elixir in the cave, and said kindly: “The medicinal materials here are all yours. Grandpa doesn’t require much, as long as you have a dozen or twenty pills. What high-level spirit pill, that's it!"

At this moment, both Qin Shaofeng and Hu Xiaochuan were stunned.

When Elder Hu saw him, he opened his mouth and said: "What? Is it too much? Also, this kind of elixir that can improve the innate master must require a lot of medicinal materials to sort out, and it is estimated that these elixir cannot be refined. How much, then is it good to give Grandpa ten pills? Isn't this demanding too much?"

Elder Hu patted Qin Shaofeng on the shoulder, as if he was not taking advantage of you.

But Hu Xiaochuan couldn't stand it anymore.

When Qin Shaofeng refined those substandard low-level spirit pills, Hu Xiaochuan and Chen Dazhuang were curious, but they watched the scene several times.

Therefore, Hu Xiaochuan had a general understanding of Qin Shaofeng's refining spirit pills.

But now Hu Xiaochuan has only one thought.

My dear grandfather, did you send it to your door and be chopped?

There are thousands of elixir, and there are seven or eight top-grade elixir, you want ten high-level elixir?

Qin Shaofeng was also very helpless about this. He couldn't tell someone who had spent 17 or eight top-grade elixir to talk about the value of the elixir, which was really tiring.

In the end, after some discussion and explanation, Mr. Hu completely refreshed the values ​​of the elixir.

At the same time, his old man regrets his original behavior very much.

Because Qin Shaofeng's price shocked him, Qin Shaofeng said, these elixir belong to him.

Then, he promised to help the Hu family cultivate five innate masters!

Yes, it is the Inborn Grand Master, not the Inborn Grand Master!

With that said, Mr. Hu understood.

Thousands of elixir of feelings have such an amazing value!

Then, Mr. Hu thought of the top-grade panacea, and he asked Qin Shaofeng, ‘How much are those top-grade panacea worth? ’

Qin Shaofeng twitched the corner of his mouth and did not answer this question.

It was Hu Xiaochuan who pulled Mr. Hu and quietly told Mr. Hu that a high-level spiritual pill that can be refined from a high-grade elixir has some special functions, that is, it can help a congenital grandmaster of the pinnacle realm, breakthrough and promote to congenital. Grand Master.

Suddenly, Mr. Hu's eyes widened.

Does the high-level spirit pill still have such an effect?

"So how many high-grade elixir can refining a high-level elixir?" Elder Hu asked involuntarily.

In his opinion, it is estimated that a high-level spirit pill, no matter what, needs a high-grade elixir!

But Hu Xiaochuan's next sentence broke him.

"Grandpa, I told you the truth, a high-grade elixir can also refine at least three high-level elixir."

Hu Xiaochuan didn't know this before, and Qin Shaofeng just told him secretly.

Then, after hearing what Hu Xiaochuan said, Mr. Hu was stunned.

Can a high-grade elixir produce three high-level elixir?

Doesn't that mean that a high-grade elixir can make the innate grand masters of the three peak realms break through and promote to the innate grand master realm?

Then the question is coming.

Seventeen or eight high-grade elixir can refine several high-level elixir, and how many peak realm innate grandmasters can be promoted to innate grandmaster?

Just thinking about this question made Old Hu feel heartache.

It's a young birthday, I wasted so many innate masters!

For the next whole day, Mr. Hu was in this hazy state.

Well, the state of heartache.

Seventeen or eight top-grade elixir!

As long as he thinks of this, Mr. Hu will not calm down.

In fact, with the thousands of elixir in Hujiamidi, let alone cultivating five innate great masters, even ten innate great masters can be cultivated.

You must know that among the thousands of elixirs, there are eight high-grade elixirs. This is also a warrior who can refine at least twenty-four of the peak innate masters, and can break through to the realm of the innate masters.

And the remaining low-grade elixir and middle-grade elixir can train twenty or thirty innate masters of the pinnacle realm!

At first glance, this seems to be a loss.

But this kind of thought, only after Mr. Hu flashed through his mind once, he didn't think so.

You know, he wasted the pinnacle innate grandmaster of 17 or 8 high-grade elixir!

In other words, without Qin Shaofeng's presence, these thousands of innate great masters can make the Hu family an extra innate great master, which is a little bit choking.

Besides, Qin Shaofeng saved his son's life and made himself a breakthrough to the realm of innate great master.

Elder Hu is not an ungrateful person, so even if he knew the true value of these thousands of plants from his grandson Hu Xiaochuan, he didn't feel the slightest pain in his heart.

He even felt that even if Qin Shaofeng didn't propose to help the Hu family train the five innate masters, Old Hu also felt that it would not be a loss to give all the medicinal materials in this dense area to Qin Shaofeng.

And soon, Mr. Hu knew that not only did he not lose, but he made a lot of money.

Because just after dinner, Hu Xiaochuan mysteriously approached Mr. Hu, and then gave Mr. Hu a big surprise.

And this surprise is a technique!

Of course, this exercise naturally came from Qin Shaofeng.

Because the cultivation method of the Hu family is somewhat special, the higher the realm of the martial artist, the more solidified the body is. With that kind of cultivation condition, this is regarded as the solidification of the pure martial artist.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng was able to find a more suitable exercise for the Hu family.


This is a practice created by Qin Shaofeng when he was bored, based on the barbarians' practice in the ancient sacred world contacted by the barbarians, combined with the ancient sacred practice.

Because it is a boring work, all this "Wild Spirit Jue" is just a practice technique that is more suitable for martial artist-type cultivators.

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