Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1691: In the end what happened?

For everything that happened in front of him, it was far beyond Xie Lao's imagination.

He couldn't figure out why someone would control his master and leave the restriction on his soul.

At first he thought it was because the opponent was stronger than his own master.

But soon he denied this possibility, because it was unlikely.

Although he has only recently become a cultivator, he already has some understanding of the condition of the soul.

Therefore, he felt that even if someone was stronger than his master Qin Shaofeng, it would be impossible to control the restriction in his soul.

Old Xie naturally didn't understand, to the extent that Meng Xin'er and Qin Shaofeng's soul blended, since Qin Shaofeng could know the sea in Meng Xin'er's soul, and control Meng Xin'er's soul power.

In contrast, even though Meng Xin'er couldn't do the same as Qin Shaofeng, to control Qin Shaofeng's soul consciousness, using all Qin Shaofeng's soul power.

But just controlling the competition left by Qin Shaofeng among the old Xie souls, there is still no problem at all.

After letting Lao Xie retreat, Tang Xiner started searching in Fengya Villa.

Although Tang Xin'er did not feel Qin Shaofeng's breath when she came to Fengya Villa, she felt another breath that was somewhat familiar.

However, after searching for the divine consciousness, she couldn't feel the breath of the second person besides the old Xie, this time Tang Xiner was a little confused.

But the next moment, Tang Xin'er's eyes lit up slightly as if sensing something.

Then, when the old man Xie was a little dumbfounded, Tang Xin'er lightly swiped her right hand, breaking a trace of space, and then entered the Nine Spirit Palace.

At this moment, the old Xie dared to be extremely sure that this woman who suddenly appeared so beautiful that she was so embarrassed must have something to do with her young master Qin Shaofeng, and it was absolutely extraordinary.

The Nine Spirit Palace is the master, it is the magic weapon of his own young master, if it is an outsider, no matter how powerful it is, it is impossible to break through the Nine Spirit Palace.

Even Qin Shaofeng told Elder Xie that if there is a danger, let people outside hide in the Nine Spirits Palace, because there is the Nine Spirit Palace, even if a nuclear bomb is dropped here, it will not hurt the Nine Spirits. They in the palace.

This powerful magic weapon was opened in this way.

And it's not brute force, so I don't want outsiders.

So who is this?

Another mistress of yourself?

When the old Xie started to speculate about Tang Xin'er's identity, Tang Xin'er had already entered the Nine Spirit Palace.

"Hey, this thing is so strange, is it made by Shaofeng? But why don't you feel a little unwilling, the grade is a bit low!"

Tang Xiner said suspiciously.

Well, in her eyes the Nine Spirit Palace is really bad.

But at this moment, Tang Xin'er was startled by a sudden voice with a little surprise.

"Is Xin'er you?"


Oh, what exactly is this!

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng felt very helpless.

This is all because of a loli in front of him!

Tang Ning'er!

Qin Shaofeng didn't expect that when the auction was about ten hours away, when it was about to begin, he would meet Tang Xin'er, a little girl.

Then, Qin Shaofeng started to get big head.

"I said, Brother Qin, you are true, why don't you stay at home? My sister will thank you once she wakes up! But..."

"But you actually didn't stay at home, you let my sister go to your house, who do you want to thank?"

"Really, I have never seen a person like you!"

Xiao Nizi was crackling, her mouth had never been heard.

Of course, in addition to constantly accusing Qin Shaofeng of accidents, Xiao Nizi continued to deal with the ice cream in front of her.

Ha, it's not easy to be free, I can eat ice cream!

Tang Ning'er did not expect to see Qin Shaofeng as soon as he came here.

Originally following her father, she thought she was not free anymore.

There is no way that her father is very strict. This little Nizi would rather stay with her grandfather to practice, rather than follow her father.

Therefore, after her sister'abandoned' her, Xiao Nizi was desperate in her heart.

But fortunately, God had eyes, so she met Qin Shaofeng.

Then, when she said to her father that Qin Shaofeng took her to broaden her horizons, she stayed.

Qin Shaofeng was also happy at first, and told Tang Patriarch Tang Yuanping that he could take care of this little girl and send her back before the auction started.

Tang Yuanping was very grateful to Qin Shaofeng, after all, the other party had saved his eldest son and daughter, so there was no objection.

After all, my little daughter has been staying on Tang Yun Island. Now that she has come out, let her have a little fun!

But now Qin Shaofeng regretted his previous decision.

Why hadn't he noticed before that Tang Ning'er, a little girl, still has the potential of a little witch!

What do I mean, should I stay at home?

Who knows, your sister wants to thank me in person?

Qin Shaofeng was very tired when faced with this Xiao Nizi's left and right complaints.

Especially when the other party was still eating the ice cream he bought.

They all use short hands to eat people's mouth softly, but how can this girl get harder as she eats!

It is simply not forgiving!

Not far away, Black Tiger and Black Panther were happy to see such a scene.

Oh, I didn't expect that there are still people who deflate my young master!

At the same time when they were different in their music, the two of them also tacitly moved the three words Tang Ning'er to the list of characters that they could not provoke.

This young lady is terrifying!


Qin Shaofeng didn't know Fengya Villa. When he was bombarded by a certain little witch, Jiuling Palace also staged an incredible scene.

