Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 169: Build a foundation


Is this "Nine Stars Secret Technique" created by the old alchemist?

The old alchemist's words shocked Zhao Yuner.

The origin of "Nine Stars Secret Technique" is mysterious. If it weren't for Zhao Yuner's unintentional play when he was a child, no one would have noticed that such a powerful technique was hidden in a jade slip of ordinary cultivation technique.

The more she practiced, the more Zhao Yuner felt the power of "Nine Stars Secret Technique".

In Zhao Yun'er's eyes, the Lianyang Academy’s "Lianyang Baodian" and the three forms of iron fist created by Emperor Lianyang are far inferior to his own "Nine Stars Secret Technique".

Even if it is his own big brother, the mysterious and powerful exercise "Nine Turns Overlord Body" obtained from some secret realm is not as good as his own "Nine Star Secret Technique" in Zhao Yuner's view.

At this moment, the old alchemist said that this "Nine Stars Secret Technique" was created by him, and Zhao Yuner was a little unbelievable at first.

But soon, she threw away this unbelief.

Because in Zhao Yun'er's eyes, the old alchemist is extremely powerful, if the "Nine Stars Secret Technique" had been written by him, it would not be a surprising thing, on the contrary, it would be somewhat normal.

Because at this time, Zhao Yuner suddenly remembered.

The jade slip that recorded the "Nine Stars Secret Technique" seemed to be obtained by his father during the test set by an old alchemist.

And speaking of it, the reason why his father has achieved what he has now is that it is the blessing of the old man, Master Tudan.

However, Zhao Yuner soon became entangled again, and finally hesitated for a while, pursing her small mouth and carefully glanced at the elderly alchemist, and then muttered in a low voice.

"Then do I need to call you Master?"


The old alchemist who had once said a sentence and fell into some memory again, after hearing Zhao Yun'er's words, there was a trace of astonishment on his face, and then he burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, you little girl is kind of interesting!"

Seeing the elderly alchemist Zhao Yun'er love it more and more, especially the breath of the star body on Zhao Yun'er, it reminded him of someone.

"It's okay to call me Master!" The old alchemist smiled slightly, but after a word, there was a slight pause, and he sighed.

"Oh, but if you can be your master, she is the only one in the world!"

Originally, Zhao Yuner, who was about to kneel and kowtow after listening to the old alchemist's words, became depressed again after hearing the words of the old alchemist.

What do you mean, old man!

It seems that I noticed some dissatisfaction in Zhao Yun'er's heart, but the old alchemist was not angry, but smiled slightly, and explained to Zhao Yun'er with a certain emotion in his eyes: "I don't say that you can't be an apprentice, but if you are Following me, your physique is definitely wasted."

"Wasting my physique?" Zhao Yun'er said puzzledly.

"Yes!" The old man of alchemy nodded, "Your body of stars is one of the supreme bodies in this heaven and earth, and only the Star Temple is your home?"

Star Temple?

Why is there another Star God Temple?

After listening to the elderly alchemist's words, Zhao Yuner not only did not understand, but became more and more confused.

However, the old alchemist did not care about Zhao Yun'er, but continued to speak: "The Star Temple is one of the nine top powers in the world. Among them, there are countless strong, the strongest saint, but today the nine supreme One of the celestial saints."

What Zhao Yun'er didn't notice was that when the old alchemist talked about the celestial saint, a strange light flashed in his eyes. It was not complicated. It seemed to be nostalgic and regretful...

"The celestial saint of the Star Temple, like you, has the body of the supreme Eucharist, and the "Ten Fang Star Sutra" that only the celestial saints of past generations are qualified to practice is the same as you. The "Nine Stars Secret Technique" you are practicing now is the technique I created based on the "Ten Fang Star Sutra"."

"However, although this "Nine Star Secret Technique" is good, it is not as good as the "Ten Fang Star Sutra", and you who have the body of stars are the most suitable for practicing the "Shi Fang Star Sutra". There is only the "Shi Fang Star Sutra". "Only you can truly display your body of stars!"

The old alchemist said a lot, but Zhao Yuner heard what was in the mist, and couldn't figure out the situation at all.

What a star temple!

What the nine great forces, the nine supreme come.

Zhao Yuner had never heard of it before, and was completely out of state.

However, after hearing what the old alchemist said so much, Zhao Yuner understood a little bit.

That is that he has a physique that seems incredible, it seems that it is the supreme body, called the body of stars.

Moreover, the body of stars he owns seems to be the best physique for practicing the "Ten Fang Star Sutra".

As for the "Shi Fang Xing Jing", although Zhao Yun'er is not clear about this point, the old alchemist said that the "Nine Stars Secret Technique" he is now practicing is created based on the "Shi Fang Xing Jing". It is enough to illustrate the power of the "Ten Fang Star Classic".

"So how do I say, I want to worship the celestial saint as a teacher? Then let her teach me the "Ten Fang Star Sutra"?" After a long time of confusion, Zhao Yun'er finally reacted somewhat.

But after this reaction came over, Zhao Yuner's small face became tangled again.

