Divine Cultivation System

Chapter 1692: Auction starts

The auction finally started, and Qin Shaofeng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Because the little witch with a bit of poisonous tongue was finally sent away by him.

When he thought of sending Tang Ning'er back to her father Tang Yuanping, Qin Shaofeng felt numb when the other party looked at her incomparably ‘secret’ eyes.

It's not that Xiao Nizi has any thoughts about herself, but the other party just feels that she can follow her freely to play and eat as much as she wants.

But once she got back to her father, it didn't work.

This is not allowed, that is not allowed, it is a powerful torture for that little Nizi.

After all, she couldn't stay at her current age.

Well, that little girl is afraid of her father.

However, it doesn't matter to him Qin Shaofeng.

After all, it's not a relative, what the **** is that little girl doing?

I'm not her father or her brother, so why take care of her?

But it didn't take long for Qin Shaofeng to regret his move.

Of course, Qin Shaofeng didn't know it now, but his current attention was attracted by the situation at the auction right now.

It is indeed a grand auction!

Baijia’s auction site is very large. A huge lobby is like a huge movie theater. Under the auction platform, there are rows and half circles of seats.

Qin Shaofeng took a look around one circle. There were at least twenty or thirty circles, and each circle had forty or fifty positions.

These positions are all high-end sofas, which are very comfortable to sit on. Just these high-end sofas, thousands of them, are not a small price.

Sure enough, it fits the style of Baijia, a high-end auction house.

And on these seats is the second floor of the auction house.

On the second floor are all boxes, surrounded by a circle, there are 20 or 30 boxes.

However, these boxes are relatively small, it is estimated that a box is more than ten square meters.

The real big box is on the third floor.

The boxes on the third floor are very large, and each one is even more luxurious, covering an area of ​​70 or 80 square meters.

However, the number of such large boxes is much less, and there are only eight on the third floor.

Basically, the only people who can stay in such a big box are the five great families.

It is worth mentioning that because this is a hundred auction houses, Baijia will not participate in the auction.

Of course, things are not absolute. If Baijia really fancy something, and the owner of the auction does not want to sell it directly to Baijia, then Baijia can only participate in the auction.

Qin Shaofeng was placed in a big box on the third floor because he provided martial arts pills.

However, this time Qin Shaofeng just walked through the scene, and he did not intend to participate in any auction.

This time the auction is not only the auction of martial arts pills, but also many other things.

Bai Yifan had previously given Qin Shaofeng a booklet, which contained the items to be auctioned this time.

But it is a pity that none of them is what Qin Shaofeng can see.

Therefore, this time Qin Shaofeng just wanted to see what price the spirit pills he refined could be auctioned off.

Of course, what I want to confirm most is the true level of the Chinese martial arts world!

But now Qin Shaofeng is a little bit emotional.

After entering this auction house, Qin Shaofeng felt the aura of many powerful warriors.

Not to mention innate martial arts, there are many innate martial arts here.

In particular, there are many innate masters, and Qin Shaofeng can feel that the boxes and seats in the entire auction house have at least the aura of more than a hundred innate masters.

Yes, there are hundreds!

Hundreds of innate masters!

This is an amazing number!

In the past, Qin Shaofeng didn't dare to think about it. After all, in his knowledge, even the existence of warriors, the entire Huaxia is very rare.

But now, Qin Shaofeng has figured it out, he just knew it before, and the martial arts world is very superficial.

The true strength of Huaxia Martial Arts World was far more than he knew before.

As for the innate great masters, Qin Shaofeng also felt a lot, probably no fewer than twenty.

In addition, Qin Shaofeng also sensed that the innate grandmaster of the sixth or seventh realm.

However, as far as Qin Shaofeng was concerned, the Great Master Xian could no longer threaten him, and he didn't need to care at all.

The auction will begin soon!

As the auctioneer of the auction this time, he is still a hundred!

Such a heavyweight auction will naturally require someone with a certain status to be an auctioneer.

As always, once he took the stage, Bai Yifan didn't talk nonsense. After three or five sentences of explanation, he passed the opening remarks and entered the auction directly.

"The top grade technique of "Dragon Tiger God Fist", this is the first auction item today. The reserve price is one hundred spiritual jade, and each increase in price shall not be less than ten yuan of spiritual jade. The auction will start!"

As soon as Bai Yifan's voice fell, the scene became popular.

"one hundred and ten!"

"one hundred twenty!"

"one hundred thirty!"


Although Qin Shaofeng was very disdainful of the so-called "Dragon Tiger Divine Fist", a top-grade technique, and regarded it as rubbish!

But for many warriors present, this "Dragon Tiger Divine Fist" is a very desired practice technique!

In fact, if a martial artist wants to cultivate to the innate master, he will eventually have a high-grade technique, otherwise, there is almost no possibility of success.

This is also the reason why the emergence of a high-grade exercise method has caused everyone to rush to bid.

He doesn't care about Qin Shaofeng, doesn't it mean that others don't care either!

In the end, this "Dragon Tiger Fist" was photographed by a triple innate master for 478 pieces of jade.

