Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 168: Zhao Yuner's opportunity

"Hahaha, this Lu Yun is really interesting. Knowing that my aptitude is not good, and the internal energy barely reaches the level of an average person, he prepared three first-day essence pills for me, not bad!"

While laughing, Qin Shaofeng swallowed the three original Yuan Dan in one go.

Can I keep the Yuandan in the first day until it encounters a bottleneck and use it for breakthrough?


His practice simulation of Qin Shaofeng is different from ordinary people.

Perhaps other people's cultivation is based on the progress of the inner qi, and cultivation is actually cultivating the inner qi in the body.

But his Qin Shaofeng is not like this!

Cultivation is natural?

Does that stuff need practice?

As long as the labor and management have enough experience, even if the internal energy is insufficient, is it still upgraded?

This is also true. Before Qin Shaofeng was upgraded several times, his internal energy was not enough, because if we didn't count any bonuses, Qin Shaofeng's original internal energy was extremely low, lower than normal.

Cough, in other words, Qin Shaofeng's aptitude is really low.

Especially after Fiery Eye Golden Eye Level 4, Qin Shaofeng finally knew that his thunder body's spiritual root seemed to have a different name from others, but in fact, his thunder body was barely a low-level spiritual root, not Qin Shaofeng himself. What I think is the spiritual root of an extremely awkward fork.

Fortunately, no one knew about this, otherwise Qin Shaofeng would be embarrassed.

The powerful spirit root thunder body that was originally full of confidence was actually the lowest spirit root, and even among the lower spirit roots, it seemed to be the least existing, which was a shame.

Fortunately, Qin Shaofeng did not rely on spiritual roots for food, cough, and cultivation.

Therefore, in Qin Shaofeng's eyes, the three a priori Yuan Dan directly increased his internal energy.

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for taking one Yuan Dan within the first day, and the upper limit of internal energy is increased by one thousand points!"

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for taking one Yuan Dan within the first day, and the upper limit of internal energy is increased by one thousand points!"

"System reminder: Congratulations to player Qin Shaofeng for taking one Yuan Dan within the first day, and the upper limit of internal energy is increased by one thousand points!"

After three ding-dong system prompts, Qin Shaofeng immediately summoned his attribute interface and began to check his current attributes.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Congenital Six

Experience value: 510/60000

Occupation: Devil

Inner energy value: 308000/308000 (The Innate Fifth Layer has 35000 points, the Yi Jin Jing bonus is eight times, and the equipment bonus is 10%)

Talent root: thunder body, demon body (unawakened)

Skills: King’s Blessing, Eyes and Golden Eyes, Yi Jin Jing, Xiao Li Fei Dao, Thunder Guard, Thunder Armor, Alchemy, Yoga 108, Sky Dance, True Swordsmanship, Treading Snow Without Trace, Tianshan Six Suns Palm...

Battle Beast: Tiger Lord

Equipment: Face of First Spirit, Chain of First Spirit, Belt of First Spirit, Ring of First Spirit

Task: Alchemy Mansion

Points: 0

Title: Devil (unknown)

Star students (Star students of Lianyang Academy are recognized by Lianyang Country, and you can get a five-fold bonus by killing monsters in Lianyang Country!)

Ordinary lottery chance: 0 times

Special chance to draw: 0 times

Skill proficiency: 0 points

Skills not learned: none

Props: None

Family members: Qin Yueer, Bai Xue

"Three hundred thousand, and the inner strength is three hundred thousand!"

Seeing that his inner vigor finally exceeded 300,000 points, Qin Shaofeng was extremely happy.

Regardless of this 300,000 and the previous 280,000, compared with the previous 280,000, it only increased the internal energy value of 10,000 to 20,000.

But Qin Shaofeng knew in his heart that the internal energy value of two hundred thousand and 300,000 yuan, the use of Xiao Li Fei Dao had a lot of improvement.

Qin Shaofeng was confident at this moment, even if he went to Lu Yun again, even if Lu Yun used a buckler during his complete victory, it would not be able to resist Xiao Li's flying knife that consumed all his internal energy at the moment.

If it were to add a full blow from the set skills of the Early Spiritual Light, and the sword flew down, even if an innate martial artist like Lu Yun was immortal, it would be a serious injury.

However, Qin Shaofeng frowned at the thought of Lianfeng Seventeen, and his excitement was much less.

"My current strength, generally the innate eight-tiered martial artist, can be ignored, even if the innate nine-tiered martial artist, I should be able to cope with it, but if I encounter the innate ten-tiered martial artist..."

After thinking about it slightly, Qin Shaofeng sighed: "Oh, if I meet the innate tenth martial artist, I am afraid that I will have to run away again. Even if I meet a character like Lian Feng Shiqi, I am afraid that I will have some escape. It's difficult!"

"His sister, how come the higher the level, the weaker I feel, Xiaoye? I'm a powerful expert everywhere, how can I live this day!" At the end, Qin Shaofeng gritted his teeth.

But the recent experience seems to be like this.

When I thought of this, Qin Shaofeng raised his brows and yelled without admitting defeat: "Little master, I don't believe it. I'm just upgrading now. When I reach the seventh or eighth innate realm, I see which **** with the tenth innate is My opponent!"

With that said, Qin Shaofeng opened his eyes with glaring eyes and started looking for the medicine beast.

The little fox was recuperating because of a backlash and injury, so Qin Shaofeng just summoned Lord Tiger.

But fortunately, there were a lot of healing pills in Lu Yun's space bag, and after taking the little fox, it stabilized.