At this moment, the two women in Jiuling Palace were chatting.

Yes, Tang Xin'er and Liu Ya are chatting, and looking at the two people's appearance, it seems that they are not meeting for the first time at all, they are completely similar.

"...How do you say, he doesn't remember anything now?"

The two chatted for a long time, and Tang Xin'er seemed to know what was happening now, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes.

"Well, it should be like this. Actually, I don't know." Liu Ya frowned, her expression puzzled.

"Shao Feng, it feels very strange to me now. Although he has forgotten our existence, he does not seem to have forgotten "The Book of Gods and Demons" and some things in the ancient continent. It seems that there are some memories that he has forgotten!"

Tang Xin'er was immediately confused, because according to their plan before coming to Earth, their development is completely different now.

"Then, Sister Yun'er, what should we do now?"

Tang Xiner had no choice but to look at Liu Ya for help.

Sister Yuner?

Yes, that's right, in fact, Liu Ya is the same as Tang Xiner, who is considered reincarnated.

Liu Ya is Zhao Yuner!

However, there seems to be some deviation in Liu Ya's reincarnation, which led to her being born in an ordinary family and not being involved in cultivation.

This is the memory of Zhao Yuner, who has not awakened.

It wasn't until after being with Qin Shaofeng that Liu Ya began to practice "The Treasure of Gods and Demons", her memory was awakened.

This is also the reason why Liu Ya adapts as soon as he comes into contact with "The Treasure of Gods and Demons" and can fully cultivate.

This is why Liu Ya cares about Qin Shaofeng's existence.

Because she is Zhao Yuner!

In fact, before Qin Shaofeng was in danger, that is, the moment when she was bombed by the missile baptism, Zhao Yuner also felt the danger, which stimulated her memory.

At that time, the memories belonging to Zhao Yun'er had already been awakened in Liu Ya.

However, at that time Liu Ya's memory was still very vague, and most importantly, after she remembered that she was Zhao Yun'er, she found a very surprised question.

That is Qin Shaofeng doesn't seem to remember her anymore.

Although she did not regain her memory, when it was Liu Ya, her soul was still Zhao Yuner.

But Qin Shaofeng didn't notice this, which made Zhao Yun'er feel something was wrong.

However, at that time, she just regained her memory and couldn't control her soul. Naturally, she had no further understanding of Qin Shaofeng's situation.

And just this time, Qin Shaofeng brought back to the Nine Spirits Palace, which made Zhao Yun'er very happy, because with the Nine Spirits Palace, she could speed up her cultivation and raise her realm as soon as possible.

Then he reached the place where she could use her soul power to conduct a further examination of Qin Shaofeng to see if there was something wrong with Qin Shaofeng's soul.

To be honest, Zhao Yun is not sure whether Qin Shaofeng is the real Qin Shaofeng.

If so, why did he forget so many things and don't remember their existence?

If not, is the current Qin Shaofeng just a soul clone of Qin Shaofeng?

It was precisely because of this lack of confirmation that Zhao Yuner refused to develop further with Qin Shaofeng because of her great relatives.

In fact, Zhao Yuner knew in her heart that if the two of them were able to double repair, even if Qin Shaofeng's soul had a problem, she could use her soul to understand the sea and help Qin Shaofeng repair the loss of his soul.

But if the current Qin Shaofeng is just a soul clone of his body, then Zhao Yuner would not dare!

Zhao Yun'er knew that Qin Shaofeng's family members like Yan Yang were incarnations.

But even those incarnations are also Qin Shaofeng.

But in Zhao Yun'er's eyes, those are Qin Shaofeng himself, uh, many of Qin Shaofeng's real bodies.

Therefore, if she wants to have some relationship with Qin Shaofeng's body other than her body, she is not happy.

Of course, if the current Qin Shaofeng was the main consciousness of his soul, then it would be fine.

The main consciousness of the soul itself is the real person!

In fact, it is not only Zhao Yuner, but also other women.

Therefore, Zhao Yuner wanted to figure it out thoroughly.

But I don't want Meng Xin'er now that her memory has awakened, and she has come to her door.

The most important thing is that the current Meng Xiner realm is much stronger than her, and she can fully use the soul power in the sea of ​​soul consciousness.

Even Qin Shaofeng's soul had entered Meng Xin'er's soul to know the sea once, which was also very important.

In that case, then...

Liu Ya pondered for a while, and then said to Tang Xin'er: "It's still not sure whether Shaofeng is now incarnation or ontology. So, let's find an opportunity to check it out."

"Yeah!" Tang Xiner nodded.

Checking whether Qin Shaofeng's current soul is the soul body of his main consciousness, this is something she can do in her current realm.

In fact, what worries the two women is that if the current Qin Shaofeng is just a clone of Qin Shaofeng's soul, then what happened?

The original plan was for Qin Shaofeng's main consciousness and soul to come to the earth.

If this were not the case, then it would be impossible for them to come to earth.

After all, based on their relationship with Qin Shaofeng, and only with Qin Shaofeng's main consciousness body soul, can they play a more powerful role in the practice of "The Book of Gods and Demons".

If it's just a clone, even if they are willing, the effect is not great!

So, what happened to this?

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