The other party seems to be the head of a family of martial artists, but that family of martial artists is not that strong. It is estimated that these 480 pieces of spiritual jade have already hollowed out his family.

In the next auction, there were a few exercises, and then a few weapons.

After this, it was the turn of the martial arts pill.

Because it was the highlight, Bai Yifan deliberately introduced it.

I saw him holding an exquisite jade bottle and speaking to everyone at the scene: "Everyone, the items to be auctioned next are the theme of this auction-the martial arts pill!"

With Bai Yifan's introduction, there was a lot of noise at the scene.

Obviously, the people present are basically directed at this martial arts spirit pill.

"Finally it's the highlight!"

"Ha, let's start, the auction of this martial artist spirit pill has begun!"

"Ma Dan, it's finally started, this time the labor and management are specifically for this martial artist's spirit pill."

"Huh, I hope I can take some martial arts pills to help me break through the current barrier!"


The scene is noisy, but Bai Yifan couldn't be more satisfied with this situation.

"Well, I won't waste everyone's time, so I will start now!"

As he said, Bai Yifan raised the jade bottle in his hand and said to everyone: "This bottle is ten low-level martial artist spirit pills!"

"This so-called low-level warrior spirit pill, one can allow ordinary people to directly reach the realm of high-level warriors, if there are two, it is enough to reach the realm of innate warriors."

After a pause, Bai Yifan looked a little serious, and said to everyone earnestly: "Here, my Baijia solemnly promises you that if you have a middle-grade technique, then this bottle of ten low-level martial arts spirit pills , Enough for an ordinary person with a little talent to directly reach the realm of the Seventh Innate Martial Artist!"

"Moreover, the main thing is that these martial arts spirit pills have absolutely no side effects. There will be no adverse effects due to the improvement of the pills. My 100 schools also absolutely guarantee this!"


There was an uproar at the scene, even though it was said about the effects of this martial artist's spirit pill during the previous propaganda of a hundred schools, but now, when hearing this martial artist's spirit pill, ten can make ordinary people reach the realm of the seventh-level innate martial artist.

And there are no side effects!

This was incredible, and everyone present was surprised.

Even the martial arts family in the boxes on the second floor and the third floor had a solemn look at this moment.

Perhaps for these martial artists, it is just the words of innate martial artists, that is nothing at all.

But the meaning is different!

This low-level martial artist's spirit pill can not only improve, it has no side effects, but it is perfect.

Because of this, if there are children with outstanding talents in the clan, wouldn't it allow them to reach the realm of innate warriors when they were young?

And if you reach the realm of Innate Martial Artists early, wouldn't it be possible to cultivate to the realm of Inborn Martial Masters and Inborn Grand Masters earlier.

In this case, the chance of cultivating to the realm of the Innate Great Master can definitely increase a lot.

The real powerful force of a family is only the innate master!

These big families see far, and naturally know the value of this low-level warrior spirit pill!

"The reserve price of ten low-level martial arts spirit pills is one hundred spirit jade, and each increase in price shall not be less than ten spirit jade. In addition, if there are equivalent spirit medicines and spirit stones, it is fine!" Bai Yifan said.

In the case of spirit jade, basically ten yuan of regular spirit jade can buy a low-grade elixir, and a middle-grade elixir will cost one hundred spiritual jade.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng doesn't completely need elixir for auctioning the currency of this martial artist's spirit pill, even the spirit jade can use spirit stones.

Because Qin Shaofeng now owns the Nine Spirit Palace, he can use the Nine Spirit Palace to absorb the aura in the spirit jade and the spirit stone.

Then, use the absorbed aura to strengthen the elixir.

Even in Qin Shaofeng's opinion, the elixir strengthened by the Nine Spirit Palace is the best elixir, at least most of them are better than the elixir of the outside world.

With just ten pills, the base price is already equivalent to the top grade exercises.

This seems a bit exaggerated, but when Bai Yifan said the reserve price and announced the start of the auction, the situation was different.

"One hundred and fifty spirit jade!"

"One hundred eighty!"

"two hundred!"

After only three biddings, the price of these ten low-level martial arts spirit pills has risen to two hundred spiritual jade.

This is equivalent to the price of buying twenty low-grade elixir.

And this was just the beginning, and soon after only thirty or forty seconds, the price exceeded five hundred Lingyu.

Even Qin Shaofeng was shocked by the price.

This martial arts pill is actually a substandard low-level pill, and the cost price of ten pieces is actually not enough for a low-grade elixir.

Even a low-grade elixir with a batch of common medicinal materials could make Qin Shaofeng forty or fifty inferior low-level elixir.

But five hundred Lingyu is enough to buy fifty low-grade elixir!

It’s already unknown how many times the profit has been doubled.

However, Qin Shaofeng also knew in his heart that this was actually the beginning. Everyone was confused by the effects of the low-level martial artist's spirit pill, and a bit crazy.

There are still some calm people present, at least like the family of warriors in the box on the second and third floors, and now they are not participating in the bidding.

They probably knew in their hearts that this low-level warrior spirit pill at the beginning might be sold at a very high price.

Besides, there are low-level martial arts spirit pills behind it!

Don't worry about it!

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