"But, senior alchemist! I have never heard of the Star God Temple. As for the Star Saint, I don’t know at all, and I don’t even know where to find it, so I think I still practice honestly. Your old "Nine Stars Secret Technique" is ready!"

"Oh, it doesn't need to be like that!" Seeing Zhao Yun'er's tangled appearance, the old alchemist smiled openly, "I also know the "Ten Fang Star Book", and I can also accept you as a disciple on behalf of the Star Saint, waiting for you After the Star Saint, it’s not too late to formally apprentice!"

Is this also OK?

Zhao Yun'er was stunned, and her expression became a little suspicious, as she looked at the old alchemist's heart with a little more uncertainty.

You said just now that the "Ten Fang Star Sutra" is a non-transmitting technique of the Star Temple, and only the saints of the stars are qualified to practice.

But now you are saying that you know the "Ten Fang Star Sutra", is this not inconsistent?

But the elderly alchemist did not give Zhao Yun'er a chance to say this. He waved his hand suddenly and struck out a powerful force, covering Zhao Yun'er's whole body, and said in a deep voice: "Attention, I will do it now. I will teach you the "Ten Fang Star Sutra", but I can at best help you build a foundation and pass on the gong. After all, I am only a clone of divine consciousness now. I don't have so much power. I can only rely on you in the future."

Divine avatar?

what is that?

Are you not an old alchemist?

There was a burst of doubt in Zhao Yuner's mind, but before she could ask her questions, she felt countless information flooding into her mind, and accompanied by bursts of powerful force, Zhao Yuner fell into a state of sleep and began to accept "Fang Xing Jing" information.

And just after Zhao Yuner fell into a state of not having any perception of the outside world, the body of the old alchemist actually began to dim.

Take a closer look, this old alchemist is not an entity at all, but a vague phantom.

Divine avatar!

This is a clone of the old alchemist who condensed with his powerful spiritual thoughts during his lifetime, and has been kept in this palace.

That's right, the real old alchemist had been dead for many years.

"Master, what's wrong with you!"

Just when the old alchemist's figure began to dim, an exclamation came from far away.

After a while, there was a light ball the size of a watermelon in front of the old alchemist.

As soon as the light group arrived in front of the old alchemist, he saw the same thing in front of him, and then the light group bounced in the air with excitement, making a panic sound.

"Build a foundation and pass on merit?"

"How is it possible? This little girl has the body of a star?"

As if thinking of something bad, the light group suddenly yelled out the elderly alchemist: "No, Master, don't go on, your avatar of God will not be able to support it, if..."

Facing Guang Tuan’s persuasion, the old alchemist smiled faintly, and said to Guang Tuan: "Xiao Guang, don’t persuade me, this avatar of divine consciousness disappeared and disappeared. In fact, I was already a thousand years ago. I died, and it’s useless to leave this clone of Divine Sense. What's more, now that the last trial has started, my clone of Divine Sense can last for a month at most, and it is destined to disappear. Now it’s just a little earlier, nothing. The big deal."

"But..." The light group seemed unwilling, and wanted to say something.

But the old alchemist shook his head and interrupted it, and then looked at Zhao Yun'er in front of him with some kindness, and said with satisfaction: "It's nothing, Xiaoguang, don't you think the appearance of this little girl is God? Is it destined? I am destined to do the last thing for her before I disappear completely. This is my debt to her and compensation to her over the years!"

"I'm satisfied!"

After finishing the last sentence, the old alchemist smiled.

In his smile, his body is getting darker and darker, and it has begun to approach transparency.

This time, the light group made no more noise.

As soon as he was born, he followed the old man of alchemy, and he knew very well the mood of the old man of alchemy at the moment.

Just as the old alchemist said, from the smile of the old alchemist at the moment, the light group knew its master, and it was really satisfied.

As for the one of the old alchemists, Guang Tuan naturally knew who it was.

Even Guang Tuan missed her very much, that in its mind, like a mother, treated it as a child-loving existence.

Mistress, the master will disappear completely, do you know?

The light group became quiet, but in its soft white light, it revealed extreme sadness.

As if aware of the emotions of the light group, the old alchemist sighed slightly and said, "Xiao Guang, after I disappear, you will follow her and return to her. After all, in your case, you only need to stay with her. The safest is around."

The old alchemist said that she was naturally referring to Zhao Yun'er.

As for the latter, I am afraid that only the old alchemist himself and the light group know about it.

After listening to the old alchemist's words, the light group neither objected nor agreed, but floated silently in the air.

Suddenly, the light ball moved slightly, and circled the old man alchemist several times, seeming to miss the last breath of his master.

After a few laps, the light ball suddenly turned into a white light and flew out of the palace in an instant.

The disappearance of the master is doomed!

In that case, let me fulfill the master's last wish.

The light group finally remembered at this time, what was his master's last divine consciousness clone that had been sleeping for nearly a thousand years, this time he was awakened.

I must, I must find someone who fits the master’s inheritance before the master’s divine consciousness clone!



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