This had to make Qin Shaofeng feel very emotional, Lu Yun was so generous.

Especially in addition to the medicine pill, Lu Yun contributed more than 1,000 medicine animal spars to Qin Shaofeng.

All add up to be worth at least two thousand medicinal power points, and this can be exchanged with the alchemy mansion for a two-star heavenly pill.

All this made Qin Shaofeng feel whether he killed Lu Yun early.

After all, if you raise such a fat sheep for a few more days, I'm afraid it will get fatter.

However, if there was a chance to do it again, even if he knew this, Qin Shaofeng would still kill Lu Yun without hesitation.


Just when Qin Shaofeng was escalating fiercely, somewhere not far from the core circle of the secret illusion, in that palace, at this moment, Zhao Yuner had the second big opportunity since she was born.

The first one is her practice "Nine Stars Secret Technique"!

There is no need to say more about this, because this "Nine Stars Secret Technique" created Zhao Yun'er. Even Qin Shaofeng, who has a god-level cultivation system, had to sigh with emotion that he was far inferior to Zhao Yun'er.

In Qin Shaofeng's view, Zhao Yun'er's internal energy is no longer a field that humans can involve.

Too abnormal!

But Qin Shaofeng didn't know that the reason why Zhao Yun'er was able to cultivate such a fearful inner energy was because of "Nine Stars Secret Technique" and the other was Zhao Yun'er's body of stars.

Qin Shaofeng only knew that Zhao Yun'er's body of stars was a special physique, it was also a kind of spiritual root, and even considered it belonged to an extremely powerful special spiritual root.

Not to mention Qin Shaofeng, even Zhao Yun'er who practiced "Nine Stars Secret Art" didn't know that her physique was the body of stars, and she had no idea how terrifying her body of stars was.

But this visit to the alchemy mansion gave Zhao Yun'er a thorough understanding of her physique.

Under the leadership of the jade bracelet, Zhao Yuner only hesitated and walked in after discovering the palace.

She didn't think she would be in any danger, and even a voice deep in her heart told herself that there was an opportunity waiting for her.

Since practicing "Nine Stars Secret Technique", Zhao Yuner has the ability to vaguely predict her own dangers, and is very accurate every time.

Therefore, Zhao Yuner did not shrink from the sudden appearance of the palace.

What Zhao Yuner never expected was that when she entered the palace, something unexpected happened to her.


The moment Zhao Yuner stepped into the palace, the palace gate suddenly closed.

Then a voice suddenly rang from the bottom of her heart.

"Huh? Is this the breath of "Nine Stars Secret Technique"?"

"Who? Who?"

The sound came so suddenly that Zhao Yun'er was shocked and immediately shouted.

But the surroundings were empty, without the slightest shadow, and it was impossible to hear where the sound came from.

However, Zhao Yuner was familiar with that voice, as if she had heard it somewhere.

"Child, don't be afraid, I have no intentions!"

A gentle voice sounded, and Zhao Zhao Yun'er had a flower in front of her eyes, and there was an extra figure.

But after seeing this figure, Zhao Yuner let out a cry of exclamation.

"Elder alchemist?"

That's right, the figure that suddenly appeared was exactly the same as the huge phantom that Zhao Yuner had seen in the hall before, it was the old alchemist.

However, unlike the huge illusory figure, the old alchemist in front of Zhao Yuner at this moment is smiling, not a phantom at all, but like...

Like a normal person!

After coming to this conclusion, Zhao Yun'er also frightened herself, and her heart was even more shocked.

The old man alchemist was a character who appeared thousands of years ago.

If you could live to the present, what realm would it be?

Zhao Yuner just knew that the legendary grandmaster could live more than one hundred to two hundred years, but not long.

Even if it is a powerhouse in the Yuandan realm above the legend, at best it can only have a life span of more than two hundred!

Could it be that this old man of alchemy has surpassed the elementary pill state and reached the three-element state?

Zhao Yuner's heart was overwhelmed, and she knew a lot of cultivation levels from her mother.

But the more so, the more shocked Zhao Yuner's heart at the moment.

Living for a thousand years, with a life span of thousands of years, this is the legendary three-dimensional realm of the unworldly powerhouse, it is difficult to do it, right?

Zhao Yun'er calmed down for a while.

Because she already believed the old alchemist's words, the other party had no malice towards herself.

Because if the other party really has any bad intentions towards him, no matter how much he is prepared for, no matter how vigilant he is, it will be useless.

Because the opponent is too strong!

Strong beyond her realm of knowledge.

The old alchemist seemed to see what Zhao Yun'er was thinking, and smiled slightly: "Ha, your little girl has a pretty good mood. You deserve to be a person who has practiced "Nine Stars Secret Art" and has a body of stars!"

The body of stars?

A suspicion flashed in Zhao Yun'er's eyes, but she didn't care about it. Seeing that the elderly alchemist seemed to be really good at talking, she asked aloud: "Dare to ask the old man, do you know the "Nine Stars Secret Art" I practiced? Where does "Nine Stars Secret Technique" come from? And what kind of technique is it? If the older generation knows, please ask the older generation to help the younger generation!"

Facing Zhao Yuner's three consecutive questions, the old alchemist did not answer immediately, but looked at Zhao Yuner with complicated eyes.

It was not until a long time later that the old alchemist said slowly.

But this opening scared Zhao Yun'er again.

"Of course I know this "Nine Stars Secret Technique", because this "Nine Stars Secret Technique" is the technique I created!